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If a child is sick, mom and dad need to be treated

If a child is sick, mom and dad need to be treated

Mom can bring Dad back to normal, Dad can bring Mom back to normal… and in a healthy family there are no sick children!
This article provides some useful information for parents who think that:
1. All children get sick (the body grows, such as metabolism)
2. Medicine will help them
3. The child himself was born so frail, etc.
What EVERY parent should know about their family first of all:
From conception (!) to 12 years of age, PARENTS bear FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the child IN EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO HIM.
Not because “someone said or wrote so,” but because the child is ENERGETICALLY and INFORMATIONALLY COMPLETELY subordinate to his parents.
The mother is responsible for HOW THE CHILD FEEL (body energy)
The father is responsible for WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CHILD (eventfulness), as well as FOR HOW THE MOTHER FEEL.
Fathers, do you understand what’s what? Ultimately YOU are responsible FOR EVERYONE.
What did you think – you were in a fairy tale, where everything comes naturally? Yes, right now…
If a child is sick, mom and dad need to be treated
Mother’s influence on the child
From the moment of conception to 12 years – I emphasize this! – the construction of the child’s body begins and continues. The mother is the ONLY source of “building material” before the moment of birth and energy after it. The fact that during pregnancy you shouldn’t drink, smoke, inject drugs or dine at McDonald’s is a no brainer. Poison is poison. BUT.
There are also things that parents don’t know about. The formation of the body is directly related to the PSYCHE of a woman – so directly that no poisons can cause as much harm to a child as one psychotic woman.
All mental abnormalities during pregnancy, all stress – all this is deposited in the child due to disturbances in the structure of the body. During pregnancy, the Mother should be EXTREMELY calm and positive, living in anticipation of the JOY from the imminent birth of her child. What a woman experiences is what she will put into her child. This is an axiom with which it is useless to argue.
A friend of mine gave birth (by herself, without a cesarean…) to an absolutely healthy first-born at the age of 36, simply because she was distinguished by her impenetrable calm about “everything will be fine” and was really looking forward to the child. Even hormonal abnormalities at the initial stage were perceived philosophically: “bullshit, we’ll get through it,” and all the doctors cackling about “late childbirth” were sent packing. The result? No problems during childbirth or after, the envy of 20-year-olds.
After birth, a child under 12 years of age is connected to the Mother by an energetic umbilical cord and the Mother COMPLETELY controls his internal state. Even if the pregnancy proceeded calmly, after birth (especially if this is the first child), the Mother falls into the state of “pimple on the butt – ambulance immediately.”
Hyperanxiety is the NORMAL for any mother with a child, banal instincts. However, it should be borne in mind that ALL THE ANXIETY THAT THE MOTHER EXPERIENCES FOR THE CHILD IS LIKE A PUMP PUMPED INTO HIMSELF.
If a mother constantly fears for the child’s condition, she will have all her fears visually represented: the child will be sick CONSTANTLY. I see, no?
The quality of energy that a child receives from the Mother is regulated by HER CONDITION.
Clinics are full of anxious women whose children are constantly getting sick. Schools are full of children with medical cards as thick as three textbooks. The reason is the same: the state of the MOTHER.
I would like to ask women: my dears, when you cook soup, do you worry about every pot? “What if it doesn’t work out, what if I over-salted it, what if there’s not enough pepper, or what if there’s too much onion, but…?” If you cook like this, your food will be impossible to eat.
Want to know why? Yes, because either you are COOKING SOMETHING TASTY, or you are AFRAID OF SPOILING THE PRODUCTS.
Do you understand the difference in approach? In the first case, you will make a masterpiece out of anything, and in the second, you will inevitably ruin the products.
It’s exactly the same with a child!
Either you feed him with positivity, love, care, approval, affection – or you fret over him, feeding him with fears, doubts, worries, worries, despondency, fatigue…
And if your child also feeds on scandals in the family, then turn out the lights, the Mother is “on edge” – the child will receive malice, anger, irritation inside… and all this will instantly be reflected in his organs.
