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2 rules of energy hygiene

2 rules of energy hygiene that you need to know and apply to protect your biofield and stop attracting failures

Hello, my dears! Thank you for flipping through the pages of the “Big Book of Changes” again.
I think no one needs to be convinced that it is necessary to take care of your energy field, protect it and prevent energy loss. Otherwise, you can simply forget about harmony, success and basic health.
But what if everything and everything around is permeated with energy flows, and more often destructive than creative, and energy vampires who strive to eat free food are a dime a dozen? It’s impossible to isolate yourself from the whole world.
That is why I would like to remind you of 2 very simple, but important rules of energy hygiene, which will not only help protect your energy field, but also strengthen it.
Rule one – learn to be bad
Someone will now round their eyes in surprise. But I am sure that everyone in the environment will have a person who likes to dump the accumulated negativity, an evil gossip or an eternal sufferer, whose glass is always half empty. That’s really who sucks the energy out of us!
We get sick after such communication, everything falls out of hand, but to say “Stop!!!” it doesn’t even occur to me. Of course, God forbid they will be written down as bad, indifferent and callous.
Whereas such communication is not just tedious, but energetically dangerous. It is best to exclude such people from your environment.
After all, you will try to be as far away as possible from the person from whom the unbearable fragrance emanates. The same miasma emanates from toxic people, only energetic and very poisonous, capable of destroying your life.
Unfortunately, this is not always possible due to official or family relations. What should I do? It’s very simple – learn to be bad!
Feel free to stop unpleasant conversations. Drop the false sense of guilt and never, under any circumstances, let toxic people drag you into their own games. Remember one simple thing: you are not a vest into which everyone can cry and blow their nose. Otherwise, you risk spending your whole life washing it.
What is more important to you – your well-being or what unpleasant people think about you, which, by the way, it’s too late to correct? The truth is that it is impossible to please everyone and everyone will not love us either. Therefore, it is much more important to learn to love and respect yourself, protecting your energy with an impenetrable shield.
The second rule is not to trash the apartment, but the head and grow a healthy indifference
Only a lazy person does not talk about the need to clutter up the surrounding space now. This is really important for updating and strengthening the energy flows around.
But it is much more important to learn how to untangle your head. To get rid of mental garbage, both your own and someone else’s, which accumulates daily, poisoning from the inside, cultivating resentment, envy, anger and other “charms” of negative energy in us.
Make it a rule to carry out a general cleaning in your head before going to bed, throwing out all the negative thoughts and events of the outgoing day.
Firstly, because savoring unpleasant emotions at night, when our energy is completely defenseless, is very unsafe. Unfortunately, no one canceled the settlers and entities.
Secondly, because the more we plunge into the negative, savoring our experiences, the faster we create a negative energy space around us, which works like a funnel, attracting more and more troubles and troubles into life. After all, the universe responds to each of our messages in a mirror way: like attracts only like.
Say, it’s easy to say: throw bad thoughts out of your head! In fact, it’s not as difficult as it might seem.
Close your eyes and imagine: your head is the room in which you are going to go to bed. Everything unpleasant that happened to you during the day turns it into a dirty den with dense cobwebs in the corners, a thick layer of dust and a pile of dirty things scattered on the floor. It is unlikely that in such a bedroom sleep will be strong, and waking up joyful.
Brush away the net of grievances, wipe away the dust of sorrows, remove the annoying misunderstandings scattered here and there. No matter how it sounds, but it is in your power to decide what thoughts to think and what emotions to experience.
Grow a healthy indifference by learning to tell yourself: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” It has long been known that in the morning much of what kept you awake yesterday will seem completely unimportant.
Otherwise, at one fine moment, the blockages of energy dirt in your head will devour both your well-being, and luck, and the most valuable thing – health.
And, of course, smile more often, about and without, to yourself, a funny puppy, grumpy old ladies at the entrance, the sun, the world around…
A smile works real miracles, instantly strengthening our biofield.
Take care of yourself and let troubles and failures bypass you!

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