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Collapse of the Space of Transformation

Conversation with the Architects of the Universe: Collapse of the Space of Transformation

Channeling: architect

Ar-ITec (Co-Creator Triad): Hello, we are glad to be speaking to you and through you again. It seems to you that we have been gone for a long time. But what a year is for a person is a moment for us. So, it’s as if we didn’t say goodbye (Smile).
Ch.: Hello. I’m glad to talk to you again.
A.: Did you remember our dream?
Ch.: Yes. I wake up in bed as usual. It seems that it must be about 9-10 am now. But then I see that it’s already 18:30. I’m terribly confused, we couldn’t sleep for so long. I think maybe the watch is broken? I check the time on my husband’s phone – it’s also 6:30 pm. But I still don’t believe it. It seems that something very strange has happened with space or with time. This makes me very disorientated.
A: In this dream, you only slept an extra half a day. And you can no longer believe in the naturalness of what is happening. Now imagine that you wake up, look at the calendar, and there, conditionally, is 2065.
Ch.: It’s hard to imagine. Despite the fact that I know about the illusory nature of the world and understand that such a situation is theoretically possible, it will be a shock for me.
A.: Such a transfer of a subject from one point in time to another is called a chronological break. The ability to adapt to the chronological gap varies greatly from person to person. For some, this is simply severe stress, but the prognosis for adapting to new conditions and maintaining a stable psyche is positive. But for others, it’s too much of a burden, there’s little chance of adaptation, and there’s a serious risk of losing one’s sanity.
But this is just one of the negative effects of your hypothetical movement into the future. Imagine how many events have happened over these 40 years? How has technology advanced? How many new things have been invented? How many discoveries have been made in science and medicine? How has culture, way of life, morals, world economy and geopolitics changed? And how many significant shifts in public consciousness have occurred in connection with these changes? Several new generations were born. And, as you know, each generation is significantly different in thinking from the previous one.
So, you find yourself in a new world, and it is completely alien to you. The spirit of the times that filled your consciousness, saturated you informationally and sensually through collective processes of energy exchange – it no longer exists. And the new spirit of the times into which you are now forced to immerse yourself is completely unfamiliar to you.
Imagine that you decide to take a bath. You dive into the water and realize that its properties have changed. Now it is thicker, like jelly, and its color is blue. Something completely everyday and vital suddenly became completely different. And no matter how you try to get used to these changes, the most normal, natural water in your mind will remain liquid and colorless.
The same is true with immersion in the new spirit of the times. On Earth, it tends to change quite radically every 20 years. If two such updates occur, which a person does not live naturally in civilization, but simply skips, there is a high probability that he will not be able to adapt to a world that he no longer recognizes.
The situation with everyday life will also be ambiguous. Do you ever reach out to light a kerosene lamp? Is there a habit of bringing water from a well into the house to heat for washing? Are you going to harness the horses to go on a visit? Everyday habits are very deep, automatic, so you will periodically try to solve your everyday needs in a way that is completely outdated at this point in time.
Let’s say that you are well prepared for the transfer to the future together with your Teachers. And, in order to somehow alleviate the stress, you were given false memories of how you lived these 40 years. Some basic work on your introduction into this world has been done. But oddities will still appear through everyday habits. If you are transported into the future with a group of people, then you will very quickly realize that something is wrong with you. Because what seems like normal life to you now will change in 2065 and very significantly. But your mind can pull out an old pattern of behavior from the depths of memory out of habit. And this will cause strong dissonance – just like trying to light a kerosene lamp now, instead of pressing the switch button.
Therefore, these are serious risk factors for the human mind – both chronological disruption and immersion in a radically changed zeitgeist.
However, it is precisely such a sharp move into the future that would help awakened or simply conscious people to see significant positive changes in your civilization. The Transition to the updated earthly spaces 3.3 and 3.8 was based on the idea of such a movement.
It is impossible to “connect” fundamental changes in your world right away tomorrow. They need to be built sequentially. If a new building is to stand on this corner of the city, its construction must be initiated and the workers given 2-3 years. If it is essential for a person’s destiny to receive a certain education, it is necessary to formalize it study at a university and give him 5 years. If a scientist is to invent an effective new drug, an idea must be planted in his mind, resources must be given, and he must be given several years to research and develop the formula.
Nothing can fall on your head; any changes are introduced into your world naturally by someone’s living hands. That is, you first need to create conditions, provide people with resources, give them time, and only then expect results. Time is also a resource. To have breakfast, a person cannot do without food; to get serious results in any endeavor, he cannot do without time.
What is important to understand now: the future of the Earth naturally lived by the entire civilization after 2042 does not yet exist. The future that has already been calculated up to this date is unsatisfactory; nothing valuable can be built from it further. This is a total dead end of civilization. But it is impossible to quickly spread out the updated world for people selected after testing, like a tent. It needs to be calculated, built, and someone really needs to live it all.
