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Ann Albers

Own your own mind

Ann Albers – Own your own mind
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are discerning about who you allow into your homes. You lock your cars when you go into a store. You select foods that nourish or comfort you and discard that which is spoiled. In most physical areas of your life, you are careful to discern who and what you allow in. You”mind your matter” very well in most cases.
But do mind your mind? Does it matter to you what you allow to infiltrate your thoughts? If your thoughts were people and your mind was a house, what kind of atmosphere would you like in your mental house? What type of thoughts would you allow in when they come knocking on the door of your attention? In this mental house, you get to choose the thoughts that keep you company.
You are certainly being bombarded these days with the thoughts and opinions of others. You have been trained to “take all opinions into account,” and indeed it is conventional human wisdom to do so. Sometimes – for example, when working to create something with a team – it makes sense. However, you would never see a flock of birds sharing ideas and “taking into account” one anothers’ opinions about where to migrate. Each follows their inner compass. Sometimes their instincts motivate them to follow one another, and sometimes they are motivated to roost on their own. You would never see anything in the natural world “taking into account” another’s opinion. Instead, each beautiful being in the natural universe senses and reads energy feels instinctual and intuitive guidance in response and acts upon that.
Are we saying that you could remain totally independent from other human opinions and still be guided to have a blissful life? Although this is an unlikely scenario – and not even recommended because the contrast provides stimulation and desire – we are saying exactly that dear ones. You have your own inner compass. You have your own connection to the Source. You have the ability to attune to what you wish to experience and therefore the ability to receive your guidance in each moment. So does everyone else. Collectively you are guided, if you listen, to live in harmony with yourself and with those around you.
Where you get yourselves in trouble is when you ignore the still, small voice, the delightful feeling that you want to do something, or the not-so-pleasant feelings that tell you you don’t. When you ignore your guidance and take everyone else’s opinions “into account” instead of trusting yourself, this is when you become confused, uncertain, insecure, and often, upset! When you are in agreement with your own feelings, you will feel good. You will be guided. You can live and let live. When you are at odds with your own feelings, you will not feel so great, you will miss your guidance or ignore it, and you are likely to want others to change. so you can feel better.
For example, suppose you have a feeling that you want to go to an event, take a trip, or visit someone. You feel great about it. You feel safe. You feel excited. Your God-given guidance is telling you to go for it! Suppose however you turn on the news or have a conversation with someone in fear. Suddenly you are taking their opinions “into account” and now you’re not so confident. You don’t feel so clear. You want to go but you’re not sure you “should.” Originally your guidance was crystal clear, but since you let thoughts that were not your own into your mental house, now they are taking over!
Your guidance will be a very calm feeling or knowing. You might hear words in your head, but often something just “feels right” or doesn’t.Often guidance feels instinctual, natural, and like the thing you want to do next. Guidance can be a feeling of resistance to doing something you think you “should” do, or a feeling of upset when someone is pressuring you to do or be something you don’t want to do or be. (If you were totally secure in your own opinions, you’d listen to them without upset and do what you’re guided to do anyway, with no need to justify or validate yourself!)
Dear ones, mind your minds and make sure your minds matter to you. Be discerning about listening to your feelings rather than blindly taking in the thoughts that bombard you. Be honest with yourself about how you feel. Instead of worrying so much about pleasing others, be more concerned about pleasing the Source of Creation that lives and abides in you and guides you – in every moment in time – along the path of greatest joy.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

