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Three days of darkness will begin with the northern lights

Three days of darkness will begin with the northern lights. Then there will be an alien invasion

Today there is so much information about the three days of darkness on the Internet that there is probably not a single person who has not heard about it. Even the most famous astronomers have probably heard it.
But was there any official announcement about this? Treatise? Did some president make an announcement and order to prepare? There was none of this. Nevertheless, everyone is somehow informed about the three days of darkness, everyone knows. Where?!
Obviously, they know from the messages of sensitives, from the dreams and visions of believers – no other sources can be traced. Therefore, it turns out that dreams are still no real source of information, and when people have them one after another, there is probably something in it.
Today , on, one citizen shared her dreams about three days of darkness, who had three such dreams over the past couple of years. It looks like someone is warning this woman about something, so we bring her story to the attention of readers:
Dream of November 16, 2023: This dream started with me being about 3 minutes by car from my mother’s house. It was night. We live in the suburbs and there are trailers and all sorts of mobile homes all around us in the area.
Suddenly the sky was filled with the neon light of the northern lights. The main color was green with a hint of purple. And while I was looking at the sky, a UFO appeared. There were a lot of them – small and large, triangular and round. They began to release rays into the ground, as if they were turning on large headlights and using them to lift people towards them. 
I locked myself in the car with the children and began to pray – I was terribly afraid that we would be kidnapped. And at that moment a blinding white light hit the car. 
Dream of April 7, 2023:  This dream was not just one dream. I had a dream, then I woke up, but when I fell asleep again, the dream continued, turning into a very vivid and detailed series.  In my dream, I constantly heard around me about the approaching three days of darkness, I saw how people were preparing for this.
I was in the parking lot of my mom’s house, covering my trailer with duct tape. There was a girl next to me who was doing the same with her van and we were discussing the upcoming event. I remembered well that in my dream it was Tuesday and we were waiting for the onset of three days of darkness on Wednesday. 
In the next part of the dream, the scene changed – I was on the street and running after the children to school when I saw darkness coming from the horizon. She drove rainbow clouds before her and was herself black clouds. They were constantly pierced by tongues of fire, similar to some kind of Egyptian symbols. 
 My children’s school is only a 5-minute walk away and it seemed to me that I was able to calculate everything correctly. However, everything happened somehow unexpectedly quickly, and when I caught the children at the entrance to the school, we decided not to run back to the parking lot, but to hide in the building, inside. 
The sky directly above us was not yet black, but shone with some beautiful neon color. Some teachers were still standing outside and looking at the many UFOs merging with the clouds or emerging from the clouds. Everyone was shouting at them to urgently hide inside before it became completely dark. 
One black man did not have time to do this and watched in fascination as something amorphous crawled straight towards him. He was scared and motionless, as if under hypnosis. The creature slowly crawled towards him and tore the man into pieces alive. 
 Dream of April 9, 2024:    In the dream, I was preparing my mother’s house for the approaching three days of darkness. I had tape and garbage bags in my hands. I thought about the 100 hour candle that I was going to buy but never got around to. While taping up the windows, I told my brother about the three days of darkness, who mocked me. 
Then my mother and my children appeared – they came from the store and brought lighters and candles. As soon as they entered the house and we closed, those same dark clouds with red appeared. I strictly warned my brother not to go outside under any circumstances. But he threw a tantrum and still went outside and yelled from there: look, nothing bad will happen to me. This is where the dream ended.
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