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I must admit that I have borrowed this section of this chapter from a well-known theosopher – to whom I hope I have not offended. I tried to think of something better or more appropriate but was unable too. But, I haven’t given an exact transcription of the text, as the 100 year time difference since it was written makes it necessary to update certain terms in accordance with modern viewpoints.
I will try to describe the main obstacles to becoming a free spirit or, more accurately, how to break free from the chains that restrain the flight of the human spirit. The main stages in mans development can be manifested in different ways, but the basic meaning is always the same. Passing through different enlightenments it is not obligatory to eliminate all shortcomings, but it is impossible to step from one stage to another if one only imagines that he has eliminated enough or all of his shortcomings. Purification is a constant goal and a task at every stage of our existence. We can and must work on all points simultaneously, but not in a strict sequence as some people think. By following the logical sequence given herein the optimal conditions for working on the respective shortcomings are created, so don’t miss them. The need for development and appreciation of time are also necessary lessons to be learned.
1. The ability to differentiate between real and unreal – this is the ability to free oneself from illusion. Many people underestimate this quality because only after its development can they actually estimate how wrong they have been apprehension of reality. For overcoming illusion a new point of view regarding the following questions is necessary:
a) What is the duration of human life? – This question seems easy but unfortunately many people, although, having accepted reincarnation as an unconditional truth, still retain their old fear and their old value system: The material body needs to have priority: food, clothes, a house, family, health, etc. These material priorities result in a disturbed interaction with the people around us, manifesting themselves in fear, stress, worry, and indisposition. For a man who has accepted eternal existence material issues lose their priority and value, with the material body taking its place as a temporal instrument for gathering new knowledge. In the foreground of the value system are the qualities that the consciousness will not lose together with the material body – knowledge and skills. Probably many people will find an excuse that if they don’t care for their material body they will get ill. They shouldn’t worry; having the right attitude to the priorities harmonizes the human psychics and this is very good for material body health; strengthening energy exchange and improving substance exchange.
b) Is man isolated; is he a living creature independent from the environment? – This question also gives rise to many illusions mainly because of the limited capabilities of our senses and the apprehension of the material world only. In the beginning new knowledge can compensate for this limitation and when the consciousness learns how to move to the finer bodies and make use of their senses you will get direct impressions from the reality in the Universe. You will see a giant organism in which the Earth and even the separate human being are very closely connected with the general processes.
c) Does man have a free will? – A very important question. Free can only be a voluntary choice/ will that is consciously in conformity with universal unity and the laws of existence. All other variants are an attempt to break a wall using your head. Therefore you should always be ready to suffer the consequences from the contradiction of the common interests. The ignorance of law is certain chastening the consequences factor but it doesn’t cancel them especially if it is a matter of recidivism (multiple repetition of one and the same violation). The conscious accepting and conforming to the law gradually eliminates the accumulated consequences and leads to real freedom.
2. Indifference to the outside world – This is putting into practice that which was learned in item 1. The main thought necessary to overcome the second stage is the confident acceptance of the unity of the Whole, finding our own place in it and starting purposeful work on decreasing the disharmony we cause with our thoughts, words and actions. In second place tactically and without force we should decrease the disharmony produced by the people around us.
Indifference to the outside world doesn’t mean indifference to the material body – your consciousness is the master of the billions of cells creating your organism. In these cells uncontrolled chemical processes are not running – your will can and must control all the processes and therefore you can purify purposefully your bodies in order to decrease your dependence on other negative influences. In simple words, in this stage you should learn how to control your state of health.
Indifference to the outside world doesn’t mean indifference to the Nature. All the composition parts from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms are parts of God and have the same right for existence as you. The food chain is a way for perfection of the lower beings, but out of this chain, each meaningless killing disturbs the established balance. One of the main methods applied often by the Higher Forces is the ability to go to extremes – the harsh change from joy to sorrow, from calm to storm, from rest to hard work. This is the method of the “contrast shower” and it aims to protect you from tying to the illusory values and from regarding the realities as absolute.
3. Six mental conditions
a) Self-control of thoughts. Most people don’t realize that their thoughts are energy that inevitably has its influence. Even every day thoughts, without deliberate evil purpose, cause accidents and illness, so imagine what a disaster it would be to have a man with higher energy capabilities and no mental discipline. Uncontrolled mental process does harm to its creators not only as consequences from the damages it caused. The indiscriminate loss of energy has its negative reflection as well. The methods for developing of mental discipline are meditation and concentration. Every day concentration on a particular thought or an object should develop your ability to keep your attention stable for unspecified period of time. Only after this achievement you can say that you control your thoughts. At the same time this is defense against external influences.
b) Observation of the world’s hierarchy. The material body should answer to feelings, the body and feelings in turn should answer to the mind, etc. Unfortunately many people think that it is normal for feelings to control the mind. They will need a lot of conscious effort to overcome this perception. An indicator for success in this is the overcoming of fear, worry, sexual desire (not desire as a whole but the desire that overcomes common sense) and other powerful emotions that predetermine your actions and thoughts. I need to clarify here that this is for animalistic feelings and passions (astral energies), not the elevated impulses of soul – intuition, creative flame, compassion, etc. (energies of the higher worlds).
c) Tolerance – an extremely important quality.
