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Why is it so important to praise your child

My good one! Why is it so important to praise your child?

“That’s a lesson for me too,” parents think when they hear how important it is to praise a child correctly. Do not underestimate this skill, because often we praise children insufficiently or in the wrong way. And praise inspires!
Our expert is the head of the psychological family center, leading psychologist, teacher Elena Marakatkina.
Don’t be afraid to overpraise
Children do not expect praise from us, but complete acceptance and support. This is the key to developing adequate self-esteem, which will greatly help them become happy and successful in the future. We are often stingy with praise – either we are shy, or we do not know how to find the right words, or we are afraid to say something good to our child again, fearing that he might become proud. Psychologists are sure: if you do it correctly, it is impossible to over-praise.
It is important to take care of a baby under 2–3 years old, pay attention to all his needs, establish emotional contact with him, talk to him, and support him. Tell your baby how wonderful, wonderful, capable and, of course, loved he is! Thanks to this, the attitude is reinforced: “I am good, you are good.”
But, starting from preschool age, it is worth mainly praising the child for his work: when he makes an effort, tries, and shows initiative. Notice even small achievements. But don’t throw out the usual phrases “well done”, “smart girl”, “good boy”. Proper praise is a little more complicated.
The algorithm consists of three steps.
1. Statement of a positive fact. Be sure to note that the child himself put his shoes on the shelf in the hallway, put his toys away, shared an apple, etc.
2. Expressing your feelings about this. Tell your baby that you are pleased, you are happy and proud of him.
3. Consolidation of the global setting. Make a conclusion from the child’s action: “You are so diligent, careful, caring, and capable.”
Now combine the three parts. Correct praise sounds like this: “You cleaned your room today. I am very pleased and happy when everything around is so clean. You are so neat and independent.” With such support, the child will have stable positive self-esteem. He will do good deeds.
Start with yourself
But what should those mothers and fathers do who themselves grew up in the absence of praise from their parents? They might want to, but they don’t know how to express support and approval to their children. First, learn to praise yourself. Many people have problems with this. Adults are often sure that they have nothing special to praise themselves for, that they are not doing anything significant, and that they have not achieved great success. They simply perform daily household duties. But imagine what will happen if you suddenly stop working, buying groceries, cooking, taking out the trash, taking your children to school? That’s the same! This means that all these actions are very important.
To develop a habit of praising yourself, get a notebook or notepad and write down three things you did well every night. Don’t skimp on complimenting yourself! And tomorrow repeat the same thing. And so on until you develop the habit of noticing the good in yourself and thanking yourself for it.
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