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Mistakes that wise women don’t repeat in relationships

Mistakes that wise women don’t repeat in relationships

Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes they do bad things to good people. It is normal to make mistakes, but it is not normal not to learn from them, because in a relationship one has to grow and develop.
Without failure, you will never reach your full potential. Just think, how will you ever know yourself and your limits if you don’t make mistakes?
Maturity comes to a person not with age, but with experience, and it does not matter how old he is: 20, 40 or even 60. So, dear ladies, if you are wondering what mistakes you should avoid repeating, We have compiled a list that will help you.
1. Don’t wait for a call or message
Don’t wait. This is the biggest mistake in a person’s life. If you want to talk to someone, just send them a message or call them. And stop communicating with those who can’t take a few seconds of their time to reply to you with an apostille or call you back. As a strong and mature woman, you don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want you, do you?
You don’t have to chase people’s attention! Replace them with those who deserve it. Relationships should be a two-way street. And you, as a strong woman, should put first Only those on whose list of priorities you are also present. But first you have to put yourself first.
2. Don’t forgive him.
That’s the hardest part. As a grown woman, you shouldn’t fight over small things, but don’t let him take you for granted. It is not scary if he is tired and has not washed the dishes, but do not forgive him anything if once again you did not receive your birthday present. How can a man love you if he can’t make you feel special on the most important of your days?
They say that gifts improve and strengthen relationships. This does not mean expensive things. It doesn’t matter if it’s a diamond or a Rose, it makes you feel special and happy.
And don’t forget to do the same for him. A wise and mature woman knows how to make a man feel loved and wanted.
3. Rational approach
We like to spoil the people we love. The things that make them happy also make us happy. But this does not mean that you should only want material goods from your man.
The idea is that when you think about your love, you start to see it as a fairy tale. Your fairytale story can take place anywhere, whether it’s a castle or a slum. It is love and care that make a mature woman enjoy life.
Evaluate your wealth in terms of your man’s love and support, not the amount of money in his wallet or bank account.
4. Talk about yourself and your preferences.
As a mature woman, you need to be careful with your words and the expression of your emotions. Do you want to annoy your partner with constant scolding and criticism? Or do you prefer to be the one who always makes compromises? Of course, neither.
To avoid these scenarios, do not annoy the man with your whining and complaining. But you have the right to speak out, and you also need to tell him about your preferences, dissatisfaction, and comfort level in the relationship.
If you don’t like the speed at which he is driving, don’t be silent. Tell him you don’t like watching scary movies and science fiction. Talk about yourself and your desires, because people sometimes tend to ignore things just because they don’t care. And if you don’t start standing up for yourself, who will do it for you?
5. Do not be jealous
In fact, women tend to be more jealous than men in their relationships. Healthy jealousy is a completely normal feeling, because after all, you love your partner. But overdoing is always bad, and when it comes to jealousy, with your feelings you just suffocate your loved one.
As a mature and wise woman, you will not check the history of his calls and messages, you will not be jealous of his conversations with colleagues of the opposite sex. You’re special and that’s why you’re together. Do not forget your value and importance.
Don’t let jealousy poison your relationship.
6. Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t like to do.
As a rule, most women are forced to do things they hate. You don’t have to iron his shirts if you hate ironing your own clothes. You don’t have to put tons of makeup on your face if you like the natural look. You don’t have to go to places that don’t attract you.
In the end, you will only make things worse. If a man really loves you, he won’t force you to do things you don’t like. As a mature woman, you need to learn to say “no” and set healthy boundaries.
7. Don’t keep things to yourself
You should not hide your feelings and keep everything to yourself. If something bothers you, don’t be silent. If you hold back your emotions, sooner or later there comes a point when your level of tolerance reaches its limit, and in a fit of anger you instantly do more harm than you expected.
So yes, you have to learn to express your emotions, especially negative ones, at the right time, with the right force, and in the right place. This is the hallmark of a truly mature woman.
8. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
You should not be afraid to ask questions. Sometimes women avoid them even though they really want to know the truth. It gets to the point that they don’t ask, even if they’re right, for fear of hurting or upsetting their partner. But that’s wrong.
Ask about things you don’t understand that need to be discussed, that are the only way to resolve ambiguities and confusions. It may seem like a bad approach, but believe me, you hardly want to torment yourself with uncertainty and confusion. Isn’t that right? Ask, but be careful with your choice of words.
9. Intimacy and love are different concepts.
All right, ladies! This is really important now. Love and intimacy may seem synonymous, but you should not confuse these terms. By love you should understand the preparation of his favorite dish, because it makes him happy. Be quiet in the morning because he likes to be quiet. To know how much sugar he adds to his tea, to go with him on long walks and meetings at the cinema. And he has to do those things for you, too. Love is not just sexual intimacy.
Although your intimate life is of utmost importance, you should not reduce love to it alone. Physical contact should also be emotional, make you feel great and feel loved. If this does not happen, it is necessary to reconsider your decisions, including your choice of partner in the relationship.
10. Express yourself
Dear ladies, be wild, crazy and as expressive as possible. You don’t have to stick to certain things. No one will express your feelings and think about your needs for you. If you want to be loved, Love Yourself First.
There’s nothing wrong with compromise, just don’t settle for less than you deserve. A mature and wise woman never compromises, sacrificing her self-esteem and confidence. She radiates love and kindness. She is open, flexible in all her decisions and strong. She knows how to deal with stress and stands by her husband in difficult times.
If someone violates her rights, she can stand up for herself, she writes “objects.” She also has zero tolerance for physical and verbal abuse and knows that love leads to happiness, not destruction.
Learn to refuse things that make you feel uncomfortable. If a man loves you, he won’t force you to do anything. A mature woman takes care of herself and her partner and expects the same from them.
Tsvetelina Kirilova

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