The true nature of self love

Ann Albers – The true nature of self love

In my twenties, I thought I loved myself. I held my head up high. I was smart – a quality that was valued growing up. I had a good job – another notch of “success” in my belt. I was married to a great guy – as a woman of my generation “should” be. I defined my worth by everything around me. until the truth came knocking on the door of my heart and I realized I didn’t know who the heck I was. Needless to say, as life went on and the light within started to emerge and guide me to be the real me, rather than the me everyone else taught me to be, my life fell apart. It needed to. It was a life that belonged to a persona I created to be accepted and loved. It wasn’t my own.
The process of learning self-love took me way beyond my conditioning.Like most of us, I learned conditional self-love. My parents did love me and I knew it but the culture at large sent some very strong unspoken messages. I was lovable when I did something “right” (according to someone else). I was lovable when I looked “right.” I was lovable when I was smart, pretty, kind, earning a good living at a respectable job. I was lovable when I did what others wanted. I was lovable when I took care of others. I was lovable when I smiled even when I felt bad. The list of unspoken but demonstrated criteria went on and on. The bottom line was that I thought I was lovable when I was the person I was trained and programmed to be.
So of course when I started being the real me, one moment I felt like I could finally breathe and the next I felt horrendous guilt. Who was I to be happy when others weren’t happy with me? Who was I to ask for a life I loved when others didn’t approve? Who was I to enjoy being me when I didn’t say what others wanted, look how others wanted, or have a career that others deemed acceptable? Who was I?
I know now. Who am I? Nothing less than who you are too – I AM. You ARE. We ARE the Light and Love that creates universes having an experience in bodies and personalities, given the power to create anything we desire if we can allow for it. The force within that moves us to choose Joy is the Source. The force within that moves us to live our own heart’s calling is the Source. The force that moves us to move towards what feels good and away from what doesn’t is nothing less than God living within and having an experience through us.
Love that light by being kind to yourself and accepting yourself no matter what, and you let it into every area of your life. Go for good and you’ll feel God. Think thoughts that feel fine and you’ll feel Divine. Listen to your feelings and you’ll feel the Source of Life listening in return. Follow your heart and you’ll play your part. Speak words like honey and you’ll attract more money! The angels like to rhyme in my head ??
Seriously, the kinder you are to yourself, the kinder you are to the Divine. The more sweetly you speak to yourself, the more you acknowledge the goodness within. The more you compliment and congratulate, rather than criticize yourself, the more you allow for your own expansion. You can be having the craziest, hardest, most unthinkably, unbearable time in life, and a teeny-tiny self-loving thought can turn it all around.
Self-acceptance is the key to self-love.
The name God gave to Moses was “I AM who I AM.” You are who you are. Choose to love yourself as if you were loving a child or a friend in whatever state you’re in. If you are angry, you are who you are in that moment. Accept it, love that little angry part of you reaching for more kindness and a better life. Talk sweetly to yourself and soothe yourself, then reach for better feeling thoughts. If you are sad, you are who you are in that moment. Accept it, then reach for healthy comfort. If you are wildly happy but everyone around you fears for your well-being, you can be kind, gentle, and not defensive of course, but you are who you are. Allow for that.
Self-love has nothing to do with feeling better than others. That need is born of insecurity and feeling disconnected from the One that lives within us all.
Self-love has nothing to do with “liking” everything about yourself. Like is about preference. Love is about acceptance and knowing everything serves a purpose.
Self-love can be demonstrated with actions of course but it is not about the action as much as it is about an absolute reverence for the Divine within.
Self-love is a decision you make to accept yourself as you are, acknowledge the light of the Divine within, and treat yourself accordingly.
A single self-loving thought or act, coming from a true vibration of love can set your entire life on a new and better course. Think of being unkind to yourself as swimming upstream in a massive current of love that is trying to carry you to all you desire. It takes work. It is exhausting, and it runs contrary to the expansion of the universe.
The minute you think a kinder thought, take care of yourself in the smallest way, nurture yourself, soothe yourself, acknowledge yourself, and love the light within. you begin to turn around and face downstream once again. That’s when things get better quickly.
A few weeks ago I got frustrated and didn’t want to feel it, so I broke out in a rash. Interesting. Good guidance. I told the rash I loved it for letting me know I was stuffing a feeling. I acknowledged and accepted my frustration, then shut my eyes and welcomed the rash into my light. I imagined myself as pure light. I loved that light, and imagined the rash dissolving into the light since it had done its job. I was quickly able to turn my thoughts to the blessings all around. The rash disappeared within an hour.
It doesn’t take years to learn to love yourself. It just takes a good strong willingness to change some old bad habits. Self-love isn’t always a warm fuzzy. It is simply a choice to acknowledge who you really are and treat yourself accordingly.
Here are a few pointers to help you practice true self-love:
1. Give up the comparisons & Identify with Your Essence
True self-love is between you and You. It has nothing to do with feeling better, smarter, more enlightened, or more whatever than anyone else. It has to do only with loving the light within you, whether you’re having a proud moment or an awkward one. The light is there regardless, and it is worthy of your love no matter how you “measure up” or “compare.”
Tell yourself often, “It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. It doesn’t matter if I measure up to others’ or even my own expectations. I am no less the light and love that creates universes. I am one with the love that lives in all things and all beings.”
Start to identify with your true essence.
2. Flip your self-criticisms to compliments
I thought this was a ridiculous exercise when the angels told me to compliment and congratulate myself for every little thing I would have otherwise criticized throughout the day. Of course, it was a game-changer. Try it. Challenge yourself to flip your self-criticisms to self-compliments. Ask your angels for help.
Self-Criticism: I’m so klutzy! I tripped in front of the whole class!
Self-Compliment: Brilliant! You were in a vibration to be supported. You didn’t get injured! And look at the perfect timing! (True story – I tripped when asking people to give me their worst criticisms in a class, and landed right in front of a woman who had raised her hand to tell me she was klutzy! The whole class howled with laughter as I demonstrated that you could love yourself – coordinated or not!)
Self-Criticism: Oh no! I forgot to get back to someone!
Self-Compliment: Good job! You were doing what was in your heart so there must be a more divine time to talk. Excellent work in trusting your guidance and the universe’s perfect timing!”
Self-Criticism: I just can’t seem to get caught up.
Self-Compliment: Isn’t it wonderful how many things you love doing? Isn’t it great that you can help people and still want to do so much in your own life? Isn’t it fantastic that you’re not tired when you’re happy?
You will likely feel pretty silly at times doing this exercise, but it can work wonders if done with sincerity.
We do it in some of my classes. One woman who had problems losing weight hated her hips. She shifted to appreciating them for their strength in carrying her children. She complimented them for their strength all week in fact. Without doing a thing other than shifting her vibration she lost five pounds the following week.
Another woman kept beating herself up for not having a job. She shifted to congratulating herself for creating a beautiful family and a life in which she didn’t have to work As she flipped her self-criticisms to compliments, she realized that she didn’t need a job, didn’t want one, and in fact wanted to do more creative work. She got happy. The whole family was happier too. A little shift in thinking was a huge shift in self-love that shifted her entire life.
Yet another dear lady was guilt-tripping herself for wanting a vacation home. She felt it was too much. She started to tell herself she deserved it and complimented herself for dreaming bigger and allowing God to dream through her. The means and the vacation home showed up within six months and turned into a wonderful spot for family gatherings.
Self-love may sound airy-fairy, but it is a life-altering game-changer.
3. Acknowledge your goodness every night (and day!)
Every night before you go to sleep, sit and acknowledge all the things you’ve done well that day – all the simple acts of loving-kindness, the accomplishments you feel good about, and the times you chose joy, peace, or some higher vibe.
We can easily focus on what’s wrong, and what we could have done better, but rarely do we take the time to acknowledge what we’ve done well. Perhaps you washed a dish and appreciated the sparkle. Perhaps you smiled at someone. Perhaps you let someone go in front of you in traffic, or maybe you didn’t because you wanted to get somewhere on time and you didn’t feel inspired to let anyone in. Perhaps you spoke authentically. Perhaps you made a change to honor the light and guidance within. Perhaps you read something that inspired you. Perhaps you did this exercise and are acknowledging your goodness right now.
Take time to honor and acknowledge yourself and your loving and learning moments, no matter how large or small.
Then when you can do that reliably each night, start catching yourself in loving words, thoughts, or deeds and acknowledge yourself throughout the day.
It is easy to be hard on ourselves. Most of us learned that well. However, as we begin to acknowledge the goodness, truth, beauty, and reality of the light that lives within us, we become kinder, gentler, and more compassionate with ourselves and others. We feel good and we feel God, and in that high vibe, things flow easily, kindly, and in ways that delight.

Grant yourself the right to be you

Ann Albers – The Angels – Grant yourself the right to be you – September 4th, 2021

