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In principle, I treat honest information and most of what I plan to describe now, I have already given it, in detail or briefly, over the years, in a variety of articles. And now I’ll try to make something like a summary.
There are two main types of information submission: selected to achieve some goal and neutral/honest information. As you know, everything has a good side and a bad side, and everyone, depending on their goals, emphasizes one or the other. The result is polarized energy( plus or minus), which acts according to the intention and objectives. This polarized energy influences, exerts pressure, manipulates, which causes an internal conflict with the right of free choice and, as a rule, a person resists / doubts intuitively. And the stronger the pressure, the stronger the resistance. In my opinion, any one-sided information should be perceived as propaganda, as manipulation, as advertising, in order to avoid unintended influence, and to accept it or reject it, it is completely consciously decided.
Another way is by loading the cards onto the table (fair), i.e. the maximum possible sides / complete information are presented. Usually such information is balanced, because well, both sides, plus and minus, neutralize each other, and a zero potential is obtained, which does not exert any pressure. Unfortunately, so far many people are united, that is. they do not consider themselves competent to judge what part of the information may be useful to them, and therefore they are looking for idols who can be trusted, i.e. not be responsible for making decisions.
Now a lot of information is being poured out from above, and someone with claims honestly, unfortunately, is dust in the eyes. The best thing, in my opinion, is to be suspicious of this verbal flow, because most people are used to idealizing and succeeding. For example, pay attention to vague explanations and obscure terms, such as “suffering is an illusion”, “modeling”, ” artificial intelligence (AI)” – these are just variations on the topic: how to get people not to dwell on suffering. This approach to various topics prevails in the posts, even if they claim to be “honest”. For me, the most effective way to reduce suffering is for people to stop believing that they are innocent victims. Imagined world injustice is the root cause-you can imagine for yourself how much it hurts when you cause yourself suffering / pain alone, and how much more painful it is when it causes another, especially if you are convinced that you did not deserve anything. However, you must not forget that all this is energy, and absolutely all this is the result of attraction and repulsion between polarized energies. That’s why I keep saying that you should avoid extremes, because they conflict with other extremes, and the golden mean is neutral – neither attractive nor repulsive.
For the ego. All global events are a complex combination of extremely many factors. I will not go into details, because they are not necessary to understand the phenomenon. In short. Imagine that, while traveling through space, the Solar System enters a giant nebula of dust. For this reason, the energy reaching the Earth is reduced to some extent, and this is felt as a threat to life, and people enter into survival mode. The competition for the lack of resources is gradually inflated, and everyone is trying to prove that it is more and more to be worthy and to be harmful. Everyone tries to praise and humiliate others, so most people are masked and hypocritical (without them they feel naked/unprotected). This is how meanness, cunning, greed and cruelty develop, as an attempt to survive. These qualities have been developed over thousands of years and are present, to some extent, in all those who have repeatedly been reborn on Earth due to the accumulation of energy. It is this desire for survival that represents the ego, but it manifests itself in different degrees and not only because of hypocrisy, but also because of the diversity of life – not all life circumstances develop it, there are quite a few communities. But still keep in mind the mass suggestion: the ego is a value in life, that we must be like others (to get an obedient herd), that evil must be punished, and this must be avenged. All these suggestions support what is necessary for mass manipulation, the low self-esteem of a person, which implies that one should obediently follow the smarter ones (but these “smarter” ones are outweighed by media manipulation and represent sheep, after which the sheep jump into the abyss).
The main method of mass manipulation is the fear instilled by division and opposition, especially noticeable at the moment, but it is time for all this to be consciously changed.
The most noticeable in the development of the ego are those people who are weak empaths, i.e. it is very difficult to feel the suffering of others, and even to feel them suppresses their mind. Therefore, their lives are dominated by the mind, not the senses, and they become what we call reptilians-their qualities, indeed, are due to a large number of reptilian genes. This is what unscrupulous people do, who are only interested in their own interests. They have managed, over the millennia, to perfect themselves in human manipulation, which also helps them in the dark forces. This is the current situation: successfully secretly manipulating the earth’s population and experiencing them as the owners of the earth, especially since people put up voluntarily, do not actively resist, but only mutter.
But the Earth is gradually coming out of the dust cloud, and there is more and more energy to it, i.e. there is no longer a sense of lack of vital resources, there is no need for competition and survival. But habits and mental momentum continue to swirl the competition, and many people become profitable, i.e. strive to accumulate underachieving resources for all. This is exactly what is the consequence of the ego, and this is the main problem, because if people stop accumulating, there will be a lot for everyone.
The increase in energy makes it impossible for those who do not want to develop, i.e., adapt to changes. I.e., all those who strive to remain the same as before are in danger of an accelerated exit from the earth-moving to other planets where survival is still relevant, because well, there is a real hell. But I want to emphasize: no one IS DOOMED! Because the problem lies in the human consciousness, which is a personal territory in which only indirectly, with the voluntary consent of the individual, can interfere, and changes can only occur consciously and purposefully. And everyone who wants to continue their earthly life and strives to develop, receives all kinds of support. And there is more than enough information about how energy develops.
Another consequence of competition / survival is the so-called duality. Because with strong competition, winners and winners appear very contrastingly, over time, the belief accumulates that only one truth is possible-winners, successful, and everyone else begins to imitate them, trying to become successful as well. Thus, pairs of concepts are formed, such as true-false, right-wrong, useful-useless, etc. – the list can be very long. This duality begins to dominate in life, that is, in reality. life ceases to be colorful/multi-faceted / each with its own opinion, and becomes black and white, and the strong determines the truth. And the trace of this duality, you see every day around you, because it causes disorder in great extremes.
