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How to recognize a two-faced person

How to recognize a two-faced person (and how to deal with him)

They hate watching you win…
You don’t have to wait until a two-faced person has caused irreparable damage in your life to recognize and eliminate it. There are warning signs that can let you know that the relationship is not genuine.
1. They are always smiling and “happy” to see you.
Two-faced people are experts at wearing false faces. They pretend to be happy to see you, but their joy is performative. A true relationship is a balance between happiness and reality.
2. They do everything for themselves.
Two-faced people love to talk about themselves. They don’t worry or pay attention to what’s going on with you. Your role is simply to be a spectator of their one-man show.
3. Their body language never matches their words.
It’s easy to spot someone who isn’t being sincere with you. They may stare at you from time to time or refuse to look you in the eyes. It is important not just to hear them, but also to see how they move.
4. They should be the center of attention.
Two-faced people should always be checked. They achieve this by sucking in all the air in the room. They look for compliments and positive feedback as confirmation of their importance.
5. They are passive-aggressive.
You can never truly know how a two-faced person feels. They will hide their contempt for you with neutral words that will not let you know what hatred is bubbling under the surface.
6. They are terrible listeners.
When you tell your two-faced friend about your deepest and darkest thoughts, your words will go in one ear and out the other. When they listen, all they want to do is dismiss you or invalidate your feelings.
7. They live for bad news about other people.
Hearing about another person’s misfortune can brighten a two-faced person’s day. They may pretend to sympathize, but deep down they are celebrating your plight.
8. They love to brag about themselves.
If you like modesty and humility, you probably won’t find it in your two-faced friends. Everything they do or give is shouted from the rafters. Two-Face is an example of influence chasing.
9. They have an active imagination.
Two-faced people have no problem lying. Talking to them is like playing telephone on steroids. The story only needs one stop before it completely turns into something else that is guaranteed to show you in the worst light.
10. They don’t like to see you win.
If you expect your friends to celebrate your successes, ditch the two-faced one. They are your biggest secret competitors and perceive your victories as losses for them. However, they find ways to make sure your victories benefit them.
11. They tell you other people’s secrets.
If they did it to them, they will do it to you. Two-faced people will tell you the darkest secrets of their so-called friends. It’s safe to assume that any personal matters you share with them will also become public fodder.
12. They hang out with people you don’t like.
If your friend is looking for people who clearly don’t like you to build a relationship with you, it is quite obvious that they are two-faced. They no doubt discuss you with these people in private and do not sing your praises.
13. They became friends with your exes.
The envy of two-faced people makes them constantly compete with you. You may be done with your ex, but he doesn’t hesitate to go after your leftovers to throw you off.
14. They lack responsibility.
Two-faced people never admit they are wrong. They will make excuses for bad behavior and blame others for their actions. Admitting wrongdoing would be admirable, but it is not.
15. They sabotage your other relationships.
When you’re friends with a two-faced person, expect them to do everything they can to create drama and negative energy between you and other people. They hate the way others love you and have a burning desire to see you alone.
How to deal with two-faced people
You may be wondering how to expose a two-faced person, but these efforts are in vain. The best thing you can do when encountering them is to take steps to protect yourself.
1. Know who you are dealing with. If you are involved with a two-faced person, remember this. Treat them the same as you would any other stranger who has not yet proven themselves worthy of your trust and friendship.
2. Keep your personal affairs to yourself. Don’t tell a two-faced person anything that you want to keep secret. If you do, you might as well drive around the streets with a megaphone, telling all the hot details of your life to anyone who will listen.
3. Don’t share your goals and desires. Two-faced people will hijack or sabotage your ideas in a heartbeat. If they choose not to steal them, they will bully and humiliate them behind your back. Play your cards close to the chest.
4. Gather everyone in one room. Two-faced people use triangulation as a method of separating others or wa disagreements. Don’t fall into their trap. If possible, bring all parties into one space and get to the bottom of it.
5. Express your opinion. If you know that someone is not being sincere with you, it is important to let them know. The intention is not to attack or get angry. Just tell them what you noticed and move on.
7. Remove them from your life. Let’s face it: most two-faced people won’t change. It’s best to continue living without them.
Protect your world by removing from your orbit those who harm you. It may be painful at first, but in the end you will be glad you did it.
Marina Karaseva
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