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January 20

Father Absolute – Your conscience is clear
January 20, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk to you about how you can avoid the pitfalls of digitalization.
Let’s start with the fact that for now, most of you still have the opportunity to withdraw cash from your bank accounts.
But to do this, you need to make sure that they are on accounts available to you, and not on those that are blocked for a certain time, specified in special contracts.
As a rule, these are the target deposits on which you are charged interest and which are widely advertised by bankers.
In fact, there is a trap here, because in the event of extreme circumstances, your access to this money will be blocked.
In this case, it is better to sacrifice the small interest promised to you than to lose this money altogether.
In addition, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to have a certain supply of cash at home.
Now the situation in the financial sector can develop unpredictably, since all the levers of influence on people, all large banks and their branches are in the hands of representatives of the deep state, who will not give up their positions without a fight.
Your primary task at the moment is to prevent the state and bankers from transferring all your savings into digital currency, which essentially will no longer belong to you.
Monitor the situation carefully, share useful information with others, patiently explain to them what digitalization actually is.
This is very important, because the more people show their awareness of this issue and express their protest, the less chance the authorities will have of completing their planned reform.
Always remember that they are afraid of the people and act so aggressively only because people do not know the laws, and many do not even think about them.
For the ruling elite, the silence of the people is a sign of their agreement with the current changes.
But if the authorities see that people have figured out their plans and are not going to obey them, they will back down for fear of losing their warm places.
The same goes for biometrics.
As soon as the relevant services begin to receive mass refusals from it, they will understand that they will not be able to complete their program.
Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights.
Remember that there are many more of you than officials who are only executors of someone else’s will and live in eternal fear of not pleasing their superiors.
They are more vulnerable than you and are afraid of exposure, because each of them knows what he is doing in the name of personal gain and profit.
In other words, your conscience is clear, but theirs is not.
This means that your cause is just, and their actions are criminal.
Everything is in your hands, my dear ones, and as soon as you finally get rid of the fear of government officials of any rank, your life will flow differently: you will gain inner freedom and self-confidence.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 20, 2024
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