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There come times when all spiritually advanced people have to express themselves as spiritual teachers, this is why I he suggest my point of view about the problems you can face.
From the very beginning I would like to emphasize: our present idea about the spiritual teacher is no longer actual, it is outdated, it is more harmful than useful. The main harm by the leading teacher/leader is that the ones who announce themselves to be students renounce their right of a free choice and by trusting their teacher they expect him to say what they should do (because of their fear to do something wrong). Of course, not entirely, but at least about spiritual matter they refuse to have their own point of view. Thus the delusions of the teacher become delusions of the student and the uniqueness of every student is reduced. The efforts of the will for change and self-control are strongly limited, i.e. the work on personal imperfections is limited only on things pointed out by the teacher.
At the present stage of development it would be best if we are all equal, i.e. everybody is at the same time a teacher and a student (the point is about old souls, some of the younger ones will probably not be able to cope with it on their own because of the lack of experience). Equal relations are really necessary for the combining of the energies, which is getting more and more popular with the necessity to rule the planet. The free deliberate choice is obligatory for combining in group souls for the creation of spiritual communities with common goals. The relations pointing in different directions (so called eagle-crab-pike relations) cannot be avoided if the smallest limitations of the free will exist – only the voluntary choice provides combined results.
Of course, there are people who have much more knowledge than the mass level, but for the others it is better to consider them advisors who can give them alternative way of thinking that to transfer to them their own responsibility for taking the decisions.
People with stable spiritual orientation are usually old souls, i.e. individuals with a lot of accumulated experience. If there is only one teacher and everyone else defines himself as a student, the sharing of one’s experience is strongly limited if it is considered insignificant. But if everybody accepts the idea that they are at the same time teachers and students, their consciousness will not be open only for one teacher, but for all the others. Thus a very strong tolerance is developed and the conditions for developing a contest is highly reduced, i.e. the proof who is more capable.
You have to always have in mind that the change in the public opinion is an ungrateful job. Mentally you have to prepare for any kind of accusations. Probably the most frequent surprises will be the ones for disadvantages which are the problem of the accusing people themselves. As it is shown in some messages people’s problems can be taken for coloured sunglasses – if the glasses are blue, they see all the people blue, i.e. they discover their own disadvantages in all people and this gives them the reason to reach to the conclusion that their disadvantages are not a serious problem they have to fight with. And thus they hide it the most secret part of their soul and become very convinced that they don’t have exactly the same problem.
The other reaction, which is very often met, is clinging in one (considered reliable) truth and denying everything else. This is a consequence of a very big disappointment (no matter if they remember the occasion or it is from a previous reincarnation) – the bigger the belief in something specific was, the stronger the pain from the disappointment is. This pain causes a very strong fear, distrust, not to over-trust again and to be lied again. But because of the dualistic thinking (that one thing is possible only to be true or false, i.e. any middle situation is excluded), again and again they cling to only one single truth and anathema all the others. Just when the disappointments and the pain become much enough, the assumption for the relative truth starts and reduces the clinging and the consequences from it. But while this moment comes such people are closed for any reasonable arguments and it is a waste of energy if you try to bring them to their senses. It is natural to expect from them any extreme reactions and this is why you have to stay calm at any cost – this is just what they can at this moment. Just when they manage to cope with their fears, they will be able to think impartially.
Very often when you try to point out someone’s disadvantage, which is not noticed by the person beside you, his first reaction is to blame you that you condemn him. But if you have communicated more with this person, you can notice that his reactions are dualistic – either you condemn him, or you extol him. There is no middle situation. And as you already know, extremes are illusion. But in order to be convincing in repulsing such arguments, it is good to have in mind: condemnation exists only when it is based on some rules, on human laws. When you are not motivated by such laws, but by the pure desire to help (based on the Unity and the God’s principles), you don’t condemn but you make a finding about reality, because you respect his right of a free choice and you are not attached to the result, i.e. whether he will decide to change or not something in him, for you it is of no substantial importance.
