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How to protect yourself from the negative energy of others

How to protect yourself from the negative energy of others

Whether you want to or not, in your daily communication and contacts, you may be forced to meet people who are not particularly pleasant to you. But instead of resisting, accept that people are different. In the following lines, we will share with you some little tricks that can help you deal with negative people. Here’s who they are:
Keep your own power
One of the problems that happens when you’re around someone with negative energy is that you can easily give that person tacit permission to steal your good mood or otherwise affect your own state of mind in a negative way. Make a decision to hold on to yourself and your power and refuse to let the negative person own you.
Wear a crystal
In ancient times, warriors wore protective amulets into battle. You can do the same today. Trusting the power of these precious, ancient relics of the earth may be the best thing you do for yourself today. Although there are several crystals associated with protection, clear quartz stands out as one of the best and most effective ways to ward off negative energy. You can also try wearing black jade, which is known to keep negative people away.
Trust your instinct
Do you feel like you have to deal with a person or situation that you understand is unhealthy? Protect your energy by listening to your instincts. You will easily know who or what is not good for you by how you feel. If they leave you feeling drained, distracted, and a little overwhelmed, maybe there’s a reason for that. Pay attention and limit your exposure to anything and anyone that makes you feel down and in a bad mood.
Shut up
It is generally considered rude to ignore other people by giving them the silent treatment. However, if you want to deal with a difficult person, studies show that being silent can be an easier way to interact with that person than having an actual conversation. The findings suggest that the silent treatment may be used as a strategy to conserve mental resources that would otherwise be depleted by interacting with someone you wouldn’t want to spend time with anyway.
Use your imagination
Imagine that you are surrounded by a protective shield. Visualize yourself with an aura of positive energy surrounding you and radiating outward from you. Use your imagination to imagine how you want to feel when you are in the presence of a person who tends to drain the positive energy right out of you. This painting process works because it is a form of relaxing practice.
Clear your physical and mental space
Clearing the clutter at home, at work, and in your head is a powerful way to protect your energy. Maintaining a stable, healthy mental state is difficult when you are surrounded on all sides by physical and emotional obstacles. This type of environment lends itself more to disorder, chaos and stress. Clear out the junk. Get rid of things that are of no use to you – old clothes that you will never wear again; from anxiety-inducing social media and especially from toxic people. Unfollow them on social media or unfriend them. Even if it’s hard for you, remember that it’s worth it.
Stop playing their game
The problem with negative people is that they need drama in their lives. They love to complain and will find any reason to do so. They will complain about some aspect of their life and expect an answer from you. Don’t give in to your first impulse. Don’t be a caregiver who has to take care of everyone. Let’s say you are staying in a room together with your friend. If he whines that the room is too hot or too cold, he probably wants your attention and expects you to feel sorry for him or fix the situation. Instead of making him feel better, tell him you feel good. Don’t worry that this might seem a bit harsh. The other person has the ability to fix their own situation, just like you. By giving him the attention he’s looking for, you’re reinforcing that whining is working.
Bozhidara Naydenova
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