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The equator has moved 3,000 kilometers

The equator has moved 3,000 kilometers, but countries and peoples do not know about it yet

For a number of years, millions of people have been discussing the upcoming pole shift. Optimists think that only the magnetic pole will move (and its movement is already underway), but pessimists believe that the entire lithosphere will move at once. To monitor such events, there are, of course, such renowned offices as NASA/ESA, NOAA and so on, but they are not trusted and therefore advanced people try to calculate the movement of the magnetic pole on their own.
But what if the movement of the physical pole of the Earth’s rotation has already begun, that is, the entire lithosphere has moved? To determine this moment you do not need to have any super-devices. It is enough to drive a pipe with a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of a meter vertically into the ground, and then see whether the Sun at noon illuminates the bottom of the formed well. If it lights up, it means the equator is already in your area. 
As the frightened Mr. The Real BPEarthWatch reported yesterday , the movement of the lithosphere has already begun and, according to his calculations, the equator is now somewhere in the Cuba area:
Mr. The Real BPEarthWatch did not repeat the famous experiment of Eratosthenes with a deep well, but used the well-known rule of the height of the Sun above the horizon relative to the length of the cast shadow:
The skafis device, known to the ancient Greeks, works on this principle:
If you know exactly the date, time of day, and direction to the North, then from the length of the shadow you can calculate the latitude of the place. At the same time, nothing needs to be calculated at the equator: the length of the shadow there will be zero, and at noon sunlight will illuminate the bottom of the deepest well. 
According to Mr. The Real BPEarthWatch, he now has a midday shadow of almost zero length in his area, which corresponds to the passage of the equator along the yellow line:
Since we live significantly north of Cuba, we did not repeat the experiment. However, we have some observations on this matter. 
Firstly, the Sun now rises and sets in a completely different place than it should at this time of year:
 Secondly, owners of solar panels and satellite dishes that were installed before 2012 have recently experienced terrible inconvenience – they all at different times had to reorient their devices so that the panels would generate current again and the TV would show normally again.  
Thirdly, the Sun in mid-latitudes has been really too hot lately. In the past, a shirt on the shoulders would fade over many, many seasons; now, with private wear and a long stay in the area, one summer has become enough – by September the denim becomes almost white. 
If the observations of Mr. The Real BPEarthWatch are confirmed by other independent researchers, then for the residents of the yellow stripe (the new equator line) everything will turn out very, very, let’s not be afraid of this word, crap. The reason for this will be the so-called equatorial thickening of the Earth:
The essence of the equatorial thickening comes down to this: as a result of rotation and centrifugal forces, firstly, the planet at the equator is slightly wider (by about 20 km), and secondly, the mantle there is slightly hotter than elsewhere, since the more liquid (that is, hotter) components are pulled towards the equator by centrifugal force. 
This means that in order to stabilize the new equator, the lithosphere will have to rearrange itself: somewhere it will sink by 10-20 kilometers, somewhere it will rise to the same height. This will indicate volcanoes and earthquakes, so keep an eye on developments.

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