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The more people Wake up, the more they realize that their suggestion as correct and true is very often false and pursues interests that contradict their own. And so everyone starts looking for new criteria to navigate this absurd world. What I can suggest is to keep everyone in mind: there are General principles based on a common environment, identical physical bodies, but each of them is unique, unique in personality, so the General principles must always correspond to their own individuality, i.e., in the prevailing cases, foreign experience cannot be applied uncritically. That is why, you should get used to paying attention to your individual inner feelings, and not to what you have stuffed, how correctly and correctly – this approach gives the best adaptation to the existing reality, and not someone’s authoritative opinion.
You should always keep in mind that there is only one universal consciousness, and people who are considered separate people only imagine it. Of course, individuality is based on differences, but as a clear example, I will suggest the colors of the rainbow-each color has different properties, but the borders between colors are fictitiously invented by people-the real one, there is no discernible border-the shades smoothly pass into each other. Similarly, this is the situation with individual consciousnesses – they are self-determination, not real reality. So don’t think that all the thoughts and emotions that you are aware of are only yours – there may be many other individuals in the General awareness.
It is this feature of the General consciousness that has made possible individual and mass manipulation, since well. everyone pursues personal goals, at the expense of others. However, you should keep in mind that manipulation is only effective if you are not aware of it, and if you assume that they are manipulating you, you begin to control what they are trying to suggest to you, and the suggestion loses its power. Therefore, I am constantly reminded of dyavolcheto and angelcheto, which are whispered to each, and always necessary to evaluate consciously whether you accept or not, one sentence. I repeat, IT only WORKS if you FANTASIZE THAT it IS your OWN, if you DOUBT that IT IS not YOURS, you are CRITICAL of IT.
As a guideline, you should keep in mind that the devil can only inspire you with negative thoughts and emotions. Feelings such as elation, joy, and satisfaction relate to your soul (angel), and you can use them when evaluating each situation or something specific-this is exactly your individual reaction that indicates what suits your personality, and, as I said, impressive rules are, in most cases, harmful, i.e.. they are only useful for a very limited number of people.
There are two types of problems that make internal feelings difficult: global and personal. Global ones include going to extremes and filters in the mind, while personal ones are the result of personal experience accumulated-if your inner feelings did not protect you from any troubles, you stop trusting them (neglect). Of course, the experience of past lives is extremely important, especially if you had a so-called psychic experience – then trusting your inner feelings is a practiced and natural reaction, following the already well-trodden path. This is very important, and the importance of being surrounded by family and friends-they can both encourage and eliminate any interest in inner feelings.
The main obstacle to awareness of internal sensations / energy interactions is the sensitivity of consciousness. Given that all this is energy, the power of energy pulses is of great importance. Therefore, when you tend to go to extremes, you are exposed to strong influences, i.e. your consciousness becomes rough in order to be able to resist them-the sensitive consciousness can go into pain shock and turn off / lose consciousness with strong impulses. Therefore, we are talking about the subconscious-energies that you are not consciously aware of, precisely because of a weak sensitivity, but still they determine your behavior, since a weak sensitivity does not exclude energy interactions.
As you reduce your immersion in extremes, gradually you also increase your sensitivity, and you become aware of more and more diverse energy shades. The main contribution to this process is to avoid negative emotions that cause extreme reactions. The constant pursuit of a good mood and positivism leads to an increase in personal frequencies / vibrations-that’s right, attenuation does not allow you to increase the frequency-imagine a pendulum-the more it swings, the less the number of deviations makes per unit of time. This desire for a positive life creates a middle ground, i.e. well. you consciously avoid extremes and negative experiences. In this way, you get a much more adequate judgment and reaction based on internal sensations (energy interactions), and this further strengthens your moderate and positive attitude to everything-you should keep in mind that the Golden mean is not a point or a line, i.e. it is not a fixed value, but a range-weak beats are normal and natural landmarks.
There is another very important factor increasing the sensitivity: of focus of attention. This focus concentrates energy on everything that is directed, and thus, over the years, directed at the mind, it has gained more power and began to dominate the consciousness. To correct this dullness, attention should be focused on the soul, on the feeling of energy interactions. While you are dealing with your daily problems, the use of the mind is unavoidable, but when you have free time, it is advisable to redirect attention from the mind to the sensations-so the mind will stop dominating energetically, and the soul will come out of the subconscious and become equivalent to the mind. In this way, the intuition that few people feel now will become the leading one and restore the lost balance, as well as unity with everything.
Another major problem is filters in the mind-well-known in psychology, but not people. In short, when you are convinced of some truth, it is very difficult, and even impossible, to recognize as possible other options. For example, if you are sure that 2 + 2=4, You will never guess that it can be 2+2 = 3 or 2+2 = 5. Such filters / beliefs/programs, in the mind of each person, are infinitely numerous and are crucial in their life choices and reactions. Such beliefs have gained a lot of strength from repeatedly repeating who we consider to be an authority – usually parents, family and friends, and whom we trust. Therefore, it is very important that such beliefs are questioned, so the world stops being black and white and becomes colored-we begin to accept many versions of the same truth and accept different opinions. And this directly contributes to increasing our inner sensitivity, which we usually reject, believing that it seemed so to us.
Therefore, it is very important not to put yourself to sleep with the belief that you are doing everything right. Your mind must constantly monitor everything, question everything, but then there is a big problem for people with low self-esteem, who are afraid of doubts, mistakes, because of lack of confidence that they are able to solve them correctly-and fear can disrupt all attempts. And the importance of self-esteem becomes extremely large-without it, you can not adequately use someone else’s experience, which you need to adjust for yourself-low self-esteem makes you parrots without your own opinion. But if you notice your inner feelings as adequate helpers for solving everyday problems, your self-esteem will grow many times.
And find out, finally, the more you want to make sure how much more confident you feel, the more extreme you become, the more extreme you become. The Golden mean is not defined, “neither cancer nor fish”, i.e. a place where nothing is precisely defined-a place with an infinitely large number of possibilities. Precisely defined truths are suggestible illusions, because nothing is one-sided, i.e., accepting something as true, you turn a blind eye to other possible sides and live in an imaginary truncated reality, the result of which is that your reactions are mostly inadequate.

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