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Satellite data for Iran for May 19 was removed from weather services

Satellite data for Iran for May 19 was removed from weather services

After a long and painstaking search for the Iranian president’s helicopter, the crashed pepelats was finally found and the people are enjoying the footage from the crash site . In Iran itself, the holiday began earlier – people poured into the streets yesterday and began shooting fireworks into the sky
We can only imagine the demand for button accordions and firecrackers when the Moksha supreme leader dies. The mourners will probably demolish all the shops selling pyrotechnics and musical instruments. 
However, in the meantime, more and more interesting circumstances of what happened with the helicopter are being revealed. As Mr. @In2ThinAir, who specializes in cyclones and anticyclones, found out , satellite data for the Middle East for May 19 disappeared from the public:
Mr. @In2ThinAir carried out a simple search: first he looked at the weather over the helicopter crash site for May 18th, then moved the calendar slider, hoping that the map would show him May 19th, but instead it was immediately transferred to May 20th. The reverse movement of the slider again threw it to the 18th, the 19th does not appear to be on the calendar. 
Then Mr. @In2ThinAir went to other services and there either appeared to be approximately the same picture, or for May 19th they provide satellite data from the 18th. Thus, someone carefully cut out the data on the 19th over Iran.
On this basis, Mr. @In2ThinAir and his fans rightly suspect that some reptilian globalists are hiding something. Most likely they are hiding the process of their control of the weather, which blew away the helicopter of the Iranian thug. 
The version, of course, is completely crazy and wild, since for the hypothetical reptilians, who, according to some theories, rule the world, one call is enough to kill someone, in this case a call to Tehran. That is, they called their comrades and they immediately cut the throat of the broken puppet. And manipulating the weather is very difficult. 
In addition, the question arises: what, exactly, are manipulations? Who has ever managed to track these manipulations using public services? Services don’t show this, otherwise these services wouldn’t exist. Therefore, the weather here is not a problem. 
It could also be an option that some secret pepelats of the Israeli military, for example an F-35 or even a TR-3B, flew in, killed the ghoul and went on about its business. However, this version is also very funny.  
Since about 1960, American military satellites have been able to see the exhaust of an air-to-air missile fired by a fighter, and since the 1980s, more advanced analogues of these satellites have seen Udmurt sentries smoking cigarettes in the USSR fuel and lubricant warehouses beyond the Urals. Probably the F-35 and Pepelats also see these satellites as aliens, but the data of these satellites is not and never was in the public domain.
In the public you can only see the bavovna at the Moksha oil depot, and in such a way that at least 10 drones would enter there and everything would burn to hell. And public companions will not see the little girl. Moreover, they will not see the brave Mujahid with MANPADS. So there’s something else here – something very, very healthy, kilometers in diameter, creating tornadoes in the atmosphere and all that.
When the helicopter of the Shiite bastards just disappeared, a version was expressed as a laugh that the bastards were kidnapped by alien brothers, taking them into orbit for experiments. However, it may well be that this is actually the case. 
The alien brothers control planet Earth not directly, but through intermediaries. One of the bottom was at one time US President Eisenhower, who brought several selected representatives of the Western elites to the second meeting with the little green men, while the bosses from the USSR remained off topic and overboard. Since then, it is unlikely that anything has changed much and the circle of those invited to dialogue has expanded greatly – it would be ridiculous to assume that aliens are conducting a dialogue with the Moksha supreme leader or the gopniks from Iran.
Therefore, if some guys from Area 51 call Tehran and say that this is how it is – there is no need to make an atomic bomb, the gopniks will think that this is a hoax and will tell the callers to go to hell. Therefore, gopniks need an object lesson. For example, suck up their supreme leader using a pink beam, tie him to a laboratory table and insert an anal probe, after which he will return to Tehran pregnant from aliens – he will show his swollen belly and tell him that there is really no need to make an atomic bomb. 
Apparently something similar was demonstrated to the Iranians. At one time, some kind of demonstration was made for Mr. Gorbachev and the Soviet military. What they saw made the proper impression and the USSR immediately drained the water. Now the time has come for the ayatollahs to watch and pass the good news around, that is, to Moscow, to Beijing, to North Korea. We will soon see how well the message worked, so we will follow the developments.
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