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Going to extremes creates all the suffering on Earth. When you are balanced, you feel harmonious. A balanced state is common to most beings in the universe. The extremes on Earth have been created for thousands of years by the dark forces of power as a way to consolidate it.
The main generator of extremes is competition, caused by a lack of energy, which is felt as a threat to life, and everyone is fighting for survival, for the scarce resource. Moreover, the lower the self-esteem, the more hysterical the struggle to prevail over others.
The ages change, the dark ones go, they go, and the dark ones rule this age. A bright age is coming, Energy is constantly rising, and all people have to adapt to the increased amount of energy. T.well. survival / competition in the Dark Age is incompatible with increased energies. Therefore, going to extremes becomes completely pointless, and only those who manage to balance themselves can survive, evolve.
Evolutionarily, balancing takes place through thousands of lives in three-dimensional worlds, until the soul grows tired of the extremes and gives up more and more of them. But apart from rubbing the sharp edges, evolution can also happen consciously, with man setting himself the task of achieving the golden mean, Vol.well. he’s starting to realize when he’s going to the extreme and he’s controlling it. Humans are programmed by the dark ones to believe in the existence of the only truth, and it is this fanatical belief that creates the constant conflicts and attempts, each to prove his faith. The assumption of multivariate truth gradually reduces fanatical belief and thus conflicts. The golden mean is a conditional space in which nothing is precisely defined (neither cancer nor Fish), t.well. all conditions of competition disappear. When a person gets used to tracking the motives that drive him – what his family and society have programmed into him-he begins to weed out those that drive him into extremes and conflicts. And this is the main way of evolution of consciousness – self-control. Consciousness is individual and no one can change it except its owner. Of course, there is an influence of the collective consciousness, but it is precisely these suggestions that dominate society, and they are no different from personal beliefs. Collective delusions are strong in people with low self-esteem who do not allow themselves to have their own opinions and rely on imitation to be like others. But regardless of individual motives, absolutely everyone must evolve to be able to withstand the increased energies. Those who imagine that all this is nonsense and do not bother to control their minds, to avoid extremes and competition, are leaving the planet at an accelerated pace – it is no longer suitable for natural evolution.
A major problem with balancing is the persistent belief that others are to blame for the individual’s suffering – because a person with low self-esteem is convinced that he cannot, does not have enough mental capacity to judge for himself, due to the numerous failures in his life. Therefore, he strives to be like others, to imitate them, and imagines that others are much better than he is, and embraces the conviction that he is an innocent victim, and feels powerless before some evil will, which makes him passive, does not decide to change himself.
No matter what happens to you, the cause is never one – everything is always a consequence of accumulation. In trying to understand the causes, initially, while being a fanatical follower of the truth, you declare only one cause. But gradually, as you open your mind to other possibilities, you allow more and more complex reasons, and this makes the golden mean/equilibrium more and more real. Everyone should always keep in mind that whatever is in the universe, there are always positive and negative sides. Those who lurch to extremes are either positive or negative – so their consciousness is set up to notice only one side (filters in the consciousness). Even from above, they advise to stick to a positive point of view. The one-sided perception of the world is always illusory, but it seems to be regarded up there as a lesser evil compared to the fear that the negative perception causes. But in my opinion, if you have dealt with your fears, you will be more balanced, if you have an objective view of reality-with all the disadvantages and the good sides.
Never forget about the ego – these are millennial survival habits accumulated in the subconscious (genetic memory), which the mind perceives as completely natural, but their time has passed and their motivation needs to be neutralized.
The more old habits one person can neutralize, the more balanced he becomes, because there is nothing to throw him from one extreme to another. Success.



Very often we talk about trust, and how to protect ourselves from slipping, from suffering. To falter is always to over-assert one’s own delusions. As I have repeatedly explained, People are artificially turned into complexes with the misery in which they live – they see that there are more successful and conclude that they are incompetent, to decide for themselves. That’s why they tend to be hypocritical, to pose and play roles, to leave the solution to vital issues to someone more successful than them. But this person, looking at everything from his own bell tower, has no idea what is necessary and useful for the seeker of advice, and by following other people’s recommendations, you live a foreign life, which always makes you unhappy. To successfully solve your own problems, you need to consider what influences you, what motivates you to make one choice or another, to act in one way or another. The two main factors that motivate our choices are the ego and the soul (the devil and the angel).
By the way, keep in mind that there are two types of doubt/trust/faith: dualistic/three – dimensional, motivated by the belief of the only possible truth, which leads to fanaticism, to destruction-to depression and internal contradictions. And the belief in the existence of multidimensional truth – constructive and developing, because it seeks out the other sides of the same truth (enriches, expands consciousness).
And also: asking questions/wondering creates interest, which is the engine of life, of evolution, of expansion in consciousness, but interest dies after receiving an answer with the only possible truth, loses some of its meaning, whereas with multidimensional truth, one answer cannot kill interest, because countless answers are possible.
The ego represents the accumulated experience in conflict situations, t.well. the ego is driven by the survival instinct. As I have mentioned, the decreased energy of the Earth causes a sense of threat to life, which causes people to fight for their place under the sun. Such tension unleashes competition, a constant struggle for self – assertion-each trying to prove that he is as good as the others, that he is entitled to limited goods. To stand out, he tries to constantly belittle others, judge and criticize them, indirectly touting himself as the best and the most. It is this struggle for self-assertion that leads to aggression and to extremes that cause all the suffering in the world. The main tool of the ego is the mind, even often putting a sign of equality between them.
A few words about the mind. The mind represents accumulated experiences and beliefs/programs that allow analysis / comparison and conclusions (logic). It is important to keep in mind that the human mind is very limited by speech – thinking through words creates only a single logical sequence, which is why other possible options are difficult to notice. It is this single logical chain determined by the word that facilitates the suggestion of the only possible truth. As I have already described, every human body has its own mind and emotions, t.well. bodies that do not use verbal but telepathic communication have the ability to think multivariate, multivariate – as with the crystal lattice example, they see not only the direct interaction, but also a large part of the indirect. The result is voluminous thinking – the more popular name is wisdom, or expansion of consciousness to encompass more interactions, which is sometimes called the Higher Mind.
For an adequate life in this world, the most important criterion is “truth.” When the criterion of truth is determined by the mind, under the influence of the ego, it always “pulls the rug to itself”, in addition, it is easily vulnerable to mass suggestions/programs/stereotypes (due to low self-esteem). An instilled aspiration/criterion “to be like the others” turns people into a herd (note that imitation gains experience in young souls, it is their way of development, but for the past this mass experience is no longer interesting and prevents their development – therefore it is very important to allow their own opinion and not to be led by mass delusions / interests).
And when the criterion is the soul, it receives the support of a very rich experience and avoids swimming against the current (opposition to the universal laws). Of course, the ideal option is when the mind and soul complement each other, without any competition. Until now, for millennia, emphasis has been placed on the importance of the mind and the soul has become a poetic expression without real existence. In order to change this programming, it has always been used to turn off the mind and focus attention on the sensations, so recently they have insisted on focusing on the heart/soul, Vol.well. consciousness / attention is redirected from the brain center that governs speech to the sensations, not of the physical senses, but of the state of what you are experiencing: joy or sadness, and why. For this feeling of the soul to dominate, for example, 2/3 of the attention should be directed to the sensations and 1/3 to the mind. But for truly fruitful cooperation, a 50/50 ratio is necessary, but such a ratio is possible only after the duality between mind/ego and soul is abandoned. When you achieve their unity, all internal contradictions/torments disappear and you become as effective as possible because you become your Higher Self/mind, one and aligned with everything.
When the truth criterion is someone else’s opinion, it is a direct indicator that one’s own lack of self-esteem is due to low self-esteem. When you are looking for evidence of a truth, you are looking for someone to convince you logically, you are relying on your mind, not your own sensations, your soul – do not be surprised that your life is in chaos – your criteria are inadequate.
The soul gives awareness of the energies and their interaction in / with the energy bodies of the person, t.well. allows for voluminous thinking/wisdom / seeing a bigger picture. In addition, the soul has accumulated experience over millions of years, which makes the leadership of the extravehicular far more valuable than the ego. And the soul is also realized as an integral part of the whole, t.well. it is aware of universal laws and intentions, which also makes it much more adequate.
Since the ego’s main purpose is protection, its main behavior is for itself, man for Man is a wolf, sees everywhere competition and threat. The ego is the engine of all that divides and opposes, because its purpose is to fight aggressively. Every day you can watch his actions in family quarrels, in the bickering of politicians, in general at every step.
The soul is aware of the unity of everything and is the engine of unity, harmony, goodness, and all, which brings closer and reconciles. The ego and the soul are one – they differ only in motives: the ego pulls towards separation, the soul towards Union.
There is duality and duality: a natural duality of energies, as an indivisible whole, for example, male and female, dark and light, which do not exist on their own, and a fictional/suggested duality that contrasts such differences – which creates soul-ego conflicts, dark-light, truth-lie conflicts. Never forget that everything is an indivisible whole. Remember, too, that since 2012 a new era has begun, which is incompatible with opposition of all kinds, and acceptance of unity is a matter of survival. Remember also that everything I write is not to tell you how to think, but is only a provocation to think.



I like the crystalline lattice as an illustration of the existence. As orderance is not very accurate because the chaos varies, but it very well reflects the interrelationships between all the ingredients. If you look at the picture, you will notice that the direct interaction between A and B is much less than the indirect – through other elements / ingredients / people of being. And people are trained not to notice, even more precisely, not to suspect the indirect interactions – we are convinced that everything is for ourselves only – but that illusion makes mass manipulation possible. Yet, these indirect interactions are well known as opportunities. They call them “small impacts” or “one-percent rule” – they are actively used in sports, advertising is based on them, and all political manipulations.
There are tales / movies that tell you that if you bind a long stick in front of a donkey donkey (in the Bulgarian version, the lucerne is pressed, and the carrot in the French), the donkey will run tirelessly, trying to eat it. But if you try it in reality, at most ten minutes, the donkey loses interest and stops paying attention to the lure. And man has been running away for thousands of years after the profit, and he does not consider that big money is given just to silence the conscience. It turns out that the donkey is more intelligent, that it has evolved, and that man has degraded – why? Is it not because of suggestions that he is the most reasonable being …?
Why nobody wants to consider that all the efforts of modern medicine are aimed at destroying immunity – does anyone notice that the more you heal, the more is it sick? That epidemics are caused by vaccines. Do not you notice that women no longer give birth naturally – it is simply not profitable for doctors? Why are you surprised by the growing aggression against medics?
More chemicals and genetically modified products are used in the food industry – everyone knows that enzymes are needed for the body to digest the food normally and nature has created only natural products. And all the winners are shot, they do not have the concept of the human organism’s inadequacy for the artificial products. It’s clear to the profiteers, but why do consumers care about their own health?
Everyone knows the ancient principle of “Divide and conquer”, but all accept it obediently in life, that is, no one wants to consider that the opposition is artificially created, that the borders and the different nationalities, even the languages ​​are created to provoke conflicts – how long?
Very often people get drunk and become addicts to escape from reality, from the depression caused by the “right” life, refuse to think again, refuse to follow their own interests, but accept the values ​​of puppeteers inspired by their beloved ones.
Comparing and imitating is individual freedom, but why does not it matter to anyone, what suffering does this freedom cause?
Everyone is convinced that they are innocent victims of someone’s evil will, and this is not a renunciation of responsibility for our own lives, can we not do anything? Is just anger not a provocation for countless suffering?
I can enumerate endlessly, but I think you should think twice.
And never forget, the more you progress in your development, the less stones you can stumble, you will just neglect it as insignificant – the small / indirect impacts!



As you worry, what others will think about you, you remain in their power. You will become the owner of yourself only after you stop worrying about the opinion of others.
Nil Donald Walsh
The question why people have refused to think is very painful for me and probably, as I breathe, I will come back to it again and again.
The reasons causing people to turn into zombie-machines are infinite, those who are interested, people are easily manageable, very cleverly use the “one-percent rule”, that is, it acts multilaterally, but very cautiously – there are no direct suggestions, and people imagine that everything is doing at their choice, which is far from the truth. As a glimpse example I will only mention some massive impacts.
The most massive impact creating the flock is misery, that is, the economic system is not meant to be a common prosperity, but to create people with low self-esteem, comrades, people deemed unworthy, to protect their interests, and so manipulate very easily. But sometimes they make incremental revolutions, of which all the ruling people are afraid. A typical case of creating misery is the wastage of taxes. For example, buying new aircraft for Bulgaria. No one asks, “Who do we fight for?”. With your neighbors? And when the neighbors see that someone is arming, they begin … in any case … and the classical “race in armament” begins (is not that artificial creation of misery, is it a sensible act?). Arming countries, putting pressure on various instances, which, as a rule, are on a pay-as-you-go basis for arms manufacturers. Let’s say now that man is a reasonable being that there are no zombie machines!
If you have noticed, there is constant tension in the world: different countries threaten each other, terrorist groups are being created and funded, and so on. All this is for the purpose of suppressing the discontent of the herd – the external threat makes them resign with misery.
The illusion of democracy is another manipulation aimed at suppressing dissatisfaction with misery – the suggestion is, you are to blame yourself for your rulers. As I have previously written, electoral democracy is another thrust of the flock, because not the most worthy to serve society, but the garbage, is chosen, the smallest garbage, which guarantees life in misery. Note, for advertising purposes, decent people are sometimes invited, but they have not resisted politics for more than a few months and disgusting run through the head.
Quite naturally, the education system is the source of the most manipulation suggestions. The main suggestion is: you can not know anything if someone does not tell you! How do you think, why is it? Correct! This creates the obedient flock, ready to do whatever it is said to be. And the education system creates professionals to tell others how to live. And those who are not specialists, the complexes are very obedient and executive. The trick is that specialists are highly specialized, ie. are complexes in all other areas – and the blind leads the blind.
It is very important how you position your truth: if you are a complex, the truth is weak, you easily manipulate and easily accept the other truths. If you have a high opinion of yourself, you impose your truth on others (applies to individuals as well as to states / collective consciousness). You become a constant source of conflict and even dictators. But such self-esteem also causes all crimes. Complexers are also able to impose some truth when they have mastered it from their own image – then they have great value and can aggressively, even at the cost of crimes, impose it. ONLY THE EQUIVALENCE OF ALL THE TRUE TRUTH, IS NOT IMPOSED AND RECOGNIZES THE RIGHT OF OTHERS.
Perhaps, most productively creates a herd of imitation – look in the street and find countless imitations. Particularly young people who have no experience, who are not aware of where they are, and who are hurt, are very curious and have no inhibitions. When a man experiences experience, he stops doing what he is not, stops coughing and discovers what he really wants, not what others want. He stops paying attention to the outside and focuses on the inner. Keep in mind, the desire to be like the others, makes you feel sorry for misery. A major distributor of suggestions, who to imitate is SMI and mass culture.
I want to briefly list the suggestions of the flock, just as an illustration, the principles are the same: revenge, punishment, guilt, duty, sin, expectant salvation, the victim’s consciousness. It should also be borne in mind that many diseases are the result of suggestions – even seasonal flu. And competition creates ego and survival at the expense of others – as I have written many times, competition has arisen due to energy shortages, but energy is constantly increasing and a major problem is no longer a shortcoming, but a mental momentum.
I also want to mention a specific manipulation – the use of capital letters. The indiscriminate use of capital letters is now a boom in all spiritual publications – no one is embarrassed, no one wants to consider that this way of expressing respect has been inspired for millennia, along with the slavish psyche. Respect is a deep inner feeling, and every demonstration of external esteem is a taming and a direct violation of § 2: “Do not create idols – neither in the sky nor in the earth.” Why does nobody consider that naming someone or something with a capital letter is a suggestion that everything else is inferior and requires slave obedience? I allow as exceptions: Creator, Creator, God, but only as meaning difference, not as honor. This is my personal opinion, which is not obligatory for anyone.
Science is the most successful manipulation tool – a very high trust rating is created through system piracy. the “truths” that are conceived as scientific are very persuasive. And nobody wants to think that scientists as well as journalists are heavily dependent on the one who pays. Ie. no one doubts the user with high trust. When they want to make you doubt, they say “not proven”, but it is effective only when you think you are convinced that only one truth is possible. when you are a zombie machine.
How do you distinguish the buckets? They serve some rules and make them absolutized, ie. do not accept the foreign perspective. They often use commanding forms like: buy, need, make, owe, and so on.
Only when you take full responsibility for your own life and do not let others rule you become a thinking / sensible being. Never forget, they can manipulate you only if you do not think they are manipulating you – while allowing such an option, filter out most manipulations, so you reduce their impact multiple times. Manipulation is possible only because of its underestimation due to the persistent belief that the impact is insignificant / not serious. Just taking full responsibility for your life, you leave the herd – do not wait for someone to save you – only you can save / evolve. Do not sleep golden opportunities!
Hey, people, what makes you feel reasonable, how long will you let them use you as cows, cut you like sheep. Listen carefully and you will hear the giggle of the users laughing at human folly. To kill them, do not work, others appear immediately. Only if you do not let yourself beckoned you to lead you to the nose you can protect yourself. It is not crazy for one who eats a hundred of the cabbage, but the one who gives it to him!


