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June 23

Father Absolute – Two Realities (To leave or to stay)
June 23, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of the conversation about the relationship of people in communes, I want to focus today on one more feature of them.
In fact, the relationships of people in the worlds of different vibrations are radically different from each other.
They are especially painful in the dual world, in which passions sometimes flare up from scratch under the influence of negative energies that literally hover in the air.
As a result, even quite calm and balanced people, when they get into an energy space where chaos reigns, begin to behave inappropriately.
This is how the Laws of the Universe work: Attraction and Reflection.
As for the worlds of higher dimensions, the situation is different here.
Since the predominant energies reigning in the highly vibrational spaces of these worlds are the Energies of Unconditional Love and Gratitude, the thoughts and emotions of the inhabitants of these worlds are constantly fueled by these Divine energies, which helps them to maintain a harmonious state in any conditions.
That is why I called the main condition for the successful creation of communes a single level of vibration of the people who enter them.
Any fallout from this general high-vibration “canvas” is fraught with a violation of the harmonious energy “background” of the entire commune.
As a result, a chain reaction of low-vibration thoughts and emotions may begin, triggered by someone from the commune.
This is what is currently the main reason for the failures of those who have already tried or are trying to create communes of the future.
So what should you do with those people who bring disharmony into the life of the commune with their low vibrations?
You should not immediately part with them.
Everyone needs to be given a chance to change their attitude to what is happening, because surely these people, just like you, dreamed of a happy life in a new world of high vibrations, but due to the inertia of their thinking and behavior, they could not stay afloat.
They should be given at least three such attempts to correct themselves.
But if a person breaks down again and again, thereby disrupting the harmonious atmosphere of your commune, then in the interests of others, you should still part with him.
And this will not be cruelty on your part, because you gave this person the opportunity to reach the level of others, but he did not take advantage of this opportunity, which means that he consciously made his choice to continue his life in a world of lower vibrations.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 23, 2024.
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