Do you know what happens to a child who is fed negativity? And it’s very simple… it is filled with negative energy, which parasites begin to feed on… and here you go, the whole set from snot to worms.
All theories on the topic “got infected”, “got a cold” are bullshit and fiction. A child can fall into icy water in March – and not even sneeze after that, UNLESS THE MOTHER STARTS TO WORRY ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. Or maybe you’ll catch a cold out of nowhere.
Infoviruses are being thrown in like this – “the seasonal flu is here,” said the radio… Mom immediately cackled, “the flu is going around”… what’s next? The whole country is suffering from the flu. Only those whose mother firmly knows “my child DOES NOT get the flu” don’t get sick. And all… not a client for pharmacies. And healthy children are not for pharmacists needed. I’m not even talking about society…
Is the mechanism clear? As soon as the mother begins to cackle and think about whether the child will get sick, he is GUARANTEED TO GET ILL. As soon as the mother has mental problems, he is guaranteed to get sick again.
Any family conflicts or stress are the cause of the child’s inevitable illness.
Moms, remember very firmly one thing as simple as a kitchen board: illness is a SYMPTOM! This is not the reason. Everything that happens to a child is a CONSEQUENCE of a violation of his ENERGY. Where did he get it – from you, at school, from friends? Question…
Temperature is a CONSEQUENCE (mechanism) of the fact that the body fights the CAUSES on its own. Snot is a bunch of dead parasitic bacteria that fed on negative energy and the body successfully killed them off. By lowering the temperature, you prolong the life of the parasites and make the child get sick LONGER and HARDER. The body’s immunity is much smarter than 99.9999999 parents and doctors combined. Don’t touch the temperature, it WORKS BETTER than any anti-grippin and the like. By feeding your child chemicals, you disrupt his internal processes of responding to causes.
Bad and dark energy “hung” on the body, the body let its eaters inside (HIMSELF!) and then raised the temperature and finished them off itself. This is how immunity works.
Why do you think hardening works? It’s not just about the water itself and its properties – the body is essentially a SELF-TRAINING system. Have you ever seen the inscription on household items “Suitable for use at temperatures from +50 to -20”? So it’s the same story with the body, and it adapts to the conditions. Everything is contained in it, but the abilities need to be activated, and that’s what hardening is used for. A child raised in greenhouse conditions has a pampered organism with a very narrow range of functioning, as a result of which going beyond the usual environmental conditions is fraught with unpredictable results.
One fell under the ice and nothing happened to him, the other got hypothermia… but because the first’s body was trained to wider ranges and reacted instantly, while the second’s was “out of the accessible zone.”
Why does cooling affect health? Yes, because cold lowers the body’s energy into the “dark” spectrum. The result is that the body immediately launches parasites to consume it… snot? They….
Do you understand the situation with the energy connection between Mother and child? If you don’t believe me, check it out. Write down your conditions, domestic scandals, hassles – and next to it in the column is the child’s condition and his medical history. Where it didn’t coincide – either the unhardened organism was overcooled, or there was stress somewhere on the side. So that is all.
The influence of the Father on the child and Mother
The father is a key figure influencing the health of the family. The reason is very, very simple: it is the father who controls the state of the MOTHER, and the state of all family members depends on the mother.
If a child is sick, mom and dad need to be treated
If a woman is constantly on edge, freaking out, and the like – this is PURELY A FAILURE OF THE FATHER. As well as the child’s illnesses as a result of this.
The Father’s task is not to YELL at the Mother, but to calm her down… to do everything possible to make her feel GOOD – easy, calm, joyful… How? But in every way.
Comb her hair, give her a massage, talk, listen, explain, promise that everything will be fine, take her somewhere, entertain, make her laugh… she RELIES ON YOU, her whole world relies on YOU, dear Fathers. If the Husband said so, then it will be so, because the Husband controls all the events in the house, just as the Wife controls the condition of everyone and everything.
If the husband in the family DOES NOT CONTROL his wife’s condition, does not relieve her of anxiety, stress, accumulated negativity, fears… EVERYONE WILL BE SICK!
