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Walking under the sky has become deadly dangerous

Walking under the sky has become deadly dangerous

On April 18, 2024, in Guizhou province, gigantic hail weighing 35 kilograms and about a meter in diameter fell on one of the greenhouses, which people reacted with some distrust. However, in the same unfortunate province on the same day, April 18, the following happened:

Here, of course, it’s not 35 kilograms, but you can see the system of formation of such blocks – it looks like they are glued together from smaller hailstones. 

Guizhou province again , May 1, 2024:

The hail was very large and of a very strange shape, as if an icicle had fallen from the dome like a strip of Earth. 

And this is Australia, May 1-2:

The frightened local people were told that it was a “gas tank from a rocket,” after which the sphere was taken away in an unknown direction. But this is not a rocket fuel tank. The fuel tank looks something like this:

Thus, the fuel tank should have:

a) Welding points, since the tank is not blown out by a steelmaker-glassblower.

b) Fuel input and supply tubes, since this is not a supply of hydrazine for future use. 

c) Mounting lugs that secure the tank to the rest of the structure. 

There is none of this, the sphere is perfectly smooth on all sides and is very similar to a typical spherical UFO, which is observed quite often. 

But this doesn’t look like anything anymore:

Obviously, Elon Musk will take the fall; he always takes everything upon himself. So on May 2, some kind of spiral flew over Ukraine and we were told that it was SpaceX. However, the same thing was seen on the same day in Western Europe , including Norway, and even in the USA, in the western states . And this despite the fact that the launch was from Florida. 

It seems that something is starting in the atmosphere, perhaps those same aerospace battles have descended lower, as we predicted. And it will continue to fall more, so we are monitoring the developments. 

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