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July 17

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we answer the question, I think my house is haunted! What do I do?
Most of us have had the experience of lying in bed and hearing an unexplained noise, or having other strange things happen in our home. We usually try our best to find some kind of logical explanation for them. Sometimes you can solve why something happened, but other times you just can’t. When unexplainable things persist, and come with them a very noticeable energy that is not a normal energy in your home, you may come to to the realization there is something going on in your home that is paranormal.
I grew up in a haunted house, and while it did make for many terrifying experiences as a child, it did let me know from a very young age that energy is real and there are things beyond what you can see with your physical eyes. That probably served me in some way to move into the work I do now.
Before we even get started on what to do about a haunting, I want you to know that a great deal of the hauntings I have cleared have happened from people using a ouija board. Ouija boards are not toys. They amount to throwing the front door of your house open and leaving it that way and hoping whoever wanders into your house is nice and honest. Ouija boards do work as a means of spirit communication but should never, ever be used by amateurs who don’t know how to energetically protect themselves or their homes.
Okay now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how you address a haunting can vary. Is it just that a certain room or area of your house feels dense and dark? That may not be a haunting at all, but rather a lingering energy left from a previous tenant. Giving the room a good energetic cleansing can be all that is required. Ways to do that are to give it a deep cleaning (pinesol works wonders for this). Thoroughly clean every nook and cranny of the room. Get rid of any curtains that were left behind. Also make sure you empty any vacuum cleaner bags and throw anything you sweep up out of the house. You are actively removing that energy so make sure you get it all the way out.
Give it a good coat of new paint. You can also burn candles or incense after that with the intension of clearing the room. Clap your hands as you walk around the room to get any stagnant energy to move (you will hear the difference as the energy gets lighter). You could also use a bell, tuning forks, or singing bowls. Just keep circling the room with your tool of choice until you feel the energy get clearer. I’d also recommend rearranging the furniture and employing some feng shui principles like hanging a crystal in an area that has felt particularly stagnant to get that energy moving.
If you think you have an overall haunting in your home, the first step can be simply acknowledging whatever being is there and encouraging them to go Home to the other side. Let them know their family and all their loved ones are there waiting for them, and it’s safe for them to go. Call on their angels and guides to come assist them. Sometimes that’s all it takes!
Other times you may need something a little stronger. At this point I would call on Archangel Michael and any other house clearing angels that are appropriate and ask them to come and assist whoever is in your home to where they need to go.
A very effective tool that works is imagining you find a spark of Christed light in the centre of your home and imagine that it grows and grows until it domes your entire home with beautiful golden light. This will push anything lower vibrating out of your space and will keep any other energies that don’t belong from entering. It will still let everything wonderful through, though, so it is a great technique. Make sure you get your dome of light to go deep into the ground underneath, as well, because sometimes energetic disturbances can come from the land itself. This will help with that.
It is also important to do this technique for yourself and for every member of your family, by imagining a spark of light in each person’s centre and then pulling it up and out so each person is surrounded by a circle of beautiful sparkling golden light that extends arm’s length all around them including over their head and under their feet. This will minimize some of the energetic challenges of living in an active haunting.
If you have a haunting that feels threatening in any way, I highly recommend you clear it remotely. It is much safer for everyone involved and just as effective. Get into a meditation and use whatever light tools you are guided to use. You could imagine taking the roof off the house and pouring light from the heavens right through your house deep into the earth below. You could pour liquid light to saturate the whole house. Whatever you can imagine is fine so long as you are working with golden light. You can also imagine that you are throwing a golden net of light over the whole house and pulling it through it. That will pull out any energies that don’t belong. You can then hand it off to an angel or simply imagine you are throwing it up into the light. Then do the doming of the house technique to keep your space nice and clear.
If you are looking for something a little more hands on, you can also surround the perimeter of any room, or your entire house with salt after you have done a clearing. Salt always helps keep energy clear, and it can be soothing to our human selves to do something a little more tangible than just using our imaginations!
I often hear people say, we have a ghost in the house but it doesn’t bother us. I never recommend just leaving a haunting. They can actually use lightbulbs and electronics as sources of energy. They can also use you as a source of energy, which is why most people who live in haunted houses often feel drained. The right thing to do is assist whatever spirit is in your home to the next stage of their journey, which would be healing for them, for you, and your home.
If you try these methods and you are still having trouble, it would be time to call in a professional. Just as a sidebar, I don’t do this kind of work anymore and unfortunately I don’t know who to recommend, so you will have to search around on your own to find someone. And in worse case scenarios, a haunted place just can’t be cleared for a variety of reasons but it’s been my experience that that is quite rare. You tend to see this more in very old buildings that have a long history of activity. I think sometimes the continuation of the story of the place being haunted perpetuates it. But there are places that have so many layers of density or specific properties in the land it sits on that make it impossible to clear or impossible to keep clear.
If you have tried everything including calling in some professionals to do a clearing and are still having issues, you may need to move to a new home that is much more energetically supportive to you. But rest assured in the vast majority of cases, trying the methods above will be more than enough to claim your space as your own with a happy ending for everyone including your unseen visitors.

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