Therefore, there was a plan for the period from 2025 to our conditional 2065 to be built by selected people through the most realistic dreams. This 40-year-long void had to be filled with some real, truly lived experience. Otherwise, the feeling that many people have slept for many years for unclear reasons will be inevitable.
The souls selected for the Transition to the updated spaces 3.3, 3.8, while in the space of transformation, dreamed at night about their possible future. That’s why it felt like time was racing. Souls actually lived a double life. Their perception of daytime was shortened so that they would have the energy to construct their possible future in their dreams.
There was no need to live these conditional 40 years in dreams completely. After all, in the life of any person there are many routine, unforgettable days. Therefore, it was enough for people to capture some important points, memorable events, thanks to which they would retain the feeling of a natural, sequential passage of their life path. Recreate bright moments and stretch between them chains of unremarkable days of earthly worries, which are so often not remembered because they have no special value. It is not difficult to dream of routine days in a short time in sufficient quantity. As a result, according to the plan, people should have had completely realistic stories about how they came to our conditional 2065, and what they did before it. Everyone would receive their own “photo album”, confirming important facts of their past.
Ch.: Let’s say a person is 40 years old. If he lives in dreams for another 40 years, what age will he be when he wakes up in the renewed space?
A.: He will still be the same 40 years old. It’s the easiest way. There is no point in doing anything with a biological body unless absolutely necessary. If a person is very important for global tasks, and he needs strength and health, he might even wake up rejuvenated.
Ch.: That is, a person may not remember his life that he lived until 2024?
A.: That’s right. A coherent chronology will definitely not be preserved, but there may be some adapted memorable events transferred to the future. It’s different for everyone, as many souls as there are so many situations. A person’s history is changed by specialists in life scenarios. This is painstaking work. Therefore, we will not explain all the subtleties of the process of creating false memories now.
CH: Did you plan to separate the families?
A.: There is also no single answer. As agreed with the souls.
Let’s restore the chronology. In 2012, the Transition did not happen, because virtually no one was ready for it. You yourself then took only the first steps towards your true awakening. You can use your example to compare how many valuable changes have occurred in you over these 12 years; in fact, you have gone from an earthly girl to a warrior of the spirit. Many promising people have achieved significant results in their development.
2012 was a time of great hope and great disappointment, as the promised Transition did not happen. The next 12 years were undoubtedly difficult for most people. And yet, the result of many people’s internal work was very tangible: during this period they became, in the good sense of the word, completely different people.
The space of transformation was deployed in 2020, when we, the Triad of Co-Creators, and then the Adjustment Group began to correct the earth’s future. Not all people came here, but only those who were awakened or asleep, but capable of some serious actions.
The bulk of sleeping earthlings, who floated with the flow and lived exclusively in their limited world of everyday worries, remained in the basic event flows, since no shaking or corrections could stir them up or encourage them to show their bright traits (positive or negative), since such traits are simply not manifested in them yet. Their minds are too young and their thinking is too directive and independent.
The space of transformation also assumed several apocalypse scenarios. Some of these dramatic events have been lived and are now still being lived by people in the current flow of events. You didn’t see some of them, although you could have seen them in realistic, frightening dreams. The peak of the apocalypse fell in 2023; the total amount of destruction during this period across all event streams was maximum.
The two streams no longer exist, they were cleared out by the Reapers (dark high-level civilizations) and collapsed. The maximum amount of human hatred was spilled in these subspaces. All these bursts were collected by the corresponding participants in evolution and taken beyond the boundaries of the earth’s energy exchange networks. Radical impulses to destruction in the earth’s megastructures have become significantly less.
If we imagine that there were many active volcanoes and even supervolcanoes on Earth, then the chances of their powerful eruptions in the future have decreased. But they will still cause the earth to tremble, smoke and periodically pour out some amount of lava.
All destructive potential cannot be removed from the Earth, because positive changes also often require decisive action. Otherwise, stagnant processes will creep and expand due to the lack of strength of those who want to disperse this stagnation and set new rapid vectors for situations. That is, the lack on Earth of the shade of Awareness “swiftness”, which gives strength, will not allow more positive processes to unfold and gain speed.
The event flows remaining in the transformation space should also be curtailed soon, since most of the useful work for which they were formed has already been done.
The mind of each person, who was supposed to move to spaces 3.3, 3.8 according to the plan, was tested for resistance to direct transfer to the future. Everyone dreamed of some kind of relatively smooth story.
Also in dreams, souls lived in the most realistic simulation mode for the first ten years in updated spaces, that is, after 2065. People who remember dreams may have seen corresponding stories about how they arrived in new communities and looked for their place in them, made acquaintances, tried to do something together, etc. Thus, through living in dreams, people tried to work together and make friends.
