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5 exercises that develop creativity

5 exercises that develop creativity

One spark, accidentally or not, flashing through the darkness, can ignite a powerful fire. Yes, by spark, I mean creativity. This is the ability to think outside the box, which allows you to create a concept with a pencil and a piece of paper, or come up with an advertising slogan.
So, which one of us would not like to become creative? That’s right – units. But not everyone knows how to do it. Here are 5 exercises that will help you develop your creativity.
1. Two accidents
Take an explanatory dictionary and randomly select two random concepts. Just point your finger at any pages. Compare them, try to find something in common between them. Come up with a crazy story in which to put the relationship. Such an exercise trains the brain perfectly.
2. The crazy geneticist
Take a clean sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. It is very good if you do not know how to draw, because beauty and result are absolutely not important here. The main thing, as I said above, is the process. Now draw something that combines as many features of all the animals you know as possible. You will get, for example, a fox with fish scales, or a long-necked hare with hooves. The purpose of the exercise is to kill any rudiments of logic and common sense, focusing on creativity.
3. The Mad Architect
Let’s move from animals to architecture, let’s draw a house. But before we start this lesson, choose any 10 words. Imagine that you, as an architect, were commissioned to design a house. But the customer has set 10 mandatory requirements. These are the chosen words. There could be anything here. For example, “orange” – and the roof of your house should be orange, “plate” — make round windows in the bathroom, etc. While drawing on paper, at the same time imagine what it might look like in real life.
4. 10+10
Choose any word, it must be a noun. Now write down the 5 adjectives that you think are most suitable for him. For example, “socks” are black, warm, woolen, winter, clean. Did you do it? Now try writing 5 more adjectives that don’t fit at all. That’s where everything stalled. It turns out that it is very difficult to do this. Dig into various areas of perception and find the right words.
5. Name
Try to come up with a name for an item every time you are interested in it. It can be short and sharp, or long and expanded. The purpose of the exercise is that you should definitely like the name.
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