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Spiritual quest: how to find your true life path

Spiritual quest: how to find your true life path

You feel lost in life. You’re sick of your job, your relationships are mediocre at best, your friendships are boring and empty, you feel dead inside and have lost interest in life… if these statements sound familiar, you may be going through an increasingly common experience known as an existential crisis.
In other words, you are at a crossroads in life: you feel stuck and begin to strive for a more meaningful existence. The only logical response to such a feeling is to begin a spiritual search to find answers to your life’s problems and burning fundamental questions. At its core, spiritual seeking is the desire to return to the center of one’s being. It is literally a journey to find your soul and reconnect with your true nature. This spiritual journey usually also marks the beginning of the path to spiritual Awakening.
Why soul loss is the main reason for spiritual quest
Why do some of us have such a strong inner desire to seek ourselves spiritually? Finding what is meaningful, true, authentic and deep? The answer is the loss of the Soul.
When we are disconnected from our soul, we feel anxiety, depression, loneliness, isolation and chronic dissatisfaction with our lives. To overcome this pain, we must reconnect with the deepest, most vital and fundamental part of ourselves.
Indigenous peoples and shamanic cultures have known about the phenomenon of soul loss for thousands of years, and it is a growing epidemic in our society. In the age of advanced digital technology, in a society based on materialistic ideals and selfishness, we are increasingly moving away from the original center of our being.
We have not paid our attention to the needs of the soul. We have not taken into account what the soul needs to be healthy. We have not studied the soul or tried to help it achieve what is necessary for its development and health. Instead, we focused entirely on the body and personality. We have accumulated extensive knowledge about the physical structure that the soul masters when it incarnates here. Amino acids, neurotransmitters, chromosomes and enzymes are known, but the soul is unknown.
What is soul loss?
When we experience the loss of our soul, part of our soul—or our original living essence—is “hidden” or shut down, preventing us from expressing and experiencing our true potential and wholeness as human beings. Often entire aspects of our psyche are completely blocked or suppressed.
There are many reasons for soul loss. Some of the common causes are: childhood trauma (physical, emotional, mental abuse; divorce; death in the family; abandonment, bullying), trauma in adult life (job loss, poverty, familiarity, violence, divorce, mental health problems, isolation, accidents, death of loved ones, discrimination), social conditioning: religious brainwashing, overuse of technology and entertainment envy (i.e. a form of intoxication and escapism), inherited ancestral trauma, materialism, reductionist values…
Essentially, anything that threatens our physical, mental or emotional survival (as well as any addictive, one-sided, oppressive ideology or vice) results in the loss of the Soul.
As a result, a person experiences an unpleasant, threatening feeling that something is wrong… something is missing. We are unhappy with ourselves or our lives, no matter how popular, successful or attractive we are. Something is still missing.
What is missing is the connection to our soul, which is the gateway to our true nature.
How do you know this applies to you?
Most people in our society face these difficulties to a greater or lesser extent. They don’t know it, they don’t care about it, and they have never dived into the vast waters of their subconscious or into their true nature. Instead, they operate solely from the position of their ego, the false self that was constructed from childhood as a defense against the overwhelming grandeur of life.
When such people begin to hear the call of their soul, they begin to feel the desire to free themselves and appear in their true light, they become afraid and suppress it. They return to old beliefs, habits and structures of society that reinforce callousness and mediocrity because it is easier, less intimidating and less confrontational.
However, over time, this desire can become so strong that people have no choice but to listen to it. This is the beginning of the process of spiritual awakening: the destruction of the ego and the flowering of our soul, which desires to reconnect with its true nature (spirit, consciousness).
There is also space between them. This is an imaginary space where lost souls live. In limbo, there is a deep feeling of maneuvering between the dissolving old and the new, not yet formed those who have We tend to feel stuck here, lost, empty, alone and afraid. There is a temptation to return to the old way of life, but at the same time there is an acute feeling of dissatisfaction with everything.
If you are stuck in limbo, you may experience the following symptoms:
You constantly feel sluggish and tired
You have no motivation and are internally restless
Do you feel alone
You feel unhappy and dissatisfied with your life
Do you want something “more”
You have become an outsider or a black sheep in the family
You are often irritable and moody
You are experiencing a midlife or quarter-life crisis
You are more prone to addiction
Are you struggling with self-hatred?
You keep trying to drown out your pain, but nothing works.
You feel “broken” inside.
You are struggling with existential crisis, depression and anxiety
Do you feel like something is missing from you?
You are bored and unhappy with other people
You feel stuck
You are struggling with a feeling of emptiness inside, you don’t know who you are.
You want to know what the point of all this is…
If you’re starting to get to know each other better, don’t throw the Stone. The first step to success is to understand the reason for these feelings. Then you need to take the path of self-knowledge.
How to start a spiritual search
Because we feel separated from Oneness, we begin to search. Strive for your completeness and your home. First you need to look inside yourself and ask yourself a few specific questions.
Traveling the world is often described as a great way for young people to discover themselves. But the search in the spiritual sense goes much deeper, it is not about jumping on a plane and flying to Bali.
Spiritual quest is the most valuable and important thing you can do in life. What could be more important than connecting with your core spiritual essence?
If you are looking for answers to everyday questions such as what job is right for me, should I get married, etc., the recommendations below may not satisfy you. But if you want to tap into your true depth, learn how to find yourself, how to be honest with yourself, how to open the door to your true nature, read on.
Learn to use solitude constructively
Solitude is your greatest ally when it comes to your spiritual quest because it is only when you are alone that you have the space to explore and learn. Make regular time and space for yourself, away from other people. Spend this time with yourself and your inner self. You can choose something passive like meditation or active like a walk in the woods. Respect your energy level and follow it. This is a simple but effective way to get to know yourself.
