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Why did the teacher become famous throughout the world

Why did the teacher become famous throughout the world?

Italian teacher Cesare Cata from the Polo Scolastico Paritario Don Bosco school in the seaside town of Fermo gave his students 15 points of homework for the summer. And, perhaps, this is the best thing he could do for them. This is what it means to love your job and take care of your children.
1. Walk along the seashore alone in the morning, look at the glare of the sun on the water and think about what makes you happy.
2. Try to use the new words we learned this year. The more you can say, the more interesting you can think, and the more thoughts you have, the freer you will be.
3. Read! As many as you can. But not because you have to do it. Read because summer inspires dreams and adventure, and reading is like flying. Read because it is the best form of rebellion (for advice on what to read, come to me).
4. Avoid everything that brings you negativity and a feeling of emptiness (things, situations and people). Seek inspiration and friends who enrich you, who understand you and appreciate you for who you are.
5. If you’re feeling sad and scared, don’t worry: summer, like every other beautiful thing in life, can leave the soul in turmoil. Keep a diary, describe how you feel (and in September, if you want, we will read it together).
6. Dance and don’t be shy about anything. Everywhere, anywhere: even on the dance floor, even in your room alone. Summer is a dance, and it would be foolish not to take part in it.
7. Go to watch the sunrise at least once. Stand silently and breathe deeply. Close your eyes and feel gratitude.
8. Play a lot of sports.
9. If you meet someone you really like, say it to her or him as nicely and convincingly as you can. Don’t be afraid to be misunderstood. If nothing works out, then it’s not fate, but if they understand you and answer you, then you will spend the summer of 2015 together, and this will be a golden time. (If unsuccessful, return to step 8).
10. Re-read our lesson notes: compare everything we read about with what is happening in your life.
11. Be as happy as the sunshine and as free and untameable as the sea.
12. Please don’t swear. Be polite and kind.
13. Watch good films with deep emotional dialogue (in English if you can) to simultaneously improve your English and develop your ability to feel and dream. Don’t let the movie end for you with the final credits, relive it over and over again, include it in your summer experience.
14. Summer is magic. In the sparkling sunlight of the morning and hot summer evenings, dream about what life could and should be like. Do everything in your power to never give up on your dream.
15. Be nice.
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