The following post made me come back to the topic:
“The IQ IQ has started to fall
by Daniel Despodov -13.06.2018
An extensive study has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that IQ has been steadily declining over the past 10 years.
According to teachings, Flynn’s “reverse effect” is linked to a variety of external factors. For example, with changes in education systems or the influence of the media. So far no one can give a satisfactory answer.
In 1984, American scientist James Flynn published in Psychological Bulletin the article “The average IQ of Americans: Massive gains 1932 to 1978”. It describes an interesting statistical phenomenon – the gradual increase of IQ by 15 points over the last four decades. This growth is seen not only in the US but also in other countries. But in recent years, the reverse trend has been registered – more research has shown that IQ has been steadily declining since the early 1970s. Unknown why right now.
The new scientific work analyzed the data of 730,000 people, the information for which was collected from 1970 to 2009. The study covers only men born during the period from 1962 to 1991. The age of the study participants is 18-19 years.
The average IQ for those born in 1962 is 99.5 points, and for those born after seven years it is already 102.3. This is consistent with Flynn’s effect. But for men born in 1989, IQ dropped to 99.4 points. Gradually, a continuous decline in IQ is emerging.
Psychologists can not explain the new phenomenon. Migration is believed to have an impact, a deterioration in the quality of education both in schools and in families. Very likely causes are the worsening nutrition and health, as well as the strong impact of the media. D1% 84% D0% B8% D1% 86% D0% B8% D0% B5% D0% BD% D1% 82% D1% 8A% D1% 82% D0% BD% D0% BD% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B3% D0% B5% D0% BD% D1% 82% D0% 82-iq-% D0% B7% D0% B0% D0% BF% D0% BE-286298.html “
If you think that everything is energy, you can easily understand that different energies are in constant interaction. Dual convictions strongly argue: either there is interaction or not. But the real reality is very different: as I often repeat, every thing has its good and bad side, interaction exists always, but in varying degrees / in a wide range. If you are aware of these physical consequences, you can always choose: to reduce or increase some impact.
A major contributor to the increase in human bluntness is mobile devices that multiply as mushrooms after rain. Moreover, they act in the immediate vicinity of man. As I have stated before, the frequencies of the devices are specifically selected to influence the human intellect. All research proving their safety is paid by interested people to manipulate people more easily.
Other mass-reducing mental factors, of course, depend on the intensity and duration of the impact:
Drugs and chemistry used in everyday life and food – all that worsens natural processes in the body, reduces normal energy exchange, and intelligence is energy-exchange, not just biochemistry. But you understand that chemical compounds also affect biochemistry. Especially for impact on human intelligence, chemicals are spilled into the atmosphere by airplanes – the so-called “chemical traces.” The same effect is chlorine and fluorine in drinking water as well as in toothpaste. This chemistry is brought into daily use, again through paid studies proving some benefits.
Dark colors, especially when they act constantly, suppress the intellect. That’s why businesses, popes, and many other people are constantly walking in black clothes. Do you think someone enjoys a constant ride in a hearse, but mass consciousness suggests that the black car is prestigious and modern. Watch people wearing black clothes, do you notice signs of intellect or look more like puppets?
Genetically modified products act almost like chemistry. Do you notice that fruits and vegetables are more and more like plastic?
Strong noise also has a strong suppressive effect, especially when it is prolonged. The impact of technorites is very strong – do you notice the heavy damage to the young generation? Who, and why, in your opinion, has suggested to the owners of various establishments that strong music increases consumption?
How do you think, what impact on the intellect have drugs and alcohol – there are no two opinions on this issue!
Again, I return to the impact of movies on mass consciousness and intellect. Why do you think very easy financing for horror movies, violence, murder, war or glorification of stupidity, and normal intellectual movies are becoming more and more rare? Why are Oligophrenia Modern and Fun? Think about all these questions while you can!



With ever-increasing horror, I see how people who have been engaged in spiritual development for 20 years and read thousands of messages and articles on the subject trample in one place, complacently misleading that they have advanced significantly.
In my opinion, the main reason is dual programming, ie. keep looking for the reliable truth, you think something or true or not. Therefore, in most cases, you do not benefit from what you read because you think it does not apply to you.
The other key factor in skewing is lack of a real idea of ​​your moving motives, you can not distinguish the programs of mass consciousness (again duality) from the needs of your soul. This is the result of the self-satisfaction of the interests and the read (reinforced by the dark influence) – these interests blur the clear judgment of your own condition (because the dark ones whisper constantly, what a great deal you are). Ie. overlapping in dual extremes deprives you of objective judgment – only the golden environment can give you an objective idea (and the objective quit can not be precisely defined, it is always “neither cancer nor fish”). The main engine of this staggering is the mind – its absolutisation brings the signals of the soul into the “ninth deaf”, and therefore you think that the read materials do not apply to you. An unimportant factor is also the fear (re-programmed mind, dark influence) not to mistake and in any case you prefer not to do anything. This, in fact, is: the great interest of the soul for development, neutralized by the mind and the manipulations of the dark forces.
Again, I repeat: there is only one consciousness: common to all, to God – all of them ONLY INDICATE that they are separate. So, get used, at last, to the idea that your mind is “a broken yard,” and anyone who wants without exception can invade him and influence you. So learn to control and sift everything that you realize (thoughts, feelings, nuances, pictures, etc.) as something universal and make a conscious choice, not through the spiritually programmed mind, but through the soul (what do you like, what does not , what attracts you, what repels you). Make, at last, your soul a factor in your life. Accept that it is your energy sense organ, through it you determine what you personally need (attracts), not according to the programmed mass consciousness. Until you do so, you can not get out of the hell you live in – mass consciousness is programmed for suffering (from dark interests). Only your soul can make you happy because it begins to “sing” when it begins to realize the goals of your life. Every depression and frustration is the result of the vain and wasted life, driven by the mass truths and dark powers. Understand it at last!



    For several years, an important event is expected to overturn human thinking. The gigantic cracks and collapses that have occurred throughout the Earth suggest that the Earth is subjected to a powerful gravitational impact. Most likely, it comes from Nabiru, which has to take on the role of the second sun. For now it’s hidden so that it does not cause a mass panic to approach her, and once she finds her permanent place, we’ll see her and calm down the fact that she’s not moving to Earth.
Everything that happens in the Universe is the result of many reasons, and I will list some of which I have been able to realize:
The Second Sun is a Divine Demonstration that will forever erase the disputes over the existence of God;
Solar energies now emanate from the Sun now dominate the solar system – the second sun creates the energy balance that is so necessary, radiating magnetism. Its impact will calm and soften human relations, reduce tensions in society, leading to rapid solutions to all emerging issues;
The increased energy flow to Earth will turn it into a paradise garden with an ubiquitous subtropical climate – of course, if we can get rid of it from plasmas and chemistry;
The Anunaces, the inhabitants of Nabiru, are given the opportunity to repair all their miseries on Earth – a karmic payment.
And before I wrote about the possibility that the Earth would become the moon of Nabiru, but it seems to me a possible option, Nabiru to take the place of the destroyed planet – into the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. This option seemed unlikely to me because, in order to have a permanent impact on Earth, it would have to move at the same angular velocity with the Earth, i. E. must move much faster than the Earth in its orbit, which seemed to me impossible for such a great planet, but apparently there are no impossible things for God;
If it is the moon of Nabiru, it will be much more turbulent, many volcanoes will awake, there will be a constant tsunami due to a stronger gravitational impact. With the asteroid belt variant, natural catastrophes will be much weaker, but it will take a few years until everything is settled and calmed down. But I am optimistic, yet the Divine Decree says: To give as many people as possible a chance – that’s why they go “on their fingers”, just to have no panic in us.


Here is a topic full of obscurities regarding human beings. I am going to share the idea I have created for myself up to this moment.
Yet at the very beginning I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the existing popular idea regarding time is very close to the idea regarding flat Earth, which lived in human consciousness several centuries ago. Likewise the obvious was considered real, which nobody ever doubted.
In the previous chapters I have mentioned that everything in the Universe is subordinate to the spiral, i.e. all the existing processes are not linear but periodically repetitive. It is also well known in the contemporary physics that space is cockeyed, not linear; however not in the least this influenced the idea regarding time. But since the time is a function of motion in the space and motion in space is like a spiral, isn’t it absurd to claim that the time is linear – which reality does it reflect? Apparently, the existing notion is an ideal example for illusion – an illusion which has captivated the minds of all the people with very few exceptions.
The simplest possible way to fancy the time in real is to substitute its linear motion in straight line, which never crosses itself (from the past, through the present, to the future), with a ring. Then it becomes obvious that there is no beginning or end; every point of this line is a beginning and end at the same time, i.e. there is no past or future but endless now. From the physical point of view the wrong notion in our current idea regarding time is that we discuss the time notwithstanding all the rest. However according to the more real idea everything is unified and interrelated, i.e. interdependent. Time is a motion element (when “there is no” motion, there is no time, its value is 0, however such real possibility could not exist) and it is obvious it cannot go separately from what moves. But out of spite of every common sense we take it up independently.
Objectively, everything that is in motion is energy, regardless of how many coarse fragments it consists of (according to the notions up to now). I.e. these energies which have been in motion in the past, which are in motion in the present and in the future do not cease existence, they do not disappear anywhere but they keep moving in every single moment i.e. now. And because these are energies, they interact between each other – i.e. past and future interactions are active at this moment. Do you get the point? Past and future do not exist in the manner we realize it – we have made it up as a result from the notion for linear motion.
A very important detail that we should not miss is that interaction of all energies is not a constant, i.e. it is not the same thing all the time. Eternal motion brings closer to each other some of the energies all the time, subsequently their interrelation increases and other energies move apart and their interrelation decreases. When bearing in mind these trends (of coming closer and setting apart) it is always easy to predict what is going to happen in a while because we have the idea how increasing and decreasing interrelations can influence the trend we are interested in. That is why creatures from the superior worlds who can observe “from above” these global processes could very easily and very punctually predict the future. And exactly this is meant when it is claimed that the future does not exist but only present exists because exactly in this moment the future forms, it is not somewhere there but all around us.
For realizing this quite complex and complicated process it is necessary also to consider the multi-dimensional feature of space but not this multi-dimensional feature I have described in the previous chapters but the following: You know that the consciousness directs the energy towards its aim, which makes every thought energy. Everyone has created different projects and has reviewed different possibilities – in this way exactly, is created new dimensions because every act of thinking is energy which has different direction and speed. Subsequently all these projects cannot be viewed as a single entity although they have the same topic. Every single dimension of these our plans interacts differently with the surrounding energies. Usually is realized this variant which has the most energetic potential, i.e. we have thought about it the most and we have saturated it with the energy of our desires. However, as I repeat it all the time, our energies are not isolated from the surrounding energies. That is why sometimes are realized not enough supposed dimensions although they are energetically weaker but have received energetic support by some side energies.
In the manner described above energies and events that we call future and past are multi-dimensional – i.e. we have a very complicated set of interactions of various directions which change every single moment and this “tips the balance” in one or another direction. That is why it is much more important to focus upon the current moment, to observe and react according to the current energetic configuration instead of expecting what has been in the past, to remain always the same or to grasp a single future possibility, thus forming opposition to the other energies, to the God wills.
It is highly important for everyone to realize that via their thoughts they realize reality. The more often you pass through your consciousness the same ideas, the more probable their realization is. That is why you should avoid notions which originate from your apprehensions and fears – the more people fear one and the same thing, the more real it will become. On the contrary, develop your notions for Heaven on Earth with set purpose – the more people deal with this topic, the faster will start changes in this direction. Do not expect God to give you everything ready made – God this is you, it is you who should realize your desires. That is how we create!
As a conclusion I would like to generalize – as there are levels on Earth, also time exists (because there is a motion) however our notion about it is far from reality. Spiral has a parameter, a “step” which reflects real time. But you should never forget that the spiral is not rectilinear – every spiral is part from another one – thus was realized interaction and oneness of the Entity.


 More than 10 years ago I realized that the sixth race will develop in the astral world, but I thought the pass will happen evolutionary, i.e. gradually. It appeared that this process is already in progress and we will pass collectively. This pass is called Ascension. For this purpose everyone should make his choice – if he wants to stay in the fifth race, on the material Earth or to ascend to the astral world, where the sixth race is formed. This wish should be said loudly or written down.
Those who are staying in the material world should know that the conditions of life will worsen a lot. For many years the earth stratums accumulate tension due to the rapacious approach to Mother Erath. After the ascendance this tension will be released and there will be many cataclysms, which will increase the volcano activities – the air will become difficult to breath and probably it will get rather colder. After the planet is calmed down, people that survived will have children with young, animal souls, because during the Kali Yuga period there were no suitable conditions for their development and their reincarnation was artificially held back. These young people have no experience in the human relations and for several thousand years people will be back in the Neanderthal age, where the right is of the strongest and surviving is a constant problem.
The astral world is known to everyone – this is the world we visit in our dreams. Probably everyone remembers that he could fly there, he could ride on the wind above Earth as a bird, he could move in space to big distances instantaneously – it is enough to imagine the place you want to go. As the matter there is not as dense as in the material world, it can be manipulated by thoughts, i.e. everyone can create whatever he wants, but we should have in mind that if the creation is not harmonious, it will fall apart rather quickly. That’s why we need serious training for creating worlds – we need to learn how to keep the golden correlation and harmonize the elements one to the other. In the astral world the human life is kept entirely by energy, i.e. we won’t need to take care of our food. Everyone will be able to form his body the way he wants and needs, which means that there will be no health problems and limitation of the age. A man can live until he gets bored. There is no birth there too – now, when a soul reincarnates in the material world, before creating material body it creates astral one. This process will continue without the reincarnation in material body.
In the astral world everything is times more harmonious than in the material one, the colors are much more saturated (with more energy), the conditions are much more balanced, in one word – this is the real Heaven, which we left to come to the material world. These are ideal conditions for building harmonious relationships between people too – everything is in abundance and there are no conditions for competition. In order this process to happen and to be directed in the right way everyone should accept the single source, i.e. everyone should accept the existence of God and the High Hierarchy. This is the only condition that God lays for the ones wishing to ascend to the sixth race. The awareness of the single source creates conditions for creating a big harmonious family, which gradually will enhance to a collective soul.
A very important condition for the ascendance is to clear all karmic oddments accumulated in the thousands of reincarnations. This happens by means of REPENTANCE (there is information on the repentance in “Alternatives – in assistance to the spiritual growth”). There is no karmic law in the astral world and that’s way these oddments shouldn’t impede the harmonization between people in any way. The energy of love comes to the first place in this world and it determines everything.
Another important condition, which is valid for the transition period to year 2012 is NOT to saturate the Earth with fear (horror). The energy of fear is destructive and when accumulated in bigger quantities it can let the gene out of the bottle, i.e. the tension kept in the earth layers could go out of control and the catastrophes may start before the ascendance. The case with Atlantis was analogous – the people were not ready for transition and their inadequate reactions let to Atlantis’s sink. That’s why you should be careful with your fear – you should master it at any case, and I think you are ready for that if you are interested in spiritual matters. You should be much more careful when sharing this information with your relatives and friends. It is normal people to be used to the security, to be afraid of change, of the unknown. Counteraction to fear is Love. When you or your relatives have fears, you should neutralize them by loving Earth. This is easy – it is so beautiful. Radiating love happens when you find motive to love the object and pour energy from your heart chakra over it.
You will say that Earth balance is High forces’ job – that’s one of the illusions. The High forces energies are at too high frequencies and they don’t work in the material world. The energies the material Earth needs are received by the people and that’s one of the reasons we are in symbioses with it. Another reason we to be inseparable part of the Earth is that when we create our astral and material bodies we use matter and energy from Earth and this makes us inseparable part of it until we use these bodies. That’s why when these loving and supporting Earth leave it loses its energy balance and catastrophes, which aim at cleaning all disharmonic we accumulated, start.
As a task for the next stage of people’s development is to become workers of God, i.e. Creators, besides creating harmonious things we need to learn how to manage strong energies. For this purpose we use popular phenomena – the resonance. A separate man is rather weak from energy point of view; even the simple gathering of many people has low result as sum of energies. But if these people are harmonious in between them and tune to one aim, their energies enter in resonance and increase thousand times. If more people manage to get into resonance their energy may increase million times. By the way that’s how all ancient megalith works are done. 10 – 20 people could lift and place with absolute precision a stone block 2000 and more tone heavy – the modern equipment can’t lift such weights.
For now the task people have is quite easy – to do their job in terms of the ascendance and, if possible, to keep Earth’s balance so that traumas from the catastrophes /that are more difficult to be eliminated/ not to be accumulated on the human’s psyche. For this purpose it is necessary unanimous people /people that are not rent by contradictions, don’t quarrel who is the leader and who is the greater/ to gather together, to hold their hands and make a circle. Everyone should concentrate in himself and start sending love to the Mother Earth. Then he tries to convince all the people that we are part of the Earth and it should be preserved and loved. You should try to explain them that God exists and He is all existing and everything is sensible. You should try to explain people the forthcoming events and the harm that fear does. You should pray for repentance of everyone, because many consider this as rubbish. This should be realized by as many people as possible and the achievement is called Christ consciousness and it is the minimum necessary for passing to the sixth race. For facilitating the acceptance you should radiate constantly Love to the people, because only in this way you could open their consciousness for what you try to suggest them. Any other attitude closes people and it will be very difficult to make them believe you. When you gather for collective sйances, beware if there are doubting people around you – if there is only one person like this, the collective energy can’t go beyond the level of this skeptic – a phenomena known in the physics as fading occurs.
Also, don’t underestimate the environment – the speed and the depth of your harmonization depends on it too. Use suitable music, songs and aromas. Close to nature probably you will be most successful (it still depends on the radiations from the environment). Tune using prayers. But when you are in a circle don’t read texts as this will split your attention and you won’t be able to fully concentrate.
Its time now to join consciously the Oneness as for this purpose you try to enter in dialog with your Higher Self. Send him your love and try to talk to him. In the beginning it may look like you are talking to yourself (and this is it actually, because you are inseparable part of your haiger self even if you are in material body – the connection can’t be broken, it only needs to become conscious), but later on you will notice that some answers contain information you never knew before. This will convince you that you made this connection. The constant practice will make you aware you are united and inseparable part of the Oneness.
Depending on your capabilities this connection may appear as hearing a voice in your head, as receiving thoughts or images – sometimes all this three cases. In practice this is telepathy. This way of communication must become basic again, because it is the usual way of communication in the other worlds and we will need it the astral world. Besides the quantity and quality of the exchanged information will be increased tremendously and thus we can consider some information that is inaccessible for our consciousness now, because it cannot be exchanged by means of the verbal communication.
Good riddance to the sixth race!


