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A parade of four planets

A parade of four planets tonight precedes a month of interesting astronomical phenomena

Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus are lined up today in a straight line next to each other, forming a small parade of the planets, reports UPI.
The phenomenon is not visible from Earth due to the proximity of the Sun, astronomers explained. If there were five planets arranged in the same sector of the sky, instead of four, it would be a large parade of planets, which is observed much less often, the scientists, quoted by BTA, specified.
The little parade of planets precedes a month of interesting astronomical phenomena.
On June 20, Thursday, the astronomical summer will begin with the solstice, which will occur at 11:50 p.m. Bulgarian time. This will happen almost three weeks after the beginning of the meteorological summer, which began on June 1.
This year is the earliest summer solstice since 1796, when it occurred at 8:45 p.m. local time on June 20.
Summer is the longest season of the year, lasting 93 days, 15 hours and 52 minutes, ending at 3:43 PM ET on September 22 at the autumnal equinox.
On the second night of the astronomical summer, on June 22 at 04:07 Bulgarian time, there will be a full moon, the first of a total of four during the season.
The June full moon is commonly called the Strawberry Moon because it is the best time of year to pick strawberries in the Northern Hemisphere.
The best planetary alignment of the month will occur during the last weekend of June and will require people to wake up well before dawn to see it.
The crescent moon will then line Saturn, Mars and Jupiter before sunrise on June 29. All four celestial objects are bright enough to be seen without a telescope, although clear skies will be needed to observe the phenomenon.
Another planetary alignment will take place on June 30, and on July 1, when the Moon will appear extremely close to Mars, the alignment could be even more impressive.
Bozhidara Naydenova
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