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May 17

Father Absolute – Two realities (Free from the prison of the three-dimensional matrix)
May 17, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk again about the Broken Web practice.
At first glance, it replicates many other meditations and practices for dissolving your negative thoughts and emotions.
But in fact, it takes you to a completely different level of spiritual work, since during this practice, and at all its stages, you are in constant interaction with the energy and semantic components of the three-dimensional matrix.
This can be compared to how, by the will of fate, finding yourself in prison, you suddenly manage to open its gates in order to break free yourself and at the same time free other people there from captivity.
But life in a three-dimensional matrix is precisely such a prison for you, and a prison not only for your consciousness, but also in the most literal sense of the word – with all the restrictions inherent in the state system of power.
Few people on Earth can consider themselves truly free, unless they live somewhere on a desert island or in impenetrable wild forests.
The draco-reptiles and their puppets, who have ruled your planet for centuries, have managed to bring down to the physical plane the entire emotional and semantic “structure” of the three-dimensional matrix, thereby rooting all its basic principles and concepts on Earth.
That is why, my dear ones, it is so difficult for you to get out of these devilish “nets”, because they “entangle” you from two sides – above and below.
That is why I gave you the “Broken Web” practice, which allows you to simultaneously embrace the physical and subtle planes, freeing yourself from patterns and stereotypes created by the three-dimensional matrix on Earth, and at the same time influencing the source of their appearance on the subtle plane.
This work is not easy, but if you master this practice, going through all its stages and preferably more than once, then it will turn out to be very effective not only for you, but also for many other people who still remain unaware of their complete dependence on a thin-material structure artificially created around your planet, which is a three-dimensional matrix.
So, gradually freeing yourself from your own stereotypes and templates each time, you will more and more destroy the energy-informational structure of this matrix, which will immediately affect the physical plane.
And I am glad that this process has already begun.
I bless you, my dear ones, and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 17, 2024
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