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The epidemic of monoliths continues

The epidemic of monoliths continues. Now also in Colorado

Almost the entire June of 2024, half of the world’s press enthusiastically discussed a strange object that appeared in the desert near Las Vegas.
The monolith was not the first and not the last. Its only difference from the previous ones is excellent polishing, which endowed the piece of iron with some light-refracting characteristics:
And now, as they say, this has never happened before, and here it is again:
This time the monolith was discovered in Colorado, northwest of Fort Collins and near a road junction. And everyone is again racking their brains about what it is. 
Most of all, this resembles a performance by yet another crazy fools: some walk around the square with bare butts and collect autographs, others erect monoliths – artists, in one word.
However, most of the artists are not very rich guys, and such performances are quite expensive.
In addition, artists always somehow try to stand out from the general background, for example, by painting the same thing in the strong colors of the Moksha flag. And here everything is somehow the same.  
The chronological correlation of the monoliths with the year 2020 is also noted – they began to appear with the beginning of the pandemic. Before this, somehow such monoliths had never occurred to anyone, although Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey” appeared back in 1968. 
Finally, the most important thing for an artist is not just to stand out against the backdrop of what he considers a gray mass, but to declare himself, hang his last name or creative nickname on the flag so that everyone can see and go nuts. But this is also not observed with monoliths.
In other words, it all looks a little like the tricks of crazy artists. This looks like an event of a serious organization with a serious budget, which is either signaling something to the world, or conducting some kind of ritual. For example, he stakes out plots – like prospectors on the Yukon River once did. This is the simplest rational explanation, although there are, of course, other explanations. 
Let’s assume that some alien brothers, drawing crop circles for an unknown purpose, decided to change the plate and drove into the ground something like the tablets of Moses, on which they wrote what and how. Naturally, the authorities will try to somehow hide this. What’s the best way to hide it? 
The best place to hide a tree is in the forest. That is, for each monolith from the alien brothers, put ten of your own, made by their Mr. and sticks. Therefore, when a rumor spreads somewhere that some alien brothers have installed a monolith with miraculous properties, everyone will brush aside the information, regarding the monolith as “one of them.” 
We are inclined to precisely this point of view, and if it is correct, then there will be quite a lot of monoliths until a miracle happens somewhere and one of the natives who found the monolith is suddenly healed or evolves.
Or the monolith will not be vaporized by the tractor that came to demolish it, and the sheriff, who will run around with documents about the demolition of the illegal building, will not be sent to one of the hellish planets, where he will be received by the caring hands of space teachers. Something like this will certainly happen one day, so let’s keep an eye on developments.
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