There are two main aspects relating to this, the first being the tolerance of other people’s shortcomings. Never forget that shortcomings are a result of ones stage of development or they that have been gained on account of the role assigned for this life. Most probably you have the same shortcomings or you have to a large extent already had them. Remember how hard it was to overcome them and how long it took. Don’t forget that these shortcomings have their positive aspect – they are lessons and provoke many questions until they are overcome permanently. If you are the sufferer, don’t forget to look for the meaning.
The second important aspect is a main problem for everyone that has imagined that he has worked wonders in his own development. Don’t be mistaken that the path you have traveled is the only one that is right. It is very unlikely that what was found to be useful to you, will be of the same use to others. That’s why you shouldn’t be angry when you are not understood or when other people don’t accept your advice, don’t reproach with your foresight. Don’t press your views and truths on others. Help others only when they ask for your help – in all other cases you will kill with kindness.
d) To develop strength of mind – a necessary condition in order that the troubles and the obstacles do not to lead you off of the chosen path. Welcome every problem with joy, as these are the most necessary lessons in your life. This positive attitude gives you the following advantages:
– Adjustment for analysis and comprehension of the necessary lesson.
– Saves from negative emotions.
– Doesn’t tie karmic knots.
e) To develop trust. Usually this quality is called faith, but this term has been burdened during the centuries with the meaning of blind faith that usually doesn’t help the thinking and doubting man. Trust with understanding, checked logically and in practice, is needed. This quality is obligatory in order to develop trust in God, in His love and goodwill, in the World Teachers, in the universal laws wisdom. Many people are already convinced in this wisdom, but in practice they still put their mind in first place and this is namely due to lack of trust. To develop trust means to admit that your knowledge is extremely insufficient, that you are still captivated by illusion. To develop the confidence that wiser beings are taking care of you, that they are aware of and chose all the affairs you are in, that you should trust them and be confident that their endless wisdom and compassion won’t allow any meaningless suffering. Such a full trust makes you meet the sufferings with joy and constant happiness in your every day life.
One more important aspect is confidence in you. As I have already mentioned at the beginning, freedom of choice is rather limited by the karmic accumulations, so you must accept that you must do whatever you do. Thus you will save yourself from pernicious reproaches to yourself and from endless bewail and bemoan. Self-criticism is useful only if you learn from your mistakes and if it stops your ego growing. Above that, self-reproach is useless and leads to depression and fear from taking responsibility. If you look carefully and analyze correctly all that you see around you, you will see that you are ashamed that by some of your actions you unexpectedly give a positive result, for you or for some of the affected. But because you shouldn’t be irresponsible, you should strive to chasten your negative impulses and you should forget the evil that someone has caused you.
f) To develop balance. For a man that is not interested in the spiritual problems it is very difficult to go beyond the world of limits – usually everything is black or white or good or bad. In reality in the best thing there is a percentage of evil and in the worst thing there is something good. When you accept this philosophy you are naturally achieving a balanced attitude. The elimination of emotional binding to the environment around you helps the balance. Most people have developed a habit to create an opinion for everything they encounter. And this opinion, once set, predefines their behavior and choice. The preliminary judgments in most cases are made based on illusionary concepts and this predefines incorrect reaction and choice. And as a result – karmic burden. That’s way it is very important to eliminate the preliminary judgments and to accept everything with equal good intention.
4. Deep and strong yearning for liberation. When man starts to distinguish a big part of his illusions, more and more often his wish to liberate from them wakes up. This is becoming possible, as I have already mentioned, by stronger wish to actively join the common processes, by studying and applying the universal laws.
5. Chains that hold us:
a) The illusion of the personal Self. A rather slippery issue for the ones that are at the beginning of their spiritual development. The fear of losing individuality frightens even people that are ahead in their development. But no matter the consequences it is necessary for me to take this risk to describe the stages for the ones who have already reached them and why their ‘Self’ stops their further development.