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a deep breath. Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. You want to listen to your God-given inner compass and do what feels right to you. You never intended to be at odds with one another. You don’t truly want to fight over vaccines, viruses, variants, or a variety of other topics. You want to love.
There is no need to argue or defend your right to be. There’s never a need to defend or justify your choices. Simply say to yourself right here, right now, “I give myself permission to be me. I give myself permission to listen to my own inner compass. I give myself permission to choose the vibrations I wish to call into my life. I give myself permission to be the beautiful soul God made me to be. I love the light within me. I give the light within permission to guide me, guard me, and live joyously within me. I grant myself the right to be me.”
We know many of you feel your freedoms are being taken away and to a certain degree, temporarily there are many 3D restrictions. However, in the fifth-dimensional understandings of reality, you are always and eternally free.
For example, suppose you don’t want the vaccine and you are required to get one in order to keep your job. As always you have a choice. You want employment. You want to be well. You want to avoid anything you don’t resonate with. So what do you do with these seemingly conflicting desires? In 3D it might seem that you have two less-than-desirable choices. In 5D there is one important choice. Will you attune your vibration to what you want?
You can manifest a new job by focusing on what it would feel like to find one that matches your ideals and perspectives, and then eagerly anticipate the change. You can imagine how it will feel to be among a wonderful group of people, with an increased salary, in a job you love. This requires a willingness to attune to the vibration of what you want. Alternately, you can choose to have the vaccine – to see it as light going into light, intending strongly that you will take in only those frequencies that support your well-being and simply release the rest. This requires a willingness to attune to the vibration of what you want. As you see, you have put yourself in a position where you must, in either case, learn to attune yourself to the vibration of what you want.
You have put yourself in this position to grow beyond 3D limitations and into 5D freedom. Your soul wants this growth. Your soul wants you to step into this greater vibrational freedom, and when you find it, you will have everything you want. well-being, a job you love, and best of all the knowledge that you can create freely no matter what.
Dear ones you are always encouraged to express your truth with love when you desire to be heard, but there is never a need to justify or defend your point of view. You are who you are, and that is perfect, pure, profound LIGHT having an experience as a human being!
Say to yourself often, “I am who I am. I accept myself. I accept my beliefs, opinions, and perspectives at this moment. They are the filters through which I experience life. If they serve my joy I will keep them. If they don’t I will try on new ones. I am who I am and who I am is infinite light, infinite love, infinite possibility having an experience as a human being. I am free to be me!”
You would be surprised if you really paid attention to how many times a day you justify or defend your perspectives and choices. often to yourselves! Try it one day. Catch yourself explaining why it is OK to be you. Listen to your self-talk. “Uh oh, I accidentally cut that person off in traffic. If so and so hadn’t called I wouldn’t be rushing and running late.” It may be true, but you don’t have to justify yourself. Or, “I shouldn’t have spent so much on that, but I work hard! I deserve it!” Of course, you do. but you don’t have to defend your choices. You might recall a discussion with someone you found disagreeable and have entire conversations defending yourself in your own mind! We know you want to be understood, but this is actually not the best way to go about it.
If you like, you can try a very simple exercise. When you catch yourself defending a choice or action, or being defensive in conversation, stop. Tell yourself. “This is my choice and this is OK. This is my perspective and this is OK.” In conversation, you can say, “This is my belief or my choice, and I’m OK with it. I’m OK if you don’t agree. I know what’s right for me and trust you know what’s right for you.” We know it may appear that we’re oversimplifying things, but honesty is simple. Authenticity is simple. Choosing to be OK with you is much simpler than defending, justifying, and arguing with anyone, including yourself!
Dear ones, defense and justification come from insecurity, whereas true power comes from choosing to accept yourself. Accept your choices and, if you don’t like the outcome, make new ones. Accept your beliefs. If they don’t make you happy, create new ones. Accept everything within you because in this moment, you are enough. You are OK. You are right for you right here and right now because who you are right now is supporting your growth and expansion. Who you are right now is a launching pad for who you want to be in the next moment.
There is never a need to defend your choices, perspectives, beliefs, or opinions. There is never a need for anyone else to agree. If someone attacks you, have compassion for them, for only the insecure attack. If someone tries to push their opinion upon you, have compassion for they’re not comfortable with themselves enough yet to give up the need for agreement.
Your world was never intended to be a world of agreement. The body and every ecosystem on your planet work miraculously well when each cell, individual, or species simply allows themselves to be themselves. The heart cell doesn’t justify itself to the bone. The lions don’t justify themselves to the cheetah’s and the cheetahs don’t defend their right to be. The lion comes and they run. The heart cells form soft tissue, and the bones form a firm structure.
Each individual in all of creation has its own design, its own inner compass, and its own right to be. So do you. So does everyone else. Accept yourself as you and grant yourself permission to be you – pure, precious, powerful light having an experience that you yourself carve out with your unique and beautiful choices, beliefs, opinions, and perspectives. You are perfect as you are here and now, even as you expand into greater understanding.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Streams of Grace

The Angels – Streams of Grace – Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is time to let go of your expectations for yourselves, your future, and one another. It is time to create instead, to dream. It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions.
The world, and everyone else in it, is quick to offer you a multitude of ideas, opinions, and suggestions for how you should live your life, solve your problems, and manifest your dreams. The problem is that no one else lives in your body. No one else has your exact mind, nor do they know the deepest desires of your own soul. No one else can dictate to you what is best for you. People can offer suggestions and ideas with which you may resonate. They can also offer many with which you don’t. What you do, how you choose to think, and how you feel as a result, is all up to you.
There are so many streams of thought upon your planet. Some people are happily seeing the end of your pandemic. Others are seeing the potential for it to go on forever. Some people are truly done with the fearful energy of the pandemic, while others will hold onto it forever. Does this mean the world will have a pandemic forever? Absolutely not. Does this mean covid will be around forever in one mutated form or another? Absolutely yes. So, what to do dear ones?
There is only one answer. Do what feels right, authentic, and loving inside of you. Do what feels uplifting and inspiring, safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy. Do you feel like staying home and ordering in? Then do it. Do you feel like going to gatherings and hugging people? When you are inspired, guided, and permitted, do it. Choose. Learn from your choices. Make new ones. In this fashion, you find yourself in the stream of life that you, yourself, have directed.
The Divine offers an endless stream of love to every aspect of creation from the smallest components of your cells to entire galaxies and universes. The Divine coordinates the dreams and desires of all creation. All beings, from the smallest components in your cells to the vast galaxies are consciousness and have needs for their continued existence. You have the free will to express your desires as well. If you can imagine, the Source weaves all dreams and desires into streams of grace for every particle of consciousness on the planet, for every system, and for every being.
You, dear ones have called forth a very unique stream of love and grace from the Source – one that you can either float with or struggle against. With your desires – both explicit expressed and those subtly wished for as a result of seeing the things you don’t care for – you have directed the unconditional love of God in a stream that will guide you, if you line up with its currents, towards all that you’ve asked for.
You do indeed have to go with a flow, but not just any flow. your flow, your unique, perfect, individually designed, and constantly updated flow!
It is easy to tell if you are aligned with your very own stream of grace. When your energy is flowing with your stream, you feel good. When your energy is resisting your stream, you feel bad.
Imagine yourself in a river. If you are floating unimpeded, the ride is exhilarating or gentle and peaceful. You are carried easily downstream. If the river is blocked with boulders, or if you try to cling to the trees on the banks, you’re fighting a mighty current. You’ll wear yourself out, bang yourself up and maybe even feel as if you are drowning. You know these feelings in your own life. You know the exhilaration of being “at one” with the flow of love. You know the pain of hanging on to something that was once a part of your life but needs to be let go. You know the frustrating feeling of obstacles created by fear and doubt. And you know the drowning sensation that ensues when you focus on what is not working in an endless eddy of frustration. Dear ones you can feel your relationship to the stream that you, yourself, called forth.
So how do you get back in the flow that leads to all you seek, when you feel you’ve strayed? The answer is simpler than you might imagine. Right in the moment when you notice you are feeling bad, frustrated, angry, upset, sad, worried, doubtful, or any other unpleasant emotion, imagine yourself in that stream. Try out thoughts that feel better. Flow love towards anything you see in front of you. Do something that you enjoy as soon as possible. Relax. Release the obsession with the problem by focusing on something that feels better. Give yourself permission, as you would do with an upset child, to distract yourself with something better for the time being. You’ll know when you are aligned with the stream again because you’ll feel relief. You’ll start to feel energy moving through you. Maybe you won’t yet feel positive, but you’ll feel better.
Dear ones, surrender to your natural desire to feel better. Surrender to your natural desire to focus on more pleasant things. If reality “sucks” as you might say, stop facing reality. Focus forward. Find the stream, by searching for better thoughts. If you can’t pay a bill and you’ve done what you know to do, focus on a better thought, “The universe has access to infinite possibility. I am still here, alive, and have paid many bills I didn’t know how to pay.” Or “Wow, look at that sunset. Gorgeous. For just a moment I think I’ll sit here and give thanks for all the beauty around me.” Worry might try to grab you again. People might tell you to be “more responsible,” but dear ones, respond to your own hearts first! The stream wishes to carry you to your solutions.
There are many streams of thought in your world now. There will never ever be one right one. The common denominator in all of them however is love. Choose to love yourself enough to do what feels best now, to think the thought that feels best now, to take the actions that feel inspired and joyful. Free yourself from the bondage of pleasing others and floating down their streams, and instead find and align with your own, one better feeling thought and action at a time.
Many small currents join to make a stream. Many small streams join to make a river. Then, dear ones, many rivers travel, as you travel, back to the Ocean of Love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

April 17, 2021

Ann Albers – The Angels – You’ve got guidance!