It’s been tense lately, and many people are trying to figure out what’s really going on. I will try to tell my point of view as much as I can.
Due to cosmic causes (due to active passive periods), the Earth is changing, leaving a period of energy limitation and restoring its normal energy state. The shortage of energy has led to this infernal state, in which we are still gradually entering into energy abundance. Ie. the Earth’s mandate to be in hell has expired, and it has been driven to paradise with all its might (it is not so much anxious to relieve her of endless suffering caused by people).
Even scientists are well aware that when natural conditions change, there are two possible options. Most plants and animals fail to adapt to the changes, and in their place come species that are initially adapted. The same applies to people – some, aware of the changes, make a conscious adaptation to the increased earth energy / vibrations. But most do not care about these issues and start to disappear, like plant and animal species that fail to adapt to change.
These changes have been going on for 30 years, but people shuddered and no longer paid attention to them. The main problem comes from the expectation that someone has to save them, to take care of them, the “unfortunate”, but since evolution is exclusively through a change of consciousness, no one can change any other consciousness besides their own. If everyone bothers to see the causes of hell in his life, he will notice something common to everyone, violating the simple principle: Do not do what you do not want for yourself. This is the uncompromising observance of the Ten Commandments of God, but they all compete in their distortion, and what is happening, that is, Everyone is your serpent. Universal brotherhood and unity is more popular than God, and is upheld by principles and laws valid for the whole universe, that is, to become a paradise on Earth, it will have to become God’s kingdom, that is, a place where he lives under God’s laws. These laws are now well-known but are not respected by anyone. For example, today traders can not imagine trade without lying and cheating – they are considered mandatory attributes, and politicians have turned them into an art that they are proud of. I will have to disappoint them as well as any others who think compliance with these laws is not necessarily and important. But as I said at the beginning, their time is running out – everything has already fought against lying, deceit, against crimes of all kinds – just watch how quickly everything is revealed in secret, there is no old tolerance, everything changes. It should also be borne in mind that not only secrets become apparent,
Others who are trying not to notice it are the Divine Demonstrations – a variety of phenomena and events that obviously can not be explained as some random or natural phenomena. Demonstrations of this kind are also the emergence of UFOs – all this is for the purpose of accustoming and conceiving people to avoid panic reactions. In many cases, karmic payment is instantaneous – also a divine demonstration of the consequences that was lacking in the old world. But people, in most cases, make up such strange explanations, just to not accept the obvious – the flock does not notice them until the SMI has directed them and created a sense of general conviction. Unfortunately, people with a lot of karma, because of their very low vibrations, are very big pollution for Earth. They are cleansed through military conflicts,
It should be remembered that human mortality has increased many times in many ways, that is, the souls are in a hurry to save, as the favorable conditions for the development of many of them have ended and they are looking to leave Earth before they have accumulated too much karma. I think everyone is impressed by the increase in times of car crashes / war on the roads, and young people are already falling and dying in the streets. The strained energy situation provoked an increase in suicide. Or, as the burials say, “Years ago we had one or two funerals a week, now they are at least one or two per hour.” It makes an impression but no one thinks and wants to understand the reasons – everyone wants to do an ostrich by burying his head in the sand in the hope that the danger will pass it. I will have to disappoint you, with every passing day mortality is increasing, but every day there is less chance of adjusting to energy changes, because energy is rising inexorably, and for changing consciousness time is needed, it is still difficult to change something that has accumulated for thousands of years. Will you miss your chance?
The Hell of the Earth is created by a mass suggestion that only one truth is possible, and one must teach you it – this belief is imposed in all possible ways, but mostly through the education system. Surprisingly, nobody takes it into consideration – this suggestion creates the necessary conditions for managing people by turning them into puppets. A typical example: herding thinking – like everyone else – is supported by the suggestion that everyone can not be mistaken, misled. Surprising mass naivety. Another major problem in mass consciousness / herd instinct: if most people realize at the same time what the actual situation is, such a panic will be that in a very short time, millions will be killed by natural and technical catastrophes. It is therefore very important to understand that everyone has the choice and opportunity to deal with the problems: through a conscious striving for change. The situation is only for those uninterested – those who want everything to remain as it is, because, as I have already said, they do not want to evolve and do not adapt.
Existing mass belief is called duality, ie. only one truth is possible, everything else is a lie – the system or-or. Duality excludes the mass perception of real reality, which is always multidimensional, truth is never just one – the system and its. The protection of this mass misconception is automatic; since the truth is only one, there is no way to accept another truth, contradicting the first. The most zealous advocates of this mass deception are the so-called “scientists” supported by the SMI’s Piraeus. You may think that while you are a proponent of duality, you can not evolve, adapt to change, you want to exist in hell. Duality excludes any spiritual development / acceptance of universal laws, but this is very difficult to understand by any religious followers.


  At any moment, you choose how to act and do it in accordance with the rules / beliefs you have adopted:
Rules / beliefs creating personal hell
Rules / Beliefs Creating Paradise
The cup is half-empty – you suffer for what you do not have, and the others have it
The cup is half-filled – you enjoy what you have
The possible truth is only one, duality, or-or, the truth is clearly defined-while looking for the true truth, you move from one extremity to another, and this causes you to suffer and increase your personal hell
The truth is always multidimensional, multivariate, there is nothing good or just bad, and (and that’s true, the other too) the truth is never clear – the golden environment creates neutrality, it’s all our cancer fish “
Everything in the three-dimensional world is intended to create suffering
By changing the rules you can create a paradise, first of all, just a personal but personal example inspires others
By focusing on the negative, you are strengthening it, especially the fear
By directing your attention to the positive, you strengthen it
Contesting, criticizing, creating conflicts, gossip
Through goodwill at all
Sufferings cause diseases that create additional suffering
Joy heals and creates even more joy
The rules that create your hell are inspired by people you respect and do not question, are accepted in society
You can always change the rules that make you suffer and create ones that bring you joy
Faith and doubt are extremes and create sufferings, disappointments
The golden environment is in the middle between faith and doubt
Fear not to make mistakes makes you look for the true truth – your mind really likes to be mindful, wise and necessary. Your mind dominates while your attention is focused on it – if you redirect your attention to your senses, your mind will no longer be so valuable to your consciousness
Your harmonic state is created by the harmonious interaction between mind and intuition – you can be prudent, but it should not cause negative emotions, especially fear
Revenge, punishment, lie, deception, competition, competition, comparison – cause the effect of the boomerang
Forgiveness, goodwill, trust – also provoke the effect of the boomerang
While you think you are a victim of someone’s evil intentions, you feel powerless to change something in your life
Only realizing that everything depends on you gives you the chance to find and build your paradise
Do not compete and compare with others – the most useless activities
Accept your uniqueness and be proud of it
Realize that your anxieties and worries are afraid and are thought out of the mind
Nothing can happen accidentally, therefore, there is nothing to fear, it’s all lessons, no matter how bad
Vanity and arrogance become possible when you imagine that you achieve everything yourself
Assuming you’re always in a team, it’s much harder to go to extremes
Man to man is a wolf!
All for one, one for all!
Such rules / beliefs can be enumerated indefinitely – yours may have many other nuances – by analogy, you can find your own solution. They have been in the community for thousands of years. Extremely important for your development is the redeeming of the rules right now because you can not learn the management of new energies – without that skill, you remain at the old level – the rules never take into account your individual peculiarities. Do not just forget that the rules are a tool of the mind and to reduce their impact, it is desirable to focus on the sensations: pleasant-unpleasant, attractive-repulsive. These sensations are the language of the soul and with the redirection of attention to them, you devalue the arguments of the mind (right-wrong). Only you choose what to lead you, and what you want to experience: Hell or Paradise.


It is very difficult to think of a person as reasonable, judging by his deeds. Millions of people on the planet are starving, and half of their food products are thrown out due to expired expiration and spoilage. And grocery stores and chains prefer to destroy the products instead of providing them to the needy just to avoid losing any profit percentage. In doing so, they can spend millions on advertising, not benefiting from the image of charities. In all markets where they sell agricultural produce, they prefer to throw it away when it breaks down instead of selling it at attractive prices. Of course, high prices compensate for the losses from the spoiled, but what satisfaction do they feel by throwing away their labor as useless? There are also paid mums, which impose high prices on manufacturers,
Of course, for all this is paid, you know the tale: “Every serpent, whatever you are crushed”. Each soul determines itself how to solve its problems, and in the face of it the question arises constantly: “Why do I do that, and what should I do to avoid repetition?”. Believe, your souls are forced to take draconian measures to neutralize one or another vice. Why not avoid these extremes, everything is done for money, and ultimately, medicines and doctors or candles are bought with that money.
Why is money more important than humanity?


The new world first appears in our minds and will not appear if we do not want it. To want change, we need to know what we do not like and what we want to replace. So:
We have a world that is organized to cause suffering. We do not like these sufferings in principle, but not all of them are tired and ready for change because of the fear that it may get even worse. But those who are ready have to think seriously about how they can do it and make the necessary changes. What I write are provocations to your thinking, not imperative recommendations that guarantee positive emotions. Everyone is an individual, ie. unique and there are no universal recipes, but only exemplary schemes.
For example, let’s look at family relationships. We determine which beliefs lead to serious conflicts and replace them with ones that help us avoid them, and even forget the conflicts. Those who manipulate us use our fears most often and the result of them – the ego. All this is packed with suggestions of rationality, confirmed by practice. And they very carefully remove the lessons from life experience – from what we are afraid, we attract him into life.
The main problem generator in the family is the lack of trust and respect. Keep in mind that even the slightest doubt, and the slightest mocking of the mist of mistrust is an indication that there is no love – do not confuse the thin bill, attachment, and attraction with love. To get rid of these scandal generators, we obviously need to get rid of the mass suggestions that are created precisely with the goal of producing negative emotions. We must escape from the belief that a person can be our property and all our claims on this basis, to anyone. Here comes the jealousy, and the most common belief that SOMEONE HAPPENS THEM. The sense of ownership is enshrined in the conviction that normal human relationships are in pairs. In fact, there is no such limit or advantage in the universe. Each energy exchange has its positive and negative sides. We need to be aware of them so we do not feel the victims of someone’s evil will when we feel the negative consequences. Therefore, there is no definite combination of numbers or sexes among people whose relationships are insured with negative consequences. And when you are not a maxim, and you accept as normal some friction among you, you can very easily negotiate how to avoid or overcome them. Keep in mind that one is attracted to something or someone only because of the polarized energy it carries – very often this energy is a legacy of the past or past lives and that is why you do not understand the reasons. The only way to neutralize a strong attraction is to consume it, ie. to satisfy, then the attraction decreases. Do not confuse these attractiveness with the values ​​of the mass conscience and the criteria of beauty and sexuality. All have noticed that over time, the initial thrill disappears – this is a direct observation of the neutralized poles (energy attraction). Here the mass conviction makes you look for another thrill, but the result is the same. And if a coexistence is created with respect, based on mutual interests and aspirations, over time, respect becomes true love, not that of the media.
Let’s look at family infidelity. Be aware of what massive rules make you suffer and question them. If someone is cheating, is not he because something is missing, something you can not give him. If you really love, do not you have to rejoice that your loved one feels more satisfied and happy, that is, there is a gap in his energies. Can you stop it / protect it and will it return after neutralizing its polarized energies if you are constant scandals? And who feeds them? Very often, our behavior is determined by the example given to us by close relatives – realize who you look like in your behavior and want to live the same way.
I’m not going to list all the generators of negative emotions – everyone should do it alone. And to deliberately decide, is this negative in his life necessary, to replace the convictions that provoke him, to take responsibility for his life and to escape the conviction that nothing can be done because he depended on someone.
For most people, it is very difficult to judge what causes their suffering and is it possible to get rid of them. The mass suggestion that if deliverance is possible, many people would be saved so far, making you close your eyes to the exceptions. And objectively, you can hardly see them, because in your life you attract an environment similar to yourself. You have read or have seen on the films that another way of life is possible, but the mass consciousness suggests that it is an original fiction and is not worth trying / searching. Can you already get tired of it all the same? Is not there time for something new? Are you really a victim of someone’s evil will?
The new one is in the replacement of the belief: “Man to man is a wolf” with the conviction: “Man to man is brother”. Be aware that behind the wall lives a person you do not know, you do not want to know, and why? Due to the near distance, you are constantly exchanging energies with this person, but neither he nor you can give him something because you are very similar to each other. If you change your beliefs, stop producing negative and look suspicious at all, you will notice that the people who have encircled you for years change. You attract other people, and the old ones can no longer tolerate you (if they do not intend to change). That is how the new world is created. At first, change occurs in consciousness. The similar attracts similarly. Collective energy also materializes real changes around us. But to notice them, we must be very consistent, not create opposing impulses with our doubts, and consistently eliminate all beliefs that cause conflicts and negatives. And one day you find yourself living in a completely different world.