But still, for many people, the memory of their nighttime activities is too “high” to be reached by ordinary daytime perception. Therefore, all these memories could merge into a single stream. As a result, it seemed to the man that he had dreamed his whole life, but he forgot everything. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just that now it should become clearer what kind of work has been done in dreams in recent years.
In these trials, people were given time to adapt, to cope at their own pace with all the side effects of direct transfer. The start couldn’t have been smoother. Therefore, they gave a serious deadline: for ten whole years, souls in dreams made and stumbled, were inspired and disappointed, built and destroyed, joined new communities and fell out of them. The adaptation processes were very contrasting: both positive and negative.
The results of these attempts to create a direct and harmonious vector from the past to the future turned out to be very ambiguous. In general, for all tested people, the situation with direct transfer to updated spaces is as follows:
– probability of inability to adapt to the new world – 70%,
– the probability of receiving incurable mental injuries is 65%.
That is, it was not possible to quickly and effectively update the lives of selected people due to their low resistance to direct transfer to the future. Therefore, many of them are left with only the conservative path of natural living, since attempts to be a courageous “time traveler” ended unsatisfactorily for many souls, according to the test results.
Therefore, a new, revised plan was developed.
1) Collapse the space of transformation, since this is an inferior place for the life of souls.
2) Pour the selected souls back into the existing stable event flows of the Earth, from where they were previously removed for testing.
3) Provide improved conditions for the realization of the potential of each of the selected souls. Individually mitigate for them the global destructive processes taking place in the earth’s space.
4) Bring these people to the renewed future of the Earth through the natural living of this period of time, through the consistent absorption of all significant changes in society.
5) Provide opportunities to reasonably extend the service life of bodies for those who want to live longer in the conditions of the new time. That is, active people who follow the tasks of developing their souls may still have a very long life ahead, without significant loss of ability to work even in old age.
Now let’s discuss the details in more detail. Maintaining the space of transformation is costly, and the benefits of souls staying in it are becoming less and less. In addition, there are not sufficiently saturated collective flows of energy exchange here, because there are relatively few souls here. Many of the people in the tra space The information is not fully present, but rather in the background – as support for those who came here for testing. Supporting people do not feel fully alive, but not because they are not real, but because their main energy exchange is concentrated in other event flows of the Earth.
Due to the weakly saturated collective flows in the space of transformation, people who came here for testing felt that the world around them was quite empty: there was a picture, passers-by were walking along the streets, there was a lot of news about dramatic events, but there was still some significant lack of fullness. space with life.
As has already been explained to you, large populations are necessary for a rich life in civilization. It is the diverse crowd, each of whom lives his own active life, that creates the feeling of a real, living space, and not a “matrix”. Many souls, daily making many energy exchanges with each other, set the necessary speed of flow of the streams of Awareness. And this is felt as the vitality of the processes taking place in society. A significant number of souls animate those places, those structures in which they conduct their regular activities.
Accordingly, if souls are divided between streams, then significantly less life is felt in each of them. This is where the relative emptiness of the transformation space comes from. In addition, many people here experienced a significant lack of opportunities, limited development of their own potentials, which is also associated with a lack of people. After all, the more participants in a civilization, the more extensive networks of contacts are built between them, and the more opportunities there are through these extensive connections: more interesting acquaintances, more clients and contractors, more opportunities to create something, etc.
The infusion of souls back into stable event flows will not be instantaneous. Everyone will move there at the optimal moment in time.
A return to one of the basic event flows for a person will be accompanied by a gradual revival of the surrounding space, the appearance in his life of people who moved away several years ago, a partial restoration of opportunities from the past, and the emergence of new opportunities.
The teacher system plans to open many new guides who will be able to maintain the necessary connection between higher levels and awakened earthlings. Spiritual knowledge and support from the Forces will flow to Earth. Conscious people will continue to develop, find each other and unite. There will be no stagnation and emptiness. The spiritual life of earthlings striving for development will be able to be maintained at a decent level.
But the spiritual agenda will gradually change. She has already started to change. There will be less and less talk about sudden changes, about the Transition “right tomorrow” or “in a year.” And you need to be prepared for this. We explained the reasons honestly. Through some channels there may be messages that the exchange rate is the same. But the point here will rather be in the information policy of the Force providing the channel (restriction on the transfer of high-level information, silence in order to alleviate stress for fragile minds, etc.)
In addition, not all executives above the Earth promptly respond to new directives coming from higher levels. The new decision was communicated to everyone. But, since not everyone quickly learns the news, and not everyone immediately understands what to do next, a certain inertia and inconsistency in the information provided from above can be observed in the information space. Also, the reason for misinformation may be the conductor’s personal faith and reluctance to hear about changes, since it hurts his feelings or does not correspond to his plans and interests.
But in a couple of years, what we are talking about now will become clear. And everyone who trusts the information from our channel will already be warned, will be able to adapt first and move more easily to the new stage. They will no longer waste time looking for answers about what is happening, or more precisely, why what they have been preparing for so long is not happening.
