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Everything is just beginning on the Sun

Everything is just beginning on the Sun!  Well, it’s back! Almost. Sunspot AR3664, the source of the historic May 10 superstorm, has spent the last two weeks passing along the far side of the Sun. Yesterday it announced its return with an X2.8-class solar flare.
Amateur astronomer Michael Carrer was observing the Sun when the explosion occurred and took this photo of the flying debris:
“I have not seen such an explosion in 40 years of observing the Sun,” says Carrer. “So fast and so far in space! The explosion was gigantic.”
The explosion caused a deep blackout of shortwave radio communications over East Asia and launched a bright CME into space. NASA’s CME model confirms that the ejection will pass by Mercury, Venus and Earth. This powerful event will not affect any of the inner planets.
How do we know the flash came from AR3664? Helioseismology provides the answer. The giant sunspot affects the vibration of the Sun, and its seismic echoes are visible in maps of the far side of the Sun:
This map shows AR3664 to be just beyond the southeastern limb of the Sun, which matches well with the location of yesterday’s X-flare. Clearly AR3664 is still active. And that’s not great, because later this week it will face Earth again. 
Commentary from the Editors of The Big The One: The bright adherents have described everything in sufficient detail and we can only illustrate the terrible story with colorful pictures.
This is what the explosion looked like:
As you can see, the ejection had an anomalous length of the prominence, which has been observed quite often recently, and an anomalous speed, breaking away from the Sun like a rocket. And note that X2.8 is a flux of radiation that reached the telescopes. A small echo of an explosion beyond the solar horizon.
NASA has no idea how much of a bang there actually was, but we will find out when the spot turns towards the Earth. In the meantime, you can enjoy helioseismology:
To understand how wrong everything is, you need to look at similar reports for 11 years, they are at the very beginning of the video:
It seems that AR3664 is full of energy and the bada boom of May 10 was just a warm-up, so let’s keep an eye on developments.
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