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Aina: Sowing souls on Earth

Aina: Sowing souls on Earth

Channeling: architect

Ch.: Hello, Aina. I’m glad to see you.
Aina: Hello, I’m glad to talk to you too.
CH: Could we discuss the seeding of souls on Earth? Who carries out these crops, who manages them? What role do destructive civilizations play in all this?
A.: The souls in your civilization are developing very differently. The path of the soul is significantly influenced by which alma mater it belongs to.
By alma mater I mean maternal oversoul. Despite the word “mater”, its manager can be both a female and a male mind.
There are actually only three options for alma mater:
1. Whole oversoul from pure worlds.
2. Whole oversoul from the dark worlds.
3. Civilizational megastructures with a formalized controlling mind.
A solid oversoul is like a solid mountain. And civilizational megastructures rather control the volumes of the God particle, similar to stones of different sizes: from large blocks to small crumbs.
But in practice, everything is not so simple, and there are many combined control options. The most important thing to understand is that there is a list of higher essences that control a certain volume of a particle of God assigned to each of them. Such a manager can manage his resources as he considers rational. He can invest them in Creation in different ways.
For example, you can transfer the volume of your life resource to civilizations so that they themselves invest it in their life activities as they see fit. That is, the manager pours a particle of God into civilizational megastructures, and local participants manage this volume, multiply it and then return the agreed profit to the oversoul.
You can sow in a civilization under your own leadership, and manage the invested resources yourself. In this case, invited specialists are often brought in to help the oversoul manage its crops, but it retains the right to join the process and intervene.
Depending on the quality of the life resource, crops can be in the form of crystals, plants, animals of varying degrees of intelligence, humanoid and non-humanoid civilizations – from primitive tribes to technologically advanced communities.
This is vaguely similar to earthly investing. A person can take his money to a bank so that his deposit will be managed by financiers, and he himself will receive interest. Or he can create his own business and manage his investments independently.
And yet such an analogy is conditional. Investing money and investing a piece of God don’t have much in common. Because the particle of God as a whole has a very special, sacred status in the universe. She breathes life into creation, so the most sensitive attitude towards her is required. In addition, the alma mater owns its volume of life resource on the basis that it is a direct part of it. It is not the same as money in a wallet, which can be handled with any degree of carelessness. Drawing analogies with earthly reality, the life resource of the oversoul that it owns is rather the cells of its body.
An ill-considered investment of one’s own parts in a dubious creation can negatively result in an abundance of painful impulses for the soul from those living beings that it gave birth to in the process of investing. And she will have to endure this pain, since sowing living beings of her own free will is relatively simple, but depriving them of their lives can be extremely difficult. The highest managers of the Universe may not allow this, and then the alma mater will have to endure the consequences of its frivolous investment for a very long time, removing its parts from the crops of living beings correctly so that unnecessary suffering is not caused to them.
For example, slowly dying species of animals are crops from which the alma mater wants to regain a piece of God. But to do this, abruptly interrupting their existence, is prohibited by the highest law. Therefore, according to earthly time, centuries sometimes pass before the oversoul regains a piece of God from a crop in which it is no longer interested.
A solid alma mater can be from pure worlds or from dark ones. Many incarnated people on Earth, who can be called awakened or sleeping, but developed in their own way, belong to precisely such oversouls. Such people usually receive more thoughtful guidance from above; for them, a clear, although not always detailed, life scenario is much more often thought out. Someone is looking after them, guiding them. These are souls with living VYa.
There is another category of souls that are formed from a particle of God poured into civilizational megastructures (CM).
Central civilizational megastructures (CCMs) are huge, complex, fully or partially automated distributors of life resource flows. We can conditionally call them the largest wholesaler, which stands above smaller wholesalers – megastructures, which people usually call egregors. All of them are designed for complex management of soul crops with varying degrees of intelligence, but there are differences between the CMs in functionality and methods of work. Their number and configuration I depends on the needs of civilization.
Let’s say that if the number of people on the planet is growing, and it is necessary to increase the total distribution power of life resource flows, engineers add a new control module that provides this additional power. Thus, a new CM (egregor) appears under the CCM.
The composition of the life resource, which is controlled by the earthly central center, includes:
– A particle of God belonging to the oversoul Gaia.
– Investments from weakly destructive and destructive civilizations of the fourth to eighth level of development.
– Investments from various alma maters that they do not manage themselves.
