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When early childhood creates losers and complexiry, because I always taught that” winners ” is small, and the other-mediocrity, which are crumbs, there are programs for tracking successful role models, creates herds of instinct. This is how you can kill an individual. That is why people give up their own opinions and criteria, and begin to rely on others, which makes them even more unhappy because of the inability to implement the plans of their soul, and in practice, destroy their lives.
I have already written about the “no cancer, no fish” mindset-the desire for a Golden environment that allows you to avoid extremes and suffering. This desire is completely contrary to the now existing fear of error, instilled for thousands of years by the dogmas of religions and suggestions of sin. The search for reliable truth turns people into a herd, convincing them that they can not be wrong all-they can, even how! Suggestion from the earliest childhood, imitation of others, creates zombie automata – of course, there are degrees: believers unconditionally and doubters, that is. the doubters are partial zombie automatons. Beginners once doubting the generally accepted truths begin to look for other criteria of truth. They increasingly trust their inner feelings, rather than the mind that is the carrier of goiter programs. Thus, there is a gradual transition from socially imposed beliefs (matrices) aimed at ensuring the interests of a bunch of people to criteria of the soul based on the General interest – thus, it rejects the need for precisely defined truths, allowing free interpretation and free choice in General. Thus, precise expressions are becoming more and more inadequate, and “neither cancer nor fish” is becoming more and more relevant. But this uncertainty is very difficult for people who have been searching for exact truths for thousands of years.
Everyone is trying to find guidelines, criteria for right and wrong, and the existing ones are still being set and created to cause suffering. If you want your life in your hands, you must stop relying on any conventional standards-people are too different to apply the same rules to everyone. Beware of suggestions that say they are right-you are guaranteed to create yourself at least trouble, because what is right for some is wrong for others. Everyone looks at the world from their bell tower, i.e., well. all conclusions about right and wrong are the result of personal experience. Favorable and unfavorable circumstances, a kind of biorhythms that are found in all areas, are very important, because they are an energy property. Another very important point is the dose. As you know, I hope that the medicine is in the dosage, i.e. the strongest poison, in the appropriate dose, is a very strong medicine. And Vice versa-when it overdo even the most useful and useful, it becomes harmful, even poisonous. This principle defines the rule: everything has a good and bad side.
The only way to get rid of stereotypes and become masters of your life is to give up the rules and start trusting your inner feelings. Internal feelings are not only energy feelings, but also intellectual navigation/ help, with a rather important clarification: internal criteria do not correspond to the desires and needs of this world, but also to the tasks that the soul has set for this incarnation-so, the higher aspects of a person help or hinder his aspirations, depending on this preliminary life plan.
Only internal criteria are able to determine what the favorable moment is for-if something does not work, does not strain, to achieve it at any cost, you can create yourself very big trouble( to put it mildly), wait for some time, a day or two and try again. Only if you start to trust your intuition, you can achieve more appropriate responses. That is why it is so important to look for something in life that gives you pleasure, joy, and not something valuable in the mass consciousness. Pleasure, satisfaction and joy are States of mind that indicate that you implement a life program, and potisnatostta and depression show that you will fail in life, precisely because you live on foreign standards (often leads to drug addiction and alcoholism).
The most important thing about right and wrong criteria is not to impose your beliefs and experiences on others – never forget that they are different from you. All crimes and violence in the world are the result of imposing one point of view on others (including wars – even dictators become so when they try to impose their beliefs). Keep in mind that this is done mainly by chefs who do not have their own opinions, but fanatically believe in their idols. But this may be the result of pride / arrogance. In practice, this is a lack of energy balance, a tendency to be overloaded, to one extreme or another. I therefore recommend a constant demand for a middle ground, so well. moderate attitude to everything. When a person is balanced, he does not impose his opinion on others, he does not show fanaticism. Therefore, it is very important to overcome the habits created with an attitude to survival – all the aspirations to prove themselves and compete-a disfiguring condition for beating to the extreme, and the extreme is very painful.
Little Oreos / mosquitoes have a constant desire to prove themselves (vanity), to be the center of attention, especially in the media, this makes them feel important and increases their self-esteem. These can arise at every turn, like people with a clerical mentality who try to impose their rules on others-in practice, this is an abuse of power, but they always find an excuse and present it as urgent. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your inner feelings correctly and incorrectly, so as not to allow the librarians to make themselves important, but to find the true criteria of value. Like saying: “Give a fool power and look at him!”, but when the phenomenon becomes mass / global, it ceases to be funny.
If you think about it, right and wrong is a typical duality-Diametric opposites, extremes, between which the mind shakes, searching for who is right, who is hooked. But if these opposites are combined into a single whole, all the causes of conflicts disappear, and everything is balanced-the Golden mean. And because: “don’t judge so that you won’t be judged!” because every judgment, every judgment is based on some right or wrong, and when you combine them, the judgment disappears and everything becomes what it is.
It should be borne in mind that there can be no objective criteria for right and wrong, since such criteria limit creativity, and in some cases kill it. In the higher dimensions, there is no right or wrong; there are desirable principles that realize the intentions of the whole. Each being can experiment with its own energies as it sees fit, the only condition is to restore the disturbed balance after the experiment (the instinct of self-preservation). But, since everything is connected with each other, excessive disturbance of one’s own balance also affects others, which is undesirable. So, you see the principle described above: the drug is in the dosage. Small impacts implement creative impulses, while strong ones become harmful on a larger scale. So there are no mistakes, no right and wrong, and only everyone can clean up after themselves (responsibility).

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