    The goal of evolution / evolution is to gain as good a picture as possible of the operation of universal laws, so that we do not conflict with them and avoid the painful moments in our lives. That is why I offer you details that complement the knowledge on these issues, but they also get rid of some illusions.
In this picture I have schematically sketched out my idea of ​​our energy structure starting at 0Hz (Hertz – counts of pulses per second – frequency unit). In order not to overburden and complicate unnecessarily, many details are not depicted, such as all human bodies, but everything is analogous. The reflected energy peaks are not single pulses but frequency ranges. However, as these peaks are shorter, i.e., they tend to zero, so the individual is more balanced, because the stronger the polarized potentials, the more dynamic the energy interaction (the movement of energies) – the stronger attraction and repulsion we realize as pain, like disharmony as negative impact and deprivation of free choice (dependence).
This energy image is often called an energy signature (because it is unique in every one, due to the different experiences that it creates). Because often large energy peaks are accumulated over many lives, they call them karmic nodes. Before the soul is embodied, it draws a detailed plan how, and how to neutralize these peaks to minimize unpleasant energy interactions and evolve. Basically, neutralization takes place in two ways, through conflict (two sharp stones are rubbed while they are round) and loss of interest (satisfaction / interest in / attraction, we lose interest and stop feeding the energy peak with your attention and gradually, energy entropy, the accumulated energy dissipates – it becomes slow).
At the beginning of the graph I have linked the peaks of energies, and this graphically depicts the pendulum of the conscious – how one wanders from one extremity to another. Obviously, as much as the amplitudes are larger, the pendulum swings more slowly, which prevents humans from increasing their vibrations. Therefore, spiritual development aims at balancing / the golden environment (the center of the graph), which, in practice, increases the energy vibrations and the consciousness harmonizes, ie. ceases to experience fears, depressions, doubts. And the higher the vibrations, the wider the range of energies we realize – the mind gets access to high dimensions. Because by energy balancing / harmonizing, consciousness ceases to destroy and pollute, to conflict, to interact intensely energetically. The actual free choice is several percent,
No one has the right to sue anyone, because he has no idea of ​​his energy configuration, and what measures he has set for balancing / neutralizing energy peaks. Everyone chooses the methods and events themselves for the purpose. So, stop indignation (this is inspired by those who want to emit negative energies) and develop your patience.
Karma is the result of unconscious choices and is unconscious lessons / training. But if you are convinced that you are guilty of everything yourself and have a desire to learn from your mistakes, this is already realized evolution and has nothing to do with karma. Rather, it has to be called a study of reality, a comparison of observations and the drawing of conclusions from them.
The energy configuration is not impersonal energy, i. each energy contains some information / energy codes (modulated). Thus, the accumulated energies / beliefs in the peaks are much stronger and more active, and in most cases they manage consciousness – this is the notion of “ego out of control.” By reassuring the extremes / swinging of the energy pendulum, the power of desires / aspirations / beliefs decreases, and we get the chance to manage them, we become, to some extent, free, because we are already choosing consciously, whether we need a desire or are intrusive / unwanted. Also, these energy peaks are the illusions that are the CREATION separating the individual consciousness (personality) from the overall whole.
Congratulation is a typical example of programming. The cadres are few, they are proved by works, and the incompetents are trying to prove themselves by spitting the cadre, ie. they rely on the fact that the repetitive lie is true, as well as the false belief that criticism is over the criticized – typical of modern politics. Typical role models are following some fashion – the herd’s instinct (the suggestion that many people can not be misled at the same time).
People are programmed to seek joy and happiness outside of themselves, while the only real opportunity to achieve something truly lasting and worthwhile is the result of a conscious internal choice: harmonization and unrelenting optimism. Patience based on optimism rescues from desires at all costs.
Considering these individual energy configurations, it becomes clear why we should only listen to ourselves – any other experience is based only on our own energy configuration that is unique and does not coincide with ours. Therefore, following rules is programmed by dark forces, aiming at achieving their interests, which never coincide with our own (they need our negatives, and we strive for positive). Of course, through the analogy, we can and must learn from every experience we do in practice, but the blind study, because it is proved, is the greatest stupidity we can do.
It is obvious that the smaller the energy peaks, the more harmonic and the equilibrium is, and rises to a higher level of consciousness (because it does not destroy, it is not disharmonic); enter into energy unions to achieve global goals. Higher beings fall into the so-called “nirvana” state, which can be defined as a “permanent cephanie”, due to the harmonic state and lack of prominent desires and aspirations, “corrupting the queue”. Sometimes higher wishes / goals (top) appear that violate nirvana and are perceived as personal desires, but after the realization of desire, nirvana is restored. Generally, creatures with goals and desires respect the desire for nirvana, and when they have questions that fail to solve themselves, they wait patiently until sufficient problems are solved.
Finally, I want to say / write a few words about desirable desires. Considering the principles / laws that make up every energy configuration, and in particular human, it is obvious that the accumulation of the polarized energy of desire accelerates its attraction. But it does not protect against the pendulum’s extremes – the stronger the desire, the stronger the disappointment. Even weak desires have ever been able to attract the desired (depends on when the universal movement of energy will bring it closer to the attraction area), but it must be remembered that over time, desire is distracted and must periodically complement energy, if you still hold on to it.
I have to admit I’m ridiculous / I’m crying when I read about courses and seminars to teach you how to achieve the desired but never say about the censorship of the Higher Self. Ie. the biggest problem in realizing the desires is the effect of “eagle, cancer and pike” – the consequence of the different goals that pursue your different aspects: the personality, the higher self, and sometimes the I am the presence. And when you do not achieve something very desired, you will have to try to align your own goals – then the energy of all your aspects is united and directed in one direction, but to do so, do not forget about the general interest, that is, do not contradict it (to unify, not to oppose). The main problem in achieving such unity is illusion, for example, most advanced spiritual (with very rare exceptions) continue to consider their fears of rational reasoning (the blind blind lead). That’s why I always recommend: Beware of the definite rules, from those who have attained the truth of last resort, from any definite assertion – so forget about the multidimensional options / variants.


Recently, I would like to offer young people a material for reflection because they are the hope of the world. People after the 1940s, and even more so after the 1950s, become too conservative and very difficult to resolve any changes. So the changes on earth are moving exclusively from the young, even more so that in today’s plan there is a genetic plan. But very often the mass consciousness turns out to be much stronger and they fail to realize the planned. So I suggest this material as a provocation and a reminder of why they have come to this world.
The problem is that nothing in our lives is what it looks like. Our society is built on a huge number of delusions, which are not accidental, but purposeful, constantly changing if some of them cease to act effectively enough. All manipulations of human consciousness are carried out by astral creatures, more known as the “devils they tempt”. These beings inhabit the astral world, ie. the world of our emotional energies, and these energies for them are “the bread”. Especially preferred are negative emotions, such as fear, hatred, anger, and so on. Since these beings have lived together with us for many thousands of years, they have been able to organize things very well so that people constantly emit their delicious energies.
Therefore, all human relationships are in constant conflict, conflicts are set at all levels by exaggerating competition and competition (human being a wolf rather than a brother) through the belief of lack and lack of resources, in short, by the belief that is surviving. Therefore, all knowledge about the immortality of the human soul, about the real human possibilities, about the reality in the universe has been eliminated. That is why it is suggested that we need to fight the truth, revenge on “wrongdoing”, condemn left and right. That is why the mass media neglects negativity in all possible options. That’s why horrors captured cinema, computer games and everyday life. That is why the payment of labor has been brought to this minimalism, to keep the frenzy of life, but to ensure constant worries and fear of tomorrow. That is why international conflicts and tensions are constantly maintained, although by nature a person very easily comes to an agreement. This enumeration can continue indefinitely.
You must, however, keep in mind that these beings are not all-powerful. Their manipulations only act as we imagine that these are our desires, not the outside. Ie. while these beings manage to act in secret and we have no concept of their methods and capabilities. The moment we realize that we are manipulated, we take our lives into our own hands and we start to emit less and less the necessary emotions, which is why they lose interest in us. Then they are forced either to find another civilization for “milking” or to adapt to eating with positive energies.
One of the crucial human delusions is that one thinks with his brain. And although there is constant evidence to refute this claim, mass consciousness is under constant pressure to believe that thought is a biochemical reaction in brain cells. In fact, man was created “in the image and likeness of God”, ie. as God is energy, his thought is energy and he creates with his thought. Right now, it is very difficult to fully understand the extent to which this delusion limits human life. In short, man is trained to manage his life, to use the goods of the Earth and the universe, to have free choice and to feel satisfied and happy.
A very strong mass thought is that we do not know what to do (because we are not taught and should not listen to our soul) and someone has to tell us. This suggestion is mainly spread through the education system. As a consequence of the suggestion that we do not know what to do in life, we get the program to align most people with the seemingly logical argument: “Everyone can not be wrong.” But, in fact, all are wrong, and trying to imitate others, you get into a well-managed flock (the changes never start from the flock, but from the individual who opposes the herd’s), which, through the manipulation called “democracy” leads to the abyss (every average intelligent person should think that when something does not work for him – “democracy” – to seek another solution)
It is not bad to appreciate its uniqueness and to be proud of it, so you repeatedly reduce the power of mass misconceptions, not only to you, but also create doubts in your surroundings, in the reliability of their landmarks.
As energy, human thought acts on a purely physical principle, that is, obeys the well-known physical laws of attraction and repulsion – the energy is polarized, and we have repulsion and, in the case of various names, attraction. When we know about these interactions, we become masters of our lives – we consciously choose how to interact, and what results we want to get. Unlike our nowadays mainstream program, we are the victim of which nothing depends or, if it depends, it is to a very small extent.
In absorbing / remembering energy interactions we must remember that manipulations of energy ALWAYS cause consequences even if we do not notice them immediately. Thus, we cease to perceive as victims of someone’s evil will, and assimilate the safety technique – that is, how not to attract the unwanted. The main driver of this choice is the soul – the world’s manipulators have made the utmost of forgetting about this human part, but relying exclusively on the mind, which can be easily manipulated and programmed with the necessary rules.
The advantage of the human soul is in its rich experience – it does not die with the death of every material body but lives millions and billions of years. For that time he has gained a great deal of wisdom, unlike the mind that only uses the experience of this particular life. The soul is in constant connection with everything that exists, ie. it is about everything going on at the global level, there is a “top view” and a notion of what are the general trends and where the universal wind blows, and this makes it very effective to use global energy flows without entering into conflict with them, as is in the management of the mind.
To make effective use of the knowledge and abilities of the soul, a number of delusions in the mass consciousness must be overcome. First of all, one must master the mind, ie. to realize the delusion that the mind is the only means that can lead us that we ourselves are the mind. As often as you can stop your uncontrolled chatter – you get some very important advantages:
– it reduces the power of manipulation;
– you start to become more aware of your soul;
– the mind loves much and makes it necessary, that is, smart and predictable – it generates a huge number of fears and concerns, which in most cases have no reason – so you rescue yourself from a lot of stress and anxiety;
– by slowing down the mind, you manage to limit a huge amount of negative consequences (you have not forgotten that thought is energy that causes consequences);
– the mind is a very necessary and useful tool, but only when we need it – when it runs at empty speeds, it can mix them up …
Unlike the mind, the soul does not use the words, ie. do not talk in consciousness. Her energies are perceived as a variety of sensations, pictures, attitudes. They are known as the signals of intuition, conscience. When you have to make choices, build your habit, pay attention not only to the arguments of your mind, but also to the attitude you feel. And do not forget that the soul has the advantage of deciding / making a choice, that is, logical conclusions are far less objective than sensations. Of course, the soul often does not show its attitude, and lets see what the mind will think of, what a result it will be – it is curious about any kind of experience. But if it is relevant, listen to it.
There are many intricacies in energy interactions and I can not describe them all in all my desire. For example: like this attracts like – you attract situations, people that somehow resemble you. As a consequence of this principle – in others you annoy what is a problem in yourself – this is the way your soul shows you what you need to save. Therefore, it is said, “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged” or “Whatever you knocked, that sounded like that,” or “Whatever you crap, this serb”.
Keep in mind that your mind has a will, ie. where you direct it, you direct your energy. Therefore, be very careful what you are interested in, never forget that you feed it with your energy. In this spirit, to manage your life, do not energize what you do not want (for example, what you do not have, what you do not want); avoid thinking about things that do not attract you, in order not to strengthen them through your energy in life. Think more often about what you want, so feed it with your energy, and because it has the ability to accumulate, you increase the chances of achieving what you want. Do not be fooled by the fact that your life has taught you – the desirability is rarely realized – there are many reasons that can interfere in one way or another. For example, doubt creates the opposite impulse of desire and neutralizes it. Typically, human energy is too weak to attract the necessary result. To increase efficiency, many methods can be used: increasing your own energy options by increasing your own energy frequencies. You need to know that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, and the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. human energy is too weak to attract the necessary result. To increase efficiency, many methods can be used: increasing your own energy options by increasing your own energy frequencies. You need to know that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, and the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. human energy is too weak to attract the necessary result. To increase efficiency, many methods can be used: increasing your own energy options by increasing your own energy frequencies. You need to know that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, and the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. many methods can be used: increasing your own energy potential by increasing your own energy frequencies. You need to know that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, and the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. many methods can be used: increasing your own energy potential by increasing your own energy frequencies. You need to know that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, and the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, while the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life. that negative desires are energies with low frequencies / vibrations, while the positive ones are high. The higher the frequencies your energies have, the more energy-intensive / powerful. Therefore, if you want to realize your desires, get rid of as quickly as possible the negativism that intrudes on the mass consciousness and those who manipulate it. Gratitude and love are the highest frequency energies – the more often you use them, the more you dominate your mind, the greater your chances of becoming masters of your life.
The Dark Forces have made massive deception very powerful that your thoughts are only yours. But if you want to cease to “get”, to become masters of your life, run away from all negative thoughts, do not yell, do not swear – every word carries some energy value / frequency – so avoid anything grim and negative. Goodwill to everyone and everything provokes a response, that is, you attract goodwill. When you look after everyone, everyone cares for you – helping with your energies to realize your desires. Avoiding extremes in reactions, judgments, attitudes is a guarantee that your polarized energy is much weaker, the induced consequences are many times less painful – good-natured attitude to everything is the path to constant happiness. On the one hand – your wishes come true much faster, and on the other – your negative experiences disappear gradually. The manipulators have suggested that lasting happiness is impossible, but as with everything else – it’s a good lie. Negative experiences arise mainly for two reasons: over extreme / polarization and soul dissatisfaction – when you consistently follow massive suggestions through the mind and ignore its signals. That’s why it’s so important to find out what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. The manipulators have suggested that lasting happiness is impossible, but as with everything else – it’s a good lie. Negative experiences arise mainly for two reasons: over extreme / polarization and soul dissatisfaction – when you consistently follow massive suggestions through the mind and ignore its signals. That’s why it’s so important to find out what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. The manipulators have suggested that lasting happiness is impossible, but as with everything else – it’s a good lie. Negative experiences arise mainly for two reasons: over extreme / polarization and soul dissatisfaction – when you consistently follow massive suggestions through the mind and ignore its signals. That’s why it’s so important to find out what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. Negative experiences arise mainly for two reasons: over extreme / polarization and soul dissatisfaction – when you consistently follow massive suggestions through the mind and ignore its signals. That’s why it’s so important to find out what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. Negative experiences arise mainly for two reasons: over extreme / polarization and soul dissatisfaction – when you consistently follow massive suggestions through the mind and ignore its signals. That’s why it’s so important to find out what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you. what gives you the pleasure of doing. When your soul “sings”, that is, you are endlessly satisfied with what you are doing, meaning that you are doing what you were born on Earth. Thus you take responsibility for your life and cease to feel someone’s sacrifice. So important is the belief that everything depends on you.
All that I describe as ways of handling energies was called magic by the simple word. But there is nothing supernatural about it, just knowledge of natural laws. Once upon a time, the dark powers have been subjected to persecution by those who have had this knowledge – through the pits of the Inquisition they have instilled fear so that you do not think and act alone. When you arrange your life at will, you do not emit the necessary fear and discontent. No “witch” or “witch” comes from an expert, understanding, expert, competent. If modern society does not succumb to dark manipulations, there is every chance of becoming competent in energy management, and it will do it happily, because everyone has the opportunity to attract what they need. Of course, as in everything, and in the knowledge of magic, manipulation is involved. Black and white mages have emerged. The difference is only moral. Black magic employs people with many shortcomings, which can easily be condemned, punished, manipulated, and so on. They are convinced that they can defend themselves with some rituals and actions from the consequences of their actions. You probably do not think this idea absurd, but you have to keep in mind that no one judges you, you yourself find out how much negative you have accumulated in dealing with black magic (even the only belief that you can impersonally condemn other people to be clean dozens of lives, constantly falling into situations where you condemn yourself, manipulate your choice, etc. – until you gain the conviction that you must always be good-natured and respect the right to free choice while escaping the desire to impose your point of view point).
Everything knows it all – these are alphabetical truths. But they are hidden under the saliva of suggestions. But anyone can remove it and remember it. Just have to ask.


Question: Sometimes I really want to scold the kids. What to do?
Answer: It is a sensation of your soul that senses the energy emanating from the child’s soul: “come, wolf, eat me”, challenge, childhood study (often they do adults), where they can go, explore the boundaries. Punishing them is the most direct way to achieve the goal, but physical abuse is not a good option for children – they have the impression that physical violence is normal and acceptable for life. But, for example, if you “end the end” and you “go to the head”, in many cases, there is no other option to restore authority and respect to respect the privacy of others. Of course, a peaceful way can also be chosen, for example, conversation and explanation, but you must be prepared to repeat this conversation repeatedly, sometimes ten to twenty times, while causing the desired effect. But it is very important to react whenever you feel annoyance so that it does not accumulate, because a moment will come when you will explode and you will not be able to control yourself. In such cases, physical violence causes karmic consequences, which are avoided when biting is protocol, execution of the soul request, without emotional outbursts, i. without extremes.


