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May 28

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Obedient Performers)
May 28, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing the conversation about international organizations, I want to touch on one more aspect of them.
Since, as a rule, these organizations include dozens, and some of them even hundreds of countries, achieving a consensus on controversial issues can be difficult, and sometimes impossible.
As a result, many vital problems for people can take years to resolve, since ongoing disputes between representatives of different countries do not allow concrete decisions to be made.
This is especially painful when it comes to military conflicts in which innocent people who have become hostages of squabbles between various political and military groups die.
This has happened more than once, and now such contradictions have entered a particularly acute phase.
The most striking example of this is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which either subsides or flares up with renewed vigor, and, no matter how much effort the warring parties make, it cannot be extinguished.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because any military conflict always stems from a single source: the deep state.
Using their puppets in power, the Dracoreptilians, remaining in the shadows, set different countries against each other under the most far-fetched pretexts.
To do this, they have many techniques that have already been worked out to the smallest detail, the main one of which is organizing a “color” revolution by overthrowing the legitimate government in the country and replacing it with proteges completely controlled by them.
And then everything unfolds according to a pre-planned scenario – the one that is beneficial to them at the moment.
This is exactly what happened in Ukraine, where, through the efforts of globalists, a civil war was unleashed and the once rich and generous land turned into a huge battlefield.
“Divide and conquer” – this constant slogan of the deep state manifested itself in this case in the most monstrous way, dividing a united people through many years of influence on the consciousness of Ukrainians, which instilled in them hatred of their Russian brothers and sisters.
Why did the Dracoreptiles succeed?
Only because people who were completely under their control were in power, who were not free in their actions and who, at the orders of their masters, mercilessly broke and distorted everything that was once sacred for Russians and Ukrainians: history, religion, centuries-old traditions, and even language.
But let’s return to international organizations.
Why can’t they stop such wars?
All for the same reason: the heads of these organizations are also not free in their actions.
They obediently carry out the orders of their invisible curators, not paying attention to the voice of the people and the protests of other participants in these organizations – free from the influence of the deep state.
And so far the first ones have the upper hand.
That is why a change of leadership in all the world’s leading international organizations is so important, and primarily such as the United Nations, the European Parliament and the NATO bloc.
As soon as this happens, the long-awaited peace will come on Earth, and the propaganda of hatred and discord between peoples, cherished for years, will disappear into oblivion.
And when the leadership changes in the media, which are the main “mouthpiece” of the globalists, the long-awaited peace will very quickly reign on your planet, leaving the military-industrial complex, which for so long fattened on the grief and suffering of millions of people, on a starvation diet.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 28, 2024
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