In solitude and silence, your true self begins to emerge, unburdened by the expectations and influences of other people. You may find that you are a completely different person when you get away from the hustle and bustle. For many people, loneliness is so intense and frightening that they cannot bear it at all. They can’t bear to see what’s inside them. This causes dependence on the constant attention and presence of other people, dependence on television and radio, which drown out the inner voice.
Explore the nature of your ego
If your soul is the real individualized entity, then your ego is the false self: it is the mask you show to the world. Your ego is constantly changing and transforming according to situations and needs. Have you ever found yourself playing different roles with different people? Yes. This is your ego in action – it is not fixed, and is essentially a distortion of who you really are.
Our ego believes that this mask is who we really are. Because it is so convinced that it is real, it will refuse any attempt to dismantle it, perceiving it as a threat. And so growth of any kind is extremely difficult because the ego is always trying to protect itself from it. He does this by not allowing himself to see and accept the real truth about himself and the world. Instead, he presents false constructs designed to force man back into his cage.
Exploring the essence of your ego and learning to see what lies behind it is an important step in your spiritual quest. In fact, it is the single biggest block that prevents you from embodying who you truly are. To explore the shape of our ego, we need to combine inner work and work with our soul. Inner work deals with clearing blockages in our psyche, while soul work is the practice of surrendering to a higher power, Heavenly Father, Source.
Ways to explore your ego, combining both inner work and soul work, are:
Keep a diary – write down your thoughts, beliefs, habits, what you like, what you don’t like.
Self-examination is a constant question: “Who am I? And watch what changes in you, weakens or goes away (this is uh elements of your ego). Paradoxically, we learn who we are by seeing who we are not.
Meditation – you learn to be a witness to your thoughts and stories created by the mind.
These three simple practices can have a profound impact on your ability to clearly see and experience the truth of who you really are.
Reconnect with your inner child
Your inner child carries the original qualities of your soul that you were born with. Fortunately, reconnecting with him is not that difficult. Here are some ways:
Write a letter to your inner child
Do a visualization meditation for your inner child.
Do something that your inner child loved when you were little.
Approach these steps carefully. Observe yourself when you were young: are you smiling? Was he more in touch with his emotions? Seemed more curious and creative?
Think about yourself now and yourself later. What qualities of your inner child could you integrate more into your life today?
A guide to interior design using a mirror
Think, introspect and visualize
Spiritual quest is an inner adventure. Therefore, the practices and steps you take to find your nature often require self-reflection and introspection. Visualization strengthens both qualities and helps you gain knowledge and guidance through the power of imagination.
Close your eyes and dive into your problems, like a diver diving into the depths of silence that awaits you under the whirlpool of surface waves. Now think of two things you enjoy: for example, running, drawing, singing, bird watching, gardening, or reading.
Reflect on what qualities about these activities make you feel alive when you practice them. Hold in front of you what they have in common, breathe slowly and feel how these qualities are reflected in you.
This example of reflection, introspection and visualization is ideal for spiritual seeking because it puts you in touch with the essence of your soul. You can listen to or create any visualization you like, just make sure it is soul-centered.
Connect with nature and the wildlife within you
Nature heals and revives the human soul immeasurably. We often think of ourselves as something separate from nature. Are we “above” nature? Badly.
We are an integral part of nature. Our blood, bones, hair, skin and entrails are all from the Earth: animal, bodily, natural, original. Despite centuries, the human soul still retains its innate, essentially wild nature. We are not wild in the sense of “uncontrollable,” but natural in the sense that the center of our being cannot be completely tamed: it is constantly free. At heart we are all free souls. We see this in moments of heroism, in the first cry at our birth and gurgling laughter. Getting in touch with our original wild nature means connecting with the core quality of our soul – and this can easily be rediscovered in the embrace of nature.
Reconnecting with nature is not difficult at all. All it takes is just a few minutes a day to spend outside to carefully observe the rustling of trees, the sounds of animals, the movement of clouds and the sun’s rays passing through the clouds. If you’re lucky enough to live near a nature reserve, or perhaps you’ll want to practice the Japanese art of forest bathing or grab a blanket and have a picnic. If you’re in the city, you still have the opportunity to connect with nature. Go to a local park, go on a trip, listen to the sounds of nature on your phone, buy a potted plant.
Ask key questions
Questions are a simple and direct way to discover your personal truth. Living truthfully means living authentically: it means respecting the essence of your own soul. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself along the way:
Who am I?
What do I want from life?
What is a sense of life?
What is my true purpose?
What is real about me?
What is unreliable about me?
What does happiness mean to me?
What would really fill me up?
Where is my ego?
What is a spiritual quality for me?
What legacy do I want to leave for my descendants?
These are just a few examples, so feel free to create your own.
Find your spiritual place
It is a physical place that calls to you. It speaks to your soul. You can feel a nostalgic longing for this place, a sense of deep resonance and almost mystical meaning. These can be secular areas (eg your backyard), pristine areas (eg a wilderness area) or sacred places (eg Stonehenge, Uluru).
In these places you will experience a feeling of expansion, deep peace and as if you have finally found your home. It so happens that you have found an external reflection of your inner paradise. That’s why some places touch us deeply.
On the contrary, our spiritual space is immaterial. It is the inner experience of our true nature. We often dwell in it in moments of prayer, contemplation, altered states of consciousness and deep meditation.
To know this place is to know who we are. (Not by superficial signs of identity, not by where we work, or what we wear, or how we like to be addressed. We feel our place in relation to the Infinite.
To inhabit this spiritual space, we must break down the barriers of the ego through various methods of inner work. Next, we need practices that will help us cultivate inner peace. The best way to experience this state is meditation.
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