However, there is also a small group of people who are quite resistant to direct transfer to updated spaces, but who will not move into the basic event flows. Since they managed, through joint dreams or in reality, to unite with the same stable like-minded people, at least 2-3 people each, they will move directly into the future. In the renewed spaces, their souls have already prepared everything for themselves. And most importantly, they prepared themselves for what awaits them there. We wish these brave pioneers the best of luck in their new lives.
Everyone who has not shown resistance to direct transfer during testing is gradually transferred to the main event streams. Life for some of them can be quite difficult, since no one hides the fact that humanity, living in the basic streams, is going to a dead end. But they will be provided with the necessary support from above.
We believe that people constructing their possible future in their dreams has benefited them and will help them realize many things in real life faster and easier, since they are already more experienced and trained. So their efforts were not in vain; they will benefit from everything they learned from this period.
There are chances that you won’t need to live all these conditional 40 years. It will be possible to move from one important point in time to another faster. Lead teams will monitor their team members’ readiness for more rapid change and help them move forward. This is especially true for people who are not too attached to their environment or place of residence. For those who cannot overcome the 40-year period in one transfer, alternative options for several smaller transfers can be created. Such people can travel either alone or in small groups. For example, a family that has changed their place of residence. Radical moves help to neatly bridge temporary gaps within 5-10 years and logically justify a person’s disorientation.
In a word, no one will keep people in the event flows of the closing Cycle if they are ready to move on more quickly. A few small shifts into the future will help people save time and get to updated spaces at a younger age. This is the most important advantage. There are souls who are focused on the future and prefer to hurry up. They will choose this option.
But we also understand people who are generally satisfied with their life, their work, their family, their environment. If this is so, then the soul itself does not want any sudden movements. The choice of many souls will be to live out in the old spaces and leave incarnation there. Next is to move into a new Cycle through birth. If we are talking about younger people, they will smoothly merge into new spaces, living for a specified period together with civilization.
People who remain in the event flows of the closing Cycle will be able to personally observe radical changes in the fate of humanity. In the process of renewal of civilization, whole blocks will break off and elements of social structures that now seem to be an unshakable part of earthly life will become a thing of the past. And at the same time, radically new elements will be introduced. These innovations, like powerful locomotives, will travel along clearly laid rails at high speed. And it will be extremely difficult to oppose their movement or stand in the way.
The main problem of the adopted plan is that radical changes that will renew humanity require external help. Civilization has not undergone natural selection. And, from the point of view of normal evolutionary processes, the changes that will be introduced are a very serious compromise. If a civilization has not found sufficient strength to overcome unfavorable, stagnant processes within itself, in its next serious crisis it may also show critical weakness. And reanimating non-viable structures every time in Divine evolution is an undesirable practice.
Nevertheless, the interests of very serious participants intersect on Earth. And they decided, by joining forces, to “roll through” the next conditional 40 years on their own. In fact, carry earthlings over the abyss in your arms. Therefore, there will be a new Cycle, the Earth will have a future. We hope that your civilization will be able to accumulate the missing internal strength capable of ensuring long-term effective evolution later.
The 12-year cycle that began in 2012 ends. The decision is being made this year because it is time to plan the lives of earthlings for the next 12 years. After this cycle, at least two more years (24 years) are planned, aimed at radically updating the existing event flows of the Earth.
The spiritual communities of the Earth will experience a certain reorientation, rethinking, and will come to new inspiring meanings. Although the inability to move to updated spaces in the near future, of course, may be perceived by some people as a failure. But Teachers will help you overcome this period of confusion, time will put everything in its place, conflicting thoughts and feelings will eventually settle down in your head. And a new understanding of how to live and what to strive for next will come. This is not the end of the world – in every sense (Smile). Rather, it is an opportunity to give yourself extra time to become stronger, more resilient, more adaptive, and prepare for a renewed future.
Individual development of people will not be interrupted under any circumstances. Resources will be allocated to ensure that earthlings can easily find important esoteric knowledge, and in general, answers to their questions about the universe. The presence of the updated Teacher system in the lives of awakened people will only expand.
In a word, for those who remain in the event flows of the completing Cycle, the next period will pass in the mode of individual assistance if they continue to strive for spiritual development and follow the needs of the soul.
But the world will remain difficult, negative events may happen to people around. And in order to get through the next period with minimal discomfort, you need to learn to separate the events that happen in your life and the events that happen. walking in the lives of others. If a person has the feeling that the world is protecting and helping him, there is no need to try on all the negativity that happens to others. Because this can only signal that a person has an interest in the dramatic experience, that he wants to try this situation on himself. And such involuntary wishes can be fulfilled. Therefore, it is better to carry out regular thought hygiene and not get involved in negative experiences. And if a person needs to go through a difficult situation to expand his understanding, then he is unlikely to bypass it, it will simply enter his life.
