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Spiritual beauty of man

Spiritual beauty of man

Throughout human history, the search for beauty has been a common feature of all cultures. But every beauty on Earth is a reflection of memories of Home. Beauty is always spiritual and is perceived by us only in this way.
It rejuvenates the spirit in a person. Since we are a reflection of God, so beauty reflects itself from Space to Earth. There are three levels on Earth that can reflect themselves from the realm of the Creator. These vibrations that they carry are sung in poems, songs and paintings.
Mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom. But still, for us people, they are expressed through love. Our universal experience ultimately connects with the Universal energy, and becomes, above all, our direct reflection, since beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Emotions overwhelm us when we admire beauty, as they are a channel between our Higher Self and our physical body. And this moves us to a higher state.
Therefore, when our heart expands, we cry when we feel the languishing pain inside it; it is we who feel longing for our Creator. We will reproduce the creation of beauty in the fifth dimension on a higher level, because true beauty is invisible, it is only felt.
When moving into higher vibrations, there is a need to balance the masculine and feminine energies of the body, which will facilitate the flow of beauty throughout our entire being.
This is a magical transformation that will allow you to harmonize the perception of the fifth dimension without plunging into an overload of emotional circuits in the female half, or not seeing true beauty, irrevocably missing it in male perception, making your transition much more difficult.
Kundalini energy is activated when all chakras are open for energy to flow. Most people perceive it as sexual energy and it remains completely undervalued due to old belief systems.
We often live in the past or the future. But neither one nor the other simply exists; everything is in the present. Beauty can only be experienced in the present, because it is the only moment in linear time that is not an illusion.
A sexual moment of beauty anchors our soul in the physical body, and attracts all aspects of our present self, creating a natural balance between masculine and feminine energy.
The expression of true beauty leads us first to creativity. Immerse yourself in beauty more often, allowing it to flow through you, removing all the old beliefs that you are trying to keep within yourself.
The bad thing is that while we develop spiritually, we continue to live our daily lives in the low vibration model that we have set for ourselves. Our natural desire for drama can create conditions for us to continue to be controlled in some way.
Everything remains in our plans, and no one can say specifically when we will set off. Over the course of the two thousand years, humanity has more than once taken a rapid step forward, and then gradually rolled back.
During the Covid period, vibrations increased, but a “special operation” began and many confidently began to take steps back. The transition really goes through chaos, like everything else in the world, and this scares people.
The main thing is to take our place as creators on the game board of free choice, and find beauty in every moment, and in everything we live, and everything that does not matter will disappear from our sight.
Respect our being in the physical body, remembering that we are balanced with our spiritual being, with our Higher Self, and this is an opportunity to love ourselves. If we recognize the beauty within ourselves, it will be easier for us to see it on the outside.
It simply means that we must always take care of ourselves. By giving ourselves something, we increase what we can give to this world. In our chaotic, disorganized lives, we so often forget to pamper ourselves. Take time for yourself and your loved ones.
Ground yourself by walking in nature and enjoy being in the here and now. Treat yourself to beauty and travel, look for free time for yourself, using it for self-healing. Summer has begun, and this gives us certain advantages.
Appreciate yourself for who you truly are every moment. Those around us will see us the way we see ourselves. We are one in everything, both our internal and external essence, creating a single whole. This is our true beauty, which is defined in the One Light!
With respect and love, Tatyana Ryazanova! “Kwantsin” 06/05/2024
P.S. Human gender is defined by the dominance of male or female energy, and this is a lack of balance and creates a wobble in extremes. Calming and harmonizing requires an equalization of energies, and this makes a person gender indeterminate, which you see more and more, especially in younger people. But everything is a matter of awareness, of personal choice, everything has both a good and a bad side. Yosif Yorgov
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