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
The energies upon your planet are intense at this time, perhaps more so than ever before in human history. You have collectively prayed for a new reality. You have collectively asked the heavens for support in re-creating your lives as individuals, nations, and a global community. Each one of you has angels guiding you to experience these changes in the healthiest, happiest, and most harmonious way for your own unique and beautiful soul.
Moment by moment, day by day, we guide you with loving impulses and inspirations. We don’t give you a 5-year plan or even a 5-day plan. Rather, we guide you in each breath towards the kindest and most loving path to all you have asked for.
The easiest path is the one that brings you joy in the here and now. We guide you step-by-step, constantly adjusting to the ever-changing and shifting conditions upon your earth. In every breath more than 7 billion people make different choices and emit different vibrations. In every breath your energy shifts and changes too. We try to steer you, like flowing water, to move or go around any obstacles in your path.
Consider this example. If you wanted directions to a remote destination, you would likely pull out your phone, consider the maps offered by your GPS, and decide upon the quickest, easiest, or most scenic route depending upon your objective. Now suppose you are in the car, on your chosen path, but your phone suddenly detects an accident or a road closure up ahead. If you are listening to your phone’s guidance, you will be re-routed along the new best path.
Your angels are very much like the GPS on your phone and, as some of you like to joke, we are indeed your “God Positioning System!” We are always trying to guide you on a path that will assist you in elevating your vibration, and allowing what you want to flow into your reality.
In a high vibration you more easily perceive your higher guidance. In a lower vibration you will also perceive input and impulses that come from similar-vibration human beings who, like you are emitting energy and sharing opinions. As well you may feel your own fears, doubts, and conditioning in the mix of the energies you receive. Think of it this way: in a high vibe you perceive a clear signal. In a lower vibe, there is static on the line, and you must pay attention more closely to hear the signals of your higher guidance.
How do you know when you are receiving higher guidance?It is actually quite easy. Impulses and inspirations from your angels and guides feel wonderful, uplifting, fun, interesting, or inspiring. Feelings, impulses, and “inspirations” from others who might not have your best interest at heart feel likethings you must do to get what you want, things that don’t necessarily feel joyful to you in the moment.
For example, suppose you want a job or a relationship. Your well-meaning relatives and friends might suggest you spend hours, looking online. They might try to set you up with people you’re not interested in. They might recommend jobs that don’t inspire you. They may even get upset and judgmental if you don’t listen. “You’re never going to get what you want just sitting there!” Your own conditioned inner voice might give you similar, well-meaning, but pushy lower vibrational guidance. You know it is lower vibrational because it just doesn’t resonate with your heart. It feels exhausting, uninspiring, demoralizing, or upsetting.
Suppose you truly do enjoy looking online. You may look forward to it as much as some people enjoy a treasure hunt or doing online research. If so, your angels and guides will try to give you impulses at the best possible times to “catch” the moments of opportunity.
If however, looking online feels burdensome, your angels and guides will amplify your own natural inspirations to play, explore your interests, rest, travel, daydream, or cocoon or any one of a multitude of activities that you truly feel like doing. These activities will be ones that feel easy, good, and uplifting to you, even if they seem to have no logical relationship to your goal of the new job or the new relationship.
Nonetheless, as you do these things that feel good, you raise your vibration. You are being guided to elevate yourself into a space of joy and receptivity so you are ready when the job or relationship arrives. Perhaps you will meet someone during your playtime who will point you along the next step on your path. Perhaps you’ll surrender to your heart and at long last be open to the guidance you’ve really been waiting for. In a high vibe and space of joy, you’ll interview better, come across better on your first date, or notice the opportunities when they’re presented.
in every moment, given the state of the world and the state of your own energy, your angels and guides are guiding you along the path of joy. When you listen to your heart you’ll either perceive their guidance, or be guided – one better feeling thought or action at a time – into a higher vibration where you can more easily perceive our guidance. Life, and your angels, never give up on trying to steer you back to joy.
For example suppose you are disappointed and sad and you’re just trying to “tough it out.” Your angels are guiding you to thoughts and things that will uplift you. You may have a fleeting moment of feeling like taking a walk, but given your state of being, you think, “That’s too much trouble.” You may receive a feeling from us to call a friend but you think, “I don’t want to bother them.” Nonetheless, you still have guidance. You may be inspired by your own feelings to watch a sad movie that is a vibrational match. The movie triggers your tears and after a good cry you are able to release disappointment and sadness and focus on the better feeling thought of hope. Now thinkingabout that walk feels better, and you take it. Now we impulse you and help you feel like calling your friend again and this time you don’t think it sounds so silly.
Likewise, say you are in a difficult relationship, be it with a co-worker, spouse or other individual. You are trying to be loving and kind but deep down you’re angry. Your feelings are your own guidance system, telling you that you need to change yourself or the situation.
As always, depending on your deeper desires, your guides are always trying to inspire you to the path of greatest ease, flow, and joy. Perhaps you have thoughts of a kinder and more loving job or relationship. We are showing you that you can dream of this and manifest better – either in this relationship or another. Perhaps you feel an impulse towards self-love and the desire to speak up and share your heart, but then you think, “They don’t care.” Maybe that’s right but we see that sharing your heart, would be the next better feeling step. Perhaps you are feeling more and more like leaving this situation but instead of listening to your guidance and manifesting a way out, you think, That’s just not practical.” Perhaps it isn’t practical, but we are inspiring you to point your mind towards feeling of freedom so we can help guide you along the path to its manifestation. If you keep ignoring your higher guidance, it might take the other person matching your angry vibe with “a straw that breaks the camel’s back” to trigger your anger more strongly so you, at long last, start to manifest a kinder situation for yourself.
Sometimes the most joyful path means you have to let go of beliefs, people, or situations that don’t work to make room for those that do. You can’t always get from a deep dark mood to a glorious one without taking intermediate, better-feeling steps. In these denser moods, there are denser souls and situations that will match your vibration and without knowing, steer you back to better feeling thoughts. Like the canyon walls direct a river on its most natural and joyful path by blocking its flow, life and similar vibrational souls will bump into you until you choose kinder, easier thoughts and more self-loving actions.
As you become more practiced at keeping your vibration higher – one better-feeling thought at a time – it will be much easier for you to perceive and act upon higher, loving guidance. In the meanwhile you can sort out higher guidance by paying close attention to what feels best in your heart, in a given moment.
We want for you, what you want for you. We want to help you find better feeling thoughts, so you can act from inspiration rather than desperation. We want to help you when you seek comfort, so you can feel our love even when you don’t see love. We want to help you embrace your natural abundance so you can trust in life’s flow even when it is not yet made manifest. We guide you because we love you and we want to assist you in making all your dearest dreams come true.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

