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May 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Earth Renewal Energy Cycle)
May 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk with you about another aspect of the sacred number twelve.
And it manifests itself in the fact that twelve years also include the energy cycle of renewal of the Earth.
The cyclical development of all living things is characteristic of the entire universe, so your planet is no exception.
But the last twelve years are no longer just another stage of energy changes on Earth, but a new milestone in its evolution.
Your planet has been going towards this for a long time, overcoming one stage after another, experiencing ups and downs depending on the events taking place on it.
So, during the heyday of mankind, its vibrations rose along with the vibrations of its inhabitants, and during the Inquisition, bloody wars and revolutions, its vibrations fell under the influence of the energies of aggression, pain and suffering of people.
But now it has entered a unique period of its development, because, despite the chaos, disagreements and military conflicts reigning in the world, it not only keeps its vibrations at a height, but also confidently moves into a new high-vibration space.
Her thin bodies are already practically in the Fifth Dimension.
This is how this experiment, unique in the history of the Universe, was conceived: the transition of an entire planet to a higher level of its development in the shortest possible time, even by earthly standards.
Moreover, such an opportunity is given to the best of its inhabitants – those who will be able to tighten their vibrations to its level, which means they will be able to move with it into the Fifth Dimension in their physical bodies.
And the last twelve years have been crucial for many people.
But if earlier the renewal of the Earth took place through destructive natural disasters and the death of entire civilizations, as happened with Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis, now such cataclysms are gentle – cleansing – in nature.
In this way, people are given the opportunity to realize their responsibility to the Earth and, connecting with it spiritually and energetically, make an unprecedented evolutionary “leap” into a new era of the Fifth Dimension in the history of mankind.
Of course, not everyone will be able to raise their consciousness to this level, but still such an opportunity is provided to every person on Earth, regardless of the age of his Soul.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 31, May 2024.
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