– A large volume of small fragments of souls formed during the spontaneous splitting of the God particle. This is about 20% of earthly inhabitants: plants, animals, people and various non-embodied spirits (nature spirits, small local flow controllers, etc.)
Souls whose development is controlled by central civilizational megastructures do not have a living VY. The volume of the particle of God from which these souls are woven was initially poured in the form of homogeneous flows into the earthly central mass. Or this volume could be poured into a global control structure of a higher order, which we previously agreed to call the Hub.
So, a large number of individual souls are embodied on Earth, initially formed for development in civilizations. Their incarnations are controlled by a formalized development system. The final point of their stay is a cell in the earthly MTC or a cell in the Hub. Therefore, “returning home” to any oversoul living at higher levels is impossible. The homeland of such souls is the Earth or another inhabited planet. Accordingly, efforts in their development are aimed at finding their place and arranging life in one of the civilizations.
There are many more such souls in development in different worlds than parts of whole alma maters. Preserving massive oversouls is quite a difficult task. After periodic cases of spontaneous splitting of the alma mater, the resulting fragments of souls can already be connected to formalized control systems.
The mind of the oversoul after its splitting is also often damaged. That is, the oversoul, which was once a conventional goddess, can become, after splitting, several souls that have not retained integral rationality. And the top managers have a choice: to again develop the mind of each of the newly formed souls, or to pour these resources for development into one of the civilizations, connecting them to a formalized system of managing incarnations.
In the second case, a civilizational seeding of small individual souls is formed, say 100 thousand individuals. Souls are separated in a controlled manner, the connections between them remain intact, so such crops have the opportunity to re-form unity over time. Each such small soul receives intelligence, and their development proceeds as a single set.
On the one hand, these minds are low-power, on the other hand, there are many of them, they are interchangeable, different groups may have different qualities, specialization and talents. As a result of such development, the collective mind of many souls is formed, which in functionality and efficiency can even surpass the large integral mind of the oversoul. Even if some individual parts of such crops degrade, other parts develop. That is, civilization seeding is a fairly flexible, relatively reliable investment of a large fragment of a particle of God. Although it also has its drawbacks.
Based on such realities, the super-idea of returning the soul after all its wanderings home, to its native land, will not be feasible for everyone. A more realistic approach would be the idea: home is the place where I live, I myself can create my home the way I like.
If a soul under the control of the CCM shows success in development, it has the opportunity to ascend to become a young specialist from one of the governing structures – the teacher system, the hierarchy of time, the karmic council, etc. – depending on the talents of the soul. Then she works at new levels: fourth, fifth or higher. Her field of activity is connected with the earthly or any other civilization, with which she builds constructive relationships. It is possible to participate in the development of several civilizations at once.
But if the soul is not interested in vertical development, it continues its incarnations on Earth, and then its development vector is horizontal. That is, she expands her talents and skills within the earthly level. There are also many such matured souls. They like the specificity of earthly life, its materiality and physicality. Such souls can love gardening, traveling, creating large families, having many children, etc.
Souls-parts of integral alma maters also use the functionality of the Central Center or Hub, but their oversouls, who ultimately make decisions on their incarnation, are located in other places.
As you can see, this is a very confusing topic. I cannot describe all the cases of souls incarnating on Earth. There are also very rare representatives from the far corners of the Universe. And they have their own specifics. In any case, there are two main options for managing the human embodiment:
– Management through the efforts of the entire alma mater, not always personally, more often through the involvement of the teaching system or a private teacher. In this case, after incarnations, it is possible for the soul to return back to its native oversoul. Although, if the alma mater lives in dark worlds, the return of the soul to its homeland is also virtually impossible, since development proceeds along an ascending vector, along a vector of decreasing destructiveness. And the path to the dark homeland is closed. Subsequent development in free civilizations is much more preferable for such a soul.
– Automatic control due to algorithms of the central control center or a higher-level Hub. But, if the soul makes progress in development, it can receive a living teacher to help. To understand what the CCM is like as an alma mater, you can imagine a huge mother spaceship. Let’s say the soul woke up there after incarnation, but it has nothing special to do. This is a specialized megastructure that is designed to control incarnations in civilizations, and not for wakefulness. And there it is only comfortable to sleep in a separate cell and live out your lives in the “matrix” in your dreams.
