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January 12

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Potential Participants of the Transition)
January 12, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to dwell on another group of people who cannot yet be classified either as awakened or as those who have realized reality.
These are the people who, thanks to information widely disseminated on the Internet, are already well aware not only of the deep state and its proxies in power, but also of the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
They are even able to understand how this knowledge relates to each other: that the globalists are in such a hurry to implement their plans precisely because the vibrations of the Earth are steadily increasing.
But what they are not yet able to understand is their role in this process, because they consider themselves little people, powerless to change anything.
It is from them that you can hear such phrases as “We still can’t do anything”, “Nothing depends on us”, “Everything is decided at the top” and many others, which in fact are not at all harmless.
After all, by uttering such phrases, these people thereby express their firm intention not to interfere in the processes taking place in the world, which means, albeit unconsciously, they are “grist to the mill” of the globalists.
And the trouble is not even that they do not participate in protests on the physical plane, but that they slow down the process of the Ascension of the Earth energetically – emotionally and mentally.
The more people express their submission to the criminal plans of the Dracoreptiles in this way, the longer they keep the collective consciousness of humanity captive in the programs of the three-dimensional world, the main of which are slave psychology and admiration for authorities.
Thus, even fully aware of the monstrous future the globalists are preparing for them, who are rapidly implementing their program to enslave humanity, and condemning this program, they nevertheless give their consent to it, recognizing the strength of the ruling elite and their own powerlessness.
Why does this happen to such people?
First of all, because they do not feel like parts of the Creator – for them it is rather a metaphor rather than reality – something sublime and unattainable.
In order for such an understanding to enter the flesh and blood of a material person, he needs evidence and specific examples.
And only he himself can receive them, developing energetic feeling in himself, but, most importantly, living in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, which allow a person to practically know himself as a being of a higher order.
Only in this way can he trace, using examples from his own life, as well as the lives of the people around him and even entire countries, the cause-and-effect relationships of all successes and failures, joys and misfortunes, victories and defeats and much more that life in the three-dimensional world consists of.
It is precisely such people who have realized reality, but have not yet joined the truly awakened ones, that can be characterized as potentially ready for the Transition.
And as this group of people, believing in their strength, expresses a clear intention to live on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension, and all their internal aspirations will be directed precisely towards this, everything on your planet will begin to change, submitting to the Free Will of the awakened part of humanity.
Keep track of such people, my dears.
Help them become spiritually stronger so that they can join your ranks as soon as possible, thereby tilting the “scales” towards the Light.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 12, 2024
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