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June 2

Two realities (Separation of souls)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about another feature of the last twelve years.
And it consists in the fact that it was during this period, along with the awakening of a large number of pure human souls who embarked on the path of spiritual development, a huge number of those appeared who, on the contrary, began to lose their human appearance and became mired in lies, corruption and debauchery.
These two processes went on in parallel, and the people belonging to these groups progressed quite quickly, but each in their own direction.
And this is explained by the fact that the highly vibrational energies coming to Earth highlight everything that has been hidden for a while, tearing off all masks and exposing all the qualities peculiar to people: both virtues and vices.
Thus, pure souls, receiving “irradiation” with Divine energies, blossom even more, and their best natural qualities manifest themselves more brightly than they did before.
And those souls in which the wormhole was hidden, under the influence of these energies, on the contrary, begin to show their negative qualities openly.
And this is due to the fact that, being unable to perceive the energies of such high vibrations, they are even more immersed in the three-dimensional world.
These energies pass through them without affecting them in any way, due to too large a gap in vibrations, and these people involuntarily remain in a three-dimensional world that is already agonizing, because it does not correspond to the vibrations of the renewed Earth.
Thus, bright souls gradually “rise” above the world of the third dimension with their consciousness and their physical bodies, and low-vibration souls are increasingly immersed in it.
This is how the new Earth is undocked from the old one – at the level of separation of the energy space of high and low vibrations.
Accordingly, each of these spaces, like a magnet, attracts the inhabitants of the Earth with similar vibrations.
Therefore, pure and bright souls are transformed more and more every day, and dark souls are increasingly immersed in the world of low vibrations with all its vices.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.
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