As an objectively existing reality the personal Self reflects one structural unity of the Whole. This question is rarely treated in the esoteric literature and usually this structural unity is called monad. But in the existing universal oneness it is very important to establish the relationship of this structural unity with the Whole. At the current stage of development, most people inhabiting the material world regard themselves as something entirely autonomous and independent from all the rest – I have pointed out this illusion many times now. In reality, all thoughts, all the accumulated qualities giving the self-consciousness as an independent individual, are shortcomings of the human being because they block his unification. Of course each individual has the free choice to self-define himself as an independent individual and the problem is not in the choice. The problem is arising with the pretensions of everyone to take the benefits of the Whole but not to bear any responsibilities and obligations. These pretensions are called egoism. Selfish people also have the right to exist, for example, Satan and its minions have existed for millions of years, but because of their rejection of the Universal Oneness they are self-isolated in the most disharmonic part of the Universe. Here also there is a dumping ground and it is now time for a big clean up of the Solar system. Everyone consciously or unconsciously self-defines himself in which category he is and with his behavior he differentiates. For all the rest the big broom is passing. Namely by that reason it is very important everyone to make his own conscious choice and if he chooses the Path of Unity in order to adapt himself (because of the short period of time that is left) he must voluntary and purposefully change his value system and not only count on the natural course of time. The conditions for natural development according to the cause and effect (karmic) relationships will repeat after billions of years and that’s why if you don’t want to pull yourselves together you will need to prepare for a long wait. Probably many people think that I am trying to scare them in order to accept my ideas. To such people I can only say: Please, do not take me seriously, you will see what will happen anyway, so why to spoil your peace of mind.
In order for the integration to the Universal Oneness to happen it is necessary that the negative and holding influence of the Self be overcome i.e. all factors contradicting us to the Universal Oneness and to separate parts of it should be eliminated. You should search and find love, compassion, patience and leave completely your pride and self-esteem. This is called “to sacrifice yourself (your Ego) for other people”. Stop worrying about how other people will react to your change. To take into consideration the public opinion means to go with the tide. Be full of patience and don’t expect recognition for the good you try to do – on the contrary, prepare yourself to be the black sheep of the flock, prepare yourself for offences and pain. The first proof that you are on the right way will come after years and only if you have been steady. If you have been hesitating and doubtful the recognition will come only in the “other” world. Due to all the mentioned reasons the self-renunciation is obligatory and you need to stop idealizing and exalting your own Self.
b) This brings us to the next very strong chain that roots us to the past (in the doubt) – one of the many illusions that are quite difficult to overcome because it has quite a few positive sides. Each individual gives reasons for his doubt to exist because if he has no doubt he doesn’t think and if he doesn’t think he won’t be in the one he is. The other positive side of doubt is that it helps analysis of learning and their putting together in a united system, which reflects reality objectively. Namely this inconformity to reality gives birth to illusions and therefore sufferings are forthcoming. When a consciousness deals with extreme categories (something is either true or false), doubts have many disadvantages: the doubt in everything new narrows the point of view and impedes the acceptance of new ideas, and in some cases of extreme conservatism, stops the individual’s development. Methods for overcoming doubt are: broadening of our consciousness by philosophic rationalization of reality, gradually overcoming the regarding of truth as absolute, and putting more efforts in increasing the real (not illusionary) knowledge.
c) Breaking the chain of superstition. In the distant past, the people with low developed mental capabilities have been given knowledge for the energies acting in all worlds and for the practical usage of these energies. Due to the lack of better methods this knowledge was given in the form of rituals and rites. Nowadays, for the people reached a certain level of development, these rituals create an illusion that the mechanical repetition can replace the conscious choice, i.e. they can live without understanding life. In many people there are thought-forms created for the exclusive importance of the rituals and rites and that’s why they are trying to adapt their new knowledge to rituals and rites. This inertial approach is also very harmful for the individual development because it limits the freedom of thoughts and reduces the truth to a mechanical frame.
d) The chains of desires and hate. In simple words these are the chains of Karma – they could be overcame by learning the written herewith.
e) The chains of pride – rather strong and difficult to overcome. They are supported by the illusion for the Self and the illusionary personal truth.
8. Liberation from the yearning to live in a form and then from the yearning to live a life without a form – these are chains much more active in the other worlds, but it is good for the preparation of the consciousness to start from the material level.
9. Losing the ability to create the Self. This is a direct consequence from the attachment to life in form and life without a form and the overcoming the last chains. Then the true and full freedom comes. The consciousness can easily accept any form and fulfill any tasks, but it is no longer identified with anything illusionary, it is not attached to anything temporal – everything it uses is only a borrowed instrument that could be left with no pity after the mission is finished. The individual nature at this stage is energy, without a specific form – most often a sphere, the most economical form in view of space, transparent as the highest-grade colorless crystal (any hint of color shows incomplete relief from the chains). The harmony is full, the ideal conditions for collective consciousness. The lack of any disharmony gives to the individual a constant sense of bliss. Nothing can take him out of this state, because he is not attached to anything, nothing can make him angry, because he left his passions long ago, because his patience is limitless, based on the actual knowledge for the reasons moving the life. According to the Eastern philosophy, this state is called nirvana. This is the level of the Great Teachers. They are able to cope with any tasks connected to the development of the high worlds inhabitants. The common and only goal that leads them is the realization of the universal laws – the Will of the Supreme Deity.

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