Therefore, we suggest checking whether the unpleasant situation is going on a tangent or hitting you straight in the forehead. If it goes on a tangent, it means there is a choice. It is better to make such a choice consciously, strictly monitor your desire or unwillingness to take part in the next drama of life, and at the same time get a couple of painful bruises yourself. Although this could have been avoided thanks to ordinary restraint and common sense.
Ch.: Although they never promised heaven on Earth through me, people still expected at least some significant changes from the Transition. They will probably decide that this result is a failure and will be upset.
A.: Experience and useful conclusions can be drawn from every situation. You are growing creators. Every experienced creator already knows that there are only two ways out: either create the space you want to live in, or live in the space that others create. You too need to realize this truth. Creating comfortable living conditions for yourself is not easy, but expecting that someone will provide it to you in the best possible way is pointless.
When people think about “karma,” they first of all consider the cause-and-effect relationship: if you acted badly, you received a fair response from the world. But the problem of your world is another, less obvious “karma”. Many downright harmful decisions have indeed been made by the people in power on Earth that have led your world to its current disappointing situation. But it’s not only that. One might even say: this is not the point at all, because it is quite simple to destroy and break the power structures on Earth that rule cruelly.
The problem is that there is not enough new valuable seedlings to fill the void. Old “plantings” are rotting, but humanity has grown very few new, more valuable ones. Accordingly, if you destroy everything old, then everything will end in “bare earth”, “desert”. It is easy to collapse a state, but in the current conditions it is impossible to form a new, fairer one in its place. And then the question arises: for what good purpose can it be broken now if there are no worthy alternatives to it in the space of options?
The main problem of earthlings is not that it was done poorly or incorrectly. Your civilization is still young, so mistakes are inevitable. The problem is that it was not done, was not created, was not thought out, did not exist even at the level of a wild dream. There are very few of these embryonic potentials, new “seedlings” that can now be saturated with the juices of the earth and protected from cold winds so that they can grow and become stronger. From these rare sprouts it is not yet possible to build a truly new, living, dynamic world.
Accordingly, in the coming decades on Earth, the Higher Powers will increase the volume of new, more promising projects and enterprises that would meet the requirements of the new time. And, of course, nothing can be done without the enthusiasm of the people themselves, because any changes in your world are carried out by the hands of its direct participants.
Your civilization is essentially an early stage of a single composite Creator. And, of course, an important task of his development is to learn to create himself and the world around him in such a way as to be satisfied with the results of his own creation.
Ch.: Can we say that the Transition has been postponed for 40 years?
A.: It is impossible to postpone it, it has been going on for many years. Preparations for it began in the twentieth century. But some souls needed more time than expected and wanted. And more radical methods of improving something are not suitable for everyone. In any case, we focus on the needs of souls.
Any parent would like to have at hand one universal “magic pill” that would quickly help his child with any ailment. But each child is a complex, unique organism with its own potential for internal strength, recovery time and individual intolerance to certain drugs. As a result, the child feels bad, and the parent has sleepless nights looking for ways to help him. But there are no universal remedies that are equally suitable for all children.
In the same way, those who manage the development of earthly civilization are now forced to select for each person means of assistance that will give him some kind of result. “Magic pills” for quickly updating the life of souls turned out to be non-universal. They helped some and will continue to help, but not others. Because you are all very different – that’s how it was intended. It’s different Brazil is wonderful, but effectively managing the development of such diverse populations is very difficult.
If the “magic pill” did not suit some people, those managing the development of civilization will not force their personal processes, but will simply provide them with gentle support in the current conditions. These souls will independently try, using their internal reserves, to strengthen themselves, renew themselves and find within themselves the impulses for subsequent activities at the next stage of life – in the world that exists now.
Ch.: What is the situation with those moving to new levels?
A.: As the transition continues, the space of the Earth will be open for another 60 years. Those who want to catch up and try their hand at higher levels are an excellent choice (Smile).
CH: Many people had Groundhog Day. Will returning to basic event flows make their lives more diverse?
A.: Partly yes. But you need to understand that boredom has internal causes, it is a consequence of the lack of saturation of the soul.
Ch.: People are probably not interested in getting enough of what they have.
A.: That’s true. And there are two ways out of this situation: create something new yourself or live in a world that seems not boring to those who create it. Everything you see around you was created by someone’s hands, because someone found it interesting enough to invest their effort.
The lack of saturation of souls, which often manifests itself in states of boredom and meaninglessness, is a collective phenomenon on Earth. This often happens in young, unsaturated civilizations, when there is a lot of valuable information and areas of activity, but many participants do not want to be interested in the world around them with more enthusiasm, and do not want to create something of their own.
As a result, boredom drives boredom – this is the state of the “anti-creator”. Boredom and meaninglessness inside the soul, like a black hole, suck in grains of value, beauty and meaning of the surrounding world. And nothing comes back. If given free rein, this black hole can grow. Such states are healed by transitioning either to the state of the creator, or to the state of preliminary saturation, when a person studies the existing creation, looks for what interests him, so that later he can try to create something of his own.
