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The Great Tribulation could begin TODAY

The Great Tribulation could begin TODAY

On December 10, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its first emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. After this, on December 14, 2020, a campaign for treatment against the pandemic began. And enlightened pastors write the following about this today :
What is 1290 Daniel 12:11 writes: From the time the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, one thousand two hundred and ninety days will pass.
Since many eschatologists thought and continue to think that with the beginning of treatment for the pandemic, the last week also began, then June 26 should be some kind of important day in this planet, maybe even decisive. For example, the first Pfizer clients who were treated on December 14, 2020, will receive a cell signal and away they go. Or the Third World War will begin. Or an asteroid will fall to Earth. 
Daniel 12:12 writes about this: Blessed is he who waits and attains one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
Let’s use the calculator again:
Thus, if some great eschatological events begin on June 26, everything will end on August 10 and blessed will be the one who lives to see this day. 
The question arises: to what extent are these fears of pastors justified?  Let’s turn to Wikipedia: 
Israel’s COVID-19 vaccination program, officially called “Lend a Shoulder,” began on December 19, 2020, and has been praised for its speed, with twenty percent of Israel’s population receiving the first dose of the vaccine within three weeks. As of June 26, 2021, about 64% of Israelis eligible for vaccination have received at least one dose.
America is, of course, a very large and very important country for the whole world, but for Daniel the most important thing was Israel. Therefore, you probably need to count not from December 14, but somewhere from December 19 – the day the treatment began in Israel. And surprisingly, it coincided that the 1335th day of 12/19/20 falls almost on August 12-13, 2024, that is, on the 9th of Av.
At the same time, according to the prophecy of Daniel, in the period of 1290 days – 1335 days, that is, about a month and a half, the world will be overwhelmed by a series of some epic events: people will not have time to blink from what happened yesterday, when today an even hotter one will arrive from the TV and shocking news against which everyone will forget about yesterday. And so on for six weeks. 
And it’s also a surprising coincidence that Israel is about to go to Lebanon to break into Hezbollah and send its miracle heroes to the miracle heroes of Hamas, who will play the role of virgins because the Israeli military has deprived many of their primary sexual characteristics. June 26 – June 29 is a very suitable date for the prophecy to come true.
Well, the most important thing is that on June 29 , a huge asteroid with a diameter of up to 260 meters will fly past the Earth. The distance is funny – 300,000 kilometers. The approach speed is 9 km/sec, which is less than the second cosmic speed, and the asteroid has every chance of either starting to revolve around the Earth or falling to Earth. 
In light of the above, we do not exclude that the pastors are right, that on June 26-29, the second half of the Last Week, that is, the Great Tribulation, will actually begin, so we are monitoring the development of events. 

Время Великой скорби может начаться уже СЕГОДНЯ.

Two large asteroids will pass by Earth this week

Two large asteroids will pass by Earth this week in less than 48 hours, the European Space Agency (ESA) said on its website. This is a rare phenomenon that coincides with this year’s Asteroid Day.
Space objects pose no risk to the planet. However, one of them was discovered just over a week ago, which again underscores the need to improve humanity’s ability to detect potentially dangerous space objects in a timely manner.
Asteroid 2024, measuring 120 meters by 260 meters, was first detected on June 16, 2024. It will pass by Earth on June 29, in the midst of events organized to celebrate Asteroid Day, ESA said. The asteroid is large for a near-Earth space object and will fly 290,000 kilometers from Earth’s surface, which is about 75 percent of the distance between Earth and the Moon. There is no risk of an asteroid hitting our planet. But an object of this size can cause significant damage if it falls to the ground, ESA said.
Because of its size and proximity to our planet, 2024 will be visible under clear night skies on June 29 with a small telescope from some parts of the world, ESA said.
The asteroid (415029) 2011 APOSEMATIC21 is larger than 2024 aposematic. Its width is 2,310 meters, making it larger than over 99 percent of the known archipelagos. It will be closest to Earth on June 27, at a distance of more than 17 times the distance between Earth and the Moon. This asteroid is moving in a highly inclined orbit around the Sun, which is unusual for such large objects. Most large objects in the solar system, including planets and asteroids, orbit The Sun along or near the equatorial plane. This could be due to gravitational interactions with large planets such as Jupiter, which could deflect otherwise safe asteroids towards Earth, so knowledge of these processes is important, ESA said.
Asteroid Day was established by the United Nations and is celebrated on the occasion of the fall of the largest asteroid-in the area of the Podkamnaya Tunguska River on June 30, 1908.
Bozhidara Naydenova
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