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Hecate.”Solar events”

Hecate.”Solar events”

Contact person: Leah Lemberg

We welcome you, our dear ones! Hecate and the Great Architects are with you — the Construction Service of the Absolute.
Before we begin, we will paraphrase a little one of your famous sayings: “Dear God, give me the strength to change what I can change. Give me peace of mind not to worry about what I can’t change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
Dear ones, the vast majority of people tend to worry very much about things that they cannot change. At the same time, they lose a lot of energy, it literally flows through holes, and closes into useless contours, from which it is difficult to release it later.
You are afraid of what you cannot understand. It’s too big. You cannot grasp it with your mind, and it causes states of confusion, helplessness and fear. Confusion — because you have lost a lot of your resources at this moment!
People have been scared of the end of the world many times already. Who benefits from this and why it is being done, this is a topic for a separate conversation. The so-called “Doomsday prophets” want to grab your attention. Attention is a huge energy, and you give it away for free. That’s why you always miss it!
What does “Solar Event” mean? We will try to explain now. Your Sun, as the commander of the detachment, leads its planets, which include your mother Gaia, as well as some others that you have not yet met. Your Sun Ra receives commands from the galactic Center to transmit them along the chain to you.
Most of what’s happening to the Sun at the moment is happening in a frequency range that you don’t have access to. The Commander-Sun processes and assimilates information from the Center. Literally: The Sun lowers the vibrations of those energy-information packets that come from the Galactic Center, so that they can in turn receive and transform the energy structures of the planets. Gaia takes this energy from the Sun and transforms it into configurations acceptable to human beings. You can see the reflection of this work of Gaia in the Schumann charts! Everything is interconnected.
The sun is not going to kill you at all. On the contrary! It struggles to transform the high frequencies so that they cause you less harm. The problem is that the sector in space-time that the Solar System is currently passing through is very special. The fact that you will reach this place right now was planned a long time ago.
The meeting place cannot be changed, dear ones. This is one of those things that you can’t influence. But it will be much easier for you to stop worrying about it if you understand what is happening.
We will give you an example from your daily life. Imagine that you have a small child who needs to be fed, and you cooked porridge for him. But the porridge is very hot, and a small child is extremely sensitive to temperature — to a much greater extent than an adult. And so you start blowing on the porridge, trying to serve it in small portions to make it easier to cool it. And now imagine that the porridge has a temperature of several thousand degrees, and the child is screaming from hunger.
Your mother Gaia and the wise “grandfather” Sun Ra, come up with new ways to make the nutritious energy of the Source, which is radiated in this sector in connection with the transition to a new level, digestible for you in the shortest possible time. Both of them are forced to transform some of the high-frequency energies into thermal and electrical ones. You will complain that you have to sweat a lot, but your thin systems will not burn out.High-frequency energies for your unprepared thin systems are what hard gamma radiation is for a biological shell. It can be fatal.
But how did it happen, you ask. The fact is that you should have approached this sector already grown up and more prepared. Then the high frequencies would not cause you such harm. You would absorb them as the soil absorbs healing raindrops. You should have come up to this point in time already changed, but, as you can see, this did not happen.
Gaia wouldn’t have to blow so hard on porridge if her children reached adulthood in due time!
Dear ones, Gaia loves you in a way you can’t imagine. She sacrifices her other children for you, the chosen ones. It channels excess energy, converting it into heat and electricity, which leads to the extinction of entire ecosystems. She makes great sacrifices to save you. She has a plan, and yet it costs her a lot of effort. But she is not alone, she is supported by the rest of the planets, and most of all by Jupiter. Gaia is his long-time lover, you knew about it, didn’t you? If Gaia is your mother, then Jupiter is your father.
Jupiter has saved Gaia more than once. You probably remember one of these cases, because it was quite recently. Jupiter deflected the trajectory of one deadly visitor from the depths of space and caused a blow to itself. A huge comet broke apart under the influence of the gravitational field of the giant planet and fell on its surface, forming craters larger than the size of the Earth and releasing the energy of several million megatons.
