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Life lessons that most learn too late in life

Life lessons that most learn too late in life

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons, often when we least expect it. And yes, for many of us, some lessons come later than others. But as they often say, better late than never, right? The beauty of life is that as long as we breathe, there is room for growth and change. In this article, we will share some life lessons that many of us learn too late in life. Hopefully, it will help you understand which parts of your life need to change – right now, at whatever stage you’re at – before it’s too late.
1. Health is indeed true wealth
Health is indeed true wealth. After all, what good is all the success and riches in the world if we’re too sick to enjoy them? So don’t forget to take care of your body, mind and soul. Eat well, move more, stress less and make sure to make time for things that feed your soul.
2. Success has different faces
Success looks different for each of us. This is not a universal concept, although society may lead us to think this way. The truth is, it’s subjective and deeply personal. For some people, it’s financial security. For others, it’s contentment or a happy family life, no matter how thin their bank account is. Or just the freedom to live as a nomad. You define your own success. Don’t let society or anyone else dictate what success should look like for you. Pursue what makes you happy, what makes your heart sing and your soul feel fulfilled and satisfied.
3. Your happiness is your own choice and your own responsibility
If there’s one thing you need to know about happiness, it’s that it doesn’t depend on external circumstances, people, or material possessions. Rather, it is a state of mind, a choice you make every day. You can have all the money in the world, the perfect husband, the perfect kids… but if you don’t have the right mindset, you’ll keep looking for happiness elsewhere. The hard truth – no one else is responsible for our own happiness.
Therefore, whenever you feel sad or nervous, choose to be happy. Of course, that doesn’t mean this always works, some days are just harder than others. But as long as we choose to be happy, we feel in control of our lives.
How exactly to do it? Here are some small ways we can make happiness a choice.
– Practice gratitude. Be grateful for both the good and the bad – remember that nothing is lost. Good things bring us joy and bad things bring us lessons.
– Find joy in ordinary and small things. In ordinary things like the smell of laundry, the way your partner’s eyes crinkle when they laugh,…
– Laugh often. And strong. And long.
– Choose positive thoughts. because…
4. The power of our own thoughts can make or break us
You might think that the words you say are just words, but they can do more than just take up space in your brain. Your internal dialogue can actually rewire your brain and influence the way you behave. If you constantly beat yourself up about being “dumb,” “fat,” “incompetent,” and other such toxic labels, you’ll live your life believing all of these things.
The good news is that this works in the opposite direction as well. This is why psychologists and mental health experts tell us to work with positive affirmations. Shifting from negative to positive self-talk can do wonders for your self-esteem and outlook on life.
5. Comfort zone kills dreams
Ah, the comfort zone. So many of us like her. And why not? It’s safe, it’s predictable and you know exactly what to do there. But in case you don’t know yet, it is dangerous. This is where potential withers and dies, where growth is stunted. You dwell on it for years and before you know it, you’ve missed so many opportunities. What really makes us stay there? In most cases, it is the fear of failure. And that’s completely understandable. Of course, the thought of failure is scary! But you know what? In the end, you will realize that failure is still a better option than regretting all those missed chances.
6. No one is watching you
Have you ever wanted to join a dance class but were afraid that people might laugh at your two left feet? Have you ever dreamed of organizing an art exhibition but are afraid that people might say, “Ugh, that’s so untalented!”? Have you wanted to wear red shoes, but don’t have the courage to be different from the crowd? We’ve got news for you – nobody’s watching. At least not as much as you think. The reality is that most people are too absorbed in their own lives to carefully examine yours. And if they judge you for your choices, so what? As Bon Jovi says… “This is my life Now or never But I won’t live forever I just want to live while I’m alive!”
7. Don’t wait until you retire to enjoy your life
We are one of those people who believe that a good life is the sum of days well lived. Which means.. that if you’ve been putting off enjoying the world around you until you’re retired, if you’ve worked tirelessly, saved and planned for retirement… …You’re not making the most of your days. We can never be sure what our future holds. Those dreams and travel plans you keep putting off? They may not happen. We know it’s hard to hear, but it’s the reality. So here’s the lesson: Life happens now. And we should enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
8. Relationships should come first
Did you know that “not keeping in touch with my friends” is one of the top 5 regrets of the dying? So says palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware in her book Only Love Remains. Sometimes in the pursuit of success, our relationships are the first to begin to suffer. Career achievements and intellectual prowess are important, but they are not everything. Many people realize too late in life that the relationships they have built and the emotional connections they have nurtured really enrich their lives.
9. Share the things that are close to your heart
Another great regret of dying people is this – “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.” Say what you mean and mean what you say. Life is too short to hide your feelings.
10. This too shall pass
An age-old saying, part of the wisdom of Stoicism, but something we only fully understand when it’s too late. Looking at life through the lens of its transitory nature can really help us weather storms with more grace and resilience. And this doesn’t just apply to our bad periods. This saying is also useful for the good times. When we celebrate the highs with a little stoicism, we remain humble and mindful because we know they are fleeting.
11. The days are long, but the years are short
From day to day, we often find ourselves trapped in routine, ticking off tasks on our to-do lists, living our lives in boxes made up of hours and days. The result? These days can seem incredibly long, filled with a load of work, responsibilities and boring life tasks. Sometimes you just feel like it will never end. But when we slow down and look at the big picture, it’s such a shock to see how quickly these years have flown by! Childhood, adolescence, adulthood – each stage seemed to fly by as we were immersed in the “long” days. So what does this teach us? To appreciate the everyday moments, not just the important events. And above all, to live a conscious life, thinking about how to make each day contribute to the purpose and meaning we want to put into our lives.
Author Eva Grigorova
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