   Because of the impact on human consciousness, all creativity is manipulative, but if you perceive it conscientiously / critically, you decide whether to succumb to the author’s suggestions or to make other conclusions altogether. Therefore, never forget that the problem is not in the specific text, but in your mind, which is literally between the hammer and the anvil, ie. wandering between the two extremes: “awe-inspiring confidence” and the fear of error.
Every creativity is a very complex interaction between all human bodies. Preferences are determined by experience gained in previous incarnations, i. every talent has gained experience. It does not matter in which area you are creating (artist, musician, craftsman, verbal creativity, scientific creativity, etc.), creativity is never only a derivative of the mind. A lot of countries are involved in the creative process, trying to achieve their goals through earthly artists. The most active are three types of acting beings – two are astral, and the third are mental. The first astral type is so. jokers – personally I do not understand it, how can you fuck with someone, and then say you joked. It seems like I do not have a sense of humor – at least that is how they are justifying such jokers. We call the devil jokes of the astral jokes, but I think it’s a good name for Earth.
The other astral co-authors are from the so-called a higher astral, souls that have been broken for some reason there, tired of them and trying to get out of the battle, joining the general consciousness and serving the common interests. Keep in mind that their willingness to be useful is used by higher authorities, but because of their weaknesses and shortcomings, they can often mislead. For example, due to unspoken vanity and to be more effective, they are often presented with a variety of popular and sought-after names.
The third type is ID (acting); all the gods, absolutes, angels, archangels, and ascended bishops, co-authors of the canalists, are human souls, but unlike the astral ones, they are authorized representatives; they are part of the being for which they are presented and have been given the task of contacting people, “Public Relations”. They are chosen by the higher being as best suited to represent him, his students are, and are like, a practical exam / internship. This is because of the inability of the higher to communicate with human consciousness – it is extremely rare to realize the fifth dimension, so those mediators who dictate the messages of dimensions that are realized by the people are needed. But, regardless of their credentials, they also have “feuding cracks”
Quite definitely it can be said that the blackheads are like any other work, yet remember that the ancients spoke of the muses they inspired. But the cannabis is not defined as an author, above all, to avoid liability. There are, of course, those who distinguish that the muses are different, although everything passes through the Higher Self. And the “automatic letter” is almost always an indicator of astral emplacement with very rare exceptions when it can be used as a walk-in from the higher levels. Exclusion of consciousness also excludes the critical mind (asking inconvenient questions), even though dialogue may blur and turn off the mind.
The Canalist has the complex task (like any other creator) to translate a telepathic message / information into a form that people can understand. You understand that the transmission of information depends entirely on the worldview, the vocabulary, the emotional attitude and the intentions of the intermediary. For example, there is a popular canal guy with a very limited vocabulary – imagine how he can convey complicated concepts and matter with the few words he uses (he has recently learned that he has learned a few more words). Sadly, most canalists are so happy to receive messages (they claim to be proofs of abilities and spiritual advancement) and do not consider that they are used by astral jokes. As I repeat many times, useful information can always be extracted if it is read critically. Pay attention,
The question is, how much do you believe in them – are you in the golden environment? If you believe too much, you become parrots that suffer constantly from disappointments. If you do not believe, they do not find a bright beam to give you hope. In such cases, you may only see positive or just negative, and this is an illusion, as there is no single reality – you are in the hell of contradiction yourself. And if you act actively, you can also find useful information in the darkest message because even they have a predominant real truth, otherwise no one will pay attention to them. If you are actively involved, you are invulnerable to manipulation because you assume there may be such manipulations. And believers accept everything for a clean coin – do you understand why faith is the foundation of every religion?


 Many people are thirsty in anticipation of the promised abundance, but the pink romantic period is over and it is time to sober. It can even be said that a whole “industry” has emerged that teaches, of course, against payment, how to attract happiness, wealth, love, and anything desired. Of course, few of these “teachers” think their own abundance is in the pockets of the balamas. Most are deeply convinced that they are extremely necessary and useful to society. But profitability can always distort and distort even the brightest idea.
Everything promised by God is not a lie and, in principle, is correct and true. But there are many details that are specific to each person and are difficult to sum up as a general principle. In short, everyone has come up with some tasks in this world for some development and cleansing of the energy disharmony accumulated over the millennia. We can say that man consists of two main parts – higher and lower. The Higher is in unity with God and contains all the Divine principles (ie, above all, conforms to the higher good – realizes the unity), has access to a lot of knowledge and experience, and a plan, how to use incarnation in the material world. The lower human part is programmed by society with earthly values ​​and beliefs that differ, to a great extent, from the divine – that is why a “conflict” originates,
In energy terms, the Divine is thousands, even millions of times stronger than the human part, and therefore determines the choice, there is a “knife and bread” in it, and the human part has no opportunity to impose upon the Divine. Ie. the free choice, with very rare exceptions, is the divine human part (when it decides that it can be useful for the realization of the plan), known more as a soul or a higher self. The main difference in the interests of the two parts lies in their motivation. While the soul conforms to its plan with common interests, human predominantly selfish, often even contradicts the common interest (as a typical example, the profit above, which does not want to take account of the harm it causes to other people and nature) . That’s why,
Of course, you can accumulate repeatedly the same desire to get a stronger attraction, but you can be sure the censor will reset / wipe it if it interferes with its plans. So, honestly understand what motivates your wishes to make no effort and, as a consequence, disappointments.
Considering this intention of the Higher Self, it is desirable that everyone be aware of what desires you have, of whom they are beneficial, and of whom to the detriment. So you will be saved from unnecessary suffering and disappointment, and you will not waste any effort in pursuit of chimeras. Stop forgiving yourself that the promise of God applies to everything and everything. Do not imagine that your misfortunes are caused only by the dark forces. The biggest source is your own higher Self – you remember: “No one can make you as bad as you can yourself.” And remember, trying to find the culprit for your problems is the ego’s attempt not to change, that is, “The thief cry, hold the thief”.
Do not be angry with God that he gives out promises to the left and to the right, yet he is not aware of the pain of disappointment, and he is more interested in how you overcome it, not how painful it is. But still, keep in mind that God is a Gabrovian, ie. he does not like to waste energy in vain (which increases the chaos). Therefore, you will have to get rid of most of your human desires, that is, your willingness to serve, to be useful to all, to be much greater than all your human desires together. And while you serve, you will probably be able to shed some human desire, but you are not lusting. Still, the goal is to shift attention from small, selfish desires to global ones, otherwise there is no development.
Can you agree with your higher self? Hardly. He is deeply convinced that he does the right thing that your load is in line with your capabilities, and your claim is a product of the ego, that is, glezzo – concrete position – you can not break it with an atomic bomb. But you have to admit that he sees things from above, for example, with the simple: “Let your will be your will, not my will”. If you feel strong resistance to surrender your credentials, think about what is causing them – there is probably some fear you have to deal with. You may find it all very difficult, and it seems difficult when you lose hope. For comfort, I can say that the time of suffering is over, and who he has come to. But this only applies to this planet. The new wonderful world begins then, when your high I cease to nag on you, that is, when you meet the set goals and perform what you are on Earth.
And when you succeed in reaching a consensus with your higher self, it means that you become a very powerful energy unity, supported by many energetic beings (according to the tasks you have to do) with very wide possibilities. You become a wizard specialist, ie. you will do as Christ did before the crucifixion.
Some will probably ask why it has not been said so far. There is such a general principle of material worlds, some key moments not to be communicated, so that we can adapt them to ourselves, let us consider 2 + 2. This, however, is an incentive for individual development – everything is just making strips. And when the knife touches the bone, that is, the moment has come, such key moments are communicated to all of us so that we can move on to the next evolutionary stage. And one more thing, all this has been spoken countless times, but not so directly, in order not to discourage.
Success in the unity of yourself!


I will have to start from a distance so that I can cover this subject in a complex way. So, the mind is a wonderful tool, and as every thing has its good and bad side. In order to make a conscious choice, what exactly do we want to achieve, we need to know these countries well.
Mind is a very necessary tool of God that allows the unveiling of its own qualities. God is curious (judge yourself – is not the Divine curiosity in you) and he likes to play the situation: “What if …” When we are in universal unity, every question gets / attracts an answer immediately, something like a Google Uncle, but with more and more information / experience of the Whole. Of course, as with Google, there are questions / areas for which there are no answers, and that’s what God is saying – there are many interesting surprises and opportunities behind this unknown. To solve this problem, God creates a mind that, by analogy (finding similarities / common laws in experience), can find unknowns before decisions, unfolding creativity. For this purpose, he has to isolate himself from the Whole – so this part, having no access to the universal gully, is forced to resolve his problems intensively, developing the mind / analogy. And the more varied is the experience of as many conscious individuals as possible, the more likely they are to think of something original and promising to embark on a development that will reveal and solve many unknowns and above all to give the feeling of satisfaction in God, temporarily satisfying, some curiosity.
Obtaining a consciousness separate from God and, ultimately, an effective mind, is done by limiting the energy supply. The shortage of energy raises competition and fear, which leads to struggle for survival and suffering, and suffering is a necessary tool for reducing vibrational frequencies, to create lower / coarser worlds / dimensions. This is known to us as an expansion of the universe or as a Divine Breath. This universal expansion / lowering of vibration finally succeeds in creating the material world, where it is possible to completely separate the individual consciousness from the universal one, suffering and the pursuit of survival intensely develop the mind.
Specifically for Earth’s experiment, where many genetic lines, from a variety of already existing extraterrestrial civilizations, are needed, diversity is needed to produce unexpected and extraordinary results (“what if …”). But the basic genetic code is reptilians, who in their evolution have achieved a great suppression of the feelings (intuition), at the expense of which they developed, extremely, mentally. In order not to become a robot, genes from spiritually developed civilizations like Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus have been added. The result is very encouraging, many inventive and creative individuals have been born, the question is how the ability to last for the longest time to solve as many creative tasks as possible. The underlying problem is that suffering makes these abilities very unstable and unattractive. Besides, there are universal rhythms that can not be ignored: the bottom, the most limited energy state known as Kali Yuga, has come to an end and invariably follows an increase in energy with all the resulting consequences: reducing the deficiency, fear, suffering. This increase in energy leads to a reduction in competition and the disappearance of the struggle for survival, which constantly reduces the development of the mind. That is why we have the very important task of solving how to combine the preservation of the mind by reducing its instability and subtlety. reducing shortage, fear, suffering. This increase in energy leads to a reduction in competition and the disappearance of the struggle for survival, which constantly reduces the development of the mind. That is why we have the very important task of solving how to combine the preservation of the mind by reducing its instability and subtlety. reducing shortage, fear, suffering. This increase in energy leads to a reduction in competition and the disappearance of the struggle for survival, which constantly reduces the development of the mind. That is why we have the very important task of solving how to combine the preservation of the mind by reducing its instability and subtlety.
A basic tool for reducing suffering is a shift of mind / consciousness (needed in development to maximize energy) to our feelings (that is why it is insisted on stopping thoughts / chatting the mind). In this way, at least two advantages are achieved: the mind stops working at empty speeds, creating countless fears / making predictable and directing consciousness to feelings, making it more sensitive / paying attention to intuition. This allows simultaneous use of the positive aspects of the mind and consideration / interaction with the whole, which leads to avoiding swimming against the current / reducing suffering. But for this, all mental survival programs must be cleared, in other words, we must replace the principle: “Man for man is a wolf” to the Musketeer: “One for Everyone and Everyone for One”. This, in fact, is the substitution of attitudes that create hell in us, with ones that create paradise, changing the worldview for everyone, with “we are all brothers and sisters”, that is, the adoption of the One Beginning, the Kingdom of God and its principles.
In order to save the sufferings, it is essential to escape from the standard dual thinking (created for easier manipulation of people – there is only one truth, the one that is massively imposed – the herd instinct) and replaced by multidimensional thinking, which aims at a balanced attitude the golden environment). But it is very difficult and slow because programmed for one truth are not attracted to the middle road / golden environment, where everything is so indefinite, “neither cancer nor fish” and can not escape from their strained fear that may be wrong in choosing the “ONE” TRUTH. Here, of course, few think that while they are looking for “the only truth,” they will never feel free, simply because they themselves refuse to make permanent free elections.
When I write about the benefit of suffering in the development of the mind, I do not make you reconcile with him. On the contrary, I am convinced that as a space cycle, “it’s over time” and should be treated at the highest levels. Higher dimensions are very inert, i. they are changing slowly and developing the belief that you need to be cured of suffering, create a program of less and less use of the suffering for rapid development. This belief propels the contraction of the universe, that is, reduces the rough / material worlds and everything harmonizes as long as it can merge with the Supreme Absolute.
The ego are the mental beliefs that make possible the development of the mind, ie. have created the “veil” in the consciousness through which we imagine that we are separate from the Whole. These beliefs are enormous and different for each person. These beliefs are so effective in divorce because we do not allow for that ability – their minds have invented thousands of useful and necessary functions, and they are called “illusions.” Because these are our convictions, which we have accepted quite consciously, ie. we do not question them at all, that is, we give them a lot of weight, we have no doubt, and we are very difficult to separate with them. That is why we have to make a clear account: it suits our life so far, and if it does not fit us, we can not change it until we change our beliefs (what determines our lives), that is, take responsibility for our personal hell and change them in a way that creates a paradise. Those who have an interest in preserving the old state of affairs have endeavored to create many traps to prevent change. For example, there have been many side-interests, such as canine rubber toys, in order to have the consciousness of what to be balancing and not to get rid of illusions. These dog toys for human consciousness are extremely spiritual, noble, necessary, intellectual, etc., but they do not lead to any real change. such as canine rubber toys, to have the consciousness of what to be balamous about and not to get rid of illusions. These dog toys for human consciousness are extremely spiritual, noble, necessary, intellectual, etc., but they do not lead to any real change. such as canine rubber toys, to have the consciousness of what to be balamous about and not to get rid of illusions. These dog toys for human consciousness are extremely spiritual, noble, necessary, intellectual, etc., but they do not lead to any real change.
In order for there to be a real change, everyone must be aware of what is masked behind the illusions, otherwise there is no way to devalue them and exclude them from their lives. A prerequisite for conscious existence is constant self-observation and questions: Why do I do that, why do I think so, why do I have such convictions? Only honest answers expose, remove the beautiful wrap of illusions. Unfortunately, 99.99% of the spiritual people deal with external things, and so they lose their lives after life-the endless throwing of the intellectual soothers.


They are countless, but I want to tell you about some, to grasp their mechanism and start recognizing them.
For example, in order to obtain permanent international / international conflicts, in a variety of ways, they manipulate national egregore, most effectively and most effectively through MMI. They focus public attention on nationalists, exalting national dignities, historical traditions, and everything that gives rise to national pride. Of course, national pride is needed for the small peoples, so as not to let everyone use them. Here we are talking about the great and powerful states, because the ardor leads to an arrogant attitude and imposing our own views on things (limiting free choice). This is why the global influence of the United States – they imagine that they are spreading culture and civilization, and in fact, they impose profitability and exploit in all ways all the countries of the world.
If this national arrogance is fueled only in one country, it would be half trouble. But this process is particularly active in Russia, China, England, Japan, Germany, France – and the great upsurge / opposition begins. For example, myths of great origin are being blown up in Russia because of the complexity (as in the Americans) of the lack of ancient history. There is a lot of active talk about Aryan origin – with this manipulation a century ago pumped the nationalism of Germany – why does not anyone want to learn from history? And there is a great jump / confrontation, endless occasions of conflict, who will command the parade.
A typical manifestation of national arrogance is the hooligan behavior of the Russian patriarch, but this is done by all senior politicians – pushing / manipulating is a universal phenomenon that is little known. It is this kind of violence which raises international conflicts and sets the states against each other. Unfortunately, I can not offer a solution while driving young souls – just that is their possibilities.
Another typical manipulation of mass consciousness is paid scientific research. Everyone is aware that whoever gives the money can interfere with the scientists, but few have a clear idea of ​​what a large scale this is. For example, just recently there was a study proving the safe transmission of mobile phones. And there are thousands of them: for safe vaccines, for safe genetic products – the list is endless.
The next manipulation through science aims to instill some delusions. Usually the misconduct of a famous scholar is used, and media opinion is imposed on him by a media jar – when a lie is repeated many times, it becomes true because of the accumulation of energies. Such a typical example is the exalting of Einstein, and so his belief that the ether does not exist. And for over a century, no research has been made in this direction – who dares to oppose such an imposed authority. Over the last few years, Steven Hawking’s delusions have been exalted. By this I do not want to despise their merits as scholars, as well as all the science (there are black sheep in each herd). But as I have written before, in order for a manipulation to be effective, it must be borne out by an acknowledged authority, the contribution of which is completely real, otherwise,
So always think and question when a topic is repeated in MMI – you know – nothing is accidental.