April 10th, 2021

Ann Albers – The Angels – April 10th, 2021
The stronger the flow, the stronger the feelings

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Upon your earth there is an unprecedented flow of love creating movement and change. You have, collectively called for it. In the confinement of quarantine, you longed for freedom. In months of separation, you cried for connection. Watching the horrors of racism you prayed for unity. Going within and creating better futures in your inner world, your desires were prayers that called to the heavens for support!
Unlike any time ever before in human history, love is flowing to you, through you, and when permitted, from you! Love is flowing into a world that is ready to rebirth itself into a brighter, greater, grander, more glorious, kinder, unified, creative future! You are the ones creating this change by your willingness to dream it. You are the ones allowing for it by your willingness to tune yourself to the frequency of love. You start with love and kindness for yourselves, and then you spiral outward, expressing your love for the world according to the dictates of your own Divine inspiration.
As you move forward, it is good to understand that the greater the flow of Love, the greater the magnitude of your feelings – both positive and negative.
If you watch a physical river, there is little disturbance when a gentle flow reaches a boulder in its path. However, a rushing river suddenly creates massive gurgling, bubbling, frothing waves when its powerful current runs into a boulder. So too, in a greater flow of love you notice your own boulders of resistance ever so much more strongly!
Your feelings are perfect indicators as to whether or not you are allowing or resisting the flow of Love through the universe and through yourself.
When you allow love to flow to you and through you, you feel bliss. In resistance, you feel pain. Most of you feel varying degrees in between, with occasional peaks on both ends of the spectrum.
For example, when you are immersed in the present moment, genuinely enjoying and appreciating what is in front of you, and not thinking any thoughts that would block the rushing torrent of love, you can feel a bliss that was once accessible only to those who worked diligently on their spiritual practice and meditation for decades! Many of you will find yourself seeing energy, perceiving spirit more clearly, and being bombarded by inspired thoughts that guide you to your dreams. These are the moments, dear ones, when you have no resistance whatsoever to the flow of love. These are your moments of heaven on earth!
When you experience (as so many of you are!) what we call emotional eruptions or sudden outbursts of intense “negative” emotion, this is simply an indicator that you have run up against a pocket of your own resistance to the flow of love.
Perhaps you’re focusing on something that bothers you, rather than something that pleases you. Perhaps you’re trying to push yourself to feel a certain way or do something that someone else says you should. but you don’t feel this way. Perhaps you need rest, food, or recreation but you’ve been ignoring your own needs. Perhaps you’re judging yourself or another or trying to impose your will on another. In any of those cases, you’re resisting the natural flow towards greater love and joy. These behaviors and thought patterns are taught, conditioned, humanly accepted, and understandable, but the bottom line is that resisting love’s flow doesn’t make you happy.
In fact, resistance to love’s flow is at the root of all human pain and suffering.
Sometimes you can begin to shift out of this resistance easily. You can take a breath and imagine you’re breathing in light, love, and goodness. You can breathe out and imagine sending love out into the world. Sometimes it is truly that simple to return to the flow of love. In this very natural rhythm of breathing, of giving and receiving, you can easily return to its flow.
If you hold your breath, however, you start to feel a craving for air. Your body tightens. The circulation of nutrients, waste removal, and nerve signals is diminished. Likewise, if you refused to exhale you would want to burst.
Similarly, if you don’t shift your focus to take in a vibration of love offeredto you in each moment, you crave love in ever-increasing measure. If you don’t flow love outward in some form on a regular basis, you will feel like you want to burst.
We’re not saying you have to like everything. We’re not saying you have to receive human love from everything or everyone, or even flow love outwards to everything and everyone at all times. This would be an ideal state, and while it is a lofty goal, we’re simply reminding you that you can re-enter the flow of love, much more easily, no matter what is going on around you.
Find an easy way to take in love, even if you simply focus on a single pleasing thought. Find an easy way to flow love outward if only by praying for, or appreciating anything or anyone in your life, especially yourself.
The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love. This is an extremely different paradigm from the one most of you learned, and a critical understanding to help you navigate 5D reality with joy.
We’ll say it again:
The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love.
Your objects of attention simply help you tune your energy. You can focus with internal or external attention on anything that pleases you and begin to experience the flow once again.
You can allow love to flow to you, by taking in the beauty of a single wildflower, a single beautiful thought, a wonderful song, a joyful video, a delicious meal, a kind thought – anything that plugs you into feeling love and enjoying the moment. Breath that in.
You can flow love outward by appreciating a beautiful color, sharing a kindness with someone, praying for anything or anyone, simply sitting and imagining light filling you and emanating from you in silent presence. You can do good deeds, think kind thoughts, and allow yourself to be a beacon. You can flow love first and foremost by being kind to yourself. Breathe out.
Opening to a small flow leads to a larger flow if you are willing to continue in this fashion, reaching for a focus that feels more like love. As you continue to open and release areas of resistance to love, simply by shifting your focus, you will soon tune to a more blissful feeling space.
We know there are times, especially during periods of “emotional eruption” when you feel it is nearly impossible to re-enter the flow of love by finding a single pleasing thought! When someone triggers your pain; when life seems unfair; when you have focused too long on something upsetting – in these cases, it can feel as if you are possessed by the very thing you do not want to see! These intensely unpleasant emotions arise from feeling disconnected from the flow of love.
In these cases, you have become temporary, obsessively entangled with your focus on a negative object of attention, and have therefore removed your focus from the multitude of things, people, situations, and inner conditions that would assist you in finding the feeling and flow of love.
It is oh-so-human to blame the triggers of your eruptions! If only he/she/it would be different you’d feel better! That may be very true, but in assigning blame, rather than re-entering the flow of love, you render yourself entirely, spiritually powerless. It doesn’t matter if what upsets you is a person, a situation, a republican, democrat, a vaccine, an unvaccinated person, one masked or unmasked, a rotten piece of fruit or a rotten behavior, a traffic jam, a horribly abusive people, or any one of millions of displeasing conditions.
We speak plainly here because we want to help you reclaim your power to feel joy. We want you to know your power to focus on a kinder feeling thought and thus to disentangle yourself from vibrations that do not please you. We want to support you in your soul’s bliss, your unfolding desires, and in living, breathing, and contributing to the flow of love!
In this flow of Love you are aligned with nothing less than the Creator of worlds! You become the change for the world. You become powerful creators. You become effective communicators. You become part of the solutions instead of vibrationally reinforcing the problems.
We know this isn’t always easy. There is plenty going on in the world to upset you right now, and many practiced negative emotions that are quite socially (but no SOUL-cially) acceptable.
Many of you have been asking us in your heart – What do I do when I experience an emotional eruption and I can’t find a better feeling thought? What do I do when I feel stuck in negativity? What do I do when my ex/mother/father/brother/sister/boss/child is being so terrible I can’t focus on any of the good people in my life? What do I do when I worry night and day about the country/the economy/my health/death, etc.? What do I do when I get stuck on a focus that feels terrible?
In these cases, dear ones, you can gently begin to release your resistance to love’s flow by first, being kind to yourself. Make the choice to accept yourself where you are and love yourself through it. There’s no need to berate yourself. There’s no need to criticize yourself because you’re a spiritual person who “should” know better. There’s no need to beat yourself up because you can’t find a single positive thought in the moment. You could only calm a screaming or crying child with distraction or, that failing, by soothing them until the emotion dissipates. When in an eruptive emotional state, you must grant yourself this same accepting, allowing, kindness.
Practically speaking, love yourself enough to allow the unpleasant feelings to flow through you in the healthiest and most responsible way that you can, and they will dissipate. Say to yourself, “Well I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m jealous. That’s where I’m at, and that’s OK for now.” Then vent in private – in a journal, to God, or your angels. Wrap a cozy blanket around yourself, and cry the tears, without judgment. Immerse yourself in your jealousy and journal it until you wear it out and realize you don’t want to feel powerless. Breathe deeply. Allow the unhappy energy to move and simply observe it flowing as if you are watching debris that was deeply lodged within you float up and out.
There will often be nuggets of loving gold once the intensity of the “negative” emotion dissipates. Under your sadness, comes a desire for comfort and kindness. Under your anger comes a desire for more balance or to move away from non-resonant conditions or beliefs. Underneath your jealousy is a desire to embrace your power to create.
As soon as you are able, gently steer your mind towards better feeling thoughts. Gently release your resistance to love. “I’m proud of myself. I allowed myself to feel and it didn’t kill me. That was brilliant to just feel and observe, rather than re-act in a hurtful way! I love myself no matter what. I accept myself no matter what. Strong feelings won’t kill me. Better out than in. I love myself. I have compassion for myself. I feel better now. I am going to create more comfort, to move closer towards what resonates and away from what doesn’t. I’m going to learn to create. I’m no longer resisting love.” Hug yourself. Get yourself a glass of water and imagine filling it with love. Drink it.
Then, open to love’s flow. Imagine opening your heart like a flower to the sun. Breathe slowly and deeply and with each in-breath imagine that flow of love pouring into you and through you. If you continue in this fashion, you may fall asleep. You may still have resistance and want to retreat back into upset. You may want to distract. Do your best to sit, breathe, open, breathe, and receive. You want to feel better. You want to be happy. You want to feel loved.
There are no “wrong” feelings dear friends. Your feelings simply indicate whether or not you are allowing or resisting love. They tell you what vibration you are currently tuned into, so you can choose whether or not that is the magnet with which you want to attract or allow your future.
There is no judgment from the heavens in this conversation. Resisting love does not diminish who you are in any way. It simply diminishes your experienceof who you truly are.
In this very intense and beautiful flow of love, be kind and gentle with yourselves. Embrace yourselves where you are. Don’t push yourselves to do or feel what you do not. Don’t run from your feelings. When you can, gently shift to better feeling thoughts. When you are in the midst of emotional eruptions just observe the “debris” flowing through you in a kind and healthy way, until the “love” inevitably follows.
You are birthing yourselves anew. Your earth is birthing herself anew. Love is being birthed in a massive rushing flow right now. Enjoy the process. You are freeing yourselves from eons worth of conditioned resistance to love. You are freeing yourselves to see, be, experience, and express the love that you are made of.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Ann Albers – Peace amidst diverse perspectives