When a person, whom you want to help, takes defensive position – his ego feels threatened, i.e. he has the feeling that the conversation can change anything in him. Then he feels threatened by the eventual change and this fear makes him think of thousands of arguments to prove that you don’t have any reason for the opinion you have. For the spiritually searching people, this defensive position is unacceptable, not only because it is motivated by fear and pride, but also because there is no built tolerance to listen to the other opinion and to examine it self-critically, i.e. narrowing the consciousness – the truth is only one – your own.
Probably all spiritually searching people have problems with the objective evaluation, exactly where they are on the spiritual road. Reading piles of literature or possessing some extrasensory perceptions gives them the false feeling for a significant progress. But advancing on the spiritual road is possible only by overcoming your own ego. People who don’t realize at all they have this problem, who have never put any efforts to understand what problems the ego causes, they are still at the beginning of their road and they will stay there until they start realizing the true reason for the lack of their progress. It will be very difficult to persuade them that they have an illusory idea of themselves. A spiritually searching person can advance only when he builds a constant self-observation with which he can correct his jump in one or the other extreme – and it is impossible until it is not clear what exactly makes you jumping to the extremes.
You must never forget that the true danger for your spiritual achievements starts when you see a real result from your efforts. It is when you see that people trust you, when followers appear. Then such things like vanity, pride, thirst for power, self-respect and ambitions crawl from your soul – things you think you have overcome a long time ago. Those problems as a potential have strongly reduced, because you have stopped feeding them with energy, but you haven’t coped with them entirely. And as you are quite weak, you will very hard realize their influence on your consciousness, especially if you think you don’t have already what to control. If you live with the conviction that you have a substantial progress on your spiritual road, while you notice the disastrous influence on the uneliminated problems, they can ruin your life, nevertheless you are convinced that there is no such thing as a ruined life.
In the “Philosophy of every day life” I allow myself to make some forecasts that I base on the information I have available up to this moment. I try not to forget to mention that this is only my personal opinion, which could change if the initial information changes. For example I definitely think that for the spiritual awakening of the humanity, it is necessary a strong shaking. This shaking I call “the big horror”, which could happen when everybody notices that something has been drastically changed – the foreseeable future that gives the tranquillity for more of the people disappears and they are shockingly up from their sleep and start looking around to understand what goes on. At such a moment it is obvious that the old image about the world, which has been given to them the former feeling for comfort and security, doesn’t work any more and they start actively looking for some substitute. Here comes your turn – how convincing you will be able to explain the changes, how much you will manage to calm your fears down. In my forecast I specify that mainly 3 problems contribute for the big horror: natural disasters, fatal illnesses and the wars inflamed in emotionally unstable environment all over the planet. But these are only potential possibilities at this stage, defined by the momentary situation of the humanity. If you manage to calm down many people, if the emotional tension at a mass scale reduces, those sinister forecasts might not happen or will happen in a very softer version, just there will not be any need for them, they will not cause the consequences I pointed out. This is an illustrative example for a real creative work and the collective abilities of many people. Don’t convince yourselves that you are too weak, don’t be maximalists. If the joined efforts manage to overcome even a few earthquakes, it was worth the efforts – the tension caused by the big horror will be reduced at such grade that this could limit the wars and the epidemics.
You have to believe that it is not beyond your abilities to change the world and after that to overcome your own inertness and to unleash your activeness. What exactly you have to do, you decide it by yourself, because every person around you has a different comprehension and a system of values and that is why you have to choose precise and suitable arguments. The only universal instrument is love – if you generate love, people will trust you and this is the half of a successful conviction/relief. The influence of love is very strong even for yourselves (it gradually softens your fears) and for the others – if you learn how to love unconditionally everything around you. If you think that there are people who deserve and who don’t deserve your love, you have to very seriously start with this estimation – what makes you do such a differentiation. In general, pay great attention even to the smallest inhibition you feel inside you. This is the only way you will manage to realize the unconditional God’s love on Earth. If you feel the necessity to have a motive to love unknown people, never forget that they are part of God – loving them, you love Him. If you practice this all the time, you will create an undeliberate habit and constantly increasing energies will start flowing through you – but only if you don’t think of some reason to limit them. Courage to all of you!
Translated by Anna Karshovska

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