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People come into your life for a reason

People come into your life for a reason

Pragmatists believe that meeting certain people in life does not have deep meaning. We just make a certain number of social connections and that’s it. People come and go without any hidden agenda.
However, people with a more spiritual bent may object. They believe that every person comes into our lives with a specific mission or lesson for us.
Let’s take this perspective and think about the possible reasons why people come into your life.
1. To teach you a lesson;
One of the most obvious reasons people come into your life is to teach you an important lesson that you otherwise would not have learned. It’s usually a painful experience, such as betrayal or loss, that tears you apart but ultimately makes you wiser.
Unfortunately, we often learn better from disappointments and adversity than from positive events. There is a belief that life will repeat the same trials until you learn your lesson.
If you notice that you consistently attract the same type of people, it may not be a coincidence. For example, if you always date narcissists or your social circle is full of fake and manipulative people, this could be a red flag. Perhaps they were sent to you for the sole purpose of teaching you this lesson, no matter how difficult it may be.
2. To show you who you want to be;
Not all reasons for meeting people are necessarily negative. Sometimes people come into your life to inspire you.
Perhaps they have qualities that you admire and would like to develop in yourself. Or they have achieved what you dream of.
When you communicate with such a person, you feel a surge of inspiration and motivation to achieve your goals. They no longer seem unattainable! You realize that you too can achieve what you dream of, just like them.
Or you just watch how gracefully another person handles a situation where you might have gotten it wrong. And you learn. The next time you encounter such a situation, you will remember that person’s approach and act differently.
Ultimately, believing that people come into your life for a reason always comes down to learning and becoming better.
3. Push you towards your life purpose;
Some people come into your life and change the course of your life, helping you discover your true purpose.
It may not be obvious at first, but the very presence of such a person gradually pushes you towards your mission. It could be their passions or values that guide you step by step towards who you are meant to become.
For example, you might have a common hobby and they will show you how to turn it into a job. Or they might give you an idea you hadn’t thought of before.
4. Teach you to recognize and cope with unhealthy situations;
Dealing with bullies and manipulators is one of the most exhausting experiences you can face. However, there is a meaning and reason for this.
People like these teach us to recognize toxic personalities and unhealthy situations in relationships. When you meet such a person again, you already know what is going on, and this helps save your time and emotional resources.
5. See yourself from a new angle;
We often don’t see ourselves as we really are. We tend to underestimate our strengths and overlook our shortcomings. Therefore, we often need other people to show us how different we are from our own perceptions.
Whether it be positive or negative qualities, someone may come into your life who will help you see yourself in a new way. This person can give you the opportunity to get to know yourself better, encouraging transformation and personal growth.
One result will be obvious: you will no longer be the same person you were before you met them. That’s why they came into your life.
6. To challenge and force you to step out of your comfort zone;
Some people we meet seem to be from another planet. They have completely different interests, and their lives are completely different from ours.
When you meet such a person, they may be meant to shake you up and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. They may not inspire you or set an example, but they open your eyes to a new side of life.
Such people motivate you to explore new things and live life to the fullest. Perhaps this is exactly what you need.
7. Destruction of illusions;
Disappointments are painful, but in the end they help us see the world more realistically. We all have illusions about life, people and ourselves. Sometimes people come into our lives precisely to destroy these illusions.
This is not always associated with disappointments or betrayals. Sometimes just talking to a realistic person with a different point of view can help you see the flaws in your thinking.
Meeting someone who challenges your views and beliefs may be annoying at first, but over time you will be grateful for it. Later you will understand what they are people come into your life for a reason. They make you look at the world from a new angle and discover new perspectives.
8. Changing each other’s lives for the better;
The presence of other people affects us as much as our influence on them. We inevitably transform each other, especially in romantic relationships and close friendships.
One of the main reasons people come into your life is to change and improve it. And you come into their life for the same reason.
Marina Karaseva
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