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Architects of the Universe – Criteria for mindfulness in daily life

Architects of the Universe – Criteria for mindfulness in daily life

Channeling: Almaty

In many sources I see that a certain selection of consciousnesses will be carried out according to the criteria of a person’s awareness. What are these criteria? As it will be?
In many ways, everything depends on yourself, on whether you want to be conscious in your life and in all your manifestations. After all, now there is a picture that many, even of those who have awakened from sleep, fall asleep again, because their sleep is more comfortable and pleasant for them. And not everyone wants to go through living their sensory sensations, through the barriers of their mind, and through the limitations of templates and programs. Someone sees that he is susceptible to this, but still does not want to free himself and act differently. You are still comfortable living in a dream, where people decide for you what to do and when.
Many expected the transition process as a kind of paradise, where it would come and immediately there would be good energies, love, joy and happiness. But then the process of no return has begun, when processes of change are launched at all levels, and what happens? Are you happy about this? Many are in fear and misunderstanding of what is happening, and even those who read your channelings and messages from higher powers.
Because living in awareness is great work. This stay in the moment is now constant, because it is a constant choice of what is evolutionary for you, and not something that takes you back to sleep. And this requires energy, effort and of course attention! And your attention is asleep, it is not trained to stay as much as possible in the moment. And your every moment is a state of choice, a state of taking responsibility for your life and your decisions in the moment.
All your thoughts, actions, deeds are your choice at this very moment of acceptance. When it is not your emotional state, not your past, not ancestral attitudes and patterns of society that dictate what to do, but you yourself consciously make decisions.
And so you show all systems that you have grown up and can already act in your own way, despite what dominates you, you choose in spite of, not thanks to, and this is your path in development. This is your path to awareness.
And this is difficult when for most of your life you have acted according to patterns, driven by systems, and suddenly you now need to decide for yourself how to live.
How will you feel? Chaos. You will be scared. But because there is uncertainty, because you will be responsible for the result. There will be no one to complain to and place all the blame on. That’s why it’s scary, that’s why it’s chaos.
After all, when you walk along a well-trodden path, you know what awaits you around the corner, you understand where the stones are that you need to go around, and the fence that runs along the road. And here, not only has the fence along the road been removed – and there are no boundaries – but also the road is completely new and unexplored.
And this is what makes the path of development interesting, this is what many souls came for – for this roller coaster, to feel life in all its glory in every unknown moment.
It’s like when you watch a movie and don’t know what will happen next, you are in anticipation, you are interested, it captivates you – this is how your souls feel, why they were walking at this time. Because they are already tired of watching the same film.
But it is very difficult to be fully aware. And you yourself said that we lived most of our lives in a dream, so now it’s difficult to rebuild.
But probably! And only those who are truly ready for this will do this. Who wants to reach a higher level of consciousness. And the one who plays around and says even within himself “take it, save it, rebuild everything for us,” is still a child, and it’s too early for him.
And just imagine the picture, if we take such a child, with his childish consciousness, and transfer him to a new dimension – he simply will not be able to stay there. Those energies that will be there will squeeze out of him this childish thinking and no longer at the pace of your growth, but at the pace of accelerated maturation, break his patterns and foundations. For him it will be a kind of madness and a lot of stress for his consciousness.
Consciousness is a subtle structure and very fragile. We do not touch those who are not ready for this transition to the highest level, but we encourage those who hear us to go into the unknown, on an interesting journey. And everyone should feel this impulse within themselves. It is never an external influence. Now, if you feel sick inside, if your inner call calls you to try, to experience it – then this is your soul telling you, act, you will succeed. But, of course, the person himself must act and take steps towards this.
Those who experience fear and rejection, it means that their attitudes and programs have taken over their consciousness too much. Is it possible to develop here, of course yes! But the destruction of systems will be a difficult test for them, and they will rather act out of their minds at first, but one day they will hear the call of the soul and follow it.
You said that the person himself must take steps towards this – i.e. to living life consciously. What steps should he take?
This is an interesting question and very multidimensional; we cannot give a definite answer to it. But there is something that will be similar for everyone – this pay attention to your path.
Every step you take, every action you take, ask yourself the question:
And each of you subconsciously feels the answer in your heart, because there are only two paths in the entire universe – this is the path to God and from Him. Both are the path, and this is either the path of evolution or destruction.
If you walk the same road day after day, is this the path of evolution?
If you follow your desires, is this the path of evolution?
If you indulge your habits, is this the path of evolution?
What if you go in a new way, even if it’s just by changing the way you get to work?
What does this give? New sensations, maybe even some emotions, or other thoughts – this is already a small step towards something new, towards the unknown, to some extent towards elements of chaos, because this is new for you. This is already a small step, but in evolutionary development.
Understand that we do not require you to fight Napoleonic battles for your consciousness and awareness. All you need is to take small actions, at first to the best of your ability, but experience this world in a new way, do it differently than before.
By doing this, you will begin to rebuild your neural connections, expand the field of interaction, and instill a new skill to act differently. First in small manifestations, to calm your psyche that it is not dangerous, that it is possible. And gradually taking this into service, apply it to more.
It all depends on everyone’s life, but the path to a high mountain begins with preparing equipment and training on the ground, and only then climbers take on high peaks.
I really liked that before every decision, ask yourself the question “does this lead to evolution or destruction.” But how can you remember about it at the very moment when this decision needs to be made? After all, we are talking about even the smallest steps, for example, whether to go for a walk today or not, or to drink coffee at night or not…
Exactly! This is not about choosing a job or a future spouse, although this does happen. But first of all, we want you to learn how to apply this in the simplest and most everyday things. In the simplest actions. And, progressively, you will strengthen this skill of making an informed decision, and implement it in big choices, in big steps. Step by step!

And this will already be an indicator for us that you are striving for your own change. That you want to go to a new world, to a world where a person is aware and acts not from the programs of the mind, but from the awareness of the heart!

Then your life will become more interesting, because you will not be fixated on a repeating circle of steps. Believe me, even a job that many people don’t like can be made interesting and unique with such small steps. Your whole life, every new day can be made interesting and unique.
It’s even in the name NEW day! This means take this as a sign, do something new every day, somehow different from before.
And we do not look at how developed a person is in his spirituality, how many courses or trainings he has completed, or how many books he has read. And just how much he shows his awareness in his life! Even the most ordinary person can do this, and outperform someone who has been practicing spiritual practices for more than 10 years, but simply because he decided to try to do this, and was not afraid – and continues to go forward step by step in his development!
And here the choice is up to each of you. After all, we do not call those who do not understand what esotericism or spiritual knowledge are sleeping. And we call those who are sleeping those who do not progress in their development, who stand still.
Even a small step into the new unknown, a decision made in the moment to go into the evolution of one’s consciousness can decide a lot!
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