Many people are now at the stage of preliminary saturation, because in order to be a creator, you need to accumulate a certain potential, a store of existing knowledge. There is a lot of information on Earth; the Internet has created wide opportunities for knowledge. But not everyone is interested.
Those who created this world also don’t know what to do. A table is set with a bunch of dishes, some eat with both cheeks, and some stand with sad faces and refuse to eat. But he doesn’t know how to cook and isn’t too keen.
Boredom and meaninglessness are the hunger of the soul with poor appetite. What can you do for yourself to improve the situation? You can eat more prepared, varied dishes. You can learn to cook yourself.
Of course, you can patiently wait for the chef who will prepare new delicacies for you every day. But from our experience, such chefs are a very rare occurrence. Their delicacies are never enough to satisfy the entire long life of the soul.
Therefore, we suggest that bored people continue to saturate themselves with the existing creation and little by little think about what they would like to create themselves.
We can say that from the point of view of absorbing values and meanings from the surrounding world, there is the state of a stone and the state of a sponge, and between them there are many intermediate meanings.
When a person is in a state of stone, he repels most incoming information from the world. For example, depression, when you don’t want anything, is a state of stone. On the subtle plane, the soul closes itself off from the surrounding space and refuses to feed on it.
When a person is in a sponge state, he is saturated with information to the limit, reaching such values that he is no longer able to retain everything that he has learned.
So, the stone is heavy, dense, and has low porosity. And the state of consciousness of the stone is also difficult. It can take a lot of effort for a person to open even one pore within himself for saturation, so that at least something from the outside world begins to seep through it. The easiest way to overcome such conditions is through acute need. When a person simply needs to learn something new, because his survival depends on it.
The sponge is light and very porous, these are states of consciousness when, on the contrary, everything is interesting, and you grab onto everything. But if you imagine a sponge that is too saturated with water, then it already flows back out. That is, the extreme state of the sponge is also weighting, although of a different nature.
The balance, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. But if in the states of a sponge the excess simply cannot be retained, then in the states of a stone a person’s internal system may collapse due to unsaturation. In the state of the stone, there are processes of formation of internal cracks, from which it can crumble. For a person, this can manifest itself in some kind of attack, illness, or death.
So allowing yourself to remain in stone states is dangerous. It is necessary to maintain an average level of saturation with novelty coming from the outside world, even if you don’t really want it, even if it seems like you’re fed up, and everything is the same. Continue to look for the state of a sponge within yourself, continue to eat. The point here is not that one is actually fed up, and not that everything is the same, but that the condition of the stone itself creates such sensations. The human mind misinterprets the signals of the soul, its internal sensations. The reason for the state of “nothing else fits” is not satiety, but closed pores that do not allow continued saturation.
The key point in transitioning from a rock to a sponge is that the sponge is lighter. Your attitude towards life can always be made easier. The heavy state of “I don’t want anything else” can be replaced with a more airy, childish and adventurous one: “What if it’s easy? What if you try something new a little every day?”
Ch.: People write to me that they are tired of living in all this.
A.: Their fatigue is understandable. And yet, the reasons why they are tired and find it difficult to continue living are individual for everyone. Moreover, for some, some properties of the earthly world are its undeniable advantage, while for others it is a reason for deep disappointment.
That is, you can take a very long time to remove from this world the reasons why souls do not like to live in it, it will become increasingly poorer, but there will always be those who sigh heavily about its imperfections. As a result, one can reach the point where only the Divine fundamental principle remains, the fabric of the universe from which this world is woven. But even then the souls will not be happy. They will say: “It is unbearably difficult for us to hang in this emptiness, where absolutely nothing happens, give us back the world to live in.”
But there is no world that pleases everyone. The cohabitation of souls is truly a difficult experience; their diverse needs constantly create conflicts among themselves. But solitary living of souls is also practically impossible. We checked. The ideal separate dream world for each soul, where everything is arranged according to its taste, and where there is no one but itself, ended in either flight or madness.
There are simulation technologies where you can order everything to your liking: a house, a job, a spouse, children, pets. Paint the grass on the lawn near your house either pink or purple. Any wildest fantasies. Everyone who has used these opportunities says the same thing: “at first it seemed cool, but then it became unbearable.”
All these souls eventually went back to the joint worlds of development. And they were very glad that these worlds did not satisfy them completely, 200%. They felt there was more vitality in the experience of living together, where the world did not revolve around their desires. Imperfect family, imperfect job, etc. – all this was regarded as more alive and real.
Souls must interact with each other, souls strive for other souls. Only when they are together can they fully feel. The most fulfilling feelings in souls arise not for impeccable fantasies, but for each other when living closely together. This is not yet clear to all those who like to daydream, but these are the facts.
