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The influence of sound and words on a person

The influence of sound and words on a person

Everything in the Universe sounds: galaxies, stars and planets. Since matter initially carries awareness, and any wave is sound, it is an instrument of consciousness.
Sound can greatly influence a person, destroy him, or inspire him.
Listen to the symphonies of nature and try to understand the power of sound over your being.
Respond to nature with your sound, your own melody, or current of intention, notifying the ether of your needs, and your vision for the future.
Imagine music that makes people brighter, containing sounds and songs that are easy to remember and convey: healing songs, unifying songs, songs of extreme surprise, vitality and sexuality, containing semantic codes.
True power lies in understanding the singing of birds, the sound of insects, the sound of water, raindrops – the sounds of nature that synchronize and harmonize a person.
A word is also a sound. Our ancestors were good at sound. With its help they changed gravity, subjugated animals, created works of art, and fought.
The word army, war have the root “voy-“, soldier – “solo give”.
They still use spells, whispers, read prayers, mantras, affirmations to better obtain the desired result.
Water changes its structure under the influence of sound, and a person is 80% water. But, unfortunately, so much negativity has accumulated around us and in the Noosphere that many efforts remain unanswered.
We are increasingly losing our power over nature. Words, no matter how carefully they are chosen, always hide the truth.
Words are only springboards to true knowledge, keys to enter the real world of perception.
If you already realize that you don’t need to give words their true meaning, because… when used correctly, they can lead you to the knowledge that is hidden.
It is necessary to assimilate the words that should be delved into, or give them sound. This process is called working with sound.
It involves recognizing and trusting that strange sensation that is best described as listening to something that sounds right.
After any spoken word, the Universe will never be the same; with every spoken word, the human view of the world becomes more and more harsh.
By the time a person completes his narration of an event, what happened occupies a strong and secure place in his view of the world – this is the power and trap of words.
You can avoid this by talking less, choosing your words carefully, and engaging in non-doing. The world is not exactly as words describe it.
Words simply imply, and do not contain, the absolute meaning that they carry by definition.
Silence, internal and external, is the door to true knowledge, and masterly mastery of words, the ability to both speak and listen, is the gate to freedom.
The word is a double-edged sword!
If you are a profane person, then rest assured that you are vibrating at low frequencies.
Scientists have proven that fighting (also a battlefield) causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation with a power of 1000 roentgen.
Our DNA hears sound and understands the meaning of speech. Pyotr Garyaev, a Russian geneticist, proved experimentally that a person, like a sculptor, sculpts his genetic apparatus.
That is, heredity depends on what the child hears from prenatal development.
As a result, negative, self-destructive processes inherent in the human genome are increasing from generation to generation.
Great harm is caused to the psyche of people by rudeness and obscenities. Our spirit and body lose health.
Think before you speak. The sound reverberates throughout the entire space. Take care of the Universe and yourself!
With respect and love, Tatyana Ryazanova! “Kwantsin” 02/24/2024
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