Ann Albers – Peace amidst diverse perspectives

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are living in exciting times upon your planet earth. Never before has the opportunity to explore other perspectives been so easy or so accessible. Never before have you been able to sample from the abundant diversity of life while sitting in your own homes. Never before have the contrasts been so vividly played out in the theater of human existence.
For some of you that is frightening. Most of you were raised to feel safe around sameness. Most of you were raised to feel right in worlds and with words that were passed down throughout generations. Many of you were raised to “keep the peace” by never disagreeing.
Now things are different. It seems that few are interested in “keeping the peace” as you once did. You’re faced – in your media, your news, in your families, and on your streets – with people whose perspectives differ widely from the ones you may have been raised with. You are living in times when you’re encouraged to own your truth, to speak up, to share your perspectives, and most importantly of all to seek understanding of perspectives different from your own.
As a result your world appears to be in chaos right now. There are so many perspectives! Some people present their ideas and beliefs with decency, kindness, and a respect for one another. Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another. Whether in an evolved way or not, everybody’s personal truth is coming to the surface.
You feel your own personal truths emerging from within. You feel the things you once tolerated but can no longer. You feel the thoughts you once pushed under the rug becoming important to you. You feel the emotions you’ve stuffed for decades. You see the possessions that no longer serve you and want the things you once refused to admit you wanted. It is no longer possible to avoid feeling your personal truths. The energy is just too strong.
The loving truth of each soul is rising up from within. Given an unblocked path it emerges in a loving desire to be more authentic. Given a blocked path from within, it finds unkind expression. Pray for the souls trying to express their truths in violence and anger. They are hurting and don’t yet feel mature enough to share their perspectives with love. Pray for yourself to express your truth with love. In this fashion you become the light houses and beacons of hope and peace in a world where many do not yet know how to express themselves in a higher, happier, and more loving way.
This movement towards becoming more authentic – awkward, unpleasant, and scary as it might be at times – is a sign of spiritual evolution. One must go through the teenage years and find one’s voice, however awkwardly, before one can reach maturity. No matter how old a person, many now are going through a phase wherein they find their truth, feel the discomfort of speaking up, and as a result, share their perspectives in an unloving way.
You need not fear. You need only stay in a vibration of love and you will be safe, secure, and protected, for in love all things are made right. In love you are guided. In love you can express your truth with only a desire to share ideas, to understand and to be understood. In love you can be you and allow others to be who they wish to be. In love you will attract light and repel the darkness of misunderstanding.
You are facing times of great growth here upon your earth. There is no need to despair. There is no need to fall into fear. It isn’t the end of the world. It is, instead, a time of re birthing, a time when you stop sweeping issues that never worked to begin with, “under the rug,” a time when humanity is crying for truth and integrity, freedom and justice, and all those qualities that a soul craves in their experience.
Be the ones who understand that self-expression is an expression of the True Self only when voiced with love. Be the ones who understand that truth and integrity begin within the self. Be the ones who know that the universe is completely just already, in that like vibration attracts like. Be the ones who know that you are, and always have been, free to emanate whatever energy you like.
Chaotic though it may be the players in the theater of human existence are just that. You are a beautiful being of light, as are they. You know this. Embrace this truth. You are loved. You are pure light. You are a tuner in a world of vibration and you can pick and choose the vibrations which you wish to tune into.
Dear ones, we are working with your earth very closely right now. There are countless beings of light sending love to each and every one of you. We don’t judge any soul. We simply send our love, for that ultimately is the greatest expression of any being, whether on the earth or in the heavens. Receive our love daily and know you are all perfect and precious in our eyes. Do your best to realize that good will ultimately arise from the chaos. Be patient. Pray for all. You are all so very beautiful and so very loved.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Ann Albers – The Angels – Managing your Inner World

