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May 25

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Center for the Unification of Humanity)
May 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk to you about how you can confront the deep state puppets who are entrenched in the power structures of international organizations.
But we will begin with the fact that associations of various kinds already created in the world can turn out to be very useful on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension.
If they are headed by honest, decent and incorruptible people who are aware of their responsibility to the people, they will be able to use the structures already created in these organizations for the benefit of humanity.
Since the transition of the Earth, together with its inhabitants, to a new higher level of its existence will occur gradually – over several years, the system of distribution of finances, food and social benefits will still be relevant.
But now it will be built on a fair basis – in the interests of people, and not a bunch of criminals who have seized all the main areas of activity on your planet.
These organizations can become the prototype of coordination centers for the distribution of material goods around the world, since, as a rule, they already have numerous branches in different parts of your planet.
The United Nations, which includes virtually every country in the world, can be especially helpful.
As soon as it is headed by people of a new formation – not only honest and respectable, but also talented and creative people with brilliant organizational skills – the UN can turn into a center for the unification of all mankind.
All nations and nationalities, regardless of their numbers, will not only receive everything necessary for the harmonious development of their countries, but also contribute to the common “piggy bank” of humanity, since each nation is unique and unique, and therefore is capable of enriching other nations and nationalities with its experience .
As for the food program, in fact, your beautiful Earth is so generous and abundant that it can easily feed all its inhabitants.
The hunger and poverty that reign in some countries of the world are problems artificially created by globalists in order to frighten other nations with future food and economic catastrophes.
All this is also being done with the goal of destroying agriculture, which provides people with useful and healthy food, and replacing it with artificial, destructive for health, and even for human life itself.
And as soon as the pyramid of power created by the Dracoreptiles is destroyed and their puppets are replaced at all its levels, all existing structures in various organizations – both international and state – can be used for the benefit of people.
But for this to happen, their complete reorientation must occur: from the destruction of humanity to its revival and prosperity.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 25, 2024
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