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How did repopulation occur after the Flood

How did repopulation occur after the Flood

Today in society there is a very long and very broad discussion about the subject at what age children should be involved in issues of gender relations, but relatively recently there was no such discussion and for children their birth into the world was a complete mystery. Parents answered evasively on this score: “the stork brought you,” “you were found in the cabbage,” “you were bought.” 
The last version of explanation was the most common, and therefore the nursery group then sat down and tried to establish: where in our city are these stores where they sell children? After this, a dialogue between the children and their parents began regarding “buy me a brother.” 
In fact, this topic deserves a dissertation by anthropologists and philologists, since 70% or so of parents could not agree and tell their children that “they were bought.” Obviously, this was the first thing that came to their minds, since they heard the same answer to the same question from their parents in childhood, otherwise it is difficult to imagine the train of thought of a person who tells a child that he bought him as a slave. 
Unfortunately, anthropologists are busy with all sorts of crap these days and people conduct their research privately:
As postcards and advertising brochures from the late 19th and early 20th centuries testify, children used to actually be sold, at full size and completely legally. Moreover. 
Everyone knows such a miracle device as an incubator for babies:
If you ask the most enlightened “children’s pediatrician,” for example, a professor-neonatologist, where did this miracle of technology come from, the professor, with his glasses flashing, will tell you that this device was invented by some smart guy to save newborns. However, it is not. 
As it was, in fact, there are a number of historical studies on the history of urban amusement parks of the 19th century. There was a park in every city with a population of more than 100,000, and if there were fewer people, the park came to the city in the form of a fair. Each park had its own highlight of the program, of course, but in all the parks there were rows of incubators with newborns:
It is from these devices that modern neonatal incubators originate. Only there the heating system was common to everyone and the boxes with the children were heated by the boiler room. 
But these are technical details. The main question that historians ask themselves is what were these kids doing at the fairs? There are only two possible answers: either people came to look at the babies, or the children were sold as goods. Historians agree on the first option, although it is strange: you have to be crazy to go to the exhibition and see a living baby. 
Thus, even with a superficial study, it turns out that the topic of children of the 19th century is dumb and it is better not to write a dissertation on this topic; at best, they will not be approved, and at worst, they will be thrown into a madhouse. But for true conspiracy theorists, the fear of professors is inappropriate and people think, what was this historical zigzag connected with?
It seems to us – as, in fact, to many people – that in the 19th century the problem of repopulation was still acute in the world. Rome and St. Petersburg had already been dug up by that time, but there were still not enough people to populate all these “ancient ruins.” Therefore, some good brothers in mind planted trees with one hand, as a result of which there is not a single forest in the world older than 200 years, and with the other hand they produced children in some laboratories and distributed them among their parents. Then, when the population was replenished and corrected by the “Spanish flu” and the “First World War,” the practice was abandoned, but the answer to the children’s question “we bought you in a store” continued through the generations. 
Naturally, the essence of the cataclysm that occurred on planet Earth, which became the cause of mass extinction, remains a mystery. Its timing is also not very clear. But, judging by how the stars have aligned, a new circus is just around the corner, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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