We just have to accept that being together is difficult, but being alone is unbearable. Since the preferences of all souls are different, any joint worlds of residence are always one global compromise. But this is also an opportunity to draw unique meanings from other souls, due to which a very important process occurs – the mixing of experience.
The ideal personal world becomes unbearable because each soul has a limited set of meanings. When she exhausts her potential, it becomes unbearable for her to be alone with herself and with her fantasies, beyond which she is unable to go. This is accompanied by degeneration of Awareness within the soul. Circulating in a vicious circle, it becomes dull from monotony and begins to die. Therefore, the soul inevitably returns to the worlds of collective living so that new streams of Awareness begin to flow to it. The highest quality mixing of meanings between souls occurs in complex dynamic destructive worlds, including on Earth.
Of course, there are still worlds of monotony. But it is unlikely that any of the people who are dissatisfied with their experience of living on Earth will be happy if they find themselves there. In such worlds, the minds for souls are initially formed according to a completely different principle, with restrictions on individualism. Then they can live comfortably there.
We invite each person to clarify for himself: what is the complexity of his life, what exactly is he tired of?
If the issue is boredom and meaninglessness, the karmic task of the soul may be to heal these conditions and deepen interest in life in all its manifestations.
If the fact is that the world is not happy, the karmic task of the soul may be to expand the potential of its own joy.
If something doesn’t work out and you want to give up everything, the karmic task of the soul can be to bring any difficult task to the end, despite the obstacles.
If a person has had a serious failure in life and does not want to start something new, the karmic task of the soul may be to develop an easier attitude towards failures.
If a person believes that this world is too cruel, the karmic task It is possible for the soul to develop a calmer attitude towards an integral part of creation – destruction. Creation is impossible without destruction. This means that we must allow him to be. Don’t approve, but at least understand that you can’t do without it.
And in general, the main cause of psychological fatigue is a person’s evaluative thinking. For many people, even with the clearest minds, this is still an insurmountable obstacle. The forces can only remind again and again through all possible channels that evaluative thinking is the basis of suffering and an obstacle that does not allow souls to live a more fulfilling life in the collective worlds of development.
The cause of psychological fatigue and dissatisfaction must be sought first of all within yourself. The soul and mind are carriers of specific properties that give rise to experiences that a person does not like so much.
Many phenomena that seem external and from which you want to distance yourself can actually be internal. And you won’t be able to distance yourself from them. Just transform your personal properties. If the current world were not at all suitable for the soul for such a transformation, if it could not fulfill its karmic tasks here, it would have already left. And those who continue to live have chances, there is still hope to do something useful for their development.
To be awakened in a world where everyone is asleep is a unique state in which the soul can develop truly rapidly. But bringing a person to a sustainable awakening is very difficult. If this can be achieved, the soul will take full advantage of such luck.
In 20 years of incarnation, an awakened person can have time to do more to develop his soul than in many lifetimes in sleeping mode. Therefore, the awakened ones need to correctly understand why they are here, what is the value and uniqueness of their position. They have achieved rare states of waking consciousness in the illusory world, and this must be used as long as it is possible to continue living here.
Ch.: I received several chens about the earthly guardian system from the future. But, if civilization lived only until 2042, then where does this structure exist?
A.: This alternative future of the Earth exists due to the paradox of time. Everyone who lives there has experienced a serious chronological disruption. We can say that these are successful time travelers. And they were able to form a guardian system so successfully because they are resistant to chronological gaps, paradoxes and other anomalies.
Guardianship involves living in non-linear time. And the young people who work as timeline keepers can be physically 20 years old, but psychologically 90. In artificial sleep, they can view events lasting months and years. Of course, such a life is not for everyone. And this space does not exist for everyone. It is like an island in the ocean of time, where one cannot swim intentionally, but a person’s paths can lead him there, since he will be called from above for such service.
Ch.: It turns out that the future until 2042 has actually been lived, and even in many versions. Why do we need another 20-plus years after it to get to the updated spaces?
A.: It will not be possible to implement significant changes faster. After 2042, it will inevitably take another couple of decades to complete construction for the zeitgeist to change more radically.
CH: And who will live on Earth all this time?
A.: Souls for whom this experience suits. Any historical period provides a specific experience for which there are those who wish.
C: Did I understand the original plan correctly? 1) People from the main event streams would continue to build the future in real life. 2) People who have passed testing in the space of transformation would immediately move into the future, into updated spaces.
A.: As you remember, there were more paths from the space of transformation. Some moved to higher levels, others went into the apocalypse. And promising souls continuing their path on Earth really had to move into the future. The Earth’s development managers wanted to move the strongest, most active and talented from the end of the closing Cycle to the beginning of a new one.
At the beginning of the Cycle there are always many difficulties, but also many opportunities. There are souls with suitable properties who themselves enjoy such stages, and they can bring enormous benefits there. They were planned to be moved into the future as adults, conscious people, capable of quickly starting new activities in order to strengthen humanity at the start in updated spaces.
