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Within the bounds of the universal oneness is the structure of matter itself. While examining the micro world, modern science announced the discovery of the smallest existing particles, which were called elementary particles – because of the impossibility of further division. But this is one of the many illusions existing in the science world. These particles are not elementary at all. When the reality was examined further it was noted that there could be no explanation or understanding without the existence of even smaller particles. As these have not been examined experimentally their existence is considered unproved yet and is assumed only in theory where they are known as quarks or quantums. But the division of matter does not stop to that level – the smallest particles are divided into even smaller – for example 100 times (I don’t known the exact ratio). These 100 times smaller particles are the “main bricks” in the construction of the astral worlds and consecutively elementary particles are made from them. Atoms are made from elementary particles, molecules are made from atoms, etc., in general a whole world similar to ours. This world is all around us, as well as inside us (don’t forget that our matter is made out of astral particles), but our material senses and modern scientific devices cannot detect it. This is because it is finer. Light passes the astral matter but is not reflected and the astral matter cannot directly influence the matter perceived by us because it is soaked up freely.
By analogy the smallest bricks of the astral world are made out of even smaller particles that are main bricks of a finer world – the mental one, and from smaller particles the soul world is made, etc. The world of the Supreme Absolute is made out of the smallest particles but it should be counted first because all the other parallel worlds are made out of its matter. Possibly many people will be shocked at my announcement of the Supreme Absolute material, but that is how it is assumed in the world of concepts – if anything is made out of particles it is considered to be matter. Here I need to digress from the subject in order to clarify that there is no real difference between matter and energy. Official science is at the threshold of this understanding but it is still manacled by inert thinking. According to the modern concepts the matter as well as energy in essence are vibrating particles and there is no objective sign allowing their differentiation. Einstein foresaw that and wrote Е=m.c2 – I identify mass (m) to matter, because according to the modern concepts energy has no mass, c is the speed of light – a specific constant for every parallel world.
In summary we could say – everything in the Universe is made from vibrating particles and the smaller they are the higher is their vibration frequency and the bigger is their energy consumption. The natural energy exchange of the particles leads to their materialization, i.e. to the integration of the smaller particles to bigger ones. The new particle has lower vibration frequency and reduced energy potential. By analogy all existing is built, level by level, world by world, where the rougher the matter, the lower the frequency and respectively bigger differentiated parts are formed. These differentiated parts form entities, the entities form objects, the objects form systems, etc. The number values depicting matter continually change. The frequency gradually decreases from billions and billions of vibrations per second to one vibration per second. Then in counter clockwise motion the number value starts with a duration of one vibration (rhythm) that gradually increases and reaches billions and billions of years duration of one period of a group of galaxies or a Universe.
An important feature of matter is the capability for materialization and dematerialization of a random material object. Every particle has a specific range of energy consumption. The vibration amplitude and frequency could be changed in narrow limits. The values increase leads to dematerialization, i.e. disintegration to composite particles. The opposite – the amplitude and frequency values decrease leads, as I have already mentioned, to materialization – integration of smaller particles to bigger ones at frequency lower than the particles frequency itself. The materialization and dematerialization process is closed in the seven parallel worlds’ limits by their limit capabilities. The dematerialization could reach to the smallest particles of the finest world and the materialization, due to the already known law for energy preservation and entropy, drives the matter to the absolute zero (-2730С). Because the integrating vibrations attenuate the matter disintegrates to its composite particles.
The basic differences in the known physical laws, parameters of the parallel worlds, are divisible by the difference in the basic particle values. For example, if the difference in their size in two neighboring parallel worlds is hundred times, such is the difference in the basic laws. The energy consumption of the matter is hundred times bigger – E=100.m.c2    The seven parallel worlds are ten dimensions of space in total – the well known three dimensions for direction, one dimension for time and six dimensions for the differences in fineness. Somewhere a different number of dimensions are indicated but we shouldn’t forget that each world has its levels, whose number could be completely different to the commonly accepted sevenfold.
In the macro world all processes are dependent on different rhythms, moreover the bigger a relatively independent part is the longer the period of one full circle round the spiral is. Each period is of different duration – from one second to billions of years, moreover the rhythms are interwoven and interdependent. In the micro world the two semi-periods have a very significant importance. In principle each rotary motion is around the energy source and with turning to face towards the energy source the energy receipts are increased from average level to maximum and back to average level – in result of the energy increase all processes are activated. Also there is a passive period when the energy receipts are decreased from average level to minimum and back to average level – as a result of the lack of energy the processes intensity is decreased or even stopped. This passive-active sequence determines the life of everything that exists – from a microscopic virus, even the atom in the material world, through all existing in the other worlds, to the Supreme Absolute existence. Moreover the passive period of cosmic entities like solar systems, galaxies and universes leads to full dematerialization of the roughest world (worlds), passive (sleepy) state of the world in which the respective entity is differentiated as independent entity. This is due to the end of the energy source radiation of the respective world. The passive period of separate parts of a relatively independent entity leads to the sleepy (passive) state of this part. For example: the passive period of the Solar system we inhabit leads to the full disappearance (dematerialization) of the material and astral worlds. The mental world is in a passive (sleepy) state and it stays active in the other worlds because in them it is a wholeness with the Galaxy and receives energy from the Galaxy Sun. The passive (sleepy) periods of each planet are manifested in their destruction in the material world (not dematerialization because the material Sun still exists actively). I can give as an example the Phaeton planet.
The planet is in an active state in all the other worlds where it is a united organism with the Solar system and is dependant on the common rhythms. I would like to clear away one very stable illusion in people – that everything has a beginning and an end. This is simply the alternation of active and passive periods. At the beginning of an active period everything continues from the point where the previous active period ended. This refers to all existing, even the Universe itself. So, remember: the human existence is eternal, only its coats change.
Each relatively independent entity (individual) has its own rhythm, but it is relatively independent because it is dependent (part) on other entities (individuals). At the same time the part (the entity) is also composite – composed of some parts with their own rhythm, which is dependent on the common one and etc. For example we distinguish separate individuals of the animals and plants in the material world. In the astral world all beings of one race or kind are one individual – a collective soul. All these collective souls of one kind are again one individual in the mental world – collective soul. All collective souls of the metal world are one individual in the spiritual world – the collective soul of the plant kingdom and the collective soul of the animal kingdom. The situation with men is analogical with the slight difference that as a conscious individual he has the right to choose the collective soul he wants to join. Individuals who choose to be loners are encountered but usually this doesn’t last for long, only until they realize the pros and cons of their choice.

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