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Were medical masks needed to hide reptilians

Were medical masks needed to hide reptilians

After the start of the great pandemic, all countries and peoples were required to wear medical masks, the necessity of which caused laughter and bordered on idiocy. It was like trying to protect yourself from mosquitoes with a chain-link net with the largest holes in the range. 
At the same time, in the picture, it should be noted, it is not a virus that is drawn, but a drop of water, on top of which sit somewhere a million viral particles. 
 To explain the train of thought of the idiots sitting in the WHO, people have offered many wonderful versions, most of which related to some kind of ritual of closing their mouths, but today conspiracy theorists have come up with something new.
We all know such a thing as the visible spectrum:
However, in fact, this is a spectrum visible to the total majority, just as the total majority perceives a relatively narrow spectrum of smells, tastes and sounds. Musicians, wine tasters and perfume masters are very different from this total majority – their range of perception is much wider. 
The same thing is observed with visual perception: there are people with X-ray vision, there are people who are able to see an aura, there are people who are able to see in complete darkness. And since everyone’s eyes are structured the same way, absolutely everyone has this ability, it’s just that there aren’t enough rays of the required spectrum around. As soon as there are enough of them, everyone will begin to see in infrared and ultraviolet light. 
Now let’s assume that something has changed with the illumination of the Earth. For example, the spectrum of the Sun has changed. The carrying capacity of the atmosphere has changed. Another star has appeared in the Solar System with its own additional light. As a result, millions, if not billions of people will begin to see things they have not seen before. For example, reptilians, whose camouflage is designed only for the vision of ordinary people. How can reptiles get out of this situation? 
There are two options: a) spray something in the atmosphere to drown out the spectrum that illuminates them, b) put medical masks on the Mordovians so that the crocodile fangs protruding from the mouth do not catch the eyes of passers-by. Well, since a lone reptilian wandering around the city in a mask or gas mask will look like an idiot, then everyone should be forced to wear masks, which is what was done. 
In order to somehow prove this theory, the author would need, of course, to catch a reptilian and demonstrate his trophy to the world, however, given that the reptilians are the masters of this circus, it would be quite difficult to pull off the catch trick. However, we note that in the Bible there are several references to the fact that people were intentionally limited in their range of perception during creation so that they would not be horrified by what surrounds them and remain blissfully unaware. Therefore, anything can happen. 
It’s not very clear, however, why the masks were canceled over time, but soon, it seems, they will be introduced again and the hunt for reptilians can begin, so we’ll keep an eye on developments.
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