Ann Albers – The Angels – Managing your Inner World

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Never before on your planet earth has the soil been so tilled by the differences and the diversity. Never before have human beings been so strongly bringing their opinions, ideas, beliefs, and desires to the surface. You have always had wars and disagreements but here and now, with your increased ability to communicate and share via your technology, each and every one of you has the opportunity to let the world know who you are and to share your beliefs with one another.
Life is a buffet rich with experiences, ideologies, and frequencies. You get to choose what you will select from the vast array of offerings. In your grandparents’ generation most people had exposure to an extremely limited set of ideologies from family, community, church, and work. You, on the other hand, have exposure the world! You have an infinitely larger pool of contrast from which to select, and just like a person selecting from a buffet, this affords you greater opportunity to figure out what it is you like, who it is you are, and how you wish to show up in the world.
Your task in all this stirred up energy isn’t to change anyone else, nor to bend them to your will. It isn’t to fix or educate those you disagree with, but rather to dive deep within and find that still, calm, center of your own personal truth. Who are you? What do you believe? What do you want to experience in your life? What would you desire to create? How do you want to show up in the world?
Are you a lover or a fighter? Are you a gardener, or an excavator? Are you an artist or a scientist? Do you love to write poetry, bake, invent new technologies, race cars, fly planes, take care of animals. or one a billion other experiences you can create? Do you want to be a peacekeeper or one who stirs and fans the flames of unrest; the healer or the tormentor; one who takes responsibility for their own energy, or one who gives their power away to everyone else around you?
We have no judgment here in the heavens. Each of you gets to choose the essence of what you wish to create and how you wish to experience life. Each of you will choose the path that creates the growth your soul wishes to experience. Each one of you will find the exact vibration that you emanate being mirrored back to you, so you can learn, discern, and choose a new vibration if you wish to experience something else.
Your experience of life need not depend on what the outside world is doing. It need not depend on anyone else’s agreement. It need not depend on whether or not the world or others act or think the way you wish they would. Your experience of life is dependent only upon the vibrations you emanate. You will always receive and see that which you focus predominately upon. This is the meaning of the phrase, “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.”
If you don’t like what you see, change your focus, dear friends. You have that power. Think thoughts that bring you joy. Remove your focus from the outer world except insofar as you find things to focus on that inspire you to feel passionate, enthusiastic, and loving. Focus on the causes that excite you and remove your focus from the behaviors and souls that don’t resonate. If you’re sad, find thoughts that comfort. You need not judge anyone or anything. You need not save or fix anyone to make yourself more comfortable. You need only pay attention to what feels good and what does not in order to choose where to place your focus. A radio cannot tune into both AM and FM at the same time. Likewise you cannot be tuned into that which resonates and that which does not at the same time.
Your free will power to choose the thoughts that give you the feelings of love is your soul’s greatest freedom on earth. Always, we recommend that you focus upon that which resonates with you, because that is what will feel loving, inspiring, and joyful, and what will be in vibrational harmony with yourtruth.
We love you. We gently and lovingly encourage you towards those thoughts which feel loving and kind to yourself. We gently encourage you to give less of your power to external world and more power to your internal world. You swim in a sea of vibration; you emanate vibrations; and you receive like vibrations. We want to assist you in shifting your paradigm away from one of 3D dimensional thinking where you must manipulate and change the outer world to give yourselves a sense of security, abundance, love, and joy, to one of the 5D reality in which you simply tune into those vibrations and thus draw them to you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

The Angels – Relating beyond the costume – Ann Albers

The Angels – Relating beyond the costume – Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Today, many of you celebrate Halloween – a holiday where you make light of darkness, dress in costumes, share tricks or treats, and in general have fun with what might otherwise be considered very scary topics. Can you imagine that you are all souls in costume, that all darkness will indeed eventually be seen for the illusion it is, and that, through your free will, you alone have given yourself either tricks or treats!
You are Divine love in costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of your personality, and playing a particular role. Your political candidates are divine love in a costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of their personalities, and playing a unique role. The ones you love and the ones you can’t stand are Divine love in a costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of their personality, and playing a role as well.
Unfortunately most upon the earth have forgotten to identify with the light within. Instead you relate to yourselves and one another as the costume of the body, the mask of the personality, and the roles that you play for one another.
Your challenge is to remember that no matter what you look like, no matter what characters you play, no matter how your personalities differ, you are all united in the One love that breathes life into each and every one of you upon your planet earth.
When you whisper telepathically to a soul, “I remember who you are beneath the costume, the mask, and the role,” you help them remember too. When you treat a person as if they are the costume, the mask, or the role, you help them identify more strongly with that facade.
What if, on Halloween, instead of saying, “Hi Bob! Hi Sue! Hi dear friend of family member! Hello, my dearest child,” you believed in and reacted as if your dear ones were their costume, their mask and the roles they were playing? What if, instead of greeting your friends with love and humor, you started to fight the pirates, scream in horror at the skeletons, beg the superheroes for help, flirt with the barmaids, and bow to the princesses. Aptly enough, your friends in costume would, more seriously, embody their roles in response!
Likewise you have the power on earth to bear witness to the light within each soul or to trigger them to more heavily identify with their body, personality, or role. It is your choice. If you fight the pirates and the villains, they will become more pirate or villain-like! If instead you treat them as if they are a soul beneath a mask, they will act more kindly. If you beg your superheroes to help you, believing they have more strength, clout, and power than you do, they will likely assist, but you may just forget your own innate power in the interaction.
If you treat someone like the body-costume they wear, they will respond as such. If you treat someone as the personality they exhibit they will respond in kind. If you treat someone as the role they play, they are likely to oblige you by playing that role.
If instead you walk around witnessing the light of the Divine in each and every soul around you, regardless of body, personality, or role, your experience of life will be so much sweeter! You will draw out the loving essence of those wishing for it to be seen. You will naturally repel those who identify with the darker roles, and who aren’t ready to be “seen” for the light that they truly are.
Trick or treat dear ones? Do you want to trick yourself into believing that those around you are the costume of their body, the mask of their personality, or the role the play? Or do you want to treat yourself to a greater truth – that beneath these facades, there is One love experiencing itself in many forms, many personalities, and many roles?
Give yourself this gift. Remind yourself there is a spark of light in every soul, beneath every facades. Allow yourself to imagine fanning the flames of this light with your prayers and your love. Relate to everyone as if you know the truth! You know who lives beneath the costume, the mask, and the role.
What if every day instead of saying, “Hello, Bob! Hello, Sue! Hello, dear friend or family member,” you were to say instead, “Hello, God, dressed as Bob! Hello, God, dressed as Sue! Hello, God, dressed as my friend or family member!” I know who you really are, and guess what! I am Divine love too! I am wearing the costume of this body, the mask of this personality, and playing a role too. How beautiful we are in our diverse costumes. How amazing that we can interact in these roles. I love you. I love me. I know who we really are.
Get up each morning dear ones and look in the mirror. Greet the Divine within your own eyes with reverence. “Good morning dear God in the costume of this body. Good morning! Help me remember I am so much more than my body, my personality or my role, and help me see you beneath all others as well.” Then, doing your best, go about your day imagining you are the loving Divine interacting with the loving Divine in all others. Some will remember. Some will forget. But nonetheless, you will treat yourself to a loving experience of interacting with the One who lives beneath all costumes, all masks, and all roles.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Ann Albers – Between worlds

