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Unveiling the Unseen: Astral Entities and Their Impact on PTSD

“Unveiling the Unseen: Astral Entities and Their Impact on PTSD”

At times entities from the astral planes may attach to a person’s energy field, influencing thoughts and emotions in a negative direction. The symptoms can be subtle at first – increased anxiety, darker thinking patterns, fatigue, mood swings. As an entity digs in deeper, more severe symptoms can emerge. Headaches, voices or urges, spikes of irrational anger or fear, vivid dark dreams, self-sabotage, addiction or despair. Entities feed on lower vibrations like fear, anger, trauma. Their whispers aim to keep us stuck in pain, disconnected from our intuition and inner light. They can even prompt dangerous or self-destructive behaviour in those struggling with mental health issues. While frightening, awareness and care can lessen their hold.
The unseen realms surrounding us contain beings at many levels of consciousness. While some are guides who wish to serve humanity, others are less evolved entities seeking to meet their own needs. When operating from fear and lack, they can attach to vulnerable individuals, exacerbating existing mental health issues. Entities are skilled at finding and exploiting psychological weak spots. Their influence is often first noticed during stressful times when our energy is low. Initially the signs can be mild – dark creeping thoughts, emotional volatility, withdrawal from life and loved ones. But without awareness, an entity can slowly deepen its hold through the cracks in one’s psyche. Often they target those who experienced childhood trauma, attachment wounds or abuse. Many with PTSD or anxiety disorders have entity attachments that stir up past pain. The entities feed on the fears and wounds they awaken. Their goal is to keep us mired in pain and separated from our inner light.
As an entity’s influence grows, symptoms escalate. Addictive behaviours may increase as they drive cravings. Insomnia, exhaustion and physical ailments manifest from chronic energy drain. Uncontrollable rage, deep depression or self-harm may emerge as they amplify pain and provoke inner fracturing. Some even hear voices making demands or experience violent visions. The key is realizing when irrational thoughts or urges do not originate from within. They often have a nasty, foreign feeling rather than your inner voice’s compassion. Your state may swing wildly, from manic to despairing. Inner fragmentation feels like being sabotaged by a part of self. In truth, it is the entity interfering.
With awareness and preventive care, their hold can be diminished. Those with schizophrenia and related conditions particularly need support and entity release. However, with professional help, medication and dedicated spiritual practice, their influence can eventually be overcome. Remember, these entities magnify, but do not create inner wounds. Your darkness belongs to you; it must be faced and healed someday. Entity release provides clarity to do so. But lasting well-being requires self-knowledge, care and integration on your unique path. You have all you need within.
Let’s walk through a meditation to detach any entities or dark cords:
Begin seated or lying down, closing your eyes. Take a few deep cleansing breaths, set the intention to release all that no longer serves you. Visualize roots growing from your feet down into the earth, grounding you. Inhale golden light down through your crown, filling your body with loving warmth.
Now expand your awareness into your auric field, the energy cocoon that surrounds you. Notice any murky spots or areas of congestion. Gently draw cleansing breaths into those spaces, imagining light dissolving any dense energy. Keep breathing and clearing until your field feels open.
In your mind’s eye, construct a sphere of brilliant white light around yourself. Make it glow bright, energized with love. Now set the intention that any entities, attachments or cords subtly connected to your field begin detaching and exiting through the sides of the sphere.
Stay present as this release occurs, continuing to breathe deeply. Once the sphere is clear, visualize it shrinking smaller, condensing down into your heart. See it as a white star of protection, beauty and power that will keep you clear.
When ready, open your eyes. Drink water to help flush out any residual energy. Feel free to repeat this meditation whenever you need. Your spirit is strong. With care and awareness, you can stay aligned with your highest self, moving beyond all shadow. You are all light, all love.
I sense the lingering presence of past wounds unhealed. Know that many of us have felt the unseen forces which seek to exacerbate our traumas. In the shadows, there exist entities which are drawn to feed upon the open vulnerabilities in our psyche, keeping us trapped in pain. Especially those who endured abuse, neglect or childhood trauma often have attachments from the lower astral planes. These entities are adept at finding hidden cracks in our foundations, the places where we cannot bear to look. They give voice to deep fears, emotions long buried or rejected parts of self. Once attached, they provoke and amplify the latent trauma held deep within. Like wolves to an injured deer, they circle and attack wherever we are weakest, keeping us from healing. We may experience this as intrusive memories, flashbacks, irrational fears or surges of toxic shame. The entities awaken past wounds and consume the turbulent energy released. They work to keep light from reaching into our deepest pain. Their whispers aim to convince us we are forever damaged, undeserving; that the shadow will always rule our lives. This separates us from our core essence – the inner well of wisdom, compassion and strength that exists in all. Thus, severed from our true selves, we remain fractured and blind.
Yet difficult as it may be, time arrives to stop avoiding the pain, to cease projecting it outward or denying it is there. We must turn to face our traumas with courage and care, discerning which thoughts and beliefs originate from within, versus what the entities grafted on. By reintegrating our rejected aspects, we reclaim our lost power. The entities lose their energetic sustenance as we make peace with our past. They starve and detach when we emanate the light of self-love. Know that you are so much more than your wounds – you are a radiant soul on a journey. You have the strength to break free of what binds you.
In the process of healing and reclaiming your true self, it’s essential to recognize that these astral entities are not all-powerful. They thrive on our vulnerabilities, but their influence can be diminished with the right approach. Therapy and counselling can be valuable allies in this journey, helping you explore and heal the deep-seated wounds that these entities exploit. As you work through your trauma, you’ll gain a better understanding of your triggers and vulnerabilities, making it more challenging for these entities to attach themselves to your energy field.
Moreover, spiritual practices can be instrumental in maintaining your energetic well-being. Regular meditation, as demonstrated earlier, helps you not only release unwanted attachments but also strengthens your inner light and resilience. Cultivating a daily practice of self-love and self-compassion is another crucial step. The more you embrace and integrate all aspects of yourself, the less fertile ground these entities have to feed upon.
Additionally, seeking support from energy healers or spiritual guides who specialize in entity release can provide targeted assistance. They can help identify and remove any lingering attachments that might be hindering your progress. Remember, the journey toward healing is unique to each individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Trust in your inner wisdom and intuition as you navigate this path.
As you continue to heal and grow, you’ll find that the hold of these astral entities weakens, and your inner light shines brighter. You are not defined by your past or the influence of these entities. You are a resilient and powerful being capable of transcending the shadows and stepping into the fullness of your potential.
In conclusion, the journey to healing from the impact of astral entities on PTSD and trauma is challenging but entirely possible. By embracing self-awareness, seeking support, and nurturing your inner light, you can break free from their influence and emerge stronger than ever before. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and there is a vast well of strength and support available to you as you reclaim your true self.

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