Because the Wife’s condition will be reflected to each and every one in its own measure. Even worse: in this case, the WIFE begins to control the events, using the energy of the Husband. That’s when everyone gets completely screwed. Because if a woman who is under stress and anxiety also gains power over events… everyone will fall down. She is generally unable to control this power correctly.
How does a husband manage the child’s events? Very simple: IN THE WORD. When pronouncing words addressed to the child with instructions on the topic of eventfulness, the man puts into the WORD an image that seems to “stamp” the child. This is direct programming of his actions. If the Father said “you will do it, you will do it, you will be able to do it,” the child will do it. The father will never say “you can’t, you won’t succeed.”
But the Mother does not understand these subtleties. And if she is in a state of anxiety close to panic… The woman’s imagination is wow, but she is not able to “see” the child’s events a little further than her own, which makes her panic even worse, and the words programming the child accept these forms:
– You’ll fall!
– You’ll get sick!
– You’ll break something!
– You’ll ruin it!
– Something will happen to you!
– There’s always something wrong with you!
Need I say that the child is almost guaranteed to get all this? And then mom proudly exclaims, “Well, I knew it, I told you so,” not understanding I think that she herself is the reason for this.
That is why event programming is a man’s job, and a man must be STRONG enough for this, otherwise he will lose control and his wife will get it, consequences – see above.
By the way, in a similar way, women program themselves as alcoholics and parasites from generally normal men – when they begin to pull the influence on events onto themselves (they become the “head of the family”). The woman shouted something in her hearts (psychic features – emotionality) – and received…
Therefore, a woman NEVER raises children (only the Father), never teaches, does not scold, does not criticize… all the negative information that a woman gives out immediately evokes equally negative energy in her (the woman emits what she talks about). If Mom talks about “you are so and so,” she with her own hands pushes into the child a portion of first-class, personally produced Mr., and if the child was not like that, he will become. Sick, stupid, armless, headless… well, what epithets do you come up with? Allegedly “just words”… oh, if only!
Do you see how simple it is, dear Husbands and Wives? Each of you is happy to blame all your sins on the other: “It’s my husband (wife, child) who is like that, and I have nothing to do with it, I’m an angel and I’m not responsible for anything.”… right?
Your responsibility is described above. Responsibility is the willingness to face the consequences of what you do with the Power entrusted to you. If you know nothing about this and (even more so) refuse to know and understand, this is your problem… and those around you.
Men, look at your schedule… how are you responsible for your Word, do you give your wife love, affection, care, reassurance? What is the condition of your Wife, your children, yourself? If everything is bad, you are underperforming.
Wives (as well as single mothers, of whom there are a lot nowadays)! What are you pouring into your child? Does he often get sick with you? What do you feed him with – joy, love, acceptance, warmth and comfort, maternal care – or?…
What do you feed your Husband?
What is your state – are you stressed, anxious – or calm behind his reliable back? If his back is not reliable, then breathe this into him!
Any woman can do this with a very simple practice: start showing your husband that you need him when you feel bad – just not with a scandal, but by showing purely feminine weakness.
Because only next to a weak woman will there be a strong man, this is the essence of men.
If you are a strong woman, well, then try to act like a smart woman: pretend to be weak and see how your Husband’s strength begins to grow. And if you are Strong, but stupid… I sympathize with you.
Mom can bring Dad back to normal, Dad can bring Mom back to normal… and in a healthy family there are no sick children!
Hello to you and your family!
PS: And please don’t forget one very primitive but effective secret of health: “SUN, AIR AND WATER ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS.” This is not an advertising saying: air and water give the child natural states and remove the consequences of negative influences from the mother, and the Sun cleanses the “oblique” events imposed by one of the parents. Natural balancing.
If the child also leads an active (physical) life, this provides him with normal lymph circulation and removal of toxins, which has a positive effect on health. “If you get sick, stay at home” means a reduction in physical activity, which only aggravates the situation and increases the recovery time.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet
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