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Is someone on Earth breeding a new race of especially stupid people

Is someone on Earth breeding a new race of especially stupid people

With the beginning of the great pandemic and as the number of strange events around increases, on conspiracy forums people from time to time raise the topic of the progressive stupidity of people whose IQ began to fall by leaps and bounds. A couple of days ago, a friend at GLP shared another interesting observation and in response, people expressed interesting and disturbing thoughts on this matter.
So, the post itself:
My daughter is one of the best students in 8th grade – straight A student, high honors board and all. Yesterday we watched a movie and in the credits there was a strange name written by a strange guy, a special effects specialist – Chalermphol Wattanawongtrakool. I joked that this dude probably  couldn’t write his name until third grade.
Then my daughter told me that some kids in her 8th grade class couldn’t write their first and last names. Some children have to ask the teacher to say their name so they can write it down. I was shocked.
She said one of the dumb kid’s last names was Garcia. I asked if he had recently come to the US and English was his second language? No, my daughter said, English is his native language.
And they have a lot of them in their class. They call dumb girls “Kathleen”, adding another letter to the name to distinguish them: “Kathleen G”, “Kathleen C”. And no one is offended, everyone is terribly comfortable. 
Then an exchange of similar observations and discussion began:
I also have an eighth grader. He says that almost all of his peers are very, very stupid.
One white dude I work with told me that his 12 year old boy can’t read or write. Wow! When I was 8, I could do both.
I graduated from Pennsylvania High School in 1964. At that time, the “excellent” rating accounted for 94–100% of the test results. The last positive assessment was indicated by the letter “E”. “F” meant that the guy was completely stupid and it was considered as a failure of the exam. “F” was 68%. And now 50% is considered a good result and teachers complain that it should be lowered, that it is still too difficult. 
This shit didn’t start yesterday.  In the mid-90s, my stepdaughter was finishing school. One day she read the assembly instructions out loud to me while I was assembling furniture. She could barely read the insert, but she was on the honor roll in high school. She probably read at a 4th or 5th grade level. I thought, how did she get on the honor roll with her reading level? What kind of people were there then who were considered stupid?
An epidemic of general imbecility has affected the entire world. To be convinced of this, just read comments and texts on social networks. It is clear that these are not dictations, that they are auto-corrected and all that, but people repeat grammatical errors; people really don’t know how to write words. And these are not written by children, but by the most adults. So, of course, let’s see what people think about it. 
British tests for 11 year olds in the 1880s are now IMPOSSIBLE for most adults. They are TERRIBLY HEAVY. And they were for 11-year-olds! Schools are a joke now. You might as well not send your children to school. At some point this will all hit a wall, people will be too stupid to even sweep the streets.
Tell that to the Founding Fathers of the United States, who wrote our Constitution in cursive. None of our schoolchildren can read this document in its original form. It’s quite sad because if the power ever goes out, it will be impossible to communicate because kids these days won’t know how to write words on paper. 
We think that today we are such an advanced civilization, with our rockets, computers and cars. But looking at all the reports about underground tunnels under all of Europe, about cities and fortresses in the jungle, about ultrasound emitted by pyramids, about Viking longships found at the bottom of the Mississippi – I think that the civilizations before us were much more advanced. We were just told that we are so smart, but we are completely dependent on machines for information, supplies, food and communication. Like the average democrat who thinks he is smart but is actually being brainwashed into submission.
We think there is actually something to such assumptions. People on average are becoming dumber at a fantastic rate, and we are not talking about schools for gopniks, but about enterprises where great specialists already work. And after Covid, degeneration is growing with terrible force. And global bosses not only don’t notice this, but don’t even fight it, don’t make any attempts to fix everything.
It is very likely that some new race is being bred from people with an average IQ of 60, and 80 will be some kind of genius who can be assigned to read instructions written by AI and press a button. Or maybe the plans are much broader and eventually people will be gathered into herds, which will be herded by smart robotic dogs, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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