Someone once said, “Truth is born in the argument.” Rarely, you may encounter more stupidity. I clarify:
Imagine the Rubik’s cube (toy-toothed), but stacked, each side has a different color. The cube is located between several people, each of whom sees a different country, ie. different coloring of the cube. How do you think it is a sign of intelligence if everyone starts to convince others that the cube is red or blue or green, etc. The intelligent man is convinced that everyone has the right to their point of view, to their truth, as long as they do not impose it on others.
Note, in fact, the contestants never try to prove truth, there is always an ambition of ambition. Everyone wants to prove he’s the smartest fool, and everyone else is a fool of fools, that is, fools of N (enta) grade.
When you see controversial politicians, and in some way support one of them, it is pure suicide or in the mildest option, masochism. Never forget it, because you decide who to entrust authority over yourself.


Why are there constant scandals and quarrels in families? Why is it so difficult to achieve and maintain family peace?
Ever since the earliest childhood, the boy has been programmed to be a representative of the strong sex, who has a certain type of behavior, duties and goals. This programming falls deep into his mind and becomes the basis for behavioral responses. When a boy grows up and starts to interact with the opposite sex, he encounters a constant conflict situation: the weaker sex does not want to be recognized as weak, and on top of all, he does not recognize his right to be a strong sex. Of course, this conflict is socially programmed to create negative energies. The man feels like a wild animal, which must be constantly on the alert, ie. he feels obliged to defend his status as strong on any occasion, and the woman, in fact, constantly tries to destroy it through remarks, doubts about his abilities, and of course, most of all with a lack of respect.
The unconscious imitation of women is the cause of many of the conflicts (mother, girlfriends and acquaintances), it can be said that even fashion has become (social programs are very active) and without much thought, what will the result, women they want a friendly man and do not spare efforts to achieve it. Then they find that they are no longer the same man who liked and looking for someone else to do in the same way, etc., etc. It is noticeable that there are women with 5-6 marriages, but they continue to look for the reasons in others without learning any lesson. In fact, the main reason for this quest is deep, unconscious fear and uncertainty, seeking a worthy defender, but doing their best to devalue this defender in his own eyes by cutting the branch on which they sit.
As an illustration of this problem, I want to point out two extreme poles of family relationships. One is in Russia, where the foolish matriarch of the earth is. There the MAN is obliged to bear the woman in his hands in the direct and transcendent sense, for which he is not given any rights and respect. Which, of course, kills the program for strong sex, leads to deep inner frustration and is the most common cause of alcoholism. As a consequence, every half hour per one Russian perish in a domestic scandal, most often in a drunken state when the inhibitions fall and the man tries to regain his self-esteem as a strong sex. At the other end is Japan, where there is a traditional patriarchate, men are respected, and although there is alcoholism for social reasons, domestic killings of women are the lowest in the world, the man does not have to prove he is a strong sex. All other nations are between these two extreme poles. And every single person chooses constantly, where to go.
Women, try to avoid creating complexes in your half, demonstrating your lack of recognition as a strong sex, avoid direct objections, criticism, attempts to impose your opinion. Try to show constant respect, seek his / her opinion, encourage his / her initiatives, thank him more often, so he stops constantly defending, relaxes and is grateful for you. A grateful man is capable of many miracles, including constant compromises. Believe it, it’s worth your efforts – you’ll see that such a man is much more comfortable than the unloved letter.
There are often questions like: “Why did the man stop helping me, take the heavy luggage, open the door – the little gestures she did before?” And the answer is very simple: because you tried to “get on the head”. When respect disappears and the woman tries to “master the situation,” the man ceases to perceive her as a woman, but as a competitor for power, with all the resulting consequences. She stops perceiving you as weak and accordingly, does not excite him, how heavy you are. And relations between men are set on completely different principles: men are taboo offering help because it is a hint that they can not cope – men help only if there is a request for it. And after you’ve stopped being weak, do not expect anyone to think of helping you without asking.
If you have had the stupidity to humiliate the man: through remarks, scandals, contesting opinions, etc. and so on, keep in mind that he has permanently renounced you and has gone into “looking for something better” mode. But once it’s already stunned, finding the best can last for years, but it will surely surprise you very unpleasantly when you least expect it. I assume that it is possible for the existence of smart women who can cure a “publicly humiliated man,” but personally I do not know them, and I suppose that they will not allow themselves to humiliate anybody, camels, to do so publicly.
If you notice that your relationship is constantly repeating the same causes of conflict, realize that you are under the influence of a dark program / conviction and try to neutralize it.


Still under the influence of dualistic thinking, many imagine it as absolute liberty, freedom of 100%. But if everything is one, is it possible that we do not take into account what unites us, for example, the free choice of the other? Ie. our free choice ends where the free choice of others begins and we must consciously choose that he / she has just as much right as we do. But the ego does not like the right of the other, and if we choose to be one with the Whole, we will have to humble it. And unity is built up with the attitude: everyone takes care of everyone in accordance with universal laws.
Our choices are most often determined by our subjective perception of pleasurable / unpleasant. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as we are not too dualistic / extreme. The pleasant and the unpleasant are again determined by the unity with the Whole. If we are in harmony with the common flow, we get plenty of energy and feel beautiful, harmonious. The more choices we make in opposition to the Whole, the more unpleasant experiences we have – we look like a stone that is in a rapid stream, and the water constantly bangs it and takes it by particle after a particle until it finally breaks out of the stream and runs with it. The reason that makes us make choices that are not in harmony with the Whole is that we have accumulated in ourselves disharmonic energies as a result of choices in violation of the Divine Laws while we have done our work in the material worlds. These disharmonious energies / illusions distort normal energy exchange, and therefore prevent us from harmonizing with the Whole (creating unpleasant sensations and limiting the possibilities), and we are constantly looking for how to get rid of it. The process of clearing is directly dependent on our feelings – the more unpleasant, the faster we change. In the higher worlds where harmony prevails, the change is very slow – there is not enough incentive to do so. And we are constantly looking for the conditions of material worlds in which change can happen much faster. For each incarnation, we choose very carefully the conditions that will stimulate us to make choices to make the desired changes. That is why we carefully choose our environment to create the worldview that will work us, we select the genetic features, the overcoming of which will gain the necessary qualities and key events in life that will make the desired change in direction. But keep in mind that very rarely our preliminary plans are realized at one hundred percent. Achieving the maximum change is only possible if, figuratively speaking, we are moving along the razor blade. Any staggering of the optimal conditions reduces the desired result. The optimal result is obtained with a preserved desire for change and a sensible follow-up of the intuition that gives the original purpose and serves as a guide in the life of the material world. The more unpleasant feelings we have, the more we are guided by the “so do the others” principle, the more we go beyond the optimal option. Conceptually, this should encourage us to look for the optimal option, but the many illusions make us cling to imaginary values, many fears make us indecisive, and we do not make the right choices, constantly trying to transfer the responsibility of someone else. And all this amplifies the unpleasant sensations and they turn into suffering. In many cases, suffering causes the overcoming of illusions and fears, but when they are part of the mass consciousness, are energetically powerful, our determination is insufficient to make the right choice. And then we realize that the incarnation has fulfilled a very small part of the set tasks. All this I describe in order to have mental support in your desire for change – a lack of desire for improvement, blocking your energies and increasing the pressure (suffering) of the whole with which you have contracted before the incarnation to support your plans.
There are conscious and unconscious choices. The conscious choice is made when we have a real idea of ​​reality. Unconscious choice occurs when we delude ourselves with illusions, for example, when we think that fear is a reasonable argument / foresight. If we think reasonably, we find ourselves that what we are afraid of is rare, but even then we can be sure that we are not foreseeable, but with the fears we have caused the unwanted. The general choice we have to make is that we only have to expect what we want, and if it does not happen, assume that it takes time and extra energy (by our intent) and to be patient with patience. Pay close attention to this choice, through constant self-observation and self-correction. Remember, with the quick steps approaching the moment, when your thoughts begin to materialize instantly – and your biggest fears will haunt you 24 hours a night in a nightmare. Will you survive in such horror? But the materialization of your thoughts also affects the people around you – you really want them to be evil when they are angry with you. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to love them unconditionally, to grant them the right to free choice, the right to think and act in their own way, however much you do not like. Encourage the thought that all problems can only be solved with love. Of course, there will be some transition period to deal with old habits of thinking. That is why it is said, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged,” but we judge on the basis of rules implied by mass consciousness / manipulation. But if it is difficult for you to apologize, forgive forgiveness, deal with this attitude of the ego,
Our free choice is directly related to our notion of reality, ie. the worldview, the value system, determine what choice we will make. Our notion of reality is formed under the pressure of society, and most of all under the influence of our closest people, those of whom we have the greatest trust. But the mass consciousness is constantly manipulated, and those who do it have no interest in knowing the real reality – then they will not succumb to the manipulations. Therefore, everyone should keep in mind that they can make their choices based on delusions and illusions. And it is very important to remember, because insecurity does not allow you to think dualistically, but it can fall into the other extreme – not to make a decision at all, but that is also a choice and does not prevent errors. Ability to leave the closed circle, gives the constant desire to realize the inner leadership, to realize the fallacies and neutralize them, so that they do not determine the wrong choice. In general, making choices requires extremely flexible consciousness – accepting the possibility that each moment is wrong, immediately attempting to correct the error and, at the same time, not reproaching the wrong choice because it leads to fears, indecision and our consciousness loses its flexibility, adaptability. Forgetting about the illusions that motivate choice and the indecisiveness that comes from wrong choices takes us away from the optimal life, from the razor blade. Any staggering takes us away from the right choices for us and, ultimately, can lead us to be against the current in the River of Life, against Divine energies and laws.
The main point that prevents us from not moving upstream is to take a conscious responsibility for everything that happens to us. In the mass consciousness, for many millennia, the victim’s consciousness, that is, The cause of our own inconvenience is always outside us. Do you notice how you invalidate this idea, how it makes you passive – you can not change everything around yourself, just because others are also free to choose. You can not change others, but you can change yourself. Because everything that happens with you or around you is attracted by the physical attraction or repulsion of opposing or eponymous signs (plus and minus). They are formed as a result of dualistic (extreme) thinking and actions (though thoughts are energy that interacts with other thoughts) the more extreme the thinking, the more conflicting situations it creates. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of the attitude that you are the victim of someone’s evil will. Assuming that these are your choices, you stop being powerless and take the situation into your own hands. To take full responsibility, there is another side. When you think others as a cause, you are harnessing negative energies towards them, and that is karma, and also distance, deepening the ego. Taking the whole responsibility is identifying with God, unity with the Whole, you are God, who is the cause of everything – do you realize what a change of consciousness is this, if of course, do not imagine that the sea is on your knees? you stop being powerless and take the situation into your own hands. To take full responsibility, there is another side. When you think others as a cause, you are harnessing negative energies towards them, and that is karma, and also distance, deepening the ego. Taking all responsibility is identifying with God, unity with the Whole, you are God, who is the cause of everything – do you realize what a change of consciousness is this, if of course, do not imagine that the sea is on your knees? you stop being powerless and take the situation into your own hands. To take full responsibility, there is another side. When you think others as a cause, you are harnessing negative energies towards them, and that is karma, and also distance, deepening the ego. Taking the whole responsibility is identifying with God, unity with the Whole, you are God, who is the cause of everything – do you realize what a change of consciousness is this, if of course, do not imagine that the sea is on your knees?
And the universal solution for getting rid of trouble in life is the elimination of ultimate, dualistic thinking – the more moderate and the most important, the loving your thoughts, the weaker the polarized energies and the much less and the weaker the unpleasant and conflicting situations around you. Dealing with the free choice of the other greatly reduces contradictions. But in many cases, dualistic thinking throws you to the other extreme – when you give up your right to free choice for the benefit of others. It is massive the delusion that such self-denial is good for the other – that’s how those who give up your right to choose, and ultimately, leads to unconscious / voluntary slavery. This has made it possible to manipulate mass consciousness and today’s desperate state of affairs.
Particularly noteworthy is the attitude of people who have gone on the spiritual path to “do good”. It is very difficult to realize that unwanted good is a bear service. No one wants to think that he has no right to deprive anyone, of his lessons / problems – why is it so difficult to realize that with ultimate parental concern, life / incarnation can fail, not to achieve the desired changes of the soul. The ego finds it hard to recognize that “doing good” is our own need to respond to some idea (role / mask) for ourselves, and when we are guided by such selfish motives, we very little interest in the consequences for others.
It is therefore very important to assert your own right of choice, of course not at all costs – we are still trying to get rid of dualistic thinking, of extremes. But the desire to be good, not to cause inconvenience and suffering to others makes us irresponsible. Keep in mind that the unwanted / undeserved good creates just as severe karma as the forcible. And asserting your free choice, of course, when it is not with extreme means, does not create karma, however unpleasant it is for the one who wants to restrict your free choice – on the contrary, it can serve as a positive example and the aggressor to adjust their attitude to all people and situations.
We often read something that we do not understand, which we can not relate to our current worldview at all. To keep our sense of self-esteem and to protect ourselves from inferiority complexes that are the children of dualistic consciousness, we make the hasty choice to declare what is written about stupidity. But do you realize that this choice distracts us from understanding the essence? And this distance can last for a very long time. And if we conclude that nothing happens by accident, and what we have read is necessary, and misunderstanding is only temporary, then we leave our consciousness open, and this linking element may soon emerge to unite the unclear with the one understood in one integrity.
A very important point in the free choice is to give you an accurate account, what is the motive, what drives you to one or the other – so you can filter the foreign motives and value systems, and that will save you from suffering as a victim.
Many who do not realize the action of subliminal fears live in constant indecision and make their day-to-day choices difficult. There is always an unconscious ambition to transfer responsibility for decision-making, someone else, or some sort of targeting. For example, very often looking for clairvoyers, tarot cards, opening page directions in a book, throwing a coin or any other aids. This is a great deal, because these methods usually indicate the greatest / energy-strong chance that is ahead of the individual. But the possibilities are thousands and not always the strongest is the most desirable and most beneficial for us – so we greatly limit our ability to live in life in the most painless way. Moreover, so we limit our choice under the dictation of fears, and we do, that we do not notice the hints of the soul (some think that by means of the listed methods they get hints of the soul, but these hints can also be manipulated by non-benevolent beings). we refuse to be optimally useful to the Whole, do not comply with the priorities that are urgent, but cling to the sure “so do all”.
When a person is self-conscious, he / she can discern several types of feelings / feelings. As origin, feelings / feelings can be internal and external. The external – as a result of the interaction with the world around us. And the inner ones are provoked by our thoughts. But if we exclude thoughts, we do not cease to feel / feel, but what we perceive is the language of the soul – if we feel wonderful without a special occasion, then our soul is in a wonderful mood, but if we are suppressed, then our soul is dissatisfied with the elections of the mind and we must change something to restore balance. We can also distinguish our feelings of vibrations – high frequency and low frequency. The low frequencies, due to the disharmony they contain, are unpleasant, sometimes even painful. Such are all fears, fears, indecisiveness caused by the mind / ego, excessive doubts, escape, pride, self-indulgence – the list can be very extensive. These are astral energies, most commonly referred to as emotions. High-frequency vibrations are perceived as very pleasant because the disharmony in them is minimal. Such are love, thanksgiving, exhilaration, the aesthetic pleasure of different works and nature, the pleasure our body supplies when we do not abuse it, satisfaction with work or work done (here and elsewhere, care must be taken to does not nourish the ego: “what a great deal I am,” but to be the satisfaction of the soul that successfully implements its preliminary plan), and so on. These energies are the feelings of the soul and are energies of the soul world, not the astral one. Our choice and ambition to get rid of low frequency vibrations, by choosing to constantly live in the high frequency, clears the accumulations in the astral body and moves our minds into the soul, which unloads the mind from the need to seek a constant exit from unpleasant situations. And there is peace and tranquility in you.
The area of ​​free choice is determined by the worldview, by our value system. When our worldview is dualistic, ultimate, ie. or / or, our free choice is extremely limited, because with this attitude we are able to produce a lot of chaos around us. The more we balance, the more we achieve the golden environment, the system and / or the more our free choice increases, because we are more tolerant, we try to keep the universal laws, to produce much less chaos around ourselves, that is to say, we damage the whole much less. Try to observe how your free choice changes when he is motivated by unconditional love.
The examples, when we limit ourselves freely, are infinite. You can judge how limited those with inferiority complexes are. And when we choose the role of victim, how many opportunities we miss, because we think we depend on someone or something, or we are consciously placed in such a relationship. Observe and analyze the motives that determine one or another choice. Understand what restricts you, it discourages: are the rules adopted by the public, do these rules have any meaning and the extent to which they contradict universal laws? Or there are some vague fears and fears that, if not triggered by specific events in this life, are memories of past experiences – then we must realize, that they are karmic accumulations and to make conscious efforts for their transformation and clearing. Be aware of what beliefs you live in: “I do not have this or that” or “I have everything I need”. And how far these beliefs determine your free choice and your real reality.
I will deal with a concept: “consciousness” and its derivative “conscious choice”. Consciousness is related to our identification, ie, what we identify with ourselves. If we identify ourselves with the mind, we are entirely in the power of his illusions, of his image of reality that is far from reality. But if we identify ourselves with our soul and other higher aspects, then we have the opportunity to control our minds and correct it. This is just awareness. To realize the weaknesses and shortcomings of the mind and not to allow them to determine our free choice. Exactly this higher point of view makes life possible in joy and constant satisfaction. Because when we are aware, we make our choices according to universal laws, we are not under the influence of dualistic thinking, therefore, we do not move from one extreme to another, which makes our lives many times less painful and unpleasant. Like all things in the spiritual world, your awareness has varying degrees, which in the early ones calms the mind, and in the more advanced, removes the veil of consciousness, leads to the awareness / recollection of all the knowledge and abilities your soul has. Consciousness enables you to review the choices made under the dictates of illusions in the mind – these choices exist in your energy space as energy codes, and while realizing the irrational choice, you can change it to a much more suited to the higher interests, and this clears that disharmony away from the Whole. And this leads to the elimination of health problems, the clearance of karmic records and many other effects that make life more pleasant – these are precisely those not very optimal choices,
In fact, free choice is one of many human illusions. But absolutely indispensable at this stage of our development. Without it, we would feel constantly constrained and manipulated, because we are conscious of God separately. Therefore, embracing the idea of ​​free choice, we do not rebel against the limitations of the divine will, the divine purpose. By choosing to be one with the Whole, one with God, we accept the limitation of our personal desires in the name of the universal benefit and thus we realize the Unity.