Accordingly, having completed one incarnation, the soul chooses what kind of life it now wants to live, what is interesting to it, or what would be useful for it to learn. And goes to bed again. This does not imply that the soul goes through the same type of experience in the worlds to the point of complete satiety. The development system has a huge variety of different scenarios for implementation, suggesting a progressive saturation of experience, a set of development indicators that will ultimately give the soul an upward vector and help it gain new, expanded capabilities.
Separately, it is worth discussing the crops of Gaia and the crops of other civilizations on Gaia.
The specificity of Gaia’s crops is that the majority of their management is fully automated. There are developed earthly souls, whose successes Gaia carefully monitors, and their guidance is special. But in general, its incarnations are controlled by a formalized development system, the VY program. It is currently impossible to awaken the bulk of the land’s crops. These are young developing souls. They are no worse than others, it’s just that their time for awakening has not yet come. In addition, many of the positive qualities of people that can be called manifestations of the highest humanity are the qualities of Gaia, manifested by her through her children. The crops of Gaia have such valuable unique manifestations of friendliness, mutual assistance, generosity, care, which are not shown so expressively in any other civilization.
And here I would like to draw attention to the distortion of thinking that exists in the esoteric community, that right now all people need to either awaken or go into oblivion. And after this magical disappearance of all the unawakened, the awakened ones will build a new world. This idea is often shared by representatives of alien civilizations embodied on Earth, who are indeed more experienced and mature intelligences. But there is a significant problem in implementing such an idea. Right now, starting to build this brave new world consisting exclusively of awakened people is simply not possible with the current characteristics of Gaia’s crops. Wrong place, wrong time. Therefore, it is better to look for like-minded people and organize in small groups. This is a more realistic task.
Awakened star souls need to realize and accept the fact that they are on someone else’s platform of development. There are conditions here, and the main crops of the souls of alma mater Gaia are still ripening. They are young, inexperienced, and there is no point in waking them up. There was a time when souls from other civilizations went through such a period of youth and inexperience, and no one pushed them around, but patiently waited until they matured and became more conscious.
The crops of other civilizations on Earth have their own specific management. Let’s just say: everything is confusing here. Therefore, we will simply dwell on a few specific moments of conducting such incarnations.
The first specific point. Many souls who came to incarnate on Earth from other civilizations have bodies of their native civilization lying in stasis. Therefore, it is a fairly common situation when a person’s VY is a representative of an alien civilization, not much more developed than himself. For such an embodiment, the VL program is often used, because the quality of maintaining the development system by automatic means is much higher than the manual control of a living VL.
The task of development on Earth for the descending soul is to gain experience in earthly civilization, which cannot be obtained at home. The conditions for development in different civilizations are unique. But the Earth stands out in that it has absorbed most of the successful developments from other worlds. It is like a modern center of intersection of the flows of many civilizations. Within the Earth’s platform, there are many diverse subsystems of development, which is especially clearly seen if you look at the planet by region – how different experiences can be gained in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the USA, South America, etc. Such diversity is not characteristic of many civilizations, whose representatives are now incarnating on Earth. In their homelands It is often more monotonous and narrow, although perhaps deeper in content. The earth is like a colorful puzzle of disparate elements, like a patchwork quilt. And this attracts many representatives of other civilizations, who have advanced in development only a little further than the local inhabitants.
Leading such souls can be peculiar and not always effective. Sometimes there are very dramatic stories, since a representative of a civilization who decided to incarnate in an earthly body may not be experienced enough to conduct his own incarnation wisely. And yet he has the status of VY in the development system, and has the right to manage his incarnation himself. Let’s say he wants to gain experience on Earth faster, or at all costs achieve certain indicators of saturation in the current incarnation. In this case, he can torture himself. At the same time, it may seem to the incarnate person that some higher mind is unkind to him, that his life is a series of troubles and failures, and someone from above is doing this to spite him. The veil of oblivion hides from a person the real reasons for his strange bad luck. But his VY has good reasons, specific motives, because of which he decided to endure and continue to do what is not given to him. In such cases, we can say that the VY and its embodiment are actually a single essence, it’s just that the higher mind knows more than the earthly. The conflict arises solely due to the fact that the earthly mind does not have complete information. But still, for the VY, going through this experience is absolutely as uncomfortable as it is for the person himself.
This situation is the reason for the emergence of stories about how the rulers of civilizations cruelly lead earthly incarnations from above. Although sometimes the only way for a person to get out of his difficult life experience is to go through it properly, consciously, like an adult. Take advantage of unpleasant situations and come out of them enriched with new qualities and knowledge. Expand your consciousness, strengthen your mind, sharpen your will.