Ch.: We have already discussed spaces 3.3, 3.8 with Nikolai. But I still wonder what has already been created there in 2065?
A.: The first hundred years of a new Cycle of civilization always exist in some form, they are calculated in the basic forecast version, based on the best achievements of the previous Cycle. And you can already live in such a space. Usually souls go there and “prepare the ground” for the main civilization. A characteristic feature of such a space is relative emptiness, a small number of ready-made solutions and a huge space of possibilities. For a person who wants to create something new, such space is not emptiness, but a blank canvas for creativity. There are few restrictions such as bureaucracy and taxes – all these shackles that tied people’s hands will not remain.
When the planned 40 years of the life of civilization with all the changes are lived out, the future after 2065 will become much richer, the main population will significantly enrich the flows with its activities. But those who find themselves in the updated spaces first will be able to turn around and achieve and build a lot. It’s like a first settler who can choose the most successful and picturesque place for his home, because he is the only one who wants it, there is actually no competition yet. A lot of empty space – a lot of options to choose where to build your happiness. The main thing here is not to be afraid to be a pioneer and to have ideas.
Let’s discuss another important point. “Everything is the same as before”, “everything is the same” after the transition to basic event flows will no longer exist. Much has been done to avoid this.
Firstly, the composition of the Teacher System has changed.
Secondly, the composition of the governing civilizations has changed. The influence of new, less destructive civilizations will increase, and the number of projects on Earth under their patronage will increase.
Thirdly, the cycle until 2020 is closed. This point is the most important, but we put it in third place because the positive effect of this change is the most difficult for people to comprehend. Any older person understands what a “load of years” is. For a civilization, the “weight of years” is felt most strongly at the end of the Cycle. Therefore, many, in fact, from childhood were tired and burdened by the centuries-old history of civilization. Although, of course, people didn’t know about it. They just felt uncomfortable.
The “burden of years” has been lifted from civilization. Soul connections to Earth’s past were analyzed for usefulness and relevance. Many of them were simply closed due to their uselessness. The tangles are untangled as much as possible. Although it is impossible to do such a job perfectly. Connections tend to get tangled, and unraveling them can lead to the loss of valuable results. But significant work was done to streamline connections and close those that were not useful.
This will manifest itself in people’s lives with new creativity, new ideas and projects that they will most likely want to create completely in their own way. Without looking back too much, just take it and do it as you want. Since there are fewer connections to the experience of the past, the authority and exemplary nature of even the most effective existing methods will no longer weigh so heavily on people.
The changed composition of the governing civilizations is entirely responsible for investing in new beginnings on Earth. They have a different system of values and priorities, not connected with super-profits and “enslavement” of the workforce, which is what the corporations of the closing Cycle were so guilty of. It will soon become virtually impossible to build the next predatory colossus; investments from above in entrepreneurs will not occur until they learn to create projects and enterprises based on the values and priorities that will be introduced by the new governing civilizations.
Their absolute priority is effective cooperation and the creation of work teams that are support and a source of additional opportunities for each other. It is quite difficult to explain all the details of their plan to build a new work activity on Earth. But networks built according to their principles will create, on the one hand, incentives to increase the efficiency of their work, to increase professionalism, because there will still be competition between specialists. On the other hand, there will not be such a sharp difference in income. The fear of dying from hunger will also decrease. Part-time flexible work opportunities will be created so that everyone can earn some income.
The managers of the civilization of the outgoing Cycle allowed themselves to invest too much in the most successful projects, which, as they gained power, began to significantly abuse their power. But, if you don’t pour too much life resource into even the most successful businesses, then they won’t be able to endlessly gain power. In this case, good ideas will simply be adopted between work groups for a fee – now this is called “best practices”. They can also simply be peeped and copied. But no one talented and ideological will go hungry. Such people will be supported and well nourished.
Patent law will be abolished because there have been too many cases where ideas for inventions came down from above for all mankind, but in the end some “bone languishing over gold” came along and put the patent for the invention in his desk, never to be seen again. Thus, quite a lot of valuable technologies that improve people’s lives were not introduced into everyday life due to the fact that it was not profitable for someone. The abolition of patent law will make promising technologies much more accessible and allow humanity to develop go faster.
Overall, there are a lot of changes planned for the near future of the Earth. But our conversation was already quite lengthy. We think we have already provided enough food for thought.
Concluding our message today, we would like to thank the people who have bravely dealt with difficulties over the past few years and continued to move forward and develop. Many of you did well and were highly rated by the dark teachers in terms of resistance to temptation. Every virtue and strength of yours was noticed, taken into account, nothing was missed or devalued. Wherever these people go next, new opportunities are sure to arise for them. Their life will be built around pitfalls, luck will be on their side. The main thing is not to be afraid to move forward and continue to develop.
We wish everyone a good day and good mood,
Ar-ITec triad
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