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Do you want to live 100 years

Do you want to live 100 years? How about infinitely?

Author: Ilya Bortnikov

What’s the point? The length of your desired life depends on the “level of play” of your life.
Many people periodically think about the meaning of their lives. But most people on the planet are in a continuous process of survival, and thoughts on such topics do not arise for them.
When everything is good in a person’s life, a normal family, children, work, and everything in abundance, then naturally you want this to continue “forever.” But what period of time seems like eternity to us?
Close your eyes and look inside yourself, at your life. How many years into your future can you look, or at least imagine? How many years do you need to realize your dreams and life plans? What will happen beyond the horizon of these events? Imagine that you will live another 100 years.
When will the moment come when you feel that life has happened and now it’s time to leave? Where to go? This is where it seems to anyone. Simply cease to exist, or go to a reboot, and start all over again in a new incarnation.
For many people, these are destructive thoughts, and they, like viruses in the mind, can disrupt the entire meaningful orientation of life. Therefore, bots, as it is now fashionable to call most people, are immune to thinking about the meaning of their existence. The majority of people are immersed in semantic realities imposed by space, and are not able to have the desire to realize this.
But everyone’s “expiration date” eventually ends. Either the package of desires has been exhausted, or the vitality to realize them has run out. There comes a moment of internal burnout, and after that you don’t so much want to live, but simply don’t want to die.
Look inside yourself and understand what level of consciousness evolution you are at. Look at your life through the prism of the levels of energy information flows in which we live. The main flow of information and energy on which you live corresponds to a certain center of consciousness in our energy structure. Many people are more familiar with the name “chakra”. Walk through these chakras from bottom to top.
1 Muladhara.
The rigid matrix of this World. The struggle for survival is the main meaning of life. Natural disasters, poverty, hunger, war – life scenarios in which it is only important to survive and preserve your offspring. In such a life scenario, space thinks for you, your task, like in an adventure film, is to survive in every episode.
The lifespan of such people does not imply eternal life. I would like to raise my children here, it would be good if I also have grandchildren, and die calmly with a clear conscience.
2 Svadhisthana.
The level of a prosperous average person who lives in a normal society and realizes all his desires. Space is interested in ensuring that these desires do not stop. Movies, advertising, new affordable entertainment. Just work and you will get all the pleasures available to your social status.
Life in a pleasant dream in which you want to stay for as long as possible.
But the eternal blows of fate create problems, and they must be solved. But if you have dealt with them, then you gain access to your pleasures.
Caring for your life partner, children, parents is natural, because you want to maintain your safe world.
But even here, at some point, fatigue from monotony sets in. And it just “runs out of gas.”
3 Manipura.
Will, power, even if you don’t become the best, then surpass yourself.
If the meaning of your life is a career in “sports,” then someday this competition will end. Sports here can be anything in the world of competition.
But if the meaning of life is to manage others, in politics or business, then life spans should be longer. So we see politicians and oligarchs on Olympus of power who want to live forever.
4 Anahata.
Love, and at the highest level compassion for all people, immerse us in the meaningful reality of serving humanity. There is a tendency to save friends and loved ones from an unhealthy lifestyle. And people with high potential energy and capabilities strive to save all of humanity.
In these games, you also want to live forever, since the unhappy, offended, and oppressed will always be in this world.
But such people often come to the conclusion that they have outlived their time, and they need to make room on the planet for the young. Self-sacrifice as a program in the minds of such people, so that there is not an overabundance of saviors of humanity.
5 Vishuddha.
For people living in creative streams of creation, life already seems eternal.
As long as there is a creative flow through you, and you are able to express it, you will live.
The higher a person’s creative potential, the longer he wants to live in order to realize everything he can give to this world.
But in reality, we see that the lives of many geniuses are cut short much earlier than they were able to give this world what they brought into it. Such people really need a long life.
6 Ajna.
For people living in mental space there is no limit to development.
Imagine for yourself what scientists and philosophers could give to this world if they lived for hundreds of years.
For yourself, you can realize how much thirst you have for new knowledge, you can An urge to comprehend something new, a desire to learn how this world works. For some, these desires disappear even at school.
7 Sahasrara.
The ideological field of mystics striving for God, unity with the World, Nirvana. The name of these games may vary.
But more ambitiously it sounds like “tradition”, although this is the same game as the others. Only of a higher order. The highest level available to humanity.
You can sit in meditation forever, since at this level consciousness lives in the energy-informational space.
Mystics and magicians of this level are no longer people, in the sense that people do not understand where and how they live. At this level, it is desirable for the body to live as long as possible, so as not to disrupt the process of development of the energy-information field.
Think about the topic: Do you want to live, or do you just not want to die? “I don’t want to” is also a form of desire. In fact, everyone wants to live, even if it seems to them that they have no desires. But something can be done about this too. More precisely, everyone should do this, even if you don’t feel like doing anything. You can go on a drinking binge, but this is tantamount to suicide. This is what many, even very smart people, did when they suddenly realized that no one needed them anymore. What about yourself? Think about it.
What should a person do when he sees no meaning in life? My grandmother used to say about such people: “It makes me crazy.”
Take an example from the Chinese. I mean how their traditions are presented to us.
A person devotes himself to some kind of art all his life. Improves himself in it. And in fact he identifies himself with him. And since there is no limit to perfection, the process of development is endless. Therefore, such people think in timeless categories. And give them the opportunity to live forever, they would always have something to do.
So what does that matter to us? Each of us has something, some ability to express ourselves, which is the basis of our individuality. So you need to realize your vector of development, in the sense in which area you want to develop. Cling to it with your desires and consciously cultivate it. Yes, like letting a seed sprout and gain strength until it becomes a large stem.
Look for the real you.
And for those who have completed all seven levels of this game, there is a way out of it. Now it is fashionable to talk and write about leaving the Matrix. But who writes? The people who sit in it with their heads. All ideas of getting out of the Matrix are illusions, since it is impossible to provide anything outside the framework of our ideas.
But it is possible to realize oneself as consciousness. And this is enough to see this World as a big game in which heroes go through its various levels.
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