Second specific point. Sometimes civilizations pour a piece of God from their megastructures into other civilizations. There are vast crops of souls on Earth, created through infusions from neighboring destructive worlds. This is another rather complex, emotionally charged topic. On the one hand, these volumes of God’s particles belong to other civilizations, and they have the right to manage their investments. On the other hand, as a result of investing, living people are born with their own needs and desire for happiness. At the intersection of the interests of investors from other civilizations and earthly souls, woven from the borrowed resource of life, many conflicts arise.
It is not always that such people manage to throw off the yoke of the controlling civilization; their life can be like a straight tunnel, without the opportunity to take at least some significant step to the side. This is the second reason for the emergence of stories about cruel rulers of civilizations. Sometimes these stories are true. The reasons for this state of affairs are that the individuals who manage the crops of their worlds on other planets are not experienced enough. They don’t know any better yet. And if they don’t try, they will never learn. And it is strictly necessary to learn, these are the tasks of their own development.
The way out for a person who is under the incorrect control of other civilizations is to develop, increase his awareness, increase his potential and value. The earth’s development system strictly monitors the growth of each person’s indicators. If someone begins to stand out from the general population, if his indicators have increased, such a person can be completely removed from the influence of civilizations and transferred to the teaching system. The main thing in these attempts to free ourselves is the stability of development indicators. Many awakened ones like to make leaps and then fall back into doing nothing. They attribute their procrastination to the fact that the rulers of civilization are trying to force them back into sleep mode. This is a misconception.
There may be a certain transitional period when the awakened person feels pressure, as if someone is really interested in driving him back into hibernation. But it could be a dark teacher who came to check if the person is really serious? As they say: the darkest hour is before the dawn. The strongest pressure may come before a new stage of development.
The rulers of civilizations have an interest in having developed individuals emerge from their crops. Firstly, there is always a specific performer who himself receives an increase in his development indicators for the intelligence successfully cultivated on Earth. Secondly, if an awakened person from the sowing of civilizations moves on to development under the guidance of the teacher system, the civilization receives for him a double volume of the particle of God that is embedded in his soul. Thirdly, civilization can, after the completion of incarnation, bring out matured valuable intelligence and continue its development in its homeland. This doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.
In a word, the earthly development system provides incentives for helping people develop and awakennii, there is a reward for this. But the reasons why sleeping earthlings are beneficial to the managing civilizations is a very ambiguous, confusing topic. In short: they themselves cannot assess the benefits and risks of a more developed population of the Earth. There are advantages for them, because many of them are incarnated here and are forced to live in the same imperfect conditions as the rest. There are risks too. For some retarded people there may be negative consequences from the general increase in awareness of people on Earth. But there is no single monolithic motivation among civilizations to extinguish the awareness of earthlings.
As a conclusion to this part of the conversation, let’s remember Hanlon’s razor: never attribute to malice what can be fully explained by backwardness.
Third specific point. A certain significant part of the life resource invested in civilizations initially belongs to the gods of the sixth to eighth level. This can create confusion in the identity of the soul that is remembering itself. Let’s say it seems to her that she is from the Pleiades, but if you follow the connections further, it may turn out that she is part of one of the gods. But what are the plans of this god regarding this individual soul, only he himself knows. He can remain a hidden investor for a long time, and a soul from civilization will not even know that he has such a VY. But a moment may come when God will show interest in the soul and take it into his conglomerate so that it continues development under his leadership.
C: You said that higher intelligences profit from investing. What is the higher mind guided by: the desire to develop its crops (people) or to receive profit from them in the form of a life resource?
A.: You see, the resource of life is partially destroyed, so it is very important to compensate for these losses by effectively increasing it. This is profit. If higher intelligences were not at all guided in their investment by income, then our Universe would become poorer and poorer over time for a particle of God. All this would be compensated by the enhanced evolution of non-living machine intelligences, their number would tirelessly increase. Therefore, yes, higher intelligences are guided in their investment by profit, but there is nothing reprehensible in this. The efficiency of multiplying the particle of God in the process of managing crops is a severe necessity for maintaining life in the Universe.
Ch.: Thank you. It seems to me that the topic is not exhausted, and we can continue a little later.
A.: Agreed (Smiles).
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