Keep in mind, the fall of God in matter occurs by reducing energy and an important tool is fear. Since we have already reached the bottom, we must rise, i.e., the accumulated solid matter must be transformed into light energy, and also heal all the damage in the consciousness, the result of the action of fears. The main method of dealing with all these consequences is love, and that is why there has been so much talk about it lately. We are still at the bottom, and displays of love, especially selfless love, are very rare-subtle accounts predominate. But still, love is the only way to get out of the hell in which we live, to unite and solve the accumulated problems together. Do not be disappointed that it is rare and more desirable, but it depends on everyone how effective this method of breaking the deadlock is.
Perhaps it’s time to get used to the idea that a person does not think about the brain. For thousands of years, this suggestion has been imposed, so that you do not guess that the thoughts are not only your own, but also began to control the suggestions. For example, it has long been known that Anatole France had a much smaller brain, which did not prevent him from earning the Nobel Prize in Literature. In addition, facts of this kind constantly appear: a student did an MRI scan and found that he has only 10% of the brain, the rest of his head is filled with brain fluid. And before that, he passed the IQ test and got 140 points. Every neurosurgeon knows that if necessary, he can cut out 2/3 of the brain, without affecting the psyche, thinking, memory. For many years, brain researchers have been trying unsuccessfully to figure out which area of memory, which one is about logical thinking, etc. And although all this is not a secret, everyone amicably continues, dumb and stubborn, to claim that a person thinks with a brain. Maybe because they have no other explanation? In my opinion, human consciousness is focused on the brain, only to be able to control the physical body by inducing electrical impulses in neurons and in specific areas of the brain. Focusing allows feedback and receiving signals from the physical senses, but with this, brain functions are depleted, and thinking, emotions, and memory are fully energized, but these ideas are taboo because they show the manipulation of humanity.
As an honest piece of information, I want to focus on another little-known point. In fact, we all exist in an infinite ocean of energetic particles, but these particles are neutral, i.e., well, there is no attraction or repulsion. This endless ocean is known as nothingness, because when there is no movement, there is no life. To gain being, one needs someone’s will / intention to polarize and stimulate the energy particles. This initial will / intention is known as the Big Bang. And in general, keep in mind, every movement of energy is someone’s will/intention.
Recently, more and more often it is mentioned that the creatures can die. This may be due to a lack of interest in life/ will, which moves everything or artificially erases the personality. And I used to give images of what a person / personality is-the accumulated individual experience in the form of energy pros and cons. And these pros and cons can be reset / removed (called a “second death”), and this usually happens when the personality gets stuck and stops developing. For example, if the soul’s personality is erased, a completely new soul is created-a child who can dissolve into nothingness, but can also begin to accumulate experience/personality, from the very beginning, from scratch.
Also, you should not forget that nothing can happen by accident. Randomness is instilled so that a person feels like an innocent victim and suffers more. Because, all of this is energy, to happen, whatever it is, it requires attraction or repulsion, i.e., the interaction of polarized energies, which is why I often repeat that the more extreme a person is flooded with, the more it hurts, as it is a collision and a powerful energy interaction. Conversely, if you want to suffer very rarely, aim for a golden environment, i.e. well. your energies are close to zero – then the energy interaction is very gentle and pleasant.
So that random things do not happen, take care of both your guardian angels and your higher self, who try to implement the plan adopted for the incarnation as much as possible. Therefore, there are often wonderful deliverances, people miss a plane that crashes, and so on. There are always a lot of tips that protect you from unforeseen troubles, but if a person twists on his finger, necessarily travels on a dangerous plane and does not pay attention to signs and obstacles, let him puzzle. Therefore, do not miss such important signals in your life-never force circumstances.
Keep in mind also that the dark / light division is very conditional and contradicts the Divine commandment: do not divide God into parts and do not resist each other. In reality, it is impossible to exist only dark or only light, as an impossible and unipolar world, because there will be no energy movement / life. There is always some correlation. Those with the dominant type of energy are mostly performers-angels and archangels for the light ones, devils and demons for the dark ones. And artists have about the same ratio of dark and light energies. “Unipolar” artists are good performers, because they lack the internal contradictions that stimulate creativity in “bipolar” artists. But everyone has the right to have only their own energy / energy space, unless they are authorized to operate in the energy space of a higher being, who naturally tracks the results so as not to get carried away.
God’s favorite activity is to hold someone or someone in a corner where they can’t leave and start baking them over a slow fire (a is a favorite because it offers new opportunities and interests). This happens when looking for some solutions (and I mentioned that: those in matter imagine that they are separate from God and forgetting about the general laws, which allows them to go beyond the usual framework, and therefore use us as fantasyori, such as idea generators) – the fact is that a person, if not his money on his ass, does not write, do not think much. And only when the balance is disturbed, his comfort begins to figure out how to restore it over time. Another important point with many trials / sufferings is similar to the current one, i.e. serious changes are coming, and in order to have those who set them in motion, people with expanded powers are needed and a worthy series of tests are conducted in which reactions and motivations are observed that determine actions. Thus, weaknesses are found out, and what can be expected from one or the other person, and with the powers, the direction to which the society is directed is determined. And again and again I remind you: the worst trick you could get is to imagine yourself a victim of evil will!!!
Recently, the emphasis has been on instilling confidence in the Divine Plan. But as always, every thing is useful when measured. But people are trained to be dualistic and stagger to extremes, and I fear that, as with abundance, there will be a lot of frustration. Therefore, I insist that you do not leave with a large basket. However, don’t forget that there is a divine plan, but like any exploration of the unknown, the non-successful experiments were many times larger than the successful ones. And for our experiment to be successful, we need much more individual and collective efforts.

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