Since the hell of the Earth has been created for millennia, there is no area in human life that has not been distorted and disfigured to cause suffering. The first step in overcoming these distortions that are not somewhere but in our own consciousness is to overcome the suggestion that someone has to save us, someone has to tell us how to do it – do you notice how man is programmed to be dripping for the nose? The awareness of these programs makes them invalid, ie. we stop accepting them as implied and start looking for INDIVIDUAL solutions to their problems. The suggestion that it is more reasonable to act like others not to sin, creates the flock and suffering – as a consequence of imitation, we are not interested in the causes that cause our problems, we are convinced, (for more information on this issue, see “Little Energy Details” – The main helper for solving personal problems is the soul, but we need to realize and accept its presence, trust it. For thousands of years we have been told that all our problems can only be solved with the mind that if we do not use it we are stupid – do you know the binder: the mind works exclusively with mental programs, and this greatly relieves the manipulation of people, turning them into a flock . Through the infinite number of fears generated by the mind (he likes to be very careful and useful), they make us constantly afraid of everything. to live in hell created by ourselves. And the most important step to leave hell is to reduce the favoritism of the mind, to deny it,
The soul is the dominant / predominant female energy, feelings, feelings – always pay attention to your senses for every thing, for example, what you feel while reading these lines: whether they inspire you or annoy you / repel you. That’s exactly the voice of the soul, your attitude to reality. Also known as conscience or intuition. The program is set in the mind, not to trust that the mind is more reliable, not to listen to your soul and to have your own opinion different from the flock.
Being aware of these sensations, the mind feels neglected and tries to restore its position by constantly stressing that sensations are useless and unobtrusive, constantly making you doubt them, not trusting them, emphasizing that very often does not understand them. But this is the feeling of the energies you interact with, that is, through them you perceive a much more real reality than you can perceive through the senses, and that the mind does not understand this reality is completely natural, it is scientifically only to perceive the senses. When you begin to trust your senses, your mind will adjust gradually and help you to understand / understand them. In this respect, women have some advantage, first, because the mental / masculine energy is less, it is not dominant, and secondly, because of the dominance of sensitivity / female energy, have become accustomed to trusting more than their minds since their earliest childhood. Yet, they are also vulnerable to the suggestions of the herd because of the weaker self-criticism.
Doctors and medicines have been created to seize criminal money, and all those who earn money with activities that do not bring pleasure and pleasure (create hell) are criminal. are not planned by the soul and fail the incarnation. Indeed, there are people who enjoy the cash, but it is only a tribute to how frivolous they are to such universal laws as: do not steal, do not lie, do not kill, and so on. Do not think that it is just criminal-related, and much more is the monetary parasites that, for unclear reasons (in fact, the reasons are clear – to imitate them) are called “elite”: politicians, bankers, insurers, managers and advertising specialists of a different caliber, in general, any kind of profiteers for whom profit is never enough.
Ada is created by polarizing the energy, ie. by staggering at extremes. The more definite your attitude towards something, the more powerful the plus or the minus of this categorical energy (desires and aspirations at all costs), and these pros and cons interact (attract and repel) with other such categorical energies .e. are a constant generator of conflicts (all struggles and competition). Paradise is created with the desire to balance, to the golden environment, and these are neutral / zero energies that neither attract nor repel, there is no way to cause a conflict. This is the only way to establish peace and harmony between people. It is precisely this change from hell to paradise, which takes place in the consciousness of the people, called the ascension. The main method of balancing is the awareness of extremes and their deliberate neutralization. The source of all extremes is the mind that is packed with an infinite number of programs conveyed to society. They are of the kind “right” and “must” that most people do not question. That is why it is necessary to escape from dual thinking, which is the generator of extreme polarized energies.
In order for every person to escape from the impact of these mental programs, first of all, he must cease to exalte the mind, to get rid of the “stupid” complex. This is precisely the practice of stopping constant mental chattering and focusing on the senses of the soul that reveal and allow the realization of ultimate polarized energies. Self-programming for a positive attitude to everything rescues from condemnation and criticism, which are the main sources of conflict. Other such permanent sources of polarized attitude are comparing and competing – because deficiency is the main engine and healer of hell, to be better than others for survival (people are hardly aware of the illusions of these beliefs). People stock up money and stocks of all kinds, because of the deeply saddened fear of shortage, without considering that the accumulation creates this shortfall and very willing to take away the accumulated – again constant source of conflicts. All conflicts are solved with the realization that man is acting in a foreign program, not by his own will. As an example I will point out how to create international conflicts. Through SMI a campaign for the exalting of the nation is unfolding as a higher and more developed one. This creates the confidence that you need more developed, tell the other peoples how to do the right thing. And when there are several nations with conviction / polarization that they are the best, they inevitably face others to prove themselves and try to involve as many allies as possible. And only the realization that they have been manipulated can make people,
I wish to draw your attention to the possibility of communicating with your soul / higher self as a way of realizing illusions and helping in the path of evolution. You should not expect to hear a voice in your head, although it is not excluded in any critical situations. And do not forget that the voices in the head are considered a sign of schizophrenia. Therefore, avoid boasting that you communicate with yourself. Also, do not expect communication to be clear and categorical – thus losing your creative initiative and free choice – you will stay and wait to tell you what to do. Since consciousness is common, in your “head” you can rotate both your own thoughts (mind) and the thoughts of your soul, as well as external suggestions and hints. So, you should always be careful about whom you trust, this is the permanent free choice (the existence here and now), aiming to learn how to distinguish different sources. At first, as you get used to, the soul talks to you in the same way as the mind, in words. When you notice that you pay attention to it, it will reduce the power of your thoughts to increase your sensitivity. Then he will cease to use words and move to the normal world of communication; through pictures, moods, desires, and all other nuances of energy – this communication can convey a huge amount of information, just remember it. It can also happen to make you think things you did not care about. These may be accidental wandering thoughts, but they may also be suggestions of a higher instance for your soul, so to speak “beat the samar, to think of the donkey.” Pay attention to nuances and do not absolutize / avoid extremes.
Most often, hell is caused by the feeling of innocent victim, ie. there are no direct impressions of what causes the suffering. Innocent victims are the punishment and vengeance. There has ever been a vendetta (revenge at all costs), which has led to an endless series of revenge, affecting generations, even nationalities. Although these extremes are now avoided, persuasive innocence, vengeance and punishment are programs that can torture people for many years – long years to live in hell they have invented themselves.
Hell is also created in human relations. Attracted by the initial sympathy, the real and pure manifestation of love, but then the mind that generates countless fears and everyone begins to “pull the rug toward itself” is included. Very quickly, nothing is left of the initial sympathy. How many people are able to realize that fears have nothing real, but only create suffering and waste opportunities. Only awareness can save you from self-created hell. You do not forget that what you direct your attention to, you energize yourself.


I want to write a few words about the biggest differences that come from worldview in the three dimensional world and in the higher dimensions. These differences very often cause great expectations and great disappointments. The most common are the following:
Different time perception. Keep in mind that for the higher powers, tomorrow, after a hundred or a thousand years, it is “soon”. Higher powers have a very good idea of ​​our perception of time, but because they themselves have no sense of time, they do not excite them, they do not always consider what expectations they can expect. Time and patience depend on the perception of time.
Different idea of ​​reality. Higher forces perceive reality multi-dimensionally, that is, is not definitely uniquely defined, multilateral, “neither cancer nor fish”, and we, in most cases, perceive it uniquely, dually, or cancer, or fish. This can also be a disappointment, because it is our habit that we want things to be more definite, so we do not wander at extremes for fear of being mistaken.
Different attitude towards dark forces. Almost all people have accumulated negative attitudes and fears about the dark forces that have accumulated over many lives. While the higher powers perceive them as brothers, as an equal Divine ingredient. Keep in mind that the dark powers are guided by the well-known ascended bishops. Try to get rid of your fears and negatives, however, they only do their job.
Of course, the higher powers can make more specific explanations, but there is no way to make specific explanations to be understood equally by everyone, as everyone is at a different level of perception. Besides, concretization influences the natural course of things and is not desirable. But as you advance in spiritual development, you are balancing, stopping to overpower, and these differences impress you less and consequently the disappointment disappears. I hope you understand that the problem is not in the higher powers, but in our own consciousness, which must grow to their level.

FOR THE RIGHT (Do not judge so you will not be judged!)

I suppose you’ve all read or heard that this world is illusory, that is, is organized as is the benefit of the organizer. There is no area in human life that is not distorted and not directed against people. Human life is arranged so that it suffers as much as possible, for as long as possible (not to escape the trap). Of course, the original concept is training. Assigned teachers had to put tasks to solve for the purpose of developing the mind. But teachers, having noticed the weak wisdom of their students, have become overwhelmed and impressed that the tasks have no solution – so they guarantee their energy supply for an infinite amount of time.
A typical example in this respect is the judicial system. A system that, despite its absurdity (called to deliver us from crime, has no interest in no crime). Such absurd systems are infinite, I will list the most striking: healthcare (which in fact takes care of the reproduction and development of diseases), the state and political system (creating the illusion of democracy and concern).
All these absurd systems have one common feature – they are very expensive. Because they have no divine power supply, they use the energy of the buds. That’s why, in these systems, big money is routed, the main purpose of which is to silence the voice of intuition in the moving systems. Of course, as Divine children occasionally reckoned that harm society people, but the big money, in most cases, shut the most vociferous conscience. Notice, there is a very clear trend: the more harmful one thing, the more expensive it is and how important it is to explain it. And this applies not only to the areas and systems I have listed. For example, see art and sports. The greater the damage to man, the more financially enticing, and indeed the value of art and sport, is barely the two ends.
Note that criminal criminals and politicians (seeing a difference between them) move from the same goals and aspirations – quick riches, and SMIs turn them into the characters of the day to be tempting for kids. Why do I put them on one level, but because they are equally intense to violate such laws as: Do not lie! Do not steal! Do not kill! Although politicians do not break the laws of their own interest (or at least try not to hear). Think about it, is there a way to get rid of the useless political system through your right to choose?
What does the judicial system support? The fear that it will be even worse without her. In your opinion, is this reasonable argument or fear? It has long been known, and everybody can see that as the judicial system grows, crime increases. If it were a reasonable argument, other ways to solve the problems would have long been sought. Only fear can create and hold something as absurd as the judiciary. Interestingly, why so-called “reasonable” people do not see these absurdities – obviously in this case, the money shuts the mouth of conscience.
It has long been known that effective sentences only alleviate the conscience of criminals. And OUT OF their assignment, are ready for new “feats”, all the more that prison as a school teaches them only. Once, when people were still reasonable, they never allowed themselves to sue. Exactly because they realized how absurd and useless it is. Only man has an interest in getting rid of his inclinations and desires that create a conflict with society. But that should be understood, but the stakeholders have taken care to forget about their interests and serve only theirs.
All of these systems are only possible if we do not realize their real goals. That’s why I write all this to ask a lot of questions. I hope that more and more people will wake up from their artificially imposed sleep and will want to change something.


