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What’s guaranteed to ruin your life

What’s guaranteed to ruin your life?

Life is about choices, and if you make any of the decisions described in this article, you have no one to blame for your misfortunes but yourself.
How can you ruin your life?
1. Live by someone else’s opinion.
We often allow other people’s opinions to dictate our path instead of choosing it ourselves.
Choose how to live your life; it is your job and responsibility. Unless you want a severe midlife crisis, don’t listen to others tell you what you want and need. A midlife crisis occurs when you finally wake up and realize that you have lived your entire life for the sake of others.
2. Thinking that life is unfair to you.
People who think life should be fairer to them are constantly waiting for something. Then they get upset when things don’t go the way they would like. They are also jealous of others.
Don’t wait for success to knock on your door. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and sometimes we ourselves (unknowingly) cause damage to other people’s lives. Everyone is just trying to live. Realize that the universe does not revolve around you.
3. Communicate with toxic people.
Toxic people thrive on others like leeches. Is there anyone from your life that immediately comes to mind? A close friend, significant other or even a family member? It can be very difficult to remove such people from your life. Especially when they mean a lot to you.
If you choose to cut these people out of your life, it is entirely your choice. Cutting off all contact with someone who is dragging you down can feel like a huge weight lifted off your chest.
4. Treat your body poorly.
Drinking a little beer or wine is no problem. But drunk driving is something that can ruin your life and the life of someone else. Take a taxi! If you decide to get blackout drunk, it’s no one’s fault but yours.
You only have one body, and your health is your most valuable asset. If you neglect it, your body will fall apart. Be physically active. Eat healthy.
5. Pursue only material values.
Sometimes people chase “things” in an attempt to become happy. The satisfaction you get from buying “stuff” will quickly disappear.
Chase impressions. Taking care of your mental health and physical well-being is important.
6. Obsession with the past
Are you lying awake all night because of something you felt really awkward about 10 years ago? Most likely, everything you said or did has long been completely forgotten by the other person.
Is it natural for you to look back on past events or moments that you consider “mistakes”? Obsessing over or dwelling on the past doesn’t help. What happened happened, and it cannot be changed. Unfortunately, time machines do not exist.
7. Dissatisfaction with the present
This may be one of the most difficult problems you will have to face. Although the past has already happened and the future has not yet arrived, the present is always happening. This is a bit of a strange thing to think about. People are always trying to find the “secret to happiness,” but there is no secret.
You may be sad, angry, or frustrated about the job you didn’t get or the car you couldn’t afford. You are entitled to these feelings, but take a moment to look back at your life, five years ago and now. Are things better? Worse? Try making a list of pros and cons. If there are more advantages, then you are doing well. Anything less just means you still have work to do.
Marina Karaseva
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