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X-class outbreaks are still ongoing

X-class outbreaks are still ongoing

According to the illustrious US space services, after some lull, the Sun again gave birth to a small X-class flare, which caused great enthusiasm on the prepper forums:
The Italians are also happy – on May 11, they say they had a strange sunset, which academics explained by solar activity. However, how solar activity affects the shape of clouds remains unclear:
The Siberian partisans are also happy. Some are rejoicing over yet another burned-out Moksha diesel locomotive, others are looking at the sky and looking forward to seeing all of Moscow burn to hell:
A friend from Florida also shared an interesting observation, which he said was made a week ago when he decided to photograph the sunrise:
Unfortunately, the reflection of the second sun in the water is not visible and the issue of glare remains controversial. However, the situation in Alaska is somewhat different:

As you can see, the second sun here is partially hidden behind the hill and even gives a slight glare. The shooting was carried out outdoors by an aunt who was clearing snow. 
The discussion under the video is also quite informative: 
JM: I fly for an international cargo company. I looked at this today as the sun rose over northern Canada. It didn’t matter which window I looked out of, this is what I saw.
Katcha: Oh thank you for saying that!!! Everyone in my life thinks I’m crazy!!
C Chavo: I am also a pilot for a major airline. I didn’t see the two suns, but I noticed the strange intensity of the sun. It’s incredibly bright and white. Not yellow or orange.
Hdub: Seriously, last year I saw two suns in the sky and they looked something like this, but they were a little further apart. A member of my family was with me, but no one believes us.
Kandice Moore : This happened to me too. Nobody believes me!
paulettem4: I saw it too.
Of the 1000 comments under the video, we watched about half, so if we add the remaining ones and take into account that many people wrote comments several times, it turns out that approximately 1% of those who unsubscribed saw two suns. This is quite small for the population, so it is not surprising that there are so many skeptics in the world. However, over time, the percentage of observers will begin to increase, and a little later there will be fire rain from the sky, so we continue to monitor the developments.
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