Yes, not only people can love each other and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones, Planets can do it! Jupiter and the consciousness inhabiting it took a very risky step to save your civilization. Their wounds were painful, but such was their selfless will. You can’t change that fact, but you can thank them for their love for you and Gaia.
There is nothing accidental in the universal plan. But we constantly have to make adjustments to it, since not everything goes as smoothly as planned.
Now let’s talk about things that you CAN change. First of all, look around and listen carefully. The system constantly brings events and people who need a nudge from your side into the fields of your attention. Moreover, the System pushes you yourself to where you will get the necessary impetus to change for the better. It’s not always pleasant. But next to you, your invisible assistants are constantly following you, who are doing their job perfectly.
Try to analyze unpleasant events taking place in your fields, not from a position of repulsion and justification of yourself as a victim. Instead, try to trace their flow back to the source, up to the pulse that started them. You will need a certain amount of imagination, but most of you will cope with this task. Answers to your questions will come faster than you think.
It will not be possible to grow up in the shortest possible time. Therefore, a whole sector of the System is being rebuilt for you, including even higher levels of this sector. You notice instability and loss of balance, and this is not accidental. The etheric plane has more and more influence on the physical plane. Some of you have already felt that you can manifest events from the ether. The line between the physical and etheric planes has become very thin, and you can literally see some etheric processes. They can manifest themselves in the form of unexpected flashes of light, small “burning snakes” flying in space near you, as well as at a distance. Some already see them with the naked eye.
How does it affect you? Anxiety will appear and states of unexplained “absent-mindedness” will become more frequent. This is because your density is literally changing. The density of the matter from which your body is built is changing. It changes regardless of whether you want it or not, and also regardless of whether you read your morning prayer today or quarreled with neighbors.
Density is a physical characteristic that you determine based on the mass and volume of physical bodies. The density will decrease because the volume will increase.
Now we will try to explain. You very often use such phrases as “third density”. Have you ever wondered why she’s the third? And about what is the second and fourth?
What is volume? This is actually the space that the physical body occupies inside another space that you perceive. You take three sizes on three rulers, based on three spatial coordinates known to you, and multiply them among themselves. Now imagine that you add another coordinate — time — and multiply by the first three. You will get the volume occupied by the physical body in time. This is a novelty, isn’t it?
You begin to realize that volume and time are somehow interconnected. The volume of the etheric body is huge by your standards, because it is “multiplied by time”. What is its density? The larger the volume, the lower the density at the same mass. The etheric body is much more “dispersed” compared to the physical. It’s difficult to understand, but we try to provide information using concepts that are familiar to you.
Not all people are aware of their physical body. If we ask you what’s going on in your left little finger right now, you won’t know what to answer. There are practices to improve awareness of the physical body, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now. You have not yet had time to realize your stomach and limbs, and you already need to prepare for the realization of the etheric body!
You are familiar with the expression “expansion of consciousness”. This is happening now, our dear ones! Your consciousness literally stretches regardless of whether you want it or not, and this causes a lot of unfamiliar and frightening symptoms. First of all, this concerns the symptoms of a mental and emotional nature. You can’t concentrate on anything in any way and it makes you very nervous. You are angry at yourself, at your loved ones and at the circumstances.
Try to calm down. We tell you about what is happening so that you understand and stop worrying and being afraid. When the light of understanding illuminates the dark corners of the unknown, fear gradually disappears.
Your brain begins to perceive signals coming from the “sensory organs” and the “nervous system” of your etheric body. This is an excellent quantum computer, your brain. Powerful artificial intelligence built from organic material. It works, it gets new settings, it processes new requests and commands. Let him rest from time to time! Contemplate the sky and nature, drink clean water. Do light physical exercises regularly, this will make life easier for you in the turbulence zone!
Reconfiguration processes take time. A huge information load has really fallen on you. Treat with great attention to new, as yet unfamiliar sensations.
That’s enough for today.
— Thank you for the excellent information, dear Hecate and the Great Architects!

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