In order for a person to make informed choices, he must have an idea of ​​the energy properties and impacts in order to escape the imposed dualistic / black and white thinking and not to forget that everything has both positive and negative aspects. All this applies to male and female energies. And the names are a little misleading because there are different combinations in every person, not just in the gender.
Using the analogy, the female energy most resembles the water (but the calm, without a rapid flow) – so it surrounds every obstacle. Ie. there must be great sensitivity to notice these obstacles. Men’s energy, on the contrary, can be described as “breaking a concrete wall with a head” – that is, very reduced sensitivity to not feel the pains in the head, and the pains of the sufferers. As you can see, these are diametrically opposed qualities, which, in their entirety, can not be combined into one person. I recommend that you never forget that if you want to be feminine / sensitive, it reduces your willpower, and if you want to achieve something, it reduces your sensitivity. Therefore, it is advisable for the woman to wear the flow, avoiding the resistance, of course, if she so desires.
As a glimpse example, I will look at the problem of becoming so overwhelming. Like everything, and appearance is the result of our energy state – when we are energetically balanced and harmonious, the appearance is beautiful. Any external distortion is a sign of lasting internal discomfort. If your mind is more focused on feelings, of course, you can sense their smallest shades, that is, it increases your sensitivity. Then, even the smallest signs of hunger, cause discomfort in you and make you eat. Conversely, if your mind is predominantly focused on your thoughts and is constantly dealing with them, naturally your sensitivity decreases, your consciousness does not even report strong indications of hunger and usually feeds because the time has come for it. And too sensitive fat, but the minds are too skinny. This can be corrected by redirecting attention: too much minds trained to stop thinking and observe their sensations, and too sensual they direct their attention to thoughts – it is easier to record them. But you have to keep in mind that there are times when people feel good, satisfied, harmonious and full or too weak – the satisfaction of the soul, this energy configuration solves any problems that are planned to be resolved by the soul, but if you want to change, it is not bad to realize whether this is not the zombie pressure of the collective consciousness that is programmed to create suffering. Another visible sign is the lips, you remember, the fluffy lips call sensual. While young, all people have lips, which ones are more complete, thinner, but they have,
Besides external signs of the prevalence of male or female energies, there are also internal ones. For example, if some work gives you pleasure, it is desired by the soul – ie. this is necessary for her experience, i. thus removing some energy accumulations from which the soul wants to escape as they throw you in extremes, attract conflicts, pain. Conversely, if your work weighs, if you get tired, you can not tolerate it, it is indicative that you have chosen with your mind, ie. the massive programming that you see as interest, mostly as more money, has been crucial. You feel the discontent of the soul, because in this way you accumulate energies from which the soul wants to be saved, that is, in fact, you fail your life and your soul is in desperation that you will have to repeat the same problems again, the same suffering until you finally get rid of the accumulations. So, pay attention to your senses (be aware, do not overlook them) if something you do requires great effort and persistence, it is a consequence of the ideas of the mind that are right and wrong (this dirty word must ” ). If something gets you easily, as a game, you have the energy support of the soul. So if you want it to be easy in your life, get rid of the “Eagle-Cancer-Pike” principle, ie. the mind wants one, the other soul, and your body third. For this purpose, it is desirable to get rid of mental programming (the ego that separates you from the Whole), ie. from the illusory notions of the world and its values, and accept with your mind the universal values, then all your parts become one whole, your energy is directed only in one direction, which often increases the success of your wishes, you do not conflict with the Whole (do not build up karma) and you are useful to others (satisfaction). In addition, the resonance between male and female energies, between thoughts and feelings leads to their multiple reinforcement as a unified whole and to the easier realization of your intentions. For example, when you are looking for a job, note what is important to you: most money or work is interesting and fascinating – did you notice that when you choose a job for money, it quickly becomes a torture. Conversely, if work is a pleasure, do not get tired and you are quite successful, that is, although you have not pursued profit as a goal, it appears as a result of your choice. you do not enter into a conflict with the whole (do not build up karma) and you are useful to others (satisfaction). In addition, the resonance between male and female energies, between thoughts and feelings leads to their multiple reinforcement as a unified whole and to the easier realization of your intentions. For example, when you are looking for a job, note what is important to you: most money or work is interesting and fascinating – did you notice that when you choose a job for money, it quickly becomes a torture. Conversely, if work is a pleasure, do not get tired and you are quite successful, although you have not pursued profit as a goal, it appears as a result of your choice. you do not enter into a conflict with the whole (do not build up karma) and you are useful to others (satisfaction). In addition, the resonance between male and female energies, between thoughts and feelings leads to their multiple reinforcement as a unified whole and to the easier realization of your intentions. For example, when you are looking for a job, note what is important to you: most money or work is interesting and fascinating – did you notice that when you choose a job for money, it quickly becomes a torture. Conversely, if work is a pleasure, do not get tired and you are quite successful, although you have not pursued profit as a goal, it appears as a result of your choice. leads to their multiple reinforcement as a unified whole and to the easier realization of your intentions. For example, when you are looking for a job, note what is important to you: most money or work is interesting and fascinating – did you notice that when you choose a job for money, it quickly becomes a torture. Conversely, if work is a pleasure, do not get tired and you are quite successful, although you have not pursued profit as a goal, it appears as a result of your choice. leads to their multiple reinforcement as a unified whole and to the easier realization of your intentions. For example, when you are looking for a job, note what is important to you: most money or work is interesting and fascinating – did you notice that when you choose a job for money, it quickly becomes a torture. Conversely, if work is a pleasure, do not get tired and you are quite successful, that is, although you have not pursued profit as a goal, it appears as a result of your choice.
Another example of resonance / harmony between male and female energies. This resonance has different names: life energy = sexual energy = creative energy. Have you noticed how human eyes shine after good sex? Sex is often used to stimulate creative inspiration – some find it intuitively, others have learned it from acquaintances and friends. For example, all big poets / are known to be very sexually active. Balzac spent a whole day in bed with a lady, and then spent the night writing. Today it is used in theaters and operas before performances. It is known that, for example, Mariah Carey has used sex fast behind the scenes before going out to the audience, and Jennifer Lopez does not rely on accidents and pays a special person to massage her breasts before the concert. You realize that to make full use of energy,
There are millions of pages devoted to the relationship between men and women, as it is a major conflict area that creates a lot of suffering. In this sense, I want to add observations from the interaction of male and female energies. They often advise women to talk about their feelings and that is really necessary. But you should avoid repeating because you are already bullying, accusation, a verdict that causes a conflict. You should always indicate that you need a listener rather than a trash bin. Of course, the rational male mind is always looking for solutions, although she does not understand women’s problems – because she does not feel what women feel, in most cases, they are convinced that women think of their problems. The mirror is the problem when women expect men to feel their desires, but they do not even allow, that it is not in men’s ability – and again disappointments. If you take into account the specifics of energy, you can avoid a lot of conflicts and disappointments, all of them sincerely seek mutual understanding and goodwill.
The increase in male energy in the male makes it more active, and the increase in female energy in the woman makes it more passive, more inert – manifests particularly in sex but also in everyday life. Other consequences of focusing on male or female energies are that the woman with sensitivity makes the world beautiful and the man makes it practical.
For many years now we have been talking about a conscious life, and life is not realized because we have let it run public programs. Conscious life, above all, is awareness of what we feed energetically with our attention. What is rotating in our consciousness all the time – is this desirable from us or it is imposed on us by society, friends, relatives, education, etc.? I repeat: one becomes conscious when he deliberately chooses what energies he wants to be active in his life. Everything listed above is just a microscopic part, few examples of a conscious life. So if you want to be a life-assistant, always be aware of what your attention is focused on and whether you want it because the focused attention is realized / reinforced. Always be aware that the fears that you obscure, are not reasonable arguments, and as you look at them from all sides, you nurture them and turn them into monsters. In the same way, you can realize your dreams by planning them in the smallest detail, but you also have to understand with your ego, whether these dreams come into the plans, in the sense they do not break them. This does not mean that you can not achieve mutual interest – the consideration of the common interests is a way of uniting with the general consciousness, with all the resulting consequences – at least, you stop crushing your head in the wall. Redirecting your attention from your thoughts to the feelings of the soul, reduces your vulnerability to mass suggestions (stop feeding them intensely with energy). This creates individual evolution and is excluded from the consciousness of the flock / collective human consciousness. And having in mind, how important is the focus of attention, are you aware of the impact of SMI? And those who work in SMIs are aware of their responsibility and why they think they are not paid for irresponsible action?


As you already know, the dark forces use all (without exception – where more, or less) areas of human life to produce negative energy. And morality is a basic method of influencing human consciousness. But please do not consider yourself sacrifices – you choose whether to succumb to manipulation or to be happy. If you bind to another suggestion that you are an innocent victim, you are deprived of choice, ie. you decide that nothing is up to you and you choose to be an obedient (emotional) cow.
So, you should never exclude from your mind the attitude that everything that makes you suffer are programs that make you react automatically in a certain way, but you always have the choice to change your attitude. For example, jealousy, when you love someone, it is much more natural to want him to be happy, and if you are not looking for happiness elsewhere, you should only be happy. But books and movies, as well as your envy from the mass consciousness, suggest that you have to suffer, fight, anything else, just not to enjoy the man you love. Why do you get so easily on mass suggestions? Because you suffered when you were lonely (again a mass suggestion that loneliness must be discomfort) and these memories cause your fear, not to be lonely again. But note a very important point: you are blunting your jealousy, imagining that you are just prudent / reasonable; mask your fear as a reasonable argument and give it strength. But if you look at it sensibly, you will come to the conclusion that fears are very rarely justified, and you are putting a constant tension on your relationship with meaningless scandals.
Based on the belief that everything that causes us to suffer, programs have been intruded through mass consciousness, to consider moral norms as a source of discomfort. Above all, they are limitations that worry about the lack of free choice in life’s diversity – moral norms are imposed as a reasonable approach in human relations. But in life, everything is much more complicated, and the harder the constraints are, in most cases, inadequate. For example, you know that you have a close group of souls who, with every reincarnation, are your closest circle. For hundreds of years, with these souls you have accumulated a variety of strong emotions: sexual attraction as a result of alive life, parental emotions to your children, friendship and spiritual communication. As well as negative accumulations: hostility, hatred, fears, disappointments and so on. All these accumulations have not been left somewhere in the past, but they influence you, determine your relationship to people, and in most cases you even have no idea what this relationship is causing you. They are all extremes that you need to deliberately neutralize so that you do not accumulate them again and again. For example, for some reason, you’ve chosen a lot of lives like a man or a woman – it has led to the accumulation of sex-specific energies, and such a person, to neutralize these burdens, chooses incarnation in the opposite sex. But usually, the accumulation makes him feel uncomfortable in this body, which, in many cases, leads to a desire to change sex, and even more, determines homosexual relations. Therefore, I ask you very much: be tolerant of such cases and do not judge /
Another variant of sexual relations, strongly condemned by morality, therefore, are a constant source of negative, are the sexual relations between blood relatives. As I said, the loved ones are in a constant relationship in every life, and in this one, mother and son / father and daughter / brother and sister may have been many lovers in previous lives, and this accumulation / attraction is overcome hard. That is why I call again for tolerance, all the more so that such relationships only pose a problem in a generation where there may be genetic consequences.
Collective sex is also reprimanded – but since there is no violation of free will and violence, since it is desired and convergent, there is no reason to be limited. Moreover, in the dual world are natural education family couples – like two opposite poles – ensure the regular production of negative energies. In the multi-dimensional world, family relations in a three are much more harmonious because there is always a third balancing party to the two opposites. But of course, this is not the rule – everyone is looking for harmonious relationships according to their inner sensation and attraction and future family relationships will probably be very varied.
Besides sexual relations, morality should also regulate many other relationships. Sexual relationships cause very strong emotions, and therefore their limitation provides for many negative outbursts due to the conjecture of sinfulness. Although there are the ten commandments of God directly commanded: “Do not steal! Do not lie! Do not kill! “, But no such sinfulness spreads, even to say there is mass encouragement – no trade is being done without a frank lie and covert theft. But these are universal laws and no one can revoke them and always cause karmic payment / investigation. Moreover, if the payment had been planned by the soul itself years ago, and so the violations were, in most cases, hidden. But times have changed, the earth is the kingdom of God. universal laws begin to work immediately, and this can be observed already constantly: they are constantly revealed, nothing can remain secret, sooner or later, it is coming to life. And politicians, like professional liars and scammers, have no future.
All these human relationships are a wonderful example of the phrase: “there is no past and future, there is only now”. Every moment, we experience the influence of the past by choosing whether to neutralize the past accumulation or even to increase it, and thus determine our future. That is why it is so important that everyone makes a conscious choice, not the rules suggested by someone’s interests. That is why I want to recall another popular expression: “The path upward (spiritual development) is very steep and difficult, winding and thorny”, but this is forgotten by the spiritual seekers who very easily grasp the suggestion that when you do the rules and do if you are a righteous man, you are guaranteed the kingdom of God. What naivete !!! Do not forget: “The way to hell is covered with good intentions”! While you think you are doing right, how will you notice what makes you act in one way or another? That is why the spiritual path is so difficult. I really hope you understand it. I’m killing your fingers.


Again, I turn to the subject of energy equilibrium as it becomes more and more relevant. Love and gratitude are almost identical energies and may be interchangeable. When interacting with nature, at all energy interactions, there must be a two-way energy flow: taking and giving. That is why it is so important to build a sustainable habit of unconditional love and gratitude to everything that exists – this is how energy balancing takes place and energy and “low pressure” or “different polarization” energy areas are not obtained. These differences in energy potentials, under the law of energy equilibrium, attract earth elements: earth – earthquakes, water – floods, air – hurricanes and fire – fires, as well as combinations between them that aim to restore natural equilibrium.
Particularly negative accumulation can be called a “negative array,” is concentrated in many million cities. The amount of negative energy accumulated can be determined by criminal offenses, because they have some statistics and these digital indicators reflect objectively the negative accumulation. It is noteworthy that the most negative multimillionaire is not attacked by hurricanes and floods, obviously the negative array can not be broken down by them. Such negative accumulation makes these places unsuitable for normal life over the next thousand years. That’s why they’re likely to sink into the sea or the earth’s depths. At the expense of these, there are many poorly habitable areas that are energy-efficient, such as Antarctica, Greenland, all the great deserts that will become fit for life after the appearance of the second sun,
In many million cities, there are very bright souls who, with their sacrifice, are trying to crack the negative array inside, because only the generic energies fail to break it. Unfortunately, most of them show only superficial curiosity because they are under the strong influence of mass programs. This somewhat reduces the chances of people living in large cities, and therefore, there is a need for informed support from those who live in more favorable energy conditions. That is why love and gratitude are needed to support the sacrifice of all who realize consciously or unconsciously in large cities. This support reduces the major energy differences on the planet and calms some of the natural elements. Every bright support for the big cities gives some chance of awakening, and this is a chance for the “octopus monkey effect.” Of course,
Especially huge karmic debt has accrued the United States, which has killed more people in the last century than has died through all the wars across the Earth for its entire history. In addition, they live on expense / expose who they can in all sorts of ways. This has caused the threat of destruction above them, and the degree depends on the efforts of the bright Americans. I think that this karmic payment by the Americans will solve the problems of world security, the question is, how do they themselves realize it and make efforts to cease to be the main dark puppet – if they can make their internal revolution, they have a great chance of getting away slightly with natural upheaval, but I’m not very optimistic.
I think I have previously mentioned the energy in the objects that surround us. Everything created artificially, on a conveyor, contains a minimum amount of energy because it is touched by human hands for a very short time. So please and be grateful for everything that works: tools, tools, machines, computers, utensils, everything you use – so they will serve you much longer. It has long been noticed that in the hands of the lazy, the people who work without desire, everything is broken very quickly. And the thing that loves labor and the tools, the machines, the cars, etc., who communicates with them as living, has been using them for many years without problems.
Keep in mind the preparation of the food, if you do it with love and gratitude to the people you are preparing for it, it becomes a medicine because of the energies that make it saturated. Such food is also very tasty. On the contrary, the quick and annoyed preparation can create disorders, and if it is constant, it can also cause illnesses.
The same applies to what you grow: if you do it with love, everything is the same with you. Flowers, fruits, vegetables – note how luxuriant and delicious they are when you grow them with joy and love. Pay attention to domestic animals – which owners pet animals make miseries. Soon, I watched a clip of how a Wolf-haired dog lifted the toilet bowl with the snout, peeled against the wall, then dropped the water and closed the lid – why do you think so?


First of all, I want to stress that these are not instructions, how it is managed. These are just my ideas that are not more real and more important than any other ideas on this subject.
To begin with, it must be clear to all that the present state is oppressive, serves to cause suffering, mainly by seizing the means of existence of citizens. This is done to a large extent through taxes, but also by creating constantly varying constraints under a variety of prepositions.
Typically, the state is governed by politicians through pseudo-democracy (I have repeatedly reiterated that the dark forces have succeeded in bringing to the interests of all areas of society – democracy is no exception). Visibly, and almost all are convinced that people actually decide who to run them. But this is one of the many human illusions. In fact, not the most worthy, the most wise and the moral people, but the young people who, due to lack of experience (they do not get enough of it), are candid and complicit because they feel the lack of wisdom in themselves try by activity to persuade others that they are not as bad as they think they think of them. And politics attracts them, not as an opportunity to serve others (which is the idea of ​​democracy), and above all, with the possibility of own enrichment. In such cases, people choose the “least evil” principle, and so the state becomes a real source of human suffering, mostly because of its mass plunder, because of a leadership that does not aim to save people from suffering.
I would like to give some examples of politicians’ sales and oppressive state functions. For example, banks are able to impose a non-cash payment, ie. earn from bank to bank transfers, from consumer to manufacturer – so with this mandatory banking, banks report hundreds of millions of profits each month, make their door handles and marble lobbies gilded. Insurers made compulsory insurance. The Doctors’ Union made compulsory payments to doctors, mandatory vaccines, and so on. Everything is for the sake of wealth, no matter what good reason they have invented to introduce it. However convincing you that it is for your benefit, it is only for your suffering / constraint.
What needs to be done to change for a better situation in the state? Of course, the power of unprincipled winners must be taken away and truly cadre and moral people should be erected. Pseudo-democracy must be removed, the problem is that they will not give power voluntarily. Of course, unprincipled politicians will die soon, but it will not be as fast as we want – and they are given a chance. As an example of a worthy government official, I can mention Father Boyko (he did not pay me for advertising). He showed wisdom and morality, so they re-elected him so easily, people felt it. Unfortunately, the poor is easily overwhelmed, so he has to resign. But the very fact that it easily separates itself with power is indicative of its merits, and if it is saved from the ardor, is worthy to conduct a state reform. Everyone else is just a figure of no value.
To avoid unnecessary chaos, the changes must be smooth. But there are things that can be done without damaging the social life. For example, to close down the defense ministry – it will soon be impossible, any international conflicts. Of course, the military will jump off, yet they have persuaded them all over life to defend their people, and in fact they have been a millstone on their neck. All the assets and liabilities, as well as the functions, must go to the Ministry of Interior – yet the society will be more relaxed as it becomes accustomed to the thought that there is nothing to fear.
The education ministry has to be closed – in general, all education needs to be reworked. Its current functions are to program people how to act “right”, ie. according to the interests of developers. It is much easier for change to be “bottom” through proactive people, so parents need to be active and free in choosing pedagogues and ways of learning. One may insist that centralized change is easier, but it is a very great illusion. It is very indicative, since I remember as a person, there are constantly reforms in education, because it is clear to all that it is useless, “Overflows from empty to empty.” Demonstration of some activity simply because those who need to make change are not aware of what to change and why, and therefore offer only variants of the old.
The Ministry of Health should be closed down because it is totally useless. Everyone has to decide, where and how to heal and how much to pay. This will leave 90% of medical staff because current medicine and pharmacy are only excited by increasing patients rather than treating them (they are not interested). And with adapting to high energies, people will forget what disease is.
In general, I am a supporter of the idea of ​​unconditional base income (ABB). This income will remove all current social benefits and benefits: pensions, hospital, maternity, childhood supplements and probably many others that I do not even have a concept for. To become a reality, all defense spending, education, health care, and the cost of overwhelming government institutions need to be gathered because control and regulation will become totally unnecessary once people realize that ” “.
Perhaps some may be concerned about the extra costs of education and healthcare. You can be sure that you will not be worse than now. In addition to pay you will receive basic income, the salary will not be determined by a profiteer who only thinks of his gain, your children will also receive basic income, so your only concern is active treatment – do not pay for bullshit.
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