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The distinguishing features of magnetic people

The distinguishing features of magnetic people

They are authentic – A Magnetic person stays true to themselves and is proud of who they are. They don’t feel the need to be someone else or put on a mask to be accepted and liked by others.
They are not afraid of competition – The Magnetic personality knows that wherever they appear, they will be noticed, even if they do not speak or do anything special. Unlike people with low self-esteem, who would prefer to isolate magnetic personalities from their lives or a certain situation, those who always manage to get noticed are not suppressed by the competition.
They are confident – Whether we are confident or not, it always has a way of being noticed by others. Magnetic people trust their abilities, do not hesitate to ask, do not envy others’ successes and are not ashamed of failures. The magnetic person is also aware of his weaknesses and actively works to improve himself in his personal and professional life.
They show empathy – Compassion, understanding and kindness are what make magnetic people so attractive.
Optimistic nature – Being optimistic is not only a mindset, but also “training” to be one. A person either carries this within himself or not. Magnetic people understand the power of positivity. Their cheerfulness and ability to look on the bright side of things helps them make new contacts, find solutions to complex situations, etc.
They show attention – These days it is difficult to make a meeting with a colleague, friend, relative, acquaintance, for coffee, for example, and the other person is not tempted to look at their phone often. This leaves a bad impression on the other person, especially if you haven’t seen each other for a long time. Here is another thing that makes magnetic people so. It’s that they know how to be in the conversation, in the meeting. They are not subject to social networks, work emails, etc.
They are highly imaginative – Magnetic people rarely follow rules and outdated patterns, whether it is about their vision, their work, etc. They are unconventional and original, coming up with creative ways to solve problems. They like to collaborate with others and hear their opinions, ideas.
They don’t rely on others’ approval – When we rely on others being nice to us in order to feel happy, we are in a precarious position. It can feel great to receive validation, but when we’re criticized, it can crush our artificially nurtured self-esteem. Magnetic people know that all the validation they need is their inner confidence.
Bozhidara Naydenova
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