Ann Albers – Between worlds

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
What world are you living in this very moment? Are you living in a world of pandemic with no seeming end, horrible divisions, and scathing political disagreements? Or, are you living in a world where you are eternally connected to the Source of well-being, experiencing unity within self, and experiencing a love for all perspectives, because you know that all help you find clarity about your own point of view?
Both worlds exist simultaneously upon your planet. The divisions between them are becoming increasingly apparent:
One is focused on the outer reality.
The other is focused on the inner reality.
In one, the outside world affects you.
In the other, you affect the outside world.
In one you are subject to the mass consciousness.
In the other you are Consciousness itself, creating a far kinder, more loving reality from the inside out.
In one the ego guides.
In the other you are guided by love, joy, and inspiration from the soul.
Most of you dance between these two words.
You strive to create from the inside out and yet the outer world is very compelling. It wants to get in. Misery does love company, dear ones, and fear is a virus that live in the minds and hearts of those who would infect you with it.
For example you want to live in faith that you are guided and all will be well, but so many are crying “doom and gloom” that you begin to waver and wonder if your optimism is ill-founded.
You want to feel God’s peace and prosperity from the inside out, and for a while you do but then the world’s arguments for lack and chaos are compelling and you feel yourself get sucked into them from time to time.
You want to love all your fellow human beings, yet the angry, victimized behaviors of some become a trigger for you to step away from your truth
You want to believe in the new world that is being birthed but the unpleasant predictions and cries of “when is this going to end,” periodically trigger doubts and fears.
Dear ones, don’t berate yourselves when you slip from one reality into the other. You are all very spiritually aware beings reading or listening to our words. You all know the idea that you create from the inside out. Nonetheless, you were raised in a world that, to this day, insists that the outer world should dictate your joy, your health, your peace, and your prosperity.
You know better, but putting higher truth into practice in a world where it is not yet common practice, takes a bit of effort between the ears.
You need not convince anyone else to believe as you do. You need not convince anyone else that you create from the inside out. Simply do it, and allow your life to work. You will become happy, healthy, prosperous, and peaceful and then others will want to know how on earth you’re managing to do that in this “crazy world.”
Focus on living your own life the way you want to live it, and then you’ll become an inspiration to others and a vibrational force of change.
Embrace your own joy from moment to moment. Strive to think thoughts that give you good feelings – one better feeling thought at a time.
Focus on any areas in life where you can feel abundant. Walk through your days, challenging yourself to appreciate everything you can.
Seek out peaceful spaces, peaceful people, and peaceful interactions when you can, and when others try to draw you into their arguments simply tell them, “I am listening. I want to understand you.” Send compassion. Pray for them. Don’t take it personally
While many of you want to share your opinions with others, search your hearts and ask, “Am I doing so because I love to share what works for me, and because it is a joy to uplift, inspire, and educate?” or “Am I seeking to be right, to make another understand that they should change, or to validate my own perspectives by seeking agreement?”
Only words spoken from love are worth speaking.
Dear ones, you find yourselves wavering between worlds, and that is OK. Be kind to yourselves. Be gentle When you fall into the externally-based world, slowly and gently guide yourself towards the internally-based world – one kinder, more loving, better-feeling thought at a time.
There are many shouting doom and gloom, armed with “facts,” accusations, fear, and anger. There are just as many quiet spiritual souls praying for and envisioning peace, living out the kindest, happiest, most loving lives they can, and serving others in all ways, great and small. They are doing so – you are doing so – with such a powerful love that your energy is collectively creating a quiet, yet powerful wave of change upon your planet earth.
Do your best to be part of the crowd embracing creation from the inside out – one kind, loving, appreciative thought at a time – for in that reality, you become aligned with the power that creates universes. In that reality you contribute to solutions that are guided, inspired, win-win, and lasting.
The Divine wants all of you to have lives in which you experience well-being, love, peace, prosperity, and joy. Dive within. Find and share love in the smallest of ways. Think the kindest thoughts you can choose, and then dear ones, one loving, powerfully aligned soul at a time, you will become the change you wish to see in your world.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, November 16th, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
When you find yourselves wondering about how to change your outer world, go inward. When you don’t know what to do, focus on who to be. When life isn’t going your way, go inside and find your own way.
Dear ones, attempting to control your outer world is often futile. Inside of yourself, however, you can tap into the energy that creates universe. You can attune your inner being to any feeling or situation you like, thereby attuning yourself to the outer circumstances that will mirror your inner worlds.
If you are having difficulty with a relationship, don’t try to change the other person. Instead, go within and imagine a loving relationship with them, or feeling peaceful about this person. From that place of loving calm you will either affect their behavior or your own reaction to it.
If you are feeling lack but don’t know how to earn more, go within and give thanks for all the abundance in your life until you feel your own wealth. In that space, ideas will flow, people will respond to you differently, and money will come in miraculous ways.
If you are feeling sick, by all means do what you know to do to be healthy in your physical world, but then go inward. Remember a time when you were healthy. Imagine it until you feel it in your inner world. Are you walking, dancing, hugging friends? What does health feel like in your inner world.
Within you you find the depths and presence of the Divine. Within you, you can tune into any reality in the field of infinite possibility.
The greatest thing you can seek to control, dear ones, is not your outer life, nor others around you, but rather your very own mind. As you learn to control your focus in your inner world, you will begin to see changes in your external life as well. You will become conscious creators, directors of the very force of life itself, and deliberate travelers through a field of infinite possibility.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

The Angels via Ann Albers

The Angels via Ann Albers, October 12th, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Paths appear and disappear in your lives. Doors open and close. Opportunities come and go, and yet, never can you ever “miss the boat!” It is not possible to bypass your growth, for it shows up always in one form or another. It is not possible to bypass the essence of your desires, for if you miss one opportunity another will simply arise. You cannot lose!
How would you live if you knew you couldn’t lose? How would you live if you knew you couldn’t “miss the boat?” How would you live if you knew a “wrong choice” for the future was really a “right choice for the present” that would ultimately lead you to an even better future?
We know you would live with less fear. When faced with a decision you would ask yourself only, “What feels right, right now?” You’d trust that. You’d live in the moment. You’d stop strategizing, manipulating your own hearts, and trying to convince others that your way is correct. You’d relax, knowing that, in your human words, you cannot truly mess up your own life.
You are here to learn. You can learn quickly or slowly. You are here to grow. You can expand into greater love gradually or instantly. You are here to create. You can manifest your dreams with a single combination of pure thought and pure surrender to love, or you can manifest more slowly by trying to remain in control of how they have to look and when they have to occur.
Dear ones, there is no race in life. There is no finish line in eternity! There is only a gradual, beautiful unfolding of your awareness into love. Even in the heavens when you choose to graduate from your earthly incarnations you will find new opportunities to expand, grow, and learn.
So, relax. You can’t truly make a “bad choice” – you can